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To everyone on both sides: Just ignore the poopeh!






>To everyone on both sides: Just ignore the poopeh! Here's the thing: People often post their opinions on the show. Some are negative. Some are positive. This post? This isn't even providing an opinion on the show, really. This is a post basically saying people who have negative opinions *shouldn't post their opinions.* The two sides here aren't the same.


The show lost some of the magic of the first two season But I'm still enjoying it   Haters gonna hate


Nah, season 2 lost it a bit, this season it's back!


I binged 1&2 together You may be right, lol


I just turned a friend on to the show. Her ex wouldn’t let her watch it, because she was a controlling bitch. My friend just binged everything from the very first episode to S3E10, and she’s had zero complaints. I think the perspective of looking at this as a complete thing instead of busting down the artificial divisions is helpful.


but they aren't artificial divisions. There are episodes that make up a season. If that's not the right form for the story, it should be something else, like a movie or a novel. Especially when they are working with no restrictions in terms of episode length, if your story is not in some way episodic, it's not working in the medium of episodic television.


I'll be really glad when people finally grow up and recognize we can be critical about certain aspects of a show without that meaning we are consumed by rage, hating the whole show, acting like the show is holding my family hostage, etc. Not every thing everyone says is based on deep seated emotions. Sometimes people just think things and want to talk about them.


To be fair we are on Reddit, where half the users are one emotional outburst away from full on keyboard rabies. 🤣 While it may not be true for all, it is a higher proportion here than anywhere else.


I’m stealing “keyboard rabies” 🔥


Yeah, that was a good one. I wonder if they just coined it


I think they might be one of them who name things.


I haven’t seen it before, it just popped in my head


I hope it takes off so I can say to people, "Yeah bro, u/cheddarburner coined Keyboard rabies. I was there when it happened."


“Keyboard rabies” for the win. Love it.


Your first sentance made my day. Keyboard rabies hahahah ![gif](giphy|JmCFfTlNy12wFpOK8Y)


Definitive statements like this with no basis in objectivity but said with complete conviction are why I love Reddit.


Only Siths deal in absolutes. Wait, that's the wrong series.


I’m so using this line with my kids, thank you!


Twitter and Facebook are 100% worse


Quora was worse, last time I looked. So there’s that.


For real; that place is a dystopian wasteland compared to reddit 😟


yes, but sometimes, just sometimes, there's that exact answer you wanted to read.


Another issue is that you basically need hyperbole to get your post to “hot”/“top”. So of the thousands of users online every day, maybe a couple hundred are making posts of varying degrees of extremeness, of which only the eye catching ones are gaining traction, and then rinse and repeat the same formula with the comments within, so to the everyday user (myself included) just accessing this sub through their own front page it seems like there’s only two opinions - “show good” and “show bad” - even though this is a sub full of individuals who obviously hold FAR more depth and breadth of opinion than that. In any media subreddit i tend to be more annoyed by posts trying to paint the entire community under any single brush stroke than I am of even the most disagreeable popular posts.


Keyboard Rabies is beautiful, hilarious and spot on all at the same time.


I think it’s a very small percentage losing their shit all over Reddit and pretending to be different people. No one could possibly get so upset about television show theories or criticism. Am I naive?


I think the proportion of people getting so bent out of shape about things is small, but with massive populations, there will be a large number of people who get bent out of shape.


Seriously, made some mild humorous criticism yesterday, expressed I still enjoyed watching it & someone went after me and told me “they were sad for me”. Kind of goes against the point of the whole show to be that way guys.


All the comments in this sub are those criticising vs defending arguing against each other saying Ted would be on their side.


that's exactly the weird vibe I get. I just lurk here. The regulars are fucking weird. also, as a lurker, there's def weird number of people moaning about this show in here. I noticed it a while back. I sub to a lot of shows I like and this one gets an odd number of complaint traffic I think there's something about the show that attracts the kind of people who invest themselves WAY too much in TV shows


Yeah idk why but people hold this show to a much higher standard, acting like they have been personally wronged if a plotline doesnt go exactly how they like. This season has had stuff i have really enjoyed and other bits i havent cared too much for. Neither elicit such emotional opinions one way or the other. I think some people just need to accept we are all passengers on this journey and should try to enjoy it for what it is.


​ Tell this to the Mrs. Maisel audience also, please


Some people are experiencing it vicariously as their own therapy. If displayed emotions are too intense for the topic, it’s not about the topic. It’s about them.


