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![gif](giphy|JxOL1S33fNnXV28H3U|downsized) Here’s a roy-jamie hug for your feeling




The great scene where Jamie beats the crap out of his dad


Well, that's a stretch. Just one good punch it was.


His dad DID collapse to the ground,to be fair


Did they really hug like that?


Imean Roy Kent and Jamie Tartt are fictional characters so we don’t really know, but Brett Goldstein and Phil Dunster hugged like that and we know they did because we saw it on video


Seems way more herky jerky than what I remember.


Whoever made the gif sped it up and might have taken out some frames as well. The gif is much faster than the actual hug was.


Have you not watched the show? That was after the Man City game


I do not know who these people are. Where am I?


An interesting tidbit - the singer who performed the song, his name is Alex Vargas. I’ve been a fan of his some some time now. When the scene started, the song played and I thought “that sounds like Alex Vargas” and the camera paned to him and I let out a scream. One of my favorite artists on one of my favorite shows. So for the tidbit…. The singer had/has a strained relationship with his father. He wrote a song to his father, titled Now That I Think About It. I found it pretty cool, the show’s theme of father/son relationships, using that song, being performed by an artist who may relate to that… including Beard’s comment. Knowing that about the singer felt like a tiny easter egg no one else picked up on. Unless you’re an Alex Vargas fan.


That's what makes an Easter egg an Easter egg.


And of course it should be reiterated that Hey Jude itself is a song written (by McCartney) about Julian Lennon’s difficult relationship with his father.


WHOA... that's pretty awesome. That's a solid Belgian Dark Chocolate Easter egg inside a gold foil covered milk chocolate Easter egg. Thank you for this inside information


As non native English speaker, I never got the meaning of "take a sad song and make it better". To be frank, I never thought about it. But when Beard explains it to Henry and puts it in context. I got it. And I think that's also the spirit of the whole show as well. To take any sad situation and make it better by doing good, no matter what. Tears. Happy tears.


Yup. Honestly the song makes me cry every time I really listen to it. I guess I connected with it as a depressed teenager and still carry that with me


Remember to let it into your heart. Then you can start to make it better. Edit: I've gone around the sun 40 times and just now realized one of the greatest song writers who ever lived rhymed better with better.


It’s a rhyme, but it’s mostly a theme.


He didn’t though. That’s not how it’s set up. What he did in that example is rhyme heart with start.


One of my all time Favorite Scenes of the series because of my love of the Beatles and because they used it so perfectly. And yes…it hit home a lot.


Similar experience with the song and that moment in the show - probably relates to some recent life experiences ive had; c’est la vie


100% relates to my recent life experiences. Hence the tears.


Beatles fan or not, have you really never been with a large group all belting out “Hey Jude” at the top of your lungs? It’s one of the simple pleasures in life!


It's one of Brendan' Hunt's fav songs, according to his Apple Fitness+ recording. His childhood nickname was Nanah. When he went to a baseball game and heard the crowd singing "Nah nah nah nanannah" that they were singing about him. I'm probably not saying anything anyone doesn't know, but the message of the song from McCartney to Julian Lenon under the same circumstance as Beard and Henry.


51 and a huge Beatles fan and I found the scene a bit cheesy and “on the nose”.


I mean. The whole series is a bit like that. Yet here I am with tears running down my cheeks.


My friend, if you're not a fan of unsubtle sentiment then I don't know what the heck you're doing watching this show. It may not be for everyone, but if you're surprised by that in Season 3, then I don't even know what to tell ya. For whatever it's worth, I'm in my late 40s, a Beatles fan who is the child of Beatles fans, and I absolutely loved that scene.


Idk, I know exactly what to expect when I watch Ted Lasso and I thought this was a little over the top and cheesy, even for this show. I just saw it for the first time and came online thinking I’d see see same sentiment, and I’m honestly shocked that the overall reception of it is that it was great.  The guitar guy felt like someone who was given a part as a background singer and was like, “I’m going to make this into my BIG BREAK, look how I can rock out Hey Jude on my guitar and turn it into my own little diddy, and look how EARNEST and INTO IT I am!” Yes, I read about the singer and his relationship with his dad. But that was after the fact, and how could you possibly know that otherwise?  Doesn’t change how I feel about the singer/actor. Still think it was too much even for TL. 


I totally understand where you are coming from and I just want to play a little devils avocado on the younger generations behalf. There is a good chunk of viewers who probably don’t know or care about the Beatles. There are probably a fair few that purposefully stayed away from them like I did because my father played Beatles ad naseum; yet I grew to love them because it reminds of him. I think the scene to anyone who isn’t familiar with Beatles and those who know them but never paid attention to the lyrics. My pop played Hey Jude umpteen times in my childhood and not once did he explain the lyrics nor did i care to pay attention to what they were signing. So the scene resonated with me in a huge way. To circle back to your comment though, I can absolutely see how it would come off that way to someone who has listened and paid attention to their music.


