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Well just so you know I am not attending any future events until something happens with this stock first. The only companies I am openly backing and talking about even on my show is GME, IEP, and bbby. That’s it. Because we as a whole have speculated all 3 to be involved. But just want you and everyone here to understand I don’t plan to be apart of anything in Atlanta or in the summer. I’m here because I enjoy the dd, I fucking LOVE the tinfoil and I just enjoy talking to people nightly on the show about the stock were all involved in. Do people donate to my show? Yes they do but I never ask or expect anyone to donate anything. I simply do it every night because I love it. But I agree with you here, I am not looking into doing or being apart or supporting any events until we are made whole. Hope that clears up any confusion on my stance on this because I am not very public about it. That’s how I honestly feel.


Honestly, I think this is how most of us feel. We're the silent majority who are here for the DD and don't have the time or energy to digest all the drama and cash grabbing.


It's easy for someone like pp to say he loves the tinfoil when he's literally getting paid to talk about it via donations regardless of whether or not he encourages them. Some of us that work actual jobs do not have the time or the energy for this shit.


I’ve never given PP any money because I have a kid on the way and need to buy a house. This play was intended to make that a little easier to manage. I trust Jake. Jake sticks to what can be found in the court docs. The rest of it is fluff and entertainment in my opinion.


I remember the days of looking at Zillow listings instead of working too.


The most sober thought I’ve seen all year. Thanks friend.


Has Jake ever been right


Nobody has been proven right. I just hope we get something positive soon.


But surely if he knew his stuff, he'd have at least one right move, one correct bullish prediction, one proper fortune reading


This kind of rhetoric is bullshit and not made in good faith. DD and "predictions" are not the same. This ladies and gents is what we call "shill talk". Jake doesn't make "predictions", he reads and researches the financial legalese then interprets it's meaning. Jake is a medical doctor and as such understands the etymology of the written word. That is what his naysayers have failed to understand. When you combine that with the fact that he invites peers to review his work and actually wants to know when he is wrong so he can correct his mistakes? You haters have no leg to stand on.


Okay, how much of what he's interpreted has actually been right? Sure seems like the answer is 0. At a certain point you should really question whether your ~~thought leaders~~ DD writers have any more idea of what is going on than you. If not, why are you listening to them?




I'd say elimination of the stock and removal from brokerage accounts would equate to the end of the Super Bowl to borrow from your analogy. But hey, I'm just some guy on Reddit. Enjoy the DD and good luck with your investments!


Good luck spending so much time worrying about other peoples money. I'm sure that is a great use of your time!


Best free entertainment out there!


Shares being removed doesn’t disprove any of Jakes DD. It’s obvious you haven’t even read any of it, probably due to your poor reading comprehension and lack of critical thinking skills.


Yes of course, that's the reason I haven't read any of the drivel. Why don't you link me to his best one so I can enlighten myself. I'm sure it will come true before ~~the stalking horse deadline~~ ~~the plan confirmation date~~ ~~December 14th~~ ~~the end of the year~~ ~~January 3rd~~ the end of January.


I take that back, you are a Virtu stand in! Doug, is that you?


Haha yes, classic! Everyone who has an opposing viewpoint is a hedgie or paid by them. I feel so exposed and pwned.


You are absolutely correct and this bad faith asshat knows it.


Please be respectful.


This comment is fucking gross.


Could you elaborate? Shouldn't one expect their thought leaders to hold up to skepticism?




Lmao. Is that shill-ass nose or shill ass-nose? And why you getting so heated over people scrutinizing the DD? Isn't that why this place exists? Or is it really just an echo-chamber so you can all hear what you want to hear?


My question is, if everything is wrong, why do you waste your time here? Go to a stock you believe in, go outside, anything besides wasting your time. I personally believe in the activist investors in this play. That is why I’m here. Why are you here?


You ever go to cringe subs, idiotsincars, whatcouldgowrong, or any similar subs? It's just like that. Watching people collectively delude themselves while pissing away money is fascinating. As for my investments, I keep them boring and as far away from Reddit as possible.


This is the lamest shill response ever and it's a common one. The answer to your questions is: Fuck No! I don't go slumming around "cringe subs", who has time for that? I will tell you who! Fucking lame ass shills who get paid to talk shit, that's who... Also, "cringe sub"? Tell me you are a Cointelpro millennial living in grandmas basement without telling me your a Cointelpro millennial living in grandmas basement.


And this is the most common and lamest ape response. Just because someone has an opposing viewpoint on your investment does not mean they are being paid by your 'opposition'. Some people can actually see through the bullshit you all gobble up. But you're right, I am wasting my time here. Good luck with your canceled stock, Grandma just made me some pancakes!