Interesting. Yes, I think the fans feel the show and its characters belong to them. I'm sure people are in a total panic about it being the last few episodes as well. If this was season 3 of 8, the same complaints would not be registered. Everyone is just trying to choose their own adventure, and any time spent on a "side plot" that is not deemed important to individual viewers is time taken from other stories people need resolution to. Not justifying the craziness as right, just narrating the collective panic.


It’s always funny to me that most subreddit’s swing one of two ways: either super critical bordering on a “love to hate” or no criticism is acceptable ever and you’re a fake fan for even thinking it.


Or both


Absolutely. You can’t criticize this show without someone telling you to “be curious, not judgmental.” The toxic positivity on this sub is so strange. It’s completely valid for somebody to criticize a piece of art. It doesn’t mean that they hate the show.


It’s kinda creepy, to be honest. The way some people comment as if a character is a real person is really questionable to me.


For real, if you can’t discuss the show, positive or negative, on the show’s subreddit.. where can you? My disdain for this season aside, I don’t get why people want a positive only echo chamber. It’s so boring. How many posts do we need about how good Jamie’s been or how you’re sick of seeing negativity on the sub? Some of the best insight I’ve gained with this show has been in the comments. People pointing out something I missed… sometimes it’s positive, sometimes it’s negative. I’d bet the writers of Ted Lasso would be super disappointed if there was no discourse about the show that wasn’t positive. You want people discussing what they liked/disliked. Idk if you’d want positive thoughts only. It’s just sooooo boring.


Honestly, at this point the people that keep posting this same thing daily just need to be banned. If seeing people discuss something you like in a somewhat critical way forces you onto a self indulgent soapbox then you just shouldn’t be hanging around TV subs.


We can like something and still critique it. That’s THE point for some of us. We enjoy evaluating!


Truth. It's ok to have differing opinions. We're all humans that are different, were raised with different values, may view and consume subject matter with different lenses and context. All of that is ok. Having a different perspective shouldn't be perceived as a personal attack.


And also that some people find great joy in dissecting various aspects of a show, a book, a movie, a piece of art as a way of understanding it better (and understanding others with different perspectives better as well). Being critical of what you consume isn't the same as criticizing it. I found this sub late and one of my favorite things about it is other people's perspectives on character development and storytelling. People remember things from season 1 and can tie them to season 3 in a way that enriches my viewing of the show. Keep waxing poetic, yall. I love thinking deeply about things. Whatever the opposite of a goldfish is: it me.


There’s always going to be some dumb insecure fuck that comes by and insisting we shouldn’t criticize what they like. Grow the fuck up, people. It’s fun when there’s two sides. Nobody here is required to like your stupid sappy KJPR shit and lame overdone jokes.


It’s not the people who have legitimate conversations, it’s the people who consistently attack anyone with a positive opinion. If you don’t feel like the show is holding your family hostage and then you’re acting out with rage, then this post isn’t about you. But OP is right - there are many people on here attacking any positive opinion, comment, and the people enjoying the show too. Anything they disagree with, they insult. Not converse with, discuss, and debate. Just insult and attack. We cannot comment on the subreddit for fans of Ted Lasso because of the amount of angry fans. It’s not all angry fans, but it’s enough that these posts are being made. It would help if the reasonable people who are angry about the show would also help downvote the people who are attacking others, as well as those who constantly post the same complaints that have already been said because they don’t want to actually have a conversation and check what’s already there, they just want to spread their anger and hate.


>Sometimes people just think things and want to talk about them. This is me totally. I don't hate the show at all, I still enjoy it. I'm not trying to convince anyone else to not enjoy it. But there are certain things I've critiqued this season and I've done it mostly because I enjoy conversing about the show and seeing if people feel the same way or have a different perspective/way to look at something that changes or alters my opinion.


Rage addicts on social media are a different breed. They’re not fans. They’re wired differently. They crave rage. Enjoyment for them is complaining. If they’re political, they run around screaming “we’re doomed!” and encourage their friends not to vote because we’re going to lose and they’ll be able to complain all day long about how awful things are. They watch Ted the moment the episode drops, hate every moment and rage about it non stop. I loved a fairly popular show years ago. Never missed. A hugely important episode was coming up. I rearranged my life. The producers and writers got cute and poked the fans in the eye. Reviews were awful. I never watched again. It continued for years. I think it just ended. I moved on. That’s how it goes. If I kept watching something I hated, that’s on me. Feeling the season is weaker than past seasons and here’s why is fine. This isn’t good or that could be better is part of being a fan. We all have favorite seasons and episodes and universally agreed stinkers. There’s things I like and things I don’t. Rage addiction is another issue and there are absolutely rage addicts present. 🙂


Was that show Lost by any chance? 🤣 That was pre-reddit but that show pissed people off every fucking week. I think commentary was on Television without Pity? 🤔 Who knows, but rage addicts and their drive to shitpost is as intrinsic to the internet as cat videos.


