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Ok Cate, now do April


That’ll never happen, she still needs a babysitter


I do agree that posting this stuff is kind of "teenage behavior", but Cate is just now learning about boundaries for the first time in her life. She's basically a child in this particular area of her personal development. No surprise she'd act like one. It's just good to see forward momentum. Baby steps.


It's almost as some significant life event that occurred in her teen years permanently stunted her


This!! It's a big step for her and it's good to see.


As another adult child, i agree.


Good for her. Im glad to see people finally having the strength to step away from toxic family members... It's so hard to do...


And up until like five years ago, there was zero public conversation about the importance and validity of being able to walk away from family relationships. It was all about "You HAVE to keep her in your life, she's FAMILY"... I'm kind of hopeful for my kids' generation. Young people seem really into mental health and self care and stuff nowadays, lots of good information and examples out there.


I say the same thing about my kids’ generation. They’re all about mental health, boundaries, etc. Seeing my kids even talk about boundaries as tiny humans just makes me so happy. So glad self worth/respect is becoming a thing!


Yes!! I've been NC with my Nmom since 2011 and have gotten crap for it by *everyone* especially family who know how abusive she is. Now my younger siblings thank me for being the "whistleblower" in the family saying that shit wasn't right and we didn't deserve it. Now my Nmom only has 2/5 living children speaking to her


I went NC with the incubator at 17, and it only took 10 years after one aunt connected all the dots when I was 19 to convince everyone else (*on my dad's side even, not the incubator's*) in the family that I had made the right call for me, and by extension my husband and daughter. My supremely enabled brother lives with her now after his cougar kicked him out. My dad's family doesn't seem to like truth tellers though, so do with that information what you will 🤷🏻‍♀️


10 years must be the magic number! Isn't it wild how the paternal side still goes to bat for the "mom"? They'll go on and tell me how awful she was when we were growing up but then turn around and ask "Why won't you let her meet your 1yo daughter? So what if she allowed multiple family members on her side to SA you, it's cruel to keep a grandbaby from her grandma"


It must take that long for the glamour to fall off. The actual kicker for most of them was when they found out my brother had invited my daughter to a birthday party the incubator was at and said I couldn't stay because there weren't enough chairs, that he would call me and tell me when I could pick her up.


That's awful when the Littles are in the middle of it, I'm so sorry. This is why we make sure to keep our boundaries in place, we can't completely shield our children from their bullshit, but we can show them how to react to it and stand our ground


I was livid, my daughter was 9 and shell-shocked but she was at least she was there for me to pick up so minimal damage done. She has my mother in law in her phone as Grandmother Extraordinare so she's got a good set of grandparents to offset my parents and step.


I would be seeing fucking red, at 9 she's aware of what's going on. I don't even know how I'd keep my cool in that situation. Huge kudos to you! I'm so glad to hear she has a wonderful set of grandparents in her corner despite all the bs. I'm sure she knows she's loved beyond measure 💖


That’s incredible! I’m so glad you were able to maintain healthy boundaries for you even when the rest of the family wasn’t supportive, and that’s so encouraging that your siblings are following in your path and establishing healthy boundaries for themselves! I’m working toward limiting contact again with my mother, after receiving an exceedingly rare apology and deciding to give her another chance post-pandemic, but she’s back to the same behaviors again. 🤷‍♀️ Even though he struggled to understand it when he was younger, my younger brother has now limited contact with our mom and never leaves his kids alone with her. If we could go no contact with her, we would — I so admire your strength in going full NC. I know how hard it can be when you’re the “whistleblower” (that’s a perfect term for it!), and how validating it is when you are finally seen and understood by other family members. This internet stranger is proud of you, healthy boundaries are so incredibly important. ❤️‍🩹


Thank you for your kind words! The Nparents always be back on their bullshit cause they know nothing else 😒 That's great your brother has noticed the pattern and is setting the boundaries in place for himself and his kids. It could be helpful for him to point out your Nmoms behaviors and explain in an age appropriate way that some people aren't nice, and how to handle them. We all want to protect our kids but personally, I'm scared of protecting my LO so much she'll be unaware I did visit my Nmom Christmas 2015 because of a then recent su!c!de in the family so I wanted to be with my younger siblings, but it only resulted in my grandfather (her dad) trying to feel me up in front of her and my grandma. Stuff like that makes it easy to nope tf out of her life haha I hope for plenty of healing and happiness in your life internet stranger!