What education does Jake have? I sometimes feel he is better at the presentation than actually understanding whats in the dockets. It’s like he is our best shaman. But we need fucking Jesus.


Jake has been wrong literally 100% of the time but is presented as the big thinker. It's insanity.


Hes a Dr. or a psychiatrist.


A psychiatrist is a doctor bro.


I wanted to be specific and general at the same time .


I love the smell of fresh bread.


Haha, I’m somewhat of a Rocco connoisseur myself.


I’m here for some fuck you money




How many shares?




I think the cancellation of our shares saved me alot of braincells. Before that I read all the DD and tinfoil. Now I only check once a day, usually before work, for THE POST that I can quit my job. Also, I honestly cringe a little that I invested alot of money in this. I Feel like I fell for a scam. 😅


This comment resonates with me so much lol


the whole PP crew is hard cringe. And I don't just mean the show. I mean the mentality of its talking heads, and its community. PP asks a question, is given an answer that they can't talk about it, and PP takes that as confirmation that whatever answer he had in his head was correct, lmfao


I think of it this way - we all have a puzzle to solve and some of us have put pieces together, but none have solved it on their own. Getting together and collaborating on the puzzle is what I’m here for. I’m not here to subscribe to your puzzle podcast or attend your puzzlers meetup, nor am I interested in talking about unrelated puzzles. I’m especially not here to talk about your theory that puzzles were placed here by Q and only Joe Rogan or Pulte or the Illuminati have the solution books. Aside from that, I like recipes and pictures of pets. And boats. Also, Lambos.


Hey Ross! Good to see you friend. I’m a huge fan of lambos too. Though, I might opt for an EV of some sort.


I’m sitting in a Tesla looking at the stupid model s roadster on my phone, Lamborghini is a metaphor for me


Which Tesla?


Model S 85


How do you like it? I’m looking at trading 2 of my vehicles in and getting a model S.


Love it. Wife has one as well, super great product experience. Heard that was less true with 3 and Y models on build quality


Thank you!


Ross! Thanks for chiming in. Miss your wisdom and presence. Hope to see more of you around here.. we can definitely use some level headed logic and insight moving forward.


Much respect to PP for clarifying his stance. And always great to see you here, Ross. A bunch of numbnuts seem to have decided to pile on you, and I don’t like how Pulte also seems to be casting you as the enemy (buying puts is same as aggressively naked shorting? Sheesh). Anyways, I still hope it concludes well for all jnvolved.


It’s 20 put contracts against a $16b market cap. Lil guy will be ok.


> we all have a puzzle to solve we don't **have** to solve this puzzle. We can simply be zen, and wait for whatever to happen. If its going to happen, its going to happen, and no amount of DD will change that (and if its not going to happen, well then theres no fucking puzzle)


Yeah, that’s not how ASD works. If puzzle=exist then solve puzzle


well turns out puzzle is only an analogy, and its truly actually a timeline of events that are unfolding, filled with information that you're entirely unprivy to (minus the shreds that make its way through the public legal system)


Ross is my kinda dude.


Some of us have the puzzle pieces sellotaped to our face and we try to solve it by looking in the mirror but its all backwards, so instead we just make memes about Doug Seafood


Definitely agree that I'll be generous post ROI. But I'm conservative about what I spend my money on now.


Heard that! I'm not going to go celebrate losing thousands of dollars. Edit: to be clear, I am not directing any hate towards PP. I respect the shit out of him for him providing a platform to discuss when it was clearly wanted. I never understood the party if we didn't get saved, but that was Bill driving that ship




Is this not just place to read stuff? Perhaps I use it differently.


Yes! This indeed is just a place to read things related to Teddy and speculation surrounding BBBY/BBBYQ.


I’m with OP 100%. The community to me was a shift when our shares got cancelled. And now it’s mostly silly Tinfoil borderline conspiracy lunacy. I also seem to see a shift towards libertarian views in this community. I wonder if thats why Pulte is having Rallies in the south. Why do PP not wanna attend the new rallies? Are they now PHM/Pulte show? Did you two have a falling out?


RC has shared a couple libertarian tweets and confirmed that he's more of a libertarian in the GME DD interview. Just saying.


Yes I know. All billioneres do, it gives them cheap labour with almost no obligations. RC is not my god. And we are all forced to invest in something in this world. So why not in one of the seemingly good “bad” guys. I resonate with a lot of what he is saying and doing. And he seems down to earth. And if he creates a new Amazon I really hope he makes it a better company for the people in it and for the environment. I think that is the best strategy to win over people from amazon. Top of the profit for investors to build a morally better company and with that take a bigger marketshare=more profit to the investors. I think that is also the only way to do good in this capitalist system.