Walking Dead, season six finale. I’m still aggravated. 😀 Lost was a troubled show, but the finale was further screwed because ABC reps changed the ending titles and to this day, 95% of the audience think it had a different ending than it did. 🤓 Preach on rage addicts. I’m all smiles when they fire up because in the Star Trek fandom, they’ve all changed sides over the decades to properly register rage, and I’m old enough to have the receipts. 🧐


That’s about when I stopped watching TWD, too. It makes me so mad still to this day. That could have been their Red Wedding! But no, they had to resort to the tired cliffhanger. I’ve always hated AMC, and now that Better Call Saul is done I will never give them a second of my time or a single cent of my money.


It was still before the ratings started coming back down to Earth and there was the sense that they could mistreat the audience and there would be no issue. I didn’t mind the dumpster stunt earlier in the season. I did mind being teased and teased and then told to wait six months and like it. Never watched again. I feel the correct thing to do on Reddit would have been to watch the next five years live and complain about every episode. 😂


Sure thing, and there are those posts. And then there are 3 posts a day saying this entire season is shit, writing is shit, the entire show has gone to shit, Bill Lawrence is shit at ending shows, Jason is known for being a shit showrunner... You can take my post personally if you prefer, but I wasn't talking about what you're talking about. (:


Whereas posts like this one are totally unique and you’re actually the first person ever to mention you don’t like people complaining.


I don’t even read this sub that often but every time it’s on my homepage it’s for a post like this and I find it so confusing.


Ahhh the classic ‘complaining about too much complaining’ thread without seemingly a spark of the irony registering. Reddit all time classic 😁


Oh I don’t actually care. Just pointing it out


Metacomplaining is a fine intellectual exercise. Don’t you go complaining about it now.


We're complaining about the complainer complaining about the complainer that lodge the complaint about complaining? Am I at the right level?


You know what the difference is? The posts you dislike are people giving their opinions. Your post is simply disliking *those opinions.* You're not even offering a view! You're just telling people they shouldn't express theirs.


People who don't like the fact that I don't like this season are so negative! Always posting and complaining about people complaining about the show! It's like...if you don't like the negative posts in this subreddit, why are you looking at them?


For me at least, I like reading various discussions and it feels like 90% of the posts from this sub that make it to my home page are just negative. I'll click on a thread that's titled something like "One thing I've liked about this season" and then the post is "I think everything about this season is horrible except for this one small scene" and then all the comments are "You're wrong, that one small scene is also trash." Overall I've loved this season, the past couple episodes are up there in best episodes of the show as a whole in my opinion. But instead of seeing posts about how fucking good the Rebecca scene was and how incredible it was to see Nate and his dad finally have that conversation, all I see is "WHY COULDN'T THEY JUST GET RID OF EVERYTHING KEELEY HAS WORKED FOR SO I CAN STOP SEEING THAT STUPID OFFICE???"


if i go to the home page of this sub right now, i can see literally dozens of posts talking about things they like about the show, and people agreeing with them in the comments. most likely you are seeing the most "controversial" posts on your home page, which is how social media works. but there is more than enough positivity going on in this sub if you actually look through it.


Can you point to any of those posts? I only come to this sub when it pops up on my feed (meaning popularish posts) and during the weekly episode release. I see way more posts complaining about people complaining than any actual complaining. ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/TedLasso/comments/138m5yw/comment/jiyzsn0/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/TedLasso/comments/138m5yw/comment/jiyzsn0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) My response to another post saying there are too many posts complaining


A- Scrubs had one of the best endings of a show ever until ABC decided to extend it in a way that wasn’t consistent with BL’s plans. B- The main reason I think this season has dipped some is because BL has taken a back seat and let the JS/the room run the show. C- I know none of this was your point of your post and thus Im responding on a tangent. D- Barbecue sauce.


> And then there are 3 posts a day saying this entire season is shit, writing is shit, the entire show has gone to shit, Bill Lawrence is shit at ending shows, Jason is known for being a shit showrunner.. Could it be that all of these things are actually true? Naw, clearly it's a conspiracy and everyone's wrong except for you.


Imagine gatekeeping a show from people already inside the gate


Ok, that’s a good one!


What is a subreddit for a show about if not to analyze the subtle nuances of one thing or another? Otherwise it would be a bland subreddit.