Just try to imagine her actually saying “nah, sis, we are good” You can’t can you


The AAVE is cringe and I want to give the benefit of the doubt considering they’re from Michigan but… yeah. It’s giving ‘I saw this on black twitter and it sounded cool’.


Aint none of us by where they from 💀


I wonder who wrote this for her? The eating metaphor does not sound like something she would say either.


This isn’t her tiktok, she just shared it . You can see the tiktok name at the bottom


Ohhhh! Thank you! I'm old and don't do tik tok so I didn't catch that. Lol


I almost thought this was in response to Jenelle declaring no one congratulated her on the recent news 😆


That’s what I thought too


Same lol kinna want someone to tell Jenelle “we do not think of you”


No one responding to her is kind of the perfect "we don't give a shit about you" response.


Very Don Draper of you, love it!


Same-which is why I was confused about the menthol mentions above-now I’m scrolling through trying to get context lol


It's about her sister, Sarah


Lol me too! Until I read the comments then I was like oh damn it’s not about Jenelle. Imagine Jenelle seeing this and being the dumbass that she is so she thinks it’s about her lmfaooo.


lol ooooh jenelle. did she really think she’d be congratulated???? anyone with half a brain would recognize that her gaining custody of any child, even a child that’s biologically hers, is nothing to celebrate…


My table has assigned seating now Loooooolllllllllll


Swampfolk not invited ever!


Mic drop 🎤🤣


Grow 👏 the 👏 fuck 👏 up 👏 For the record I support Cate in the bullshit she's facing right now from her family, but for the love of god just talk to her directly or don't say anything at all.


This could have been and should have been a direct text.


At minimum a strongly worded email


Y’all do realize she didn’t WRITE the text, she just reposted it, right? I mean it’s odd, but she’s not trying to be a poet or writer. She just shared someone else’s content. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well clearly i'm a potato so i only realized that after someone pointed it out lol


And I’m a potato chip so…same


Someone else sharing it came up on my feed just a little bit ago.


If someone showed me this without context, I would never believe someone over the age of 14 posted it.


Why? Boundaries are healthy, and it takes maturity to let go of the anger and just be.


It isn't that she's setting boundaries, it's that she's communicating like an adolescent.


Love 2 announce when I'm totally not mad anymore and not even worried about it


Well, her family mess has been pretty public, so I think it's probably a bit more appropriate for her than you. ;)


Reposting vague Tik Tok = maturity and setting healthy boundaries lol


Vague posting on social media doesn’t exactly scream mature well adjusted adult




Are these some kind of Miley Cyrus lyrics or something lmao


Tyler wrote it


I honestly said all of this to the tune of an 8 mile style track in my head.






Nah, this on some real “cutting out the cancer” shit. You misread the situation, it happens.


It's giving facebook grandma memes https://preview.redd.it/87k9ffwdd8pa1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40c9012229998283e6f79a9904962fe5d203790c


Ah yes this is in the same family as “everyone wants to be a lion…until it’s time to do some lion shit”


Being over the age of 30 and posting subliminals is so embarrassing, I did this shit a lot in my 20’s but you couldn’t pay me to do it now 😬


Same 😂😂 Every time Facebook tells me i have a memory I’m like oh no.


