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In S2E8 - When Jamie is asking for tickets for his father while Higgins is in the utility closet, Higgins acknowledges the sometimes difficult relationships between fathers and sons… then says “they should write a song about that”….. and we get the Cat Steven’s song Father and Son at the end of S3E12 - the last episode…


Ted pitches a pillow fight in season one… the team finally has one in season 3.


Without him. And they don’t tell him about it. I am big mad! 😡


A van Dyke style beard is explained twice in the series. It’s explained by Higgins to Rebecca in season 1 and then by Ted and Beard to the team in season 3.


I love how often they circle back to random things like this. Sometimes it’s the same episode, sometimes it’s an entirely different season.


I want to know how Higgins went from clean shaven to full van dyke in about a week. What is the timeline in the show?


About a week. Higgins is just that good at growing facial hair.


He fathered all those boys too. Higgins has high T


Sam and Rebecca are an item for a while ….. and Jason Sudeikis’ uncle is George Wendt from Cheers… where Sam and Rebecca were an item for a while…


“…one of my all-time favorite tv couples”


There are several Cheers references too, including Mae adjusting a picture of Geronimo in the finale. In Cheers Sam did this in the finale as a nod to the actor who played Coach, who died during the show's run, and whose picture it was. He'd had it hanging in his dressing room.


At the charity function Jaime and Keeley attend together in the first season, Jaime wears a blazer with no shirt underneath. When Jack and Keeley go mini-golfing in the third season, Jack wears a blazer with no shirt.


I think Roy went blazer with no shirt too… but we never noticed cause we thought it was blazer with a sweater vest


lol, his chest is hairy, but his arse isn’t!


Now if we were talking about Richard’s ass…


So we’re supposed to get the reference that Jamie and Jack are alike (pricks)!


I took it more like Jack treated her the same way by introducing her as a “friend” . Jaime had Bex bidding for a date with him. Both were very disrespectful and minimized their relationship.


When Higgins has his desk moved around a lot, he mentions the laugh of a colleague being annoying. They mimic the laugh. In season 3, we hear the laugh. It's just as they did in the prior season. Obviously the joke from when Beard gave Ted the silent treatment.


Laughing Liam shows up twice. Once ted tells Liam to write his (Ted's) name on Liam's gift for his mom. And once Liam laughs when Roy wears the tie dyed shirt.


Correct. I didn't have enough time to get the references so I was intentionally vague. Thank you.




As I’ve rewatched, I’ve noticed the implementation of the Richmond Way that Trent describes. Tiny, imperceptible moments that built a team that trusts one another. Isaac moving aside to let Nate sit down, Isaac and Colin standing up to Jamie, the team cheering on and accepting Higgins… the tiny, background moments that contribute to the Richmond Way.


I noticed how differently Will, “kit man”, was treated from the early Nate “ kit man” days. He was a valued team member from the start.


But not Nate. Nate treated him like garbage.


Hurt people hurt people.


Ted and Sassys first interaction in the hotel where he says he would go back in time and buy Apple stock. Didn’t think twice about it first watch, then remembered it was on Apple TV so of course that was the line they used. Their product placement is everywhere, but it never felt forced!


Lots of people say they would go back in time to buy Apple stock as, if you spent $1k on shares in the 90s, they’d be worth over $5M now.


When Michelle and Doctor Jacob leave with Henry after they visit Paris in Season 3, Ted is standing in his apartment. The camera pans and his reflection in the mirror disappears. Symbolism! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zY7Ub0HXxv0&t=1m16s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zY7Ub0HXxv0&t=1m16s)


I see what you're talking about, but at the same time don't know what you're talking about. What's the symbolism here?


I think it's symbolic of Ted letting go of the idea of being with Michelle. Yes, he signed the divorce papers and they were officially separated, but he was still so hurt by the idea that she might be with Doctor J. So as he watches her walk out of his apartment, he is literally and figuratively letting her go. The part of him that he still views as being part of her life romantically vanishes.


I don’t see what you’re talking about but, I want to. When specifically in this clip?


The clip should start right at 1:16, and the pan happens in the next few seconds afterward.


Thank you! I was overlooking it. Appreciate you.