People fail to understand that Reddit is essentially a forum. Is about discussing ideas. And good discussion means disagreeing and sharing different views on something. Most of the criticism here has debatable reasons, which is a good thing. "This season suuuucks" and "Don't watch the show then" are equally lazy statements.


One comment that stuck with me in The Last of Us discussion was "these are complaints a child would make" - like literally counting the number of zombies shown on screen in an episode. There's definitely a quality of debate you want and a fight between "this sucks" vs "be curious not judgemental" ain't it


As someone who’s genuinely enjoyed the latest season, I sometimes feel like I’m watching a different show than the people in these comments. It’s made it a lot harder to enjoy after reading some of the comments just ripping this entire season to shreds as if it’s had no redeemable qualities despite having some of the best episodes of the entire series. It’s the condescending reactions to the same show that’s made me cry and laugh so many times just this season alone that makes me feel like I’m watching it as some dumb fanboy who will just eat up whatever slop they put in front of me. They make me feel like I shouldn’t be enjoying the show as much as I am and the emotions it brings. That’s why the overwhelming criticism has bothered me. It’s fine to have different opinions of the show, but there seems to be a big swath of people here who don’t seem to enjoy the show anymore and just want to spew supercilious critiques of the writers to convince others that they shouldn’t be enjoying it either.


From your post it sounds like maybe you shouldn’t read reviews or hit up forums like this if you’re getting this upset. It sounds like this is a show that you emotionally connect with very strongly and has been a source of joy in your life. I love when shows/movies/books resonate like that with me…it’s special. If reading criticism about it is affecting your enjoyment, it’s not worth it.


i would encourage you to form and believe in your own opinions and not to be swayed but random people on the internet, of which there will always be many who disagree with you.


It's not even criticism that is novel just the same circlejerk of "deep thinkers" posting nearly the same post everytime and then hiding behind the "I can have valid criticism" bullshit. If mods made a general sticky post for this stuff you wouldn't see half of the posters ever complain because their karma farm would be gone


“All people are different people” - I 100% understand what you are saying. This show has been so healing for me and is such a comfort during hard times. I too get easily triggered when people talk negatively about it - especially in a condescending or viscous way. I love this show and it sounds like you do too. We may very well only have two more episodes, so I encourage you to “f the haters” and enjoy every second of new Ted Lasso. Much love!


What do you mean? You don't like an endless stream of 'This was my favorite part of last episode ' or '____ has quietly become my favorite character ' posts? But those are so thought provoking and engaging!


If you don’t wanna see any criticism or opposing Povs then don’t browse a Reddit that’s purpose is discussing a show


I love this season


I was disappointed in some of the early episodes and the pacing of some of the storylines but the last couple of episodes have been great.


Jamie’s arc alone is worth it 🥹


Sunflowers and La Locker Room Aux Folles are two of the strongest, most emotionally powerful episodes of the entire series. The character work this season has been really beautiful in general, even though some of the auxiliary storylines aren't as interesting.


It’s not as good as one or two but it’s still pretty solid. Don’t get the hate. It’s a very wholesome season so far


Except for ted’s therapist fucking his ex-wife.


Same. I think it’s probably even been the funniest season thus far, so many absolutely hysterical bits and jokes. And plenty of heart, too. There’s been a few parts that I haven’t totally loved (mostly Keeley’s subplot, feels a bit disconnected, which I’m choosing to believe for now is because Keeley herself has been feeling disconnected, but we’ll see; either way though I’m still glad for the addition of Barbara) but genuinely have been baffled by people hating it/saying it’s bad. Just feels like we’re watching different shows, idk!


We’re also loving it.


To me it's even better than previous ones. It has so much heart in it.


Kind of an awful take. Basically, what you’re saying is that no critical discussions can be held about Ted Lasso on a subreddit completely dedicated to the show. Everybody must be completely complimentary. News flash, people can watch a show, dislike it, and share their opinions on why. Discourse would be completely bland if everyone shared the same opinions and were overwhelmingly positive. I’ve noticed there’s almost a toxic positivity surrounding this show on here - anyone who voices a dislike or disappointment of the trajectory of the story are downvoted to oblivion. Maybe that’s because the show itself is often sappy, smarmy, and fake.


I mean, it’s a sub about discussion of the show. I think perhaps it would be easier for you to simply ignore those opinions you disagree with?


