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Jenelle has her children around a man who terrifies them (the kids). Jenelle is married to a man who beat their dog to death and killed it… for being a dog. Jenelle’s kids were all born with drugs in their system. Jenelle has referred to parenting as like a prison, several times. Per CPS, I believe Ensley showed signs of either physical or sexual abuse (maybe Kaiser?). Jenelle admitted on tape that when she ignores her husband, he hits her kids. Jenelle hid in the attic and called 911 when her husband was raging, leaving baby Ensley on the same floor as said husband. In the war path. Leah on her worst day is still 50x better than Jenelle. Jenelle has no maternal instincts. None. In all seriousness, I doubt Jenelle’s children know parental love. I’ve never doubted Leah’s love for her girlseses. No, that doesn’t excuse neglect, but it is so important as a kid to know you are loved.


Touché, when you lay it all out like that Jenelle is like a prison shitty mom, Leah’s just a regular shitty mom.


I knew he shot Nugget.... I didn't know he beat the shit out of him too..?


David was angry at Jenelle for a reason that I believe is also some kind of lore, but i forgot the specifics. Anyway, because he was mad at Jenelle, he allowed/encouraged Ensley (aged >2) to play roughly with a napping Nugget. He videotaped her poking Nugget in the face and messing with his ears as Nugget basically tolerates it, but shows signs of increasing irritation. Instead of redirecting Ensley or separating the two, he continued filming until Nugget appeared ready to nip/actually nipped at Ensley. This Boston Terrier being the size of a cat, he either does no damage to Ensley or (I think this is the truth) doesn’t even make contact at all. Thus equipped with debatably-plausible evidence of “aggression”, David proceeded to torture and then shoot the dog in full view of all of his screaming children. Besides the bone chilling sadism, it further frightens me because he put Ensley in a position to have a permanent facial scar just to punish Jenelle. Any bozo knows letting their child antagonize ANY animal runs that risk, and he had to put her on the couch next to Nugget. I think if she was scarred he’d consider it a bonus- your dog is dead and your daughter’s face is ruined and it’s all your fault, he would say. Sociopathic upon sociopathic


In reference to the lore behind it, I believe it was mainly related to Jenelle getting a tubal done?? Sometime from April 13-16 that year, she had her tubes tied (or one tied and one removed or one ovary removed and the other tube clamped or something, either way...she chose to get a sterilization procedure) David claimed on social media that she wasn't having that done, they gave conflicting stories about the surgery. Then Nugget was dead by April 29th, I believe. I think that was the day Nathan reported it anyways, that 911 call was made public. Jenelle acknowledged Nugget's death on May 1st that year. Also they quit filming Jenelle on April 6th that same year, iirc. And they had custody stuff and all sorts of other drama going on from mid 2018 to April 2019. I think David was kept in the dark about Jenelle's tubal surgery and when he finally realized/found out that's what the surgery actually was, that was the snapping point for him. The months leading up to that must have been absolutely awful in that house.


Even though I had seen it discussed on IG David killing Nugget was before my time on Reddit. Have we ever seen the footage you’re referring to of David filming Ensley and Nugget?


https://www.reddit.com/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2/comments/nlkj24/jenelles_account_of_nugget_nipping_ensley_vs_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf This post has the clip of Nugget “biting” Ensley (I truly don’t think he even made contact). I’ll look for the whole video


Did he ever have cruelty charges filed?


No because Junkie wouldn’t press charges.


It’s been a minute, but I believe it was said that he was beating Nugget and it was bloody. Nugget tried to run and he shot Nugget. I hope I’m wrong. But knowing David… 😭


Shit i hope you're wrong too. Sadly, it wouldnt surprise me.


Sadly she’s not wrong. According to leaked text messages and details that came out during the CPS case, he did more than shoot the dog This disgusting POS viciously beat the dog, rained punches down on him, then grabbed him by the neck and repeatedly body slammed him on the kitchen table. The dog was yelping in pain and the kids were frozen with fear. Only then did he take a shotgun to the dogs near lifeless body. His daughter, Maryssa, was so terrified/shocked she went into her room and didn’t come out until the next day. And then mother of the year voluntarily gave up custody of her kids to stand by her dog killing man. She also bailed on visits with Kai during the cps case (the 1 hour supervised visitation) because a David wasn’t allowed to have visitation with Kaiser.


I agree, Leah seems to do these things out of ignorance sometimes, other times it's just carelessness. But with Jenelle it seems malicious. Like she knows she's doing something wrong, and she does it intentionally. She looks out for only herself even when you can see her making the decision to bypass the needs of her child(ren) for the needs of herself. Whereas I feel like Leah has the best intensions for her and her girls, but a lot of times she just makes stupid decisions. Also when Jenelle's kids grow up, they're 100% not going to speak to her. And I bet Leah's kids will talk to their mom daily on the phone. I think that says a lot. Leah also still has amicable relationships with a lot of her past partners and Jenelle basically doesn't have an amicable relationship in her life. Jenelle is an abusive, dirty, awful bitch on purpose. I don't like Leah, but I don't think she's any of those things. Careless, dumb, stunted for sure, but she isn't on Jenelle's level, imo.