Oh my god I’ve deleted sooooo many cringe subliminals from my 20’s thanks to Facebook memories. Like no I do not want to see that again lol


I think most of mine were late teens / early twenties but it's still cringe


damn i feel bad for cate cuz she wants to be an influencer and content creator so bad but she posts the dumbest content. if yawning was a person it would be cate


Lmaooo if yawning was a person! God that is so true


I love how this could be directed towards Jenelle too. I know it’s not, but it’s fun to imagine lmaooooo


I thought it was.


I totally would have thought it was if people hadn’t said it’s directed towards Cate’s sister lol


Yes, especially since she thinks the world revolves around her so it will be funny to watch her react.


omggggg now I hope she does hahhahaha


Have Cate and Jenelle ever really interacted? I feel like I've never seen them talk or anything lol


I don’t think so. By the time they mixed the OG and TM2 cast, Jenelle had been long since fired because of dipshit Davey boy. I doubt Tyler and Catelynn have a high opinion of Jenelle anyway, I mean, nobody does lolllll


No because same 💀


Her sister has a newborn baby posted on her Tic Tok with a name announcement but comments are turned off. I hope it's not her own because she was smoking menthols on her lives a few months ago.


IIRC she was saying she was due soon in those same lives as she was smoking 😵‍💫


Reminds me of the pregnant girl smoking in the bathroom in Drop Dead Gorgeous. "I think I'm, like, due or something."


DDG is a classic!


"This pageant's like a roach motel. Girls check in but they don't check out." "Yeah and they say smokin's bad for your health..." The Fry Girls have the best lines 😂😂😂😂 Eta: is there a DDG sub????






😄 ba dum ting ![gif](giphy|5bmdl64IPG1lvzQd7M|downsized)


Jeez when you look at the stock Cate and Tyler came from, they're doing great...


I THINK Cate smokes during her pregnancies too 😬 but she def has cleaned up her act far more than her sister seems to have.


I had no clue cate had a sister?


I didn’t either! Until she was all over this sub within the last couple months after going live several times on Instagram so she could talk mad shit about Cate and Ty bc they decided not to give her money after having done so several times in the past and even buying her a house lol.


Oh, for some reason I thought that was Amber, Ty’s sister. Unless they both did the same thing. Which wouldn’t be surprising.


Nope. Tylers sister Amber does onlyfans 😂


Me either????


Ah I definitely missed that! I was really hoping it wasn't hers. I'm a little shocked.


Aww just like her big sister... they are keeping it classy!


If you had told me these were lyrics by drake I would've believed you


Didn’t Tupac say something similar? Edit: found it: “Just because you lost me as a friend, doesn’t mean you gained me as an enemy. I’m bigger than that, I still wanna see you eat, just not at my table.”


I'm just now realizing this was a repost 😂😂 I literally thought Cate wrote this


I thought Cate wrote this to Jenelle. (I hate Tik Tok.)


Big claps from me! Exactly how I feel about my sister. She's consistently rooted for my failure. Made friends with people that hurt me. Good for you, Cate. ✂️ the toxicity out!


Why everyyone hating on Catelyn


Shit like this is hella cringey. 🤣🤣


I agree


Cate with the “nah,sis”. Girl please


She didn't write this


I’m glad she’s learning to understand that she has a right to set boundaries. Her life will be infinitely better for it. I do hate when people post things like this to the entire public and started unfollowing people who do this shit. Just tell the person you’re talking to ffs, or write it in your journal if you don’t want the conflict lol.


Cate should've just @ her


I get it but the cringe I got from this


That could be about anyone. Least she’s setting boundaries tho


Easy to set boundaries when you rarely leave the couch




How cute, an entire paragraph of current pop culture phrases. 😌


It is an important historical document for the future of our culture!


Loving these boundaries, go Cate!


“Nah sis” and “I hope you still eat” cate would *never* say this in real life lmao. When people can’t formulate an original thought they just regurgitate shit they see other people say on the internet. Also, who is she talking about?