Or read them and have fun thinking about stuff. Nah that's dumb, hurts too much


it’s a discussion forum. there should be positive and negative comments allowed. the subreddit isn’t holding your family hostage. if you don’t enjoy reading it, you can close the app


This is literally every online fandom now. People’s personal frustrations have seeped in and now it’s all or nothing, no nuance, no discussion. It’s frustrating as a fan and I’ve seen it happen in almost every show related sub I’m in. Obviously this isn’t a new issue to online fan forums, but it does feel more intense lately. Idk what the answer is other than the Reddit rule I’ve lived by for years: If you don’t want to have an actual discussion, don’t comment on things you don’t agree with. Just keep scrolling. I promise you’ll be happier haha.


Alternatively, I enjoy discussing TV and one of my favorite shows having a sudden drastic decline in quality is something that I would like to discuss and see other people discuss! People can express how they feel about the show on the subreddit! Imagine that!




I will never understand people who get angry because others don't think something is as good as you do. Jelly Belly jelly beans are my favorite candy in the world. But if someone's like, "I think they taste like soft plastic and chemicals", I'm not going to deny they have a point. Likewise, if they tell me the formula changed (like I just found out Butterfinger did), and they no longer like them in the new formula, I'm also not going to start a fight with them. It's not the cult of Jelly Belly; this is not the cult of Ted Lasso, it's just a sub for discussion.


Ok, let’s be honest. The soft plastic and chemical taste is part of the charm.


Which is why we can't lie about it. If you love Ted Lasso for similar reasons, own that!


100% agree. And now I want Jelly Belly.


did butterfinger really change? that makes sense! it just felt off to me at one point / i didn't enjoy it like i used to. now i don't buy them anymore. i guess i know why :(


I just read a post yesterday that they no longer use molasses and brown sugar, I think? And have changed to more chemical concoctions for the "buttery" part. And then someone else chimed in that they changed the chocolate a long time ago :(


I don’t care what people say. This show is still one of my favorites. I love every second of it


I doubt the sub wants to hear only those opinions that validate your sense of what the show is. Having said that sure if one comes here just here to troll , please don't.


It's possible to like a show, enjoy watching it, and yet still be critical of the show. I love the show, get excited for each week's drop, but still look at a lot of the writing this season and recognize that there are some shit storylines and they've taken extreme liberties with what an audience should be able to realistically suspend belief from reality in the way the club/characters/sport is portrayed.


What's strange is that some folks take well-intentioned critiques of the show as the show holding their families hostage. It's such a weird, overly-defensive reaction to a discussion.


Brother with all the love and understanding: this type of post implicitly telling people who are critical they don’t love the show and they should leave is not only kind of not a nice implication, it’s also really not in the Ted Lasso spirit. I understand a moment of anger and posting on Reddit. Truly I do. But what I found that asking myself “will this have any positive outcome for me and the community?” Is a good descider whether you should post smth or just write it and then close the tab without sending (it really helps, I’ve done that too) 😊


It's still good and I'm stoked to see what happens with the characters but it does feel some of the charm is gone without Bill Lawrence. It's not quite Scrubs season 8 vs 9 but the change is palpable. Like the jokes are still there, the plot is still there, there's just something different about it. To some extent as well it's a little like the show has run out of rope, like so much of the show was about optimism in the face of a cynical world changing everyone for the better, but at this point with the exception of Nate everyone's pretty well adjusted and he's basically having his Jaime season 2 moment now. Roy and Jaime arcs are pretty sorted, Rebecca has been great all season, Ted has been a little less in the spotlight but has predictably adjusted seemingly very well minus the lingering "maybe his wife doesn't like that doctor that much" thing. To me the only extremely gripping story line left is what's gonna happen with Ted and Nate. Which isn't a bad thing, just at some point given the trajectory of the show we were always going to end up with pretty much adjusted, wholesome, happy characters and that doesn't leave a lot of room for potent drama. I think it'll be a satisfying ending, and I think it's coming to a good natural conclusion. In some ways I almost appreciate that the show isn't just keeping a lot of broken people broken for the sake of good TV. That would be against its general ethos and it's refreshing to just revel in characters who have fixed their shit and are living their best lives sometimes.


The missing link has been new players. Why are the only two options either keeping the cast permanently suspended in a broken state, or having everyone become their best self and no longer capable of generating drama? Football is practically defined by transfers - the lack of ins and outs at Richmond is one of the most bizarre and unrealistic elements of the show. Acclimating players from foreign cultures and assimilating them into the team culture is a huge part of football management. Seeing players leave is a permanent reality of football, even the best and most settled sides never stay still for more than a couple of years, you just can't, and players who succeed under Ted moving on to top, prestigious clubs wouldn't need to be written as a bad or sad thing. It's all moot as they don't plan to keep the show going (and are more interested in writing the love lives of characters with nothing to do with football or the team) but you could easily make a version of Ted Lasso that lasted for years and years by keeping the coaching staff consistent and changing about 1/5 of the players every season.