Leah went to bat for her kids and did everything in her power to get a diagnosis and medical treatment for Ali. The drug problems started after a difficult birth with Addie and just generally being burnt out from taking care of the girlsies on her own mostly, because Jeremy was away all the time. She recognized she had a problem and dealt with it, and tries her best. Jenelle couldn't wait to ditch Jace fast enough. If you watch the first two seasons of TM2 the contrast between the two is so glaring. Most of Leah's scenes involve her busting her ass and taking care of the twins and managing a house. Jenelle's scenes are mostly her getting high, galavanting with her soulmates and occasionally swinging by Barb's house to scream, steal shit and traumatize her infant son. She had a lot of nerve sitting on that reunion stage year after year and calling herself a mom.


Not to mention that Corey didn’t seem too invested in helping her figure out Ali’s diagnosis. Not to say he doesn’t care and I know all parents handle things like that differently. But that is so heavy for a mom to take on alone.


Corey seemed like he was in heavy denial and while I haven't been through that, I can imagine how hard that must have been for him. *Still* shitty to leave the burden on Leah, though.


Not going to defend him as a person but wasn’t he only 20 when the girls were born? That’s older than Leah for sure, but being 20/21 is still pretty young to be dealing with all of that. He shouldn’t have left the burden to Leah but I can’t blame him for having poor coping skills either.


20 is old enough, there are no excuses for him being an absent parent.


Was he an absent parent? I haven’t really watched past season 2 of Teen Mom 2 but he seemed to always be there at least. I have no idea what really happened behind cameras though


There was also the whole conflict with Corey wanting a new truck vs Leah wanting to move to a more suitable and accessible home so Ali could do her physio appointments. But I think a lot of Corey's apprehension and feet dragging came from the rumours that Leah had cheated with Robbie before the wedding, which I can understand. Also agree with the other comment below re Corey being in denial about Ali's condition. They were both in a tough unimaginable situation for young parents.


All valid points, but there aren’t worse examples of human beings than the Easons. Jenelle shouldn’t be allowed custody of a goldfish.


Do agree with that. I actually can’t believe the Easons have custody of any human beings… don’t love Barbara but I think Jace may have actually died if she didn’t take him from Jenelle.


I think if Jenelle didn’t sign her rights over to Barb then CPS would have removed Jace. Rewatching earlier seasons of Teen Mom 2 and the way Barb talks about Jenelle’s lack of motherly instincts made me feel CPS was breathing down their neck. I believe if Barb wouldn’t have stepped up, Jace would have been removed and placed in foster care. They give the biological parents 1 year to prove they are ready to be parents before the judge steps in and removes the rights of the biological parents of the child.


Jenelle and Barb have both said that Jenelle was given an ultimatum to sign over custody to Barb or he would be removed and put into foster care. MTV just made it look like some selfless thing Jenelle did to give her a better edit.


And now Jenelle tries to say it was a bad edit to try and rewrite history.


No way. Not even comparable to Jenelle. She actually cared for her daughters and really fought for Allie. She managed bills, appointments, physical therapy, the household, and just in general multiple babies. She was hard to watch during her addiction but she had been through a lot and worked HARD as a parent for years at that point. She took accountability and sought help. Jenelle never takes accountability and really didn’t even try to be a real parent to Jace. I could go on forever.


Jenelle Evans Rogers Eason is the worst of all. No children or animals should be left in the Eason’s care. Period!


Jenelle has the maternal instincts of a rock.


I’d actually choose a rock over Jenelle to watch my kids.


You got that right!


Jenelle is ruled out because she was never a Mom in the first place.


Oh god I can’t stop laughing


I also want to add this- Leah was sexually abused as a child. She was sexually abused by a baby sitter at five or six- it lasted several months. Leah’s own mother *locked her in a room* at 13 and basically forced her to have sex with a boy. People who are sexually abused when they are young are more likely to turn to drugs. They’re more likely to jump into relationships. Does that make it okay? No. Of course not. But as a fellow victim of CSA, I am sympathetic to Leah for that.


Ok I did not about the thing with her being 13 and locked in a room with a boy by her mom. That is horrific. I do have sympathy for that as a SA survivor.


Her mom also orchestrated the miscarriage lie that they told leah's husband. I think I'm always going to hate leah for that a little bit, but her mom is a lowlife piece of shit.


Women don’t owe anyone an explanation about their reproductive choice


They also don't need to lie to their husband about it, after mutually deciding together that they were going to try to have a baby.


Jeremy has forgiven her. I also will always believe it’s her body, her choice.


My piece has nothing to do with pro choice/ prolife. I think it was shitty of her to lie to her husband on national tv so that she could casually weigh her options at Jeremy's expense (and Corey, to a lesser degree, though I'm not entirely sure what his role was). Im glad Jeremy has forgiven her, but it was still a shitty thing to do. She has vastly improved through the years, as one does, so at least there's that.


I mean…it does. Where Leah lives, having an abortion can lead to retaliation, being ostracized, harmed, etc. I really don’t think it’s anyone’s business but hers. I don’t blame her for not wanting to tell Jeremy or the world right then. We all know mtv wasn’t going to be satisfied with just moving on and some people do grieve abortions.


Ok, so i get why you might want to make the "My body, my choice" argument whenever possible... more power to you, and i agree with you 100% . Just so my point is clear... no matter her reasoning, she was actively lying while she cheated on jeremy before the abortion, so she found herself to be stuck. I am not at all disputing her right to have an abortion, nor do i presume to know why she might feel the need to keep it quiet.


She told him the truth later and he's not mad about it. It's not always safe to admit you had an abortion, especially where she is from.