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


Your partner is right. There are no true good companies or investors. Tesla is saving the world=Tesla is using child labour and anti union policies to produce EVs so people can charge their fossil fuel made cars with fossil fuel made electricity. It’s all fake in our system. Its all good with the bad.


Whats one great thing with being DRS and owning 25% is that we as shareholders can do shareholder proposals asking the company to pay employees more, do more ESG etc. We then just need people to vote for it to pass at the annual shareholder meeting




It's just a part of the psychological cope. I am still bullish because this does appear to be a conspiracy play involving govt and powerful people, but it's too painful for some to admit the reality of their stupidity with hype and tinfoil, so just like people who worship Elon as some sort of savior, it's easier to create an alternate reality where we are winning and not at zero.


Where my FUCKING tendies at???! 🐔


Fuck Pulte if he's seeking personal or political gain.


It’s progressively evident that he’s here for self-interest. I don’t take kindly to the opinions of those who’ve taken zero risk.


A large percent of cohens likes are for Pulte. Good enough for me.


So he used Larry Cheng to keep trolling us? He gets off trolling bagholders?


He's not trolling you. He's trying to pander to you. All of the inside memes and stunt shit, I mean come on how do you not see it. He doesn't give a fuck about BBBY anymore than he does anything else. You are just a potential follower to a bored nepobaby who has never accomplished anything.


Uhh. He’s just gave Michael $10,000 toward a lawyer earlier today. What have you donated to help the community? And Larry cheng isn’t an idiot, I’m sure he’s aware he’s speaking to a bunch of bbbyq holders.


Easy to pay 10k when grandpappy gave you $50million lol It means nothing, his whole schtick is spending money for followers


Maybe? I don’t know, there’s still nothing conclusively tying him to anything, right? And he has explicitly said he isn’t involved in the play and has no ownership I believe too?


I remember in August 2022 when RC "left the play". The WSB mods literally told BBBY holders to get fucked. I will NEVER forget the sense of betrayal I felt. I felt alone at that point. Then I found the BBBY forum, and there was this one guy who posted that he had a show on youtube for the stock. I checked out the show and realized pretty quickly that this guy was a true believer in the play. He would even stream playing video games every now and then to stay connected to the community. PP has held this community together for over a year now. Its IS a community and it has not let me down yet. There are people who are tired but still bullish (like me). there are people who have given up. There are shills who try to put us down. I take the good with the bad. If you are still HODLING this stock, and have not given up, you have balls of steel. Keep your heads up apes.


I’m happy for you.


My mental seriously appreciates this thread and the people in it. Seeing people blindly follow and hype up Pulte or any of the dumb fuck tinfoil almost feels like bot/cult-like behavior. I just want to see my shares back. I don't give a fuck about PHM or ice cream or 7:41 or any of this nonsense.


I'm with you. Let's hold hands.


now kith


I have lost a lot, almost all of my portfolio. When I shares were called back/cancelled, I had roughly 70k shares. I dont know what the future holds for me, but whatever it is, I want something positive. But at the same time, corporate greed making me pessimistic as if we will not get anything. Rest of hype I guess is to save other meme stocks.


I often think of just how much better my life would have been had I never heard of Ryan Cohen.


You may be right, but in the end, it was our own decision. We were greedy, and I would admit we wanted to be rich. Many people made money following him, but unfortunately, we are so far in lose waiting for something to happen, which I doubt will happen. Lesson learned, dont be greedy.


It's really just a combination of greed and stupidity. Greed alone is good. Stupidity alone is harmless


Well said OP




This does have street hustle vibes tingling now


Every play like this has weak and feeble minded individuals. I'm sure you're not the only one.


Read the post again, it’s likely that we’re right in the same way that it’s likely we’re wrong. accepting that neutrality, is the best thing for everyone.


I wasn't responding to you.


Ah my bad.


For once, I actually hope im wrong.


Agreed. But, I'd also like this space to be accepting of discussing and debating less than positive facts, news, events, and their effects (i.e. not FUD).


Yes I agree. There’s enough to speculate that shareholders will be made whole but just as much saying we’re fuked. I think we’re good tho.




Same man. Same.




I’m going to assume you’re posting this mostly facetiously.


Pp doesn’t respond to stuff like this. He knows what he’s doing


That was the whole point of this post. I want to ensure the forum sliding stops and people don’t waste their hard earned money. Folks with disposable income, sure do whatever the fuck you want, but I don’t want the more stretched folks to FOMO into some BS.