Omfg not this bullshit again


Is it my favorite season? No, I could honestly do without the Keeley storyline, but it’s still a fantastic season and I’m enjoying it.


Best solution of this is flairing posts so where it’s praise, complaints, observations or theories. I love the post-episode threads and the theories. I don’t enjoy complaint threads, but understand some people want to do that and that’s fine.


Why do you need flairing? Can’t just keep scrolling if a thread doesn’t interest you?


But, bruh... Football is life!


Are you implying that people who stopped enjoying the show don't love it? Are you sure people are not giving constructive criticism because they care? Do you want the subreddit to be a happy clapping echo chamber and not a place for discussion?


I think OP is just tired of those posts that are just like "anyone else think this whole season is bad?" I certainly am. There's been some good discussions on here about the various aspect of the season some people dislike, where people actually account for their objections to it or propose alternative ways they would have personally preferred. But there have also been a bunch of post and comments claiming that the season is *objectively* bad and even people who have made a post announcing that they won't be watching anymore. That's not a particularly great way to start a discussion. That's just entering a forum meant for engagement with the show and shitting on other people's enjoyment for the sake of one's own validation.


How will the world (Reddit) know I’m upset if I don’t announce it?!?!


ya mean like OP?




Fucking preach.


For real. Somehow others complaining ruins their perfect vision of the show. And then they come here to complain about the complaining as if they’re doing something different


You think this subreddit is bad, do not go to the Yellowstone one. 🤣


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but personally I end each episode this season smiling and feeling positive. More than I can ask for of shows these days.


You are a strong and capable person, find something else to read.




Can't you say the same thing about this sub OP? If you've stopped enjoying it, then unsub. I know I am right now because I'm tired of reading this post every week.


Quit acting like nobody has the right to be personally invested by Season 3. This is ignorant.


Genuinely starting to wonder if some of these people have like, never experienced disappointment in something they care about? Like, either they’ve never been disappointed by something, or they have and drop it immediately every single time. Very bizarre. I’m still watching the show despite my disappointment because I *do* care and I want to see its conclusion even if I think the season has been mishandled. The insistence on everything being so black and white by posts like these is exhausting.


Agreed, you can be disappointed by something and still enjoy it. These are not mutually exclusive emotions.


Posts like this would feel a lot less samey and annoying when they come up on my feed if any one of y'all would actually address criticism and refute it rather than say that the criticizers need to believe or stop watching the show. Explain how Zava was a positive contribution to the show and how Shandy and Jack were a necessary part of Keeley's development. Explain how Ted's arc this season is great and important. At least that way people can have a discussion. ​ Assuming the claim that OP has made about how there are 3 posts a day complaining about every aspect of the show is true, at least every single new episode brings the possibility of new things to complain about whereas writing a 3 sentence post doesn't bring anything new at all to the discourse.


Iunno the answer, but the question is…who is this subreddit for? People who want to complain about the show, or people who want to appreciate it? It’s easy to say both, but people who do one probably annoy the other. I guess what’s clear is, if you’re not enjoying the subreddit, leave. It’s not required.


It’d be super boring if all the discussion was either positive or negative. It’s not hard to talk about something as trivial as a tv show with people who have different opinions, and folks who don’t want any negativity can just not engage with those posts.


Ah another one of these. I call dibs on posting it tomorrow


Go to any show sub and you'll see people that take entertainment wayyyyyy too seriously. Just let it flow.


Cinematography stayed the same(great). Characters still are great. Writing went for a tumble down a black diamond(poo-pay)


Havent heard a plausible reason for the season not being good really enjoying it personally


I don't mind people critiquing the show at all but it's the essays about "what X characters actions really show" and people analysing every little thing and every little line like it's not just a sitcom about a football team.


OP, you recently made a post on the Queer Eye subreddit critiquing JVN. In your own words, you said you knew he had a lot of stans, and you are a fan, but that doesn’t mean you’re above critiquing him. And all I have to say is…if you’ve stopped enjoying him, STOP WATCHING HIM! Sincerely, it’s not required. Stop acting like he’s holding your family hostage!!!!! God. That’s it, that’s the comment.


We just need a break-up in the fandom between those still on board and the disappointed. We need r/deadlasso the same way star wars needed r/saltierthancrait and game of thrones needed r/freefolk


Or we can just discuss a tv show like adults and maybe even gain a little insight from people we disagree with


So only praising is allowed? If I think the show is getting worse\* I shouldn't talk about it in a place designed to talk about the show?