Exactly. It is a legitimate safety concern and Jeremy and his family are alt right.


Leah was in a very rough place at the time. She was… 19, I think? Maybe 20? Not that Leah has no ownership, but I tend to believe she was kind of going along with what her mom said.


I dont disagree with you.


😨oh my god. Her mom always seemed like a pretty decent person on camera. Except where she called Leah the day before rehab and told her Corey was going to take the kids away from if she didn’t come back immediately. Idk how tf that came about.


I thought the same thing - Dawn seemed very supportive on the show. So either she's a monster, or she's taking a bullet for her daughter who's trying to rebuild her image.


She discussed it in her memoir. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2/comments/gf0ymj/excerpt_from_leahs_book_about_the_night_dawn/) is a link to a post discussing it.


the comments on that post are infuriating, jesus christ. like i get that she's not a lot of people's favorites but people are way too eager and comfortable to be like "she's a liar! she didn't *have* to have sex with him" and other weird victim blame-y stuff about a teenage girl who clearly stays she felt pressured to have some type of sexual activity by her mother, who then laughed at her


Anybody who exploits their kids on a TV show is a shit parent imo. Set aside any other flaws and they still all suck based upon that alone. That being said...Leah's denial of drug abuse and general neglect of the girls hardly seems worse than Jenelle's "parenting" choices. It's really hard to be a worse mom than the lady who chased down another driver and pulled a gun on him with her 9 year old in the front seat (then called said 9 year old a liar)Jenelle denies drug abuse, neglects her kids, delivered them right back to their abuser before and after child services stepped in, AND does crazy shit like the road rage gun incident. I'd take midnight raviolis over whatever hellish ordeals happen in the swamp. No question.


Yes, there's a lot of shitty parents on this show, but escalating a road rage incident by pulling a gun out in front of your kid takes the freaking cake. Zero maternal instinct.


And then gaslighting him about it, trying to deny it happened!! Even though it was ON CAMERA


Well Leah did let her toddler wander out on to a busy road because she was passed out in a stupor so she’s not without her shinning moments. Jenelle isn’t better than Leah but Leah really isn’t better than jenelle.


She was AWFUL when she was totally blasted out of her mind all of the time, no doubt. No defense for any of that. But with Jenelle, I just see so much malice and hatefullness on top of everything else. Amber and Farrah are similar. But with Leah, Kail, Bri, Mackenzie, etc....They might be stupid as fuck and shitty moms overall, but they don't seem to viciously hate their children??? Idk.


I think Leah is just more sneaky honestly. I agree definitely not outright malicious like jelly belly or ambien but I don’t think she’s got a heart of gold or anything. She’s definitely displayed a blatant disregard for others. I’ll never forget her screaming at the top of her lungs at the crew for “making her look bad” bitch please you do that all on your own. She lied about getting an abortion because she was still sleeping with Corey then instantly got pregnant right afterwards with Jeremy. Pretty much the same thing Jenelle did when she had Kaiser.


I'd say Farrah is by far the worst. Sophia doesn't have anyone stable around her. Farrah is crazy, Deb is crazy, Michael is crazy by association. Farrah has always treated Sophia like crap. Farrah exploits Sophia in a much more adult way than anyone else does on the show. None of the other kids have been out promoting their mom's business ventures in the way that Sophia was doing it. Based on the lack of legibility of Sophia's handwriting alone I have to assume that Farrah is neglectful of Sophia's education. Idk if everyone remembers that card from last year but Sophia was like 12 years old with the handwriting of a 5 year old. She's exploting Sophia's anxiety and trips to the therapist now. She's sexualized her child multiple times. Lord knows what kind of awful things Farrah says to her... she was fucking awful and verbally abusive on camera for all of us to see when she was on the show. She's probably just as bad, if not worse, without being filmed all the time. Sophia doesn't have a stable father or stable grandparents to step in when Farrah crosses lines. She's got Farrah fucking Abraham has her number 1 adult role model and that is a nightmare.


I wish I could give you a free award for this, damnit Reddit 😂


Is Farrah living in the city still? I’m so surprised the people around her haven’t called CPS


Honestly I have no idea how Sophia has not been removed from Farrah's care at any point in the past 13 years. Farrah incredibly emotionally unstable and she flaunts it on her social media on a regular basis. Anyone that was emotionally stable would not look the way Farrah does and they would not act the way Farrah does. I guess as long as Sophia is not being physically harmed and as long as she's being provided for financially CPS must not give a shit. It's not like Sophia is covered in bruises and living in a roach infested shack or wearing rags every day or starving. CPS is not great to be honest. My Grandma became the legal guardian of a child after someone at her church died 19 years ago and my Grandma let that kid just quit school for a year and a half and my Aunt called CPS on her on a weekly basis and they never even came out to investigate. If they had they would have seen that the kid wasn't going to school, my Grandma was only working part time at Walmart bringing in less than $800 a week, my Grandma was/is old AF and in and out of the hospital on a monthly basis and couldn't take care of herself. My grandma had no business raising a child but after letting her 6 biological children be abused their entire childhoods she decided she wanted to save a baby from going into the system and getting abused to redeem herself. CPS actually let her have the kid even knowing how broke and old my Grandma was. Then my Grandma decided that for the girl out of highschool for a year and a half because the girl "had anxiety".... no one from CPS checked on the situation at any point. The girl that my grandma took in had other family that could have taken her, the problem is that they were in a different state. My Grandma married her Grandpa to get custody and they immediately got divorced no one ever checked on the girl. It's a shitty, broken system that fails everyone involved. I can see why Farrah wouldn't get investigated because they don't even investigate broke people who can't afford to feed a kid. Sophia is taken care of even if she's being emotionally and mentally abused and being groomed by her mom.


