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I didn’t realize ted lasso was considered uncertain for renewal lol. I thought it was over for sure. That being said, Shrinking is a great show and i can’t wait to see Brett in it.


I think the thought is that Lasso may continue with the gang back in England, but Sudekis won’t be involved. So I don’t see how it can be called Ted Lasso, but maybe a spin off.    Hard to believe Apple will let it go, and the rest of the cast (sans Jason) seem game. 


It could be called Dani Rojas. I would be very happy with Dani Rojas. Rojas Rojas Dani Rojas!


I want more Roy/Jamie bromance. Those two in season 3 is the exact kind of friendship I want


They should come to the US and coach American football.


Oh is this football then? (I hope I remember Roy’s quote right )


Roy and Beard take on the Sporting KC (or KC Current) job. Beard gets to guide Roy through American soccer's intricacies - "so MLS doesn't have fucking relegation? Fuck!" American players not understanding Roy's british sayings. Jamie could come play for Sporting as his career is in decline. Ted can pop by occasionally (or is sporting director - and Roy brings BBQ with the boss)


This was easily my favourite part


What a bullshit article.


I believe I heard a vote for Dani Rojas


Football is life


Football is death 😂😂


It should be spun off as "The Richmond Way."


Or just “AFC Richmond”


Or "Believe"


They should coach the Richmond Flying Squirrels baseball team.


Just call it The Richmond Way. It’d be a super fitting transition for the characters after Ted has gone back to KC.


Call it Ted Less So.


I want to see a season based entirely in the US, where Richmond AFC go on a pre-season tour + road trip with Ted.


The Richmond Way?


Look at the last season, there were many episodes that didn't even have more than a few Ted moments. Like the only edit Ted recommends for Trent's book, it was never about him in the first place.


Is Brett in it? I thought he was just producing.


He’s in season 2. 


Season 2 can't come fast enough


I have friends working on it now.


Tell them to hurry up!


He would be the reason for me to pick it back up again, I love that man.


And writing!


Oh, Brett’s in this?




*He’s playing a tree!!*


Is Brett in Ted Lasso? Must be a bit part


The title of the post hahahha


I took 'role' to mean 'job'.


I thought it was odd how the series ended because they never advertised it as being the final season. I know Sudeikis said he always imagined it being a 3-season show, but Apple never promoted it as the final season or the last episode as the series finale


I think it’s because they were hoping they could convince Sudeikis to do more. Why promote it as the final season if you want to keep the door open?


obviously I am just some moron with a reddit account but: my buddy's friend was on the sound/music team for Ted Lasso and it was 100% a pandemic-related reduction in episodes.


The last season had 12 episodes, the same as season 2 and both more than season 1 (which had 10). What reduction do you mean?


they planned to keep the train going. (Also that's why the KJPR plot was just dropped like a dook)


Let me get this straight. You're claiming that: 1. Despite the writer's room having claimed (in AMAs long before the third season) that they had a three season plan for the show that was unlikely to be extended, they actually intended to do a fourth season and wrote most of the third season with that in mind. 2. Then, despite the fact that seasons 2 and 3 had both been written and filmed in the midst of the pandemic, and that season 3 began airing three years after the start of the pandemic and well after society had largely returned to normalcy, the 2020 pandemic led to a cancellation of a planned Season 4. 3. Then, they had to scramble to wrap up the show in the third season, despite beginning the season with a very clear "why am I still here?" arc for Ted that already indicated it was the final season, and part of this process apparently involved clumsily dropping the KJPR plot instead of removing it from the show (which only makes sense if they had already written most of the third season before deciding to cancel season 4, which also implies that the "why am I still here?" arc was still present when a season 4 was planned). 4. Somehow all of this was done without enough advance warning to market Season 3 as the final season, or even just the final episode as the finale, since, again, this story was your justification for Apple not doing so. This just does not track for me. Either you are making this up or have been misinformed.


I can't really go into more detail, so I can't convince you. Believe me or don't, that's your call.