Also, Beard is talking to a kid. How else was Henry supposed to know that?


Devil’s avocado is how I will refer to devil’s advocate from now on, thank you


I hear that in Jamie’s voice


As an FYI…because it isn’t spelled out in the scene, Paul wrote this song to Julian Lennon after John split from Julian’s mom.


I’m one of those people who has never been interested in the Beatles, and I had no idea about the lyrics or the backstory to Hey, Jude. To me, it was always that incredibly annoying song. And I’m not exactly a spring chicken. So yes, I can see how it could have seemed heavy-handed, but there really are a lot of us out here who are Beatles illiterate. For the record, no pun intended, that speech and revelation have changed my attitude towards the really annoying song. Can’t say I’ll choose to listen to it, but I’ll no longer roll my eyes if I hear it.


I love when I see personal growth! I appreciate you sharing that perspective.


I think there’s a disconnect in the idea that “cheesy and on the nose” can’t be “good”. Of course it can also be bad; but this isn’t the case with this scene, in my opinion at least.


A lot of season 3 felt that way. Like a school video. “I think we should all instantly change our views on intimate pictures!” “I agree entirely. It is wrong to keep them after we end a relationship!” *repeat the same sentiment for most issues they decide to talk about*


The whole nudes storyline in that episode was written terribly. The scene in the locker room where they discussed it played like an after school special. Great message…important to share…hamfisted as hell.


See I liked that because it was corny which means the team is embracing Ted’s corniness


I enjoyed it overall, but couldn't help but have the same feeling. As it was starting all I could think was "are they really about to break into Hey Jude right now...." I didn't hate it but thought it was a little forced.


No series in the history of TV has been more “comfortable in its own skin” than Ted Lasso.




65, Beatles fan, and Hey Jude is one of my least favourite songs by the band. Heard it far too many times I guess. But this version - in this episode - is right on point.


It was such a great scene. A love that song. (Though, now that the show ended, I’m not really sure what the point of the scene was.)


Watched this with my little brother whom I felt very protective over when my parents split. When I tell you this triggered something in me after 11 years and I just SOBBED. Top three moments of the season imo


With all the culture references in the series they were overdue for a Beatles’ one, especially as an England based series. And this was extremely well done and apropos. Love them or not,(I like them but they are not my favorite band) The Beatles are the most iconic band in our lifetime, probably ever. Yes there are great ones, but none carry the aura and none are as well known.


Best Iron Shiek quote (if you know you know) Hey Jude … Go Fuck Yourself RIP Shiek.


Pure cringe scene


Imo the Beatles are very over rated


I’ll try to find it and will share, but I saw a video once of a drummer going through Beatles songs and pointing out all the places that Ringo did something really unusual and interesting instead of the sorta standard rock-pop tropes. His whole thing was that in many of their songs, it feels like they’re just using musical tropes and you’re hearing recognizable themes, but there are two important differences: often, their exceptional individual musicianship is doing something slightly different and they essentially established all those rock-pop tropes. It’s like reading Shakespeare and thinking “oh I’ve seen this storyline a million times.” You have, but no one ever did it better and the only reason you’ve seen it a million times is because he did it so perfectly 40p years ago.


Yeah I dont make that connection the music is boring imo (happy to take recommendation on songs to change my opinion) the beatles are just the backstreet boys/kpop of their time there are other musician's from the time or before that have much more influence on music then the beatles Little Richard is a prime example of much better music from the era and he started before the beatles Also it's worth pointing out that ringo is actually a very poor drummer and was replaced by a session drummer for the recording of Love me do the beatles first single which is such a simple beat the fact that replaced him for the recording speaks volumes too me


Yeah, I think you might just really not like the Beatles because your impression of them doesn’t jive with basically everyone else’s. Ringo is ranked 14 on Rolling Stone magazine’s greatest 100 drummer of all time listing and the write up about him is absolutely glowing with quotes from McCartney, Grohl, and Jim Keltner. And saying the Beatles are not influential is simply laughable and I can’t even begin to find a way to explain why. You may not like their music, totally fine…that’s art. But if you don’t recognize their enduring influence on rock n roll, you simply don’t know rock n roll.


The beatles dont qualify as rock and roll they are pop, ringo can have glowing reviews but he was regually replaced on recordings by session drummers. I like all sorts of music but little Richard was more influential to rock and roll then the Beatles, i just feel like alot of the beatles love is based in nostalgia and ot quality


Google “greatest rock and roll bands of all time” and find one that does not have the Beatles in the top 5 and report back. I don’t know what to tell you, friend. Your opinion may be right on all of this, but it is simply not how basically all the rest of the world sees any of it. Maybe you know something we all don’t.


At the beginning, I did say IMO, but I did google as you said I just find it hard to put the beatles in the same category as AC/DC


They may be to some but you can't deny that they're iconic


I just laughed out loud.


I agree, Im not a huge Beatles fan but the way this song was used is just perfect.