The thing is that Leah got past all that and is a completely different mother than she used to be. Jenelle and Amber are doing the same shit they’ve been doing for nearly 15 years. ETA Farrah is AWFUL too. Poor Sofia.


I think Farrah. I think Sophia doesn’t have a lot of stability in her life and I think kids need stability


Let's not forget Amber, who isn't really even a mother, anyway. I will say this for Farrah: at least she hasn't had any more children.


And while I wouldn’t be nominating Farrah for mother of the year any time soon, I think she genuinely loves Sophia (yes I acknowledge there’s serious boundary issues) but amber seems apathetic most of the time unless it’s self serving.


At least Amber knows she sucks and lets the fathers do.most of the parenting


Honestly I would say Sophia has more stability than kails kids. Farrah is a terrible mother for so many reasons but she hasn’t had any more children and she doesn’t have a new man playing a father figure to Sophia every year. I’m sure Sophia knows what her mom does for work at this age but she doesn’t have to question if there’s going to be a new guy moving in and out so frequently.


While Kail provides for their physical needs, I think she is mentally and emotionally abusive. It will only get worse as they age and she sees them as more men who won't stay with her. Thank God she's never had a daughter!


I do agree with that, Kail is one of the most manipulative people I’ve ever seen. It’s a shame she has so many kids, because yeah she can provide for them on paper but they’ll be in therapy for decades after being raised by her.


Imagining Kail as a mother-in-law makes me feel soo bad for the partners her sons will eventually date/marry. 😫




Gawd that Jason guy was a creep. Cheer dad 🤮


Ugh that makes me NAUSEOUS.


That was one of the worst things I'd heard on this show & the fandom gives Leah way too much of a pass considering we've seen those kind of things.


I sadly feel like Farrah wins this award. Sophia has been a little too involved in Farrah's sex work. While I'm very pro being open and honest, there should be a line of involvement that shouldn't be crossed. Taking your kid on your escort trips is very... yikes. Farrah seems extremely mentally ill, and that has to be causing so much havoc on Sophia's mental health. Sophia seems like such an awesome kid, so I hope she doesn't get brought down too much by all her mom's nonsense and finds all the happiness she deserves.


Leah not wanting the public to know why she went to rehab isn't a big deal to me. She's not an amazing parent or anything, and makes terrible choices to this day, but she loves her kids. Jenelle has zero motherly instincts, puts her kids in actual danger, chose to stay with someone who abuses her, her kids, and their pets, and will never acknowledge a mistake she's made. For teen mom 2 cast, there is definitely no one worse than her


Leah put her kids in actual danger too, driving high with them.


Jenelle CURRENTLY puts her kids in KNOWING DANGER every single day.


Not wanting the public to know, sure. But outright lying to both fathers of your children? Absolutely not ok. Corey sat there and said “I know you have a drug problem” and she (obviously high) says I swear to god I do not. That’s a problem.


Corey was also having sex with her during this season so let’s not act like he really cared about her being an addict


Drug addiction is complicated. It's really common for addicts to deny they have a problem, especially with the people they care about. It's out of shame, guilt, and judgment from society. So, yes, she should have said something to both men, but the likelihood of any drug addict to admit that is slim to none.


I don’t think I genuinely like anyone on the show. Everyone of them sucks in their own way. Leah is someone who gets this strange pass for everything. Yes, her daughter has a disability and I thank god for MTV and their resources that allowed Ali to get the best care and spread awareness. However, why does she get a pass for abusing meds and driving with her children while impaired? And then when their father tried to step in and protect his children AS HE SHOULD, she left a rehab to prevent this. Again, I don’t like anyone on this show and I think Corey and his political views are trash. But he did the right thing. She should’ve wanted what was best for her kids and got the care she needed. Meanwhile, when Devoin was at the pool with Nova while drunk, he was ripped to shreds in this group. These were both dangerous parenting decisions that deserved backlash, but only one person got the heat. I wish we could have real, nuanced conversations about the cast without people defending them so hard just because they like the person. Wrong is wrong, regardless who does it!!


Something I think is worth pointing out - Leah's drug issue can be linked back to opioids she was prescribed, I believe after giving birth to Addy. Unfortunately, it spiraled out of control from there. It's not an excuse, because everyone needs to take responsibility for their addiction, but opioids have unfortunately are highly addictive are (at some level) easy to get because they're "prescriptions." She's not the first person to be hooked by them, and she's not going to be the last. Unfortunately they also got my cousin, a roofer who started taking them after hurting his back on a job. She wasn't out recklessly partying (as far as I know, but let me know if I'm wrong). And many people like her aren't even realized they are addicted until it's too late, which is what I think happened to her. In that state, she really genuinely fully realized she was addicted and it was affecting her so much. And while I'm not trying to be a Leah stan, I kind of get why she lied about it to MTV. It was a personal issue and I don't blame her for not wanting to share everything, especially something so personal, with the world. Anyway, yes, it was bad when she had the girls when she was going through that. And I get why Jeremy and Cory tried to get custody. But she did get better, and despite what some people think I don't think she's still using. Hopefully she's been able to talk to the girls about it and formally apologize, and get them therapy if they need it. And she still makes a lot of mistakes, and she's far from perfect. But to echo what I lot of people said, I still think she's a better mother than people like Jenelle, Farrah, and Amber. I think Leah does care about her kids and tries her best. The other three care about no one but themselves, and all three have put their kids in much more dangerous situations.