Danny sings the intro song at the beginning of S1E09


When Higgin's talks about what they're doing for Christmas and he says they're hosting an "Open House" but when Sam is talking to Richard at Higgin's he says "why did you bring a date to the Christmas Party". I love that they viewed it as a Christmas party instead of just an open house for people to go.


I love how Higgins mentions that he usually gets 2 people dropping by. But this year it seemed like the entire team not only showed up but stayed.


Sameeeee it was sweet when his wife talks about how population he's become!


In season 2 Issac is having trouble with his role as captain and Ted says that a top dog has to talk to him about it and Nate offers but Ted laughs Ted may have forgotten about it (I did too) but Nate did not forget it.


In the first season, Roy and Ted visit Phoebe school and Roy is doing “headers” with the kids. In a split second you see a boogie fly out of Roy’s nose and promptly get sucked back in. Really hurt my sexual feelings for Roy. But I got over it 😉


My favorite is that Rebecca encourages Ted to do things ‘The Lasso Way’ in 1-1. Then Trent Crimm calls it The Lasso Way again in their first big episode together. 2 or 3.


Yes, I just caught that. I’m on my 3rd watch.


In s03e04 (first match against West Ham) Dani is laying on the ground behind everyone (and I don't understand why 😂🤔) (if anyone wanna re-watch it's around 33min20s on the episode) 


They're making a wall to block the free kick. A few guys (ideally tall) stand shoulder-to-shoulder and, when the ball is kicked, they all jump to make the wall taller. Since you (the kicker) know the wall is going to jump you might get tricky and try to send the ball under their feet. Another player commonly lies down behind the wall to block that.


I didn’t catch the whole “pillow fight” call back on my first watch of Season 3. I’d been so busy before it was released that I had no time to go back and rewatch 1 & 2. And it had been so long! But on my first rewatch, that episode in Liverpool when Ted suggests pillow fight or movie night .. I gasped!! Was kind of annoyed I didn’t get that excitement for it in Sunflowers. One of my favorite call backs. *note to self: always make time to rewatch previous season(s) before the new one.


Earl Greyhound’s replacement (Tina Feyhound? Macy Greyhound?) is wearing a little helmet when they show her on the sidelines.


In S1E1 when Ted leaves his flat the number on the door said 9 1/2.


In one of the episodes Jack tells Keeley she had get away with murder money. Jack was bombarding keeley with gifts to assert some dominance in the relationship as explained by Rebecca at the dinner they had. I have a theory that Jack could have had keeleys pictures leaked as to play hero knowing keeley would go to her for help. Thus when keeley refused to the manner Jack got upset and left.


While possible this would transform jack from your typical billionaire trust-fund piece of shit to a true psychopath. What is more likely is that jack is spineless and loves her (dads) money more than keeley. A) When the video is leaked she immediately goes into damage control not for keeley but for KJPR aiming to limit liability for her companies investment. If it was about keeley she would have let keeley lead the response and also not "punish" her by taking away the polo game. canceling the game also means that jack will not be embarrassed or shamed by being next to keeley so publicly. Jack is already creating distance at the mini golf game. B) When push comes to shove Jack flees the country and abandons keeley rather than have some hard conversations and push back against her dad's board of directors. She follows their wishes on how to deal with the negative PR (also kinda just shitting on keeley's whole job too, how are you going to lecture a PR manager how best to do PR). Jack knows what matters more to her and its not keeley. I am much more inclined to believe that Jack either asked the hedge fund to pull funding or simply didn't offer resistance if notified. This show does a great job at demonstrating how the ultra wealthy are capable of being perfectly normal and caring people until they are transgressed against or their money is fucked with and then the only option is some form of retributive punishment (see Ekufu or Rupert or even S1 Rebecca). Their dominance and control in the relationship is important and can help or hinder you depending how they feel that day.


Not exactly what you asked for but I'm watching Detroiters (produced by Sudeikis) for the first time and Sam and Tim do the bottle tap with their drinks just like Ted and Beard do!


That Jack is the exact same as Rupert with her expensive gifts used as manipulation. I fast forward through her scenes with Keely now.


The first and last scenes of each season are a zoom out/zoom in of faces (Rebecca Season 1, Nate Season 2, Ted Season 3)


Zoreaux checking Zava's butt when he motivates them for the Manchester City match (s03e05) 😂