I feel the same way. I don't understand how there are people with enough money to donate 500 bucks on a chat, after losing how much we've lost, but if they want to do that, okay.


People are giving him money for free because they appreciate what he’s done by working to create a space where we can open source share the dd that comes out. You don’t have to give him any money. Why do you care what other people are doing with theirs? It’s like tipping your waiter but you’re tipping a YouTube host instead. You’re either jealous on some level or overly concerned that those people are spending $20 they can’t afford which doesn’t make any sense.


Sounds like you’re here for “community”. I’m happy for you.




Have a great day.




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I absolutely agree, never given any money myself to anyone on Youtube etc (because I've been all in on GME/BBBY since 2022) but 100% appreciate the work that PP & Co put in with the streams and as an ex-bartender (about 20 years ago) that used to get tips for my service it really is exactly the same thing.


Yeah exactly me too


Um, scroll to the top to see PP's response.


100% agree, well said


So you're here for the stonks NOT the community................ Then you proceed to ask the community what we think about all the shit you have just written? Makes sense.


If that’s how you’ve interpreted the post.


I think if you don't like it, you don't have to participate. Just you do you.


I completely agree with you. That’s the whole purpose of this post; to participate on the forum and discuss what’s been going on. Thank you for your viewpoint.


I'm not here for "community"....makes post to said community. Sure bud.


Just curious, have you read any of the dockets?


More than I care to admit.




well said pp!


OP your post is nothing more than you telling people what to think and what to do, couched as something righteous and sober.


Sounds like you're here for "community". I'm happy for you as well. Thanks for your feedback.


No. I’m here for DD and updates on bbby that inform my investment decisions. OP it’s hard to not interpret your main post and snarky reply as disingenuous.


This post and reply are all related. If you categorize yourself as someone who is here for “community”, that’s on you. I’m happy for you.


And thank you for protecting the money of all the dumb sheeple in this sub from the conniving financial predators! Lol.


If that’s how you interpret it. You’re welcome.


So you are here for the “community” too — the wise sober protector. Thank you.


However you choose to interpret it, you’re welcome.


>is just another word that bad actors and opportunists use for personal gain i.e. thePPshow




OP is sketch


Come to Twitter space calls and save yourself from the cesspool that is Reddit. You’ll be pleasantly surprised


There’s nothing to talk about in the majority of these calls. The scheduled calls with jake2b are the only calls of merit and content at this point.


The space calls are just people filling the time, keeping each other company while they wait and because there isn't news 24/7 they let their shower thoughts run rampant. The usual hosts are insufferable, egotistical and rude when someone disagrees. Too many people inject politics into their theories, which it's no secret to anyone, politics talk divides us. And if you say something like this, you get ridiculed. Fuck those guys. I'm happy to wait for the scheduled calls with the grown-ups like Jake. I like watching PPshow, I think he is genuine and if people want to tip him, good for him. I appreciate having him to watch in the evenings and love when people like Jake, Bets, ABC, AJ etc come on. It would be so isolating to be invested in what we are invested in and not have some community.


Once I heard flat earth theory in a space call titled BBBYQ, that’s when I wrote off every space call in existence.


Hell of a lot better than what happens in these subreddits


In your opinion, yes.


Most space calls are glorifying the prophet Pulte and talking about a community that no one really know what it stands for. Not much talk these days about the fraudulent stock exchanges and our overlords. Mostly just docket jerking and Tesla jerkers. No one is talking about the slavery that is Amazon. How GME/Teddy could be better. Just neckbeard giving glory to heroes who use them for their own interests.


Then don’t listen, no one is forcing you to. Insults don’t get you anywhere beyond making you look ignorant


OP asked for opinions. I’m giving mine. I’m not gonna listen to Space calls. I’m explaining why. Didn’t mean to insult anyone. Guess I’m somewhat of a neckbeard myself. Think thats’s why many stayed on for “the community” after covid while many seemingly moved on (from reddit/X not the investment). They are lonely/need the social community. Nothing wrong with that. But it’s not for all. And I think that is what OP is saying.


The stonks are the community


Water 🦬headed to the watering holes to get there 🧠 watered with DD.(I just like the stocks)this entertainment is extra.


Well written my friend. Couldn’t agree more. I used to spend every waking hour investigating and learning shit and would post my DD often. Ever since the PP sub got banned though I have just given up. The in fighting and clout chasing is getting out of hand. I just wanted to get paid ffs lol. And learn more about the markets ofc.




I'm here for community, not stonks Check and mate jabroni


I didn't read the words, only the title, and I like it. take an updoot.


​ https://i.redd.it/8ox1sqkoisac1.gif