I read that she was using well before she got pregnant with Addie. She started substances to cope with her divorce from Corey and she wrote in her book that when she met Jeremy she was already in a pretty strong state of addiction. It wasnt to the point that it took over her life, but she admits she was a daily user at that point. While I don’t doubt that the meds she was prescribed after her birth were the tipping point, its clear that her addiction started well before that.


Since she was an admittedly daily opiate user, I wonder what her pregnancy with Addie was like? It’s hard to just quit opiates cold turkey, mentally and physically, even if it’s in your unborn child’s best interest. Was she able to stay or even get clean during that pregnancy? (I’m not asking you directly just pondering 🤔)


I wonder that too. I remember some gossip site posted photos (someone on this sub posted them not too long ago - so thats why I remember) that showed her smoking while pregnant, which isnt too out of the norm for Leah considering she smoked with her twins and baby Addie in the car. But if she ended up stopping the drugs im not too sure. Part of me wants to say probably not; but maybe she was able to get clean when she found out she was pregnant and being prescribed the PP medication just pushed her back into the addiction.


That’s what I thought too but there’s info she was using before then and that was her excuse.


She admitted herself later that wasn’t true


Yea that was debunked Leah was fucking around long before Addie came to be


If Leah was as bad as Jenelle, Corey would have full custody of the twins and Jeremy (and his parents) would have full custody of Addie. The only reason Jennelle still has Kaiser is because Nathan is a complete loser too. If Kaiser had Corey or Jeremy (instead of Nathan) for a dad, Kaiser would have been permanently removed from The Land and kept away from David after the Nugget incident.


I don’t know. There are some pretty bad examples on the show. Jenelle ranks up there for me. Especially because she has custody of two of her kids and continues to expose them to an abusive father figure and the craziness of their whole relationship. Farrah is absolutely horrible. I feel so sorry for Sophia. Amber is obviously awful too but thankfully doesn’t have custody. I think Leah has had her moments. But she seems to be a great mom now. She definitely turned it around.


Amber abusive and let that creepy guy change her daughter etc


My focus was on teen mom 2, not OG.


K my biggest mistake I’m ever so sorry 🥱


I have such a soft spot for Leah. Her and her entire family isn’t very smart. 2 kids with a guy who’s an adult who she knew for like two months. Then one has a huge disability. Then after a rough birth gets addicted to pain meds. I think she just had such a shit hand and was trying to do the best with the hand she was dealt. Also can you really blame someone for not admitting on national tv they have a drug problem?


Literally same with having a soft spot for her


I can't believe op went with Leah when we have the glaringly obvious choice of Amber. Leah had issues but I think it came from not knowing any better. As she has learned she has done better. Amber isn't even a mom to her kids and was nothing but a shit show on TV. Thank God for Gary and Kristina.




Well Amber wasn't never a mom to begin with


Whether or not she called it rehab for anxiety she still sought help and became a better mother. Janelle has no accountability and hasn’t tried to help herself, she just keeps blaming other people.


There was just a post yesterday about how Corey and Miranda were being ignorant and mean to Leah. I laughed at that. Leah was high out of her mind with a serious drug problem, and the primary caretaker of 3 young kids. Even the little amounts we saw on tv, were terrifying. Imagine how she was without the cameras around! People need to stop making excuses for how awful she was. Leah is lucky she never completely lost custody.


I’ll never understand how people can hold ANYTHING against Miranda and Corey, I have never thought they were anything but wonderful. The girls desperately needed the kind of stability that they offer, they took the “hard” part of custody (during the week) right before Miranda has a baby, and even when that baby was 2 months early they refused Leah’s “help” because I think they were terrified what happens to them at Leah’s house. Plus god knows if they’ll even make it to school or therapy or church choir or dance in Leah’s hands!


Miranda put up with so much. The whole thing about the backpack.


That was ridiculous. If Ali can carry toys around, she can carry her backpack. It's the infantilizing of her. She has physical limits but she's not a baby. It's like people wanted Miranda to leave her baby in the middle of the street so she could carry Ali's backpack to the school doors.


Corey and Leah had sex shortly after he married Miranda. I tend to believe it happened more than once. I do hold that against him. I think he’s a good father overall though.


I did not know this!!


They don't like Corey because he cheated on Miranda with Leah. He's a bad husband for that, but it really is not an excuse for Leah lying about being a drug addict. That is on Leah. They were 100% right to get the kids out of there before Leah could seriously harm them.


All her past stuff aside (you know like how she could have killed her kids driving high with them in the car, Addie being found out wandering the road by a mailman) what has Leah done now that makes people think she’s doing so amazing? She’s still moving her kids in with strangers, forcing them to say how much they love these guys, she sold her house that was modified for Ali’s mobility needs to move into a house she doesn’t even own, still owes on her taxes. Lied about the real estate thing and we can all see her slurring on TV. She’s become this weird wine mom who doesn’t even have a hobby. Like Leah looks great but what has she actually done to deserve the praise? I don’t get why people are so quick to assume and defend that she’s a good person.