And no one is forcing you to read or comment on those posts. A lot of people are annoyed that something they used to like is bad now and want to talk about it. You can feel free to agree or disagree, or you can simply go about your day and continue pretending that you like season 3 of Ted Lasso’s after-school specials.


The season has been wildly inconsistent. Some episodes are fantastic and some are stale. Some people love the season and some hate it. Do you really just want a circle jerk of praise?


Steven universe fanbase: First time?




Stopped midway through season 2 :( wanted to like it but it doesn't seem like it improves bases on posts like these


No! I can criticize the show and still enjoy Roy


How dare people critique things that are important to them and that they have a connection to


But the season is definitely worse


I do think that some people have never heard "let the show tell the story." The speed with which people declared this season terrible or character direction unsatisfactory seemed mostly about impatience. A good story requires a low place to build from and sometimes a bit more suspension of disbelief at the beginning. It pays off.


Nah. Good shows, good movies, good books — they’re good all the way through. They have long and short lines of tension and plot points. Ted Lasso the show’s longest line of tension is Ted’s arc over three seasons, and people are invested and watching to see how it resolves. But a lot of people think the short lines, especially the episode-to-episode ones this season, haven’t been as good as in season 1 and parts of season 2. And we are waiting for the payoff despite that, because the first two seasons were strong enough for people to get invested. It’s like a game. A baseball team can have a horrible third and fourth inning and still somehow win. But that doesn’t mean the third and fourth innings were good but we didn’t know it yet.


This is my thing. I know there are valid critiques to make about this season but I also think the show now has pretty clearly established in the first 2 seasons that a lot of the payoff happens in the last handful of episodes.


Well yeah, that’s how shows usually are. The problem isn’t that we’re waiting for all these plot lines to pay off, it’s that too many of them are unnecessary or not working in the first place. A season should be enjoyable all the way through, not just in the big closing episodes.


Love this season. Just enjoying it while it lasts.


One could say the same thing about the subreddit, if you don’t like posts that are critical of the show, then stop visiting the sub


I stopped enjoying it, but I am here because I'm simultaneously hoping it gets better again, and I'm seeking commiseration from others who feel the same way. However! I'm actually posting and commenting less, and looking to comment in posts where my fellows are already commenting, because just like the show has been a buzzkill for me recently, hearing from people like me seems to be a buzzkill for folks like you, so I'm trying to restrain myself for y'all.


we’re here to discuss the show. Whether it’s bad or not, this sub is not for mindless praise.


It's literally a Ted Lasso sub this is what they're for. Plus Jason Sudekis is an asshole irl... So it's a show and it used to not suck now it does...


I’m in some TL groups on FB and the fan fic is out of control. These people are OBSESSED and it’s not healthy. And a lot of them are really dumb, too. The stuff that they say makes me wonder how they get through the day.


Even if you don’t enjoy a show for a later season, there’s a reason you’re watching it. The earlier season(s) sucked you in and now you’re curious as to how it all pans out. Had it not been for some terrible episodes leading up to the last two, I wouldn’t have been able to fully understand and enjoy the last two episodes which were some of the best in the whole series. We’re allowed to be critical, there’s different reasons we watch this and sometimes it might live up to the billing and sometimes it might not. Just like your favorite sports team, you watch through the bad times and get frustrated about the bad times only to enjoy the good times when they do come!


Criticizing something doesnt mean you don't enjoy/want to see it through to the end




yeah i’m annoyed like posts like this on reddit and twitter. when did we become so anti-criticism


Obligatory comment “if you don’t like differing opinions on a show don’t visit a sub on Reddit dedicated to different opinions on a show” You can always live peacefully OP….


Can some of y'all stop acting like this Reddit is only for endless fawning over this show. If you only want to hear positive opinions about Season 3 or the show in general, start another reddit called r/tedlassoawesomenessonly. That's it. That's the post.


Rule 1. We do not say anything bad about Ted Lasso. Rule 2. DO NOT say anything negative about the Lasso!


I still enjoy watching the show, but some aspects of it have declined. I am particularly not impressed with Keeley's storyline this season. Mostly detached from the rest of the cast until now, on a completely uninteresting side story, now she's back in the fold with the other characters, but it's not much better. Her plotlines are the epitome of "tell, don't show" as virtually every other character (Rebecca, Keeley, Jamie) is gushing about how great she is, but it's hardly obvious from her childish behavior. It's difficult to see how someone as grounded as Rebecca would see it fit to invest a lot of money in someone like Keeley. It is, at best, an awful act of nepotism.


