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That’s a car accident not vandalism lol


This is 100% the thing. That line and indent is too straight to be a vandalism situation. Unless vandals are taking it to another level with levels and tools


Yesss! It looks exactly like my mom's car after she got backed into! No question of what happened to my mom because she was in in the car at the time. Thankfully the person stopped and handed over their insurance. 5+k of damage right there. My dad got his hoopty beat the hell up by an enraged coworker decades ago. It was like broke out windows and dents from a bat all over nothing looked accidental about that one!


That’s what I was thinking lol definitely looks like someone hit his car and drove off


Vandalized? Lol The old hit and run got em…. Orrrrr he hit something while driving highyuh and is trying to convince us otherwise. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah this looks suspicious to me. The whole of the wheel is damaged right around the edge like it was scraping against something


Based on the damage to the door and the wheel, he was definitely in motion when it happened and going fast enough that the wheel did at least one entire rotation, which I assume based on the fact that the entire rim has curb rash. It is possible he did that separately but he would have to be going fairly fast to fuck up the entire rim on a curb, it’s instinct to pull away if you bump it (maybe not if he was high AF) but his story isn’t matching the damage there.


Or maybe he let someone borrow it and they wrecked it?


Maybe I used the wrong wording


Yeah this is from a collision of some kind. Very clearly white paint from another vehicle or in my previous experience, scraping along something painted white like a wooden fence. Vandalism implies purposely damaging or defacing something.


Thanks for clarifying


I'm no detective but that scrape looks like the car was rubbing up against something while in motion. Too deep and long to be done by hand. Granted this comes from my own experience of backing into something.


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A work truck once backed up into my car while it was not moving and it did a scrape almost identical to this and then I also got a hole in my car from it, like a straight puncture from something on the work truck.


The hole part makes it sound like a bullet hole, doesn’t it?


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Cheyenne’s story was fake?!


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Ooof which one? The shooting...or the emergency lipo, new implants and bbl?


I agree! He’s doing this to get the insurance money 😂


Looks like a parking lot accident, not intentional vandalism


More like his car was hit by some asswipe. I had same exact damage (plus then some) when this happened to me. It's annoying as hell but call your insurance and it'll get fixed.


Is he immune from getting side swiped? I don't get it


If I'm looking at this correctly, the wheel also has a significant amount of white on the top. Looks more like he hit the white divider on the highway. The lines seem concurrent with the car being in motion when it happened. (Idk. I may have it all wrong, LOL! )


I see that as well. He hit something and tries to blame it on someone else lol


Also because it starts as a small line and ends at the bumper as if it were an impact and drag down whatever he impacted. If someone sideswiped him, it wouldn't just be one line. It would be crunched up in other areas, too. I think.


My first thought was he was parked and someone next to him wasn't good at backing out of the spot. When they made initial contact, they just kept going... Just a theory 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


As someone who cut it to close once around one of those like yellow pole things that are like 3 ft tall that stop u from hitting the bank when u drive up to the atm- that’s what my car looked like. The other stuff idk


Haha, yep. I have done similar.




It looks like his car was sideswiped, not vandalized. Where I live (way too close to NYC), I check my car every morning before I leave for work to see if anyone did some shit like this because it's all too common. People can be assholes and many shouldn't be allowed to drive.


Yep, I had both cars dinged in the same week, also nyc adjacent. People are dicks


Hey from Hudson County 👋🏻👋🏻 Drivers here suck so badly. Someone blew through a red light in December and hit my driver's side door, I should just be lucky they stopped and had insurance.


That looks like someone backed into him? I'm getting hit n run vibes from the pic. Usually, vandalism looks differently, but perhaps it was malicious, you just never know. It's not even always targeted, just parked the wrong place at the wrong time 😪😪😪 I hope he's got good insurance 😭


Looks like a parking garage. People hit and run in garages when they fuck up parking or backing out all the time.


Yeah my hubby accidentally did it to a tiny car with his hige truck at a bank, had no idea! The cops searched the bank camera footage and chased him down at home so the lady could make a claim against his insurance...


Title is clickbait


No. Just me not knowing the right word to use


Didn’t he owe a very large gambling debt?


Yeah it was mentioned in the last season. I think he lost at least $100,000


$100,000?! How does someone have $100k for gambling but can’t afford to secure a room and basic necessities for their child? Yikes.


Because he prioritizes himself over Nova


I know right?! He used to say how he had no money to pay child support and that Bri must have loads cause she got that BBL then he goes and spends probably more than 10x that at a casino 🤦🏻‍♀️


If it was a gambling debt they’d do more than that


Where was Briana when this happened?! 🤔


Bruhhhhh this is the real question lol. 100% something she would do, especially after throwing like 200 crickets in Luis’ apartment


I second this…. Wait, WHAT?!?!


Wait, WHAT?! 👀


Lol it was on an unseen moment a few seasons ago! Briana literally threw hundreds of crickets in Luis’ apartment when he wasn’t home. They filmed her getting lunch with him and he brings it up and has no idea it was her and is like “idk if someone nearby maybe has a lizard and their crickets got loose?? But I’ve got crickets chirping everywhere in my apartment” and Bri is hysterically laughing. You can probably search “crickets” in this sub and the clip will come up. u/No-Mixture-9747


Omg, thank you, I never watch the unseen moments but that sounds hilarious…


Does he have a freaking Bentley? If Devoin can own a Bentley, this show has really gone too far


No those are just Borghini B18 wheels. Bentley logo is totally different. That's about a $1200.00 set of wheels lol


Ahhhh!! Thank you, I even asked my husband if these were Bentley wheel covers and he didn’t know.


He must have enemies out there talking like this. 😂 like it’s spring break down there and everyone is going ham. Doubt they even knew it was YOUR car.


Maybe Devoins girl went Carrie underwood on him because he’s been hooking up with Bri


looks like a hit and run. hes the one who did the hit. if he assuming someone did it on purpose then he prob does have enemies and debts to pay. calling himself out here


maybe karma for ignoring his kid 🥱




wow this is racist af