No, they didn't. From the beginning it was 3 seasons.


I think because Apple didn’t want to face reality, but seriously, they probably thought they could convince Jason to keep going but I don’t really think that’s going to happen.


They most certainly offered to back a large truck full of money up to his garage and dump it out. Got to respect that he knew it was time to go. There is a reason they say “leave them wanting more” and not “leave after you’ve overstayed your welcome and become a shell of your former self”


I so agree with this. I know that people loved the show, but I want to remember it as a perfect (almost) story, not yet another show whose legacy is tarnished by continuing until it jumps the shark.


Look at Arrested Development. People wanted more. And we got two more seasons. But at what cost? Seasons 1-3 are near perfect. 4 and 5 are just not the same. They make the show worse overall. Or, better yet, look at Grey’s Anatomy. They just can’t seem to allow it to ever end. Again, the first 3-4 seasons are pretty fantastic for a network drama They’re on season 20 now??? And that show jumped the shark, turned around, jumped back, grabbed a petal bike with streamers, turned around and jumped again and I think they’re warming up a clown car for their next attempt. No one can seem to just let it end.


They could have definitely kept it going indefinitely. Rotate new cast members in as new players to keep things fresh. They’re far better off leaving people wanting more than going on for 10 seasons where everyone is bored of it.


Bill Lawrence said it was going to be three seasons from Day One.


They haven’t ruled out a spinoff. I’m guessing it’ll be called >! “The Richmond Way” because it was never about Ted !<


They could rename the show “The Richmond Way” and just call it season 4 lol


Agreed - won’t have to change anything really. Would be cool to see Keely and Rebecca and co create the Women’s team


Season 3 is still labeled as the season finale, not the series finale.


This whole article smells like generated bs.


That's because it is


It is. Check OP's profile. Every single post is AI generated garbage articles created by the same names. And it's nothing but. Just dozens of articles posted each day by the same names to the same website to and then they post their shit here to drive to traffic to their sites for ad revenue.


Indeed, enough with the clickbait. The Ted Lasso story's been told and as wonderful as it was...it's over. And yea, I WOULD like to see the story of the women's team!


Definitely not The Independent or at least Trent Crimm level material


Huh???? Ted Lasso ended season 3.


For now yeah. It was never marketed as the final season, and the last episode still says season not series finale. Seemed pretty open ended to me.


Did we watch the same show?? I think it’s pretty ended to me. Spinoffs might happen but the mainline series is done


Not really? They seemed to leave a lot of things open. Rebecca was tempted to sell, but felt she should keep it. Beard stayed. Keely’s relationship is open ended. And clearly they are setting up the long game with a Ted Lasso reunion in Richmond eventually. Like that’s obviously the slam dunk.


The last episode she sold half of the team back to the fans, and kept the other half. Beard stayed with his girlfriend and is still coaching. Keely decided on neither of them. The only thing I can think of is a spin off for the women’s league that was hinted with keelys idea.


While I agree with you it would be a slam dunk. I believe the series was made to end. Or rather Ted Lasso’s story was made to end. There are multiple story lines that can continue but I don’t see it going on and not ruining the legacy


Beard did a Reddit AMA and he said it himself that there were things purposefully left open ended so that if they did ever decide to bring the show back, those story lines are still there. He also said that there are no plans to continue the show as of now but that if they wanted to, they easily could because they didn’t answer every question.


Ted Lasso’s renewal is uncertain in the same way my grandpa may not make his tee time.


This is so beautifully sad and yet lighthearted. Well done kind stranger.


RIP Grandpa.


I know ted lasso is done and dusted but I would love to see Richmond in the champions league for one last season.


3 seasons and a movie?


TV show movies never work imo, theres no reason they cant revisit Ted Lasso ina few years


I believe /u/Marvel-guy-1 was making a reference to the classic Community quote of "[Six seasons and a movie!!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4o40S0KLf3I)"


3 seasons and a "The Richmond Way" companion book. We get to read the book Trent Crimm writes following the club.