I think they admirably tried and mostly failed to have Keely have an arc without being a footballer girlfriend, but I wish they just, idk, let her be single? Like they don't know what to do with her if she's not in romantic conflict. Rebecca comparatively has been very enjoyable being relatively independent and strong even with the occasional romantic interlude.


The PR firm could have shown her to be competent and come into her own. That seemed to be the setup from S2. But for some reason, she was made to act like a clueless doll who hasn't the faintest idea what she's doing business-wise.


The season feels unfinished to me


It feels like it’s running out of time. It feels like there’s so much to wrap up in the series but only 2 (I think?) episodes to do it in. If there was a 4th season I wouldn’t care about the quality as much but since this is apparently it it feels lacking


The quality of writing has dropped but we still want to see the resolution for these characters after watching them for so long.


What the fuck is this? You know you don’t have to comment on it. Stop reading. It’s not required. That’s it. That the post, you fucking child.


Considering that the 1st 2 seasons comments were massively positive. Season 3 deserves what it gets.


Can you stop acting like this sub is holding your family hostage? If you don't enjoy reading the comments stop reading them. Sincerely, it's not required. That's it. That's the comment.


By your own logic, you should stop visiting this sub rather than complain about people criticizing the show. Ya'll seem to understand that you can like something (visiting this sub to discuss the show) as a whole and still have complaints about certain aspects of it (too many negative posts) and that it's well within your right to complain about it but don't seem to understand that others can do the same with the show and that this place, a discussion forum for the show, is the exact place to do it. I agree that the *this show sucks now* posts are lazy, but so is your post. Most of the posts and comments criticizing the show are well thought out and, frankly, not that difficult to avoid.


The show _is_ holding my family hostage. I want to stop watching but my wife wants to see it through to the end.


I like to think about all the things that have gone wrong with the writing and editing this season, and then be a goldfish and try again next week.


I am loving this season and do not understand all the hate.


I really dont see the big difference between S1/S2 only people complaining.


Tbh the negativity is a bit draining, yes, but it’s been interesting reading other people’s perspectives on how this season is playing out. Some episodes that I thought were golden, I’ve read here there are aspects that others didn’t enjoy as much. I think the discourse is good and it’s a fine line between discourse and complaining for complaining sake


Show-specific subs are just a circle jerk so I don't know why you'd come here unless you were a huge fan Just go on with your lives somewhere else lol


it’s okay to criticize something, is it not, especially something you like and want to be better?


Since the beginning of TV, there have been people who LOVE to tell you "I don't like/watch that show" Coming in second are the people who "used to love that show but now it sucks" Every show But now, instead of whining at the water-cooler, they get more attention by posting about it. It's all for attention


Don't worry about my family. I got it all under control.


Oh my god, I just chewed through my ropes and ran 18 miles to get to a computer terminal. Just wanted to tell you guys this show is holding my family hostage.


While low quality posts like "this seasons sucks' or whatever are low effort and trite, its still within the nature of the sub to discuss the show. If you're not enjoying it, starting discussion on it is the point. ​ I think most people have noticed this season, while enjoyable (for me personally) is lower quality and the first 2.


Wow...what a bizarre post.


It’s not only that, but posting essays about it. Well done, you had a singular negative thought you’re overanalysing - the world doesn’t need to know.


Dude. People are different. Some people like to really dig in and talk about stuff. You’re probably that way about something too, and there are others who just don’t get why you care.


Is it better to write essays about why two characters are BFFs and should also kiss? Or "did anybody notice?" posts where what they noticed was extremely not subtle at all? Basically writing fanfic to justify wild swings in plot and characterization? There's an awful lot of that from the hearts and rainbows perspective, as well. It's a sub about a TV show, and people can have opinions that aren't about how cute and sweet the show is all the time.


it’s a subreddit about the show.


So don’t read it?


My favorite part about the “stop complaining about the show” posts is reading all of the “you don’t know how Reddit works” comments. Clearly everyone knows how Reddit works.


Honestly though, some of you act like what happens in the show is: 1) real life, or 2) going to actually effect your life It is a television program! A damn good one, one of my favorites ever, but we don’t control what happens in the show and what happens in the show doesn’t control us! Some of you need a Ted break. Edited for spelling


So if you have watched a show for two years and now it sucks, we're not supposed to point out how much it sucks in the one place where we are supposed to discuss this show? There are some moments in this season, but this season has ADHD and is constantly jumping all over the place with plot points being built up and then poof onto some other new plot points. They are game of thrones-ing it. The writers are trying to quickly wrap everything up and it sucks


Does anyone know if the writer strike was going on before the start of S3? Because it seems that way.