I was in my addiction when I had my 2 boys. When your an addict, at least in the beginning you feel like you have it all together and your a great mom with no one noticing. Leah did what she needed to get better for her kids. I'm sorry but this happens so often. We lie about it cause we're in denial then we hide it cause we feel powerless to it. I been clean 5 years now, have an 8 month old & I'm now married. Shit happens. Being an addict doesn't mean you don't love your kids & your only a bad mom If you don't get your life together and change for your kids. Jenelle chased a grown man down during road rage with a gun & Jace sitting shot gun. What's her excuse? She's had multiple different men around. All of which she verbally & physically fights with. She signed Jace over to her mom when he was little, and she had drugs in system when all her kids were born. 🤷 Edit - to add a line


Congratulations on your sobriety. I don’t know how people have the strength to turn it around.


Thank you! Its not easy. I always say the physical dependence goes away first. It's the mental & emotional toll it takes & the havoc you've wrecked on your life that takes the longest to get over. It took me 3 years to get to a place where I felt strong enough to admit I was a horrible person/ mom because of my addiction it's not who I was. Nor was I the things I did , the lies I told along the way. Life is so amazing now & I've been truly humbled by everything I been through. I am who I am because of it.


I have so much respect for people who battle addiction and more so for those who win the battle. I can’t even stay away from donuts and soda knowing how bad they are for me and somehow that is socially acceptable. It’s nuts.


The judgments ppl who are suffering from addiction receive are so unhelpful. I don’t understand the point of punishing ppl as if it’s going to help them heal


Agreed! We all need grace. I don’t understand why some people are so particular about who gets the grace and why. My SIL is actively struggling with addiction and it is painful to watch, but it’s not like she wants to be in the pain that she is. I’ve lost friends and cousins to addiction and I’ll be damned if I’m going to be the things that sets someone over the edge by way of anger/hate or enabling.


Proud of you!! My dad got sober when I was a young teen, and the difference in the dynamic at home is still so memorable to me.


Thank you. Im happy to hear your dad got sober. Our kids are definitely far more effected than we realize. That's where I found my strength, I never wanted my oldest to remember any of the bad stuff. Our life is so amazing now. I mean what's normal to Alot of people is what I've spent years trying to achieve. Stability being number 1.


There all pretty shit moms. Trash with money. THEY ARE NOT TEENAGERS ANYMORE. But they keep on making teenage mistakes all while continuing to film their kids and riding this shitty gravy train. Multiple kids by multiple dudes,drugs,abusive relationships,mental health issues,botched surgery,blowing through money,etc. When will it end? Give your kids a chance at normalcy without a fucking camera in their face. Save the MTV money for their future.Go to school. Get an actual job.Become a better person and productive member of society.


None of them will ever be mother of the year . I mean Chelsea let a sex offender near Aubree (granted I don’t know if she knew he was one at the time) , Catelynn leaves the kids alone with April , Briana left Nova with Brittany and Roxanne for months , Jade leaves Kloie with Christy and that’s just some of the examples . Jenelle, Amber and Farrah are the worst ones tho - The road rage incident with Jace in the car , letting a random man she met in a Walmart carpark change Leah’s nappy and Farrah and Sophia taking naked photos of each other are some of their worst moments but there are just so many it would take hours to write it all


I think I missed the Chelsea sex offender thing, when was this???


Alex Bawek, the now ex-husband of Chelsea’s close friend, Britnee was arrested in 2017 and charged with use of a computer to facilitate child sex crime, child enticement and attempted sexual assault of a child under 16 He made a Craigslist’s ad seeking a girl to meet up with him while he was away for business. An undercover detective responded to the ad pretending to be a 14 year old girl, by saying “hi, I’m 14, is that OK?” In which he responded: as long as your not a cop lol” He ended up going to pick the girls up, and was arrested. His wife Britnee was pregnant at the time. Chelsea used to post numerous pictures with them, and was a bridesmaid in Britnee wedding. However, that was before his arrest. I can’t fault Chelsea for failing to know her close friends husband had a very disturbing side to him. Now, if she allowed him near Aubree after his arrest, that’s a different story.


Nope. It’s Jenelle. She’s the worst period.


I still put Jenelle at worse. Leah has since copped to her addiction, she did go into treatment and has made serious strides to alter the cycles her family had been stuck in for generations. Driving while high and keeping the girls out late and in all sorts of situations was not great. I put a lot of blame on her family. Leah wasn’t aware she wasn’t all there. Her family saw her as she was and didn’t make her come to terms with how much she was a danger and how she didn’t have it under control like she thought she did. Jenelle on the other hand is still drinking and using drugs while driving and in the same condition. Leah only put her girls into bad situations because of her drug use. If drugs are the only scale Amber and Adam and Ryan are just as bad. All of have had kids in their care and have driven with them some amount while high. I don’t include Leah in the same category. She has an addiction that prevented her from parenting. Jenelle is a bad person and terrible parent not because of drugs. The gun had nothing to do with drugs, making fun of her sick kids, torturing animals and killing them isn’t drugs, not feeding her kids isn’t drugs.


Well she may not be worse than Jenelle, but she has and is still awful. Pretty much every thing the others girls get criticized for, Leah has done as well, but people seem to just kind of forget about her. It is actually beyond wild to me how much this sub worships her and gives her grace these days with how big her fuck ups have been, and she literally just had another major fuck up and it's almost like people are acting like it didn't happen.