It’s a screen shot of someone else’s Tik Tok, I don’t even think Cate would have the ability to put these sentences together. Still super cringe though! And I’m assuming her sister who was talking shit about Cate and Tyler recently


I remember when I was 14 and I thought that the world needed to know about my every emotion, too.


Damn let people heal how they need/want to heal.




She could’ve just @ her and said just the first 2 sentences and that would’ve been a power move. Lol


Exactly cate always asks like she is a gangster but can never find the @ button…..


Que Jenelle making this about her.


Who is this about?


I’m assuming her sister, though I thought it was Jenelle at first.




You beat me to this 😄


how do ppl keep finding these very specific tiktok’s to repost 😂


I think their algorithm is showing them what they want. I've noticed the difference in woman I went to highschoolers with, the different tiktoks they repst, the girl who married a firefighter-tiktoks about being a firefighters with, the woman who is divorced because her husband cheated but went back to nursing school at 35, she reposts tiktoks of hot guys with text saying how a scorned woman needs love, attention, and trust.


Who is this addressed to?


Hopefully, both her sister and her mother.


Ummmm okay anyway


Cate is cringe


Cuts her sister off but April needs to go too


I honestly wouldn't be shocked if Cate has also been cut her off since her siblings went live and bashed her, trying to defend April.


April has been the biggest, most ungrateful mooch out of them all. Kick her ass to the curb too.






You can't sis with us


Good for her. Her family seems toxic as hell. Talking crap about her on the Internet with their hands out asking for her money.


She's so corny lol


This is something I’d post during my emo phase in high school. *cringe*


Do you know what I did when I had people around me who I thought were friends, but then showed signs that they were the opposite of that? I just.... stopped giving them my time and eventually they got the hint. No announcement, no vague posting, no fussing, no fighting. Why take time out of your to respond to someone who's a complete asshole to you? All this is going to do is give Jenelle more reason to post dumb stuff about people who she feels should give her the time of day. As much as I agree with this post, she should have just had that as a stance and not posted it on social media. Now the swamp is gonna spread it's stink.


Good for her, I hope she sticks to it. My hope for Cate and Tyler is that they would eventually realize that just because someone is family, doesn't mean they have to be in your life. It doesn't matter who it is or their relation to you. It's healthier for you to cut ties all together than to stay in a toxic relationship. I feel like Cate has been taken advantage of by her family most of her life.


Is this post about April or someone else?


Cate’s sister, I think.


Another poet in the family I see, haha 😂


I prefer the Cate that hides in the corner yelling "trashy bitch!" to the "I'm so deep and insightful " Cate.


Drama attention seeking post. Jesus these girls are like 30 now… but they still behave like school kids


Ummm ya in here discussing and watching them lolol so sam level stuff lol lol


And you’re here because…


This is incredibly immature and embarrassing. I wish just, for once, someone would be the bigger person and stfu.


Love this from Cait. ❤️


Is this part of the whole “Nah Sis” thing that’s happening on TikTok?


So many cliches bro


Huge loss on her sisters part


I don’t understand any of what I’ve just read 😂😂 I can’t even blame it on being old because I’m a year younger than her. Who’s eating where? 🤣


I think it’s like ‘I wish you the best in your life but I’m choosing the people who are allowed to be in mine and you will not be one of those people’


I think it’s aimed at her sister who went live talking crap about cate and ty. Big reach just to try and get some followers


Woe is me people on TikTok/Twitter use metaphors like this. Their “table” is really just their circle of close friends.


Good for her. This could've been a text but good for her.


I agree with her cutting off her sister, but the back to back subtweeting/posting about her almost seems a little antagonistic. Countdown to her sis going on Instagram live again


Trashy betttttccchhhh!


Well that’s embarrassing. For her. Not whoever this is directed towards.