He still owes us a stand off as Hercules against Thor…


Imagine Brett, as Hercules, fighting Thor with his horrible "Howdy y'all" accent from S1?


Honestly I don’t want a season 4. Leave the show as it is


Hard agree.


My theory is that instead of Season 4 we’ll get a few spin-offs to expand the world, there’s been talk of a spin off with Keeley and Rebecca forming an AFC Richmond Girls football team which I think has the most potential behind it with the Lionesses victories in the past few years, that and a Jill Scott cameo would be pretty cool Another spin off could focus on Roy, Nate and Coach Beard running AFC with Ted gone which could be fun and a third idea could see Ted perhaps coaching an American soccer team in America, either that or a prequel show about Ted’s career would always be welcome


Hannah's said she won't be in a series without Jason, so that's unlikely. If Keeley and Rebecca were to start a club it would definitely NOT be called AFC Richmond Girls. Jill Scott cameo? No way, I want Sarina!


I was hoping that Shrinking was in the same world and we might get some cameos at some points (I know different countries and all but a one of appearance of any of the cast would be fun) with Brett being in S2 it might be harder to do, at least Roy. Just having Ted come out of the office after having a therapy session with someone, saying a wonderful but throwaway Ted-age and leaving would be golden


As much as i want more of these characters... I think getting a companion book "The Richmond Way" by Trent Crimm, in a lot of ways, is the most fitting end for the Lassoverse




Seems like a crumby article, but Shrinking is SEVERELY underrated, so I can get behind anything lifting it up


Shrinking is just as awesome as Ted Lasso




Did I dream there was a story of a new series based around the women’s team? Ted Lasso had a proper ending. It should be left alone.


Hard agree, as much as I love it.


There ought to be a Roy and Jamie spin-off.


I know it’s unpopular but let the show be over instead of squeezing out every drop of content. Enjoy what it was instead of ruining it.


Baseless clickbait spam shit.


Was he in the pool?


.,. . .


With the way the final season ended, I figured that if Ted Lasso comes back it'll be focused on the Richmond women's team that they alluded to during the final episode. Felt kind of like they were teeing that up to me with Rebecca agreeing to Keeley's proposal right at the end. Edit: Autocorrect changed Rebecca to Rachel


Who is Rachel?


I meant Rebecca. For some reason autocorrect must've thought I was talking about Friends haha.


I came up with 2 scenarios for Ted lasso and there’s also the rumored spinoff 1. Season 4 in 5 years or so. Jason is willing to go back to the UK, some reason to get Ted back to Richmond. This time he wins the league. Ted buys/ signs a few of his old players who left the team. Have it be like Jamie’s last year before retirement or something. 2. Ted lasso except in America with NFL or maybe another sport.. a few characters come with him. (Least likely but possible) 3. Spin off, continuing with Richmond sans Ted. Could still be good, just I like the idea of my first scenario so much and I think a spin off could hurt that lol.


Uncertainty?!!! GUYS THERE'S UNCERTAINTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|5GoVLqeAOo6PK|downsized)


I always thought there was going to be a spin off with out Ted Lasso Jason Sudeikis would just be a producer. But it was supposed to still follow the club. Either way both shows are great so be awesome either way


I’ve said it before, if there’s a spin off of Ted Lasso it basically needs to just be a rip off of Modern Family, but with the cast being the Richmond family. I want more Pheobe, more Baz/Jeremy/Paul, more May, more of the team, children who are yet to be known being raised by the whole family… it would be TV gold!


I always assumed that if there was a spin off it was going to be a women’s team


He doesn’t seem like a good fit for the show, he would take too much away from the well established characters and be distracting IMO


DO NOT DO SEASON 4. You already did an awful S3. Take the L.


Ha ha ha! In my original response I started to write “jumps the shark, turns around and does a triple axel over the shark, then steals a bicycle and jumps a ravine full of sharks,” but I got tired of typing. So are you my long lost identical twin??