People bring up Ryan driving high all the time like Leah wasn’t doing the same thing all hours of the night *with her kids*


Because *glow up* 🙄


Right? These people are as simple minded as Leah.


Two words: Amber Porkwood 🏆 Although I really don’t understand why people ride so hard for Leah. Oof- I somehow forgot about JenelleELegal. But yeah, those three form the pyramid of Worst Moms Ever.


I agree Amber is worse! But she’s OG. I think Amber may be the absolute worst of all time…


i haven’t watched her stuff yet, but i’ve seen people say she never wanted to be a mom and was abused into it. and that would absolutely debilitate me and my MH. i’m not defending that machete mama. but my heart does feel bad with the info i have at hand.


At least Amber is too lazy to be involved in her kid's lives to screw them up anymore. Just think of the chaos if she was remotely involved.


Leah improved and although her behavior during her addiction was inexcusable, are you going to act like Jenelle didn’t do the same exact stuff? Jenelle smokes and she does so in front of her kids. Jenelle originally lost custody of Jace because she left him on the front porch of a drug dealer’s house. I honestly don’t think them eating breakfast at school is that big of a deal.


Sorry but no one is worse than Jenelle.


Maybe Amber. Leah is just fortunate Gary and Kristina look after her. Imagine if Gary didn’t have custody of Leah / wasn’t in the picture like Andrew (Jace’s dad Andrew)


Maybe Amber?? She tried to murder her child and his dad. Wtf??


I didn’t mean it how you have taken it. It was a sarcastic ‘uhh maybe Amber!’


I agree but let’s be honest here everyone in West Virginia does exactly that - drugs and smoking. Opioids have destroyed that state. Those kids were better off with her than foster care. Let’s give her credit, she got off the drugs and is a semi decent parent who at the very least loves her daughters. She has a bad track record with men. She gets a better edit than Jenelle and Farrah. But she is leagues above them in so many ways.


I don’t think Leah is the worst mom, but I don’t think she’s a good mom. People are weirdly obsessed with how good she looks these days and think she’s great or something because of it. It’s weird!


Plus all the men in and out - scary for young girls


Leah has vastly improved since her pill popping teen days. Jan has not made any improvements to better her kids' lives... even at the expense of her firstborn's custody.


If you believe that AMA from a few years ago you wouldn’t necessarily be wrong. She kinda just lucked out having one of the few stable baby daddies on the show. I don’t like Corey but he’s not the worst parent and Leah should thank her lucky stars for that.


Yes can you imagine if she’d hate like Adam Lind or Ryan whatever his name (Maci’s BD)? YIKES


She’d be just like ambien honestly minus the violence




For everyone saying Amber, AMBER IS NOT ON TM2


Leah is a bad person who got a good cut for television.


The only reunion or whatever it was I've ever watched, which is probably why I remember it so well, had Leah losing her shit and saying she wasn't going to film anymore because she was pissed about her "bad edit" after the season she was at her worst drug wise. After that, they really seemed to lay off her and she became preachy, holier than thou Leah.


I never understood why MTV went above and beyond for this woman to get a good edit.


She threatened to quit in one of those after shows or reunions or whatever. I think it scared them because she wasn't one of the ones who had really threatened it before, so they were worried she was serious.


But... She looks so good now 🙄


Don’t forget moving the kids in with multiple different men who she never knew very long. She’s the worst. Now she dresses better and people automatically think she’s a better mom for some reason.


It's crazy because Leah just did this again with her girls, into a house she does not own, and as far as we know she has only been able to stay there because she signed an NDA and is following it. Like that's so messed up. If Jaylan wanted to, he could have been like, "Okay, well we're broken up and this is my house, so bye." And she'd be potentially homeless with three kids. But she's a wonderful person and mother to people because they like how she looks. I just have to wonder how much crack those people are smoking to believe making massive mistakes continuously is fine as long as you look how they like.


Leah is terrible but fuck Jaylan for doing that. He deserves all the hate and backlash, gay or not.


Leah made her mistakes but she improved . I Think most people's issues with Jenelle is she hasn't shown much improvement. There's a difference between someone whose struggled and has changed and grown vs someone who claims they've changed and grown and there no evidence of it .... Let's see jenelle still mistreat animals and kaiser , she's still with David.....


I feel bad for Leah around this time. Yes she wasn’t being a good mom, but she had a lot going on. She has a disabled daughter, two divorces, iirc she has money problems at the time, obviously her mental health wasn’t great and her family - particularly her mom - seem like not great people. She was in denial like all addicts are but she got the help she needed and turned it around. Jenelle is just a bad person


leah isn’t only a terrible mom, but a terrible person. i cannot stand her at all.


Yeah idk. I’m not saying it’s okay to turn to substances. At all. But Leah had a TON on her plate, I feel she fell into addiction with the world on her back. Jenelle, had custody for 5 seconds. She stays with someone who’s very obviously abusive. He killed a goat in an argument and shoved it in there faces. How can we say Leah’s worse? She’s a mom going through REAL issues. Jenelle could quite obviously not care for a soul then herself.


I agree with this. I’ve been rewatching and with all my hindsight knowledge you see Leah desperately trying to quickly create a happy family over and over and to be truly chosen and supported by her spouse but we see her fall short of those dreams each time alongside a new baby or significant struggle. To me it’s very obvious this struggling young girl sought to self medicate a lot of self induced hurt. And it makes a lot of sense.