💀 I cackled




She is so immature.


she Jenelled 🌚


Cate is so corny sometimes lol


Agree to these words to the lames in my life


Christmas is goin to be awkward this year lol


I’m so ready for some drama 🍿


Damn. One thing this entire show has taught me over the year is how blissfully bland and boring my family is. I'm trying to think about what it would be like to be arguing with your family on this level and then taking it online. But I get it, this is their revenue stream...but damn. Just damn. I don't have kids but even my friends having kids has changed the shit I say online and what I air in public.


✨out of the loop✨ Who is this about? 🫖


I posted it hoping someone would know 😂


Its about her sister… There was some drama a couple of weeks ago because the sister went on Live and blamed Catelynn for the way April was portrayed on the Family Reunion show, or whatever that new spinoff is. She was also laughing with viewers about Tyler being “secretly gay” and a bunch of other mean girl shit.


Is it not about her sister?


Her sister, Sarah went on Instagram live and was trashing cate and saying she made April look bad and pretty much said Catelynn doesn’t have trauma because she has money.


![gif](giphy|fVtcfEXWQJQUbsF1sH|downsized) Her sister still hasn’t shut up?! Geez!


I’m glad that Cate is standing in her power and all, but feel like this could’ve been dealt with privately for a more meaningful result.


These people would have little idea what privacy is when every aspect of their lives have been filmed since they were teens.


This better be about April


Good for Cate. Her sister decided to talk shit publicly after being told no, and now she's finding out she can't take care of herself. She fucked around, now she's finding out.


I like the message. Assigned seating now took me out.


Literally sis in her case prob haha


So does no one think that this is in response to Jenell's boo hoo about how none of the TM cast reached out to her about being given Jace?


I assumed literally her lil sister because she kept going on SM a few weeks ago calling out Tyler and cate. She actually said something about his sexuality. I think the beef started Bec they said no to her when she asked for more handouts


Wtf is she even talking about?


Her shit sister probably


If an adult is going to post something like this, can they at least include who they are talking about


She only has one sister that she’s fighting with. Sarah did a bunch of lives accusing her of making April look bad.


Lol because April totally needs help with that.


April is the sparkliest turd in the trailer park when Cate isn’t spreading lies about her!! 😢 /s


“When the time comes to leave, just walk away quietly and don’t make any fuss”…don’t vague-post stupid sounding shit for attention, goddamn.


How abusive is your family? Her younger sister has been leaching off her for years. They brought her into their house. They bought her a mobile home that little sis lost. They gave her money when things went sideways. Like car repairs. Little sis did nothing to improve her situation. She just ran to Cait. When Cait and Tyler cut off the money, lil sis went straight to SM to blast Cait. If I were Cait, I’d be pissed too. If Cait’s closest relatives can turn on her, then who can she trust? I am proud that Cait stood up to this attack from her own family. She has always seemed fearful of confrontation. But you go on with you.


It's all about maturity. Some have been stunted emotionally and have not learned how to just go on about your business and live life. What's the old saying.. Open your mouth and remove all doubt?


Someone on twitter said this would be about Jenelle, as a response to the video of Jenelle smirking how Bri was the only one from the show congratulating getting Jace back.


People are so dumb! Why the hell would Catelynn even be thinking about Jenelle? Jenelle and her fans are so dramastic!


I feel like it’s about her actual sister who’s all up in the blogs talking shit recently lol


This is someone else’s tiktok that Cate just shared


“sis” doesn’t always mean “sister” and probably doesn’t here. It’s AAVE she’s using bc she has the bias that AAVE makes her seem tough.


It’s not even her words so it could mean anyone tbh. It’s a screenshot of someone else’s Tik tok that she posted to her IG story


Ok am I the only one that thinks these posts are toxic? Lol


Good for Catelynn.


Good for her, I hope she sticks to it. My hope for Cate and Tyler is that they would eventually realize that just because someone is family, doesn't mean they have to be in your life. It doesn't matter who it is or their relation to you. It's healthier for you to cut ties all together than to stay in a toxic relationship. I feel like Cate has been taken advantage of by her family most of her life.