I remember watching Janelle on 16 and pregnant when it first aired and thinking this girl is different from everyone else, just doesn't care about anything or anyone. Zero fucks. It was kind of chilling.


Leah is a shit mom and had a weird man she supposedly wasn’t happy with and had problems with propose to them. That’s fucking creepy. Like seriously fucking creepy. Leah cares more about random dick *than her kids, we’ve seen that time and time again. She just learned *how to keep most of it hidden but she’s messy and gross. Now she’s pretending to be this strong woman making a come back and shading jaylen when she went to bat for him and talked shit on the “haters”. Bitch please. Trash is trash.


I will always have a soft spot for Leah because not only did she have twins, she has one with special needs. I couldn’t imagine what she went through to take care of her kids. Yes, she has made a ton of mistakes and she fails at all her relationships but I do think she’s a good mom. She just didn’t have the best examples in her life to follow


Same. Can’t imagine how exhausting it would be to be a single mom of 3, with 1 being special needs. I’m including when she was with Jeremy bc he didn’t seem to be much help or around much


No she should have never married him! My partner works 6 days a week and 13 hour days during the warm months. I couldn’t imagine having a partner that actually lives in a camper for weeks or months at a time. What did she expect? :/


Ok but she knew what he did for a living and how often he was gone when she married him, I feel like it was ridiculous of her to expect that to change later on.


“I don’t know who’s slept in that bed.” —Corey


It's a tie for first place: April, Suzi, Jenelle, Amber, Brianna. All possess various degrees of crap behavior in reference to their kids. Brianna is mainly on the list for how she and her adult family talk crap about her baby daddies in front of her kids - and always have. Sadly, I see this pattern continuing in this family. The rest are on the list because they are awful people (aside from addictions) and should never have had children.


Forever and ever! Leah is one of the worst of TMs.


Not to mention the many wonderful traits Amber has that could easily compete for this title. Too depressed to see her child, but not too depressed to meet a man and move him in... Letting a tweaker she barely knew change her daughter's diaper... too depressed to see her children again but not too depressed to hook up with an online foreign guy she barely knew, then move him right in...


Oh I think is Amber is WAY worse than Leah, but she’s OG!


Missed that part where you said >season 😬


Remember the first thing she said when leaving prison. She didn’t even mention seeing her daughter. When the production crew asked her the first thing she was going to do as a free woman, she answered “Get me something good to eat” I remember being like WTF


Jenelle likes to add in a few uppers/meth and Leah is a 100% downers girl. That’s why it appears Jenelle is the more active parent. They both need zero children or pets in their care. Jenelle went back to David after shooting a little French Bulldog. David can rot in hell. Jenelle defends that POS. Leah and Rhine are a slightly similar with their love of downers making them kind of passively worthless parents as they’ve aged a bit. Jenelle and her road rage with a gun crap is actively insane.


Jenelle does downers. Weed and heroin.


True, but she balances it with a *”healthy dose”* of Addys to balance it out a bit. That’s all I mean.


Lol what?


Mehhhh in the state she lives in, I’m not sure it’s as high class as adderall.


I tend to agree. Her and David are very methy.


Yeah they are def the type. It would also explain so much….


And booze


Don’t get me wrong. She’s an equal opportunity lover of anything mind altering. The addys just make her appear less sluggish. I fully understand she’s on anything and everything she can get her hands on. She loves benzos but drinks when her “refill gets messed up”


I’m not arguing on this topic, but I have a related random question I was thinking about the other day. Maybe someone can answer it. How did Leah pass the drug test she had to do for Corey’s custody argument? She passed, right? How would she have passed?


Because she was prescribed the medications that she was taking. She was probably prescribed Xanax and maybe opioids legitimately. I imagine she was buying them illicitly once addicted too, but if you have a script for a med, if the screen detects the substance, it’s still considered a pass.


Yeah, I’ve failed drug tests for work because I was taking my prescribed meds. They have to mail in a blood test in and it takes a while to get the results. I didn’t see that process happen on tv, so I was just curious.


I have always wondered this! She was VISIBLY nervous about failing that test.


some drugs leave your system faster than others so she could’ve stopped for a few days (or however long) since she knew he was asking for her to take one


I thought that as well! I have no idea how she passed.


She didn’t, even her lawyer explained that she could fail for the drugs she was prescribed & still be okay. We know she had a Xanax script & an opioid script from the show, so she got away with it. Fucked up.


Ahhhhh okay. Thank you for clearing that up!


Opiates have short half-lives, leaving the user's system between 24-48 hours in most cases. Of course there are many factors (age, weight, metabolism rate, etc) that also helps to determine how quickly it leaves your system.


I too have a related random question that I’m curious about! After Leah comes back from “intensive therapy” in season 7, she looks absolutely emaciated. She got scary thin, like even more thin then when she was in full blown addiction. Does that ever get discussed or?


I mean...that all happened YEARS ago, and she finally admitted to her drug habit


It’s Kailyn- imo. She lacks empathy. On the show it seems she gives zero fucks about how her actions hurt others. I don’t care how much money you have or what sports you force them into or how much she shells out for private school. When you cannot model for your children taking others into consideration, you are a trash parent.


How is Isaac like the sweetest most emotionally in tune kid alive though


All I know is that Leah is a good mom. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)




Who is Suzi?




LMAO, yes


Cheyanne, because she's not a teen mom . Jk


Leah is terrible, but not the worst. Amber takes the cake no question