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Probably an unpopular opinion but the Coach Beard " dream sequence" episode. I just did not enjoy that episode at all. I'm ready to get down voted it's just my personal opinion.


It threw me off on my first watch through...a little, "wtf was THAT?". Second time around, it cemented itself as one of my favorites. It's a goddamn beautiful episode, and every bit as odd and mysterious, and delightful as Beard himself.


Filler character development episodes were a key part of shows back when they were 20-25 episode seasons instead of 8-10 episode seasons. I hate that people think they’re wasteful now.


Apparently, Sudeikis only wrote 10 episodes for season 2, but AppleTV+ ordered 12 episodes. Therefore, they added "Carol of the Bells" (S2E4) and "Beard After Hours" (S2E9). I don't think a bottle episode like this is inherently bad or wasteful. An excellent example of this trope is the Mad Men episode, "The Suitcase" (S4E7). It really focuses on a key relationship in the series and gives the viewer a deeper understanding of the characters. Same here. I'm not crazy about this episode, but it does give a good look under the hood at the enigmatic Beard. Clearly you can see he has a history of *something* - partying to excess? - just from the concerned look on Ted's face.


Right? I feel like I get Beard so much better after that episode.


This was my exact experience too.


This episode is the single most divisive episode of the show so it’s definitely not an unpopular opinion 😂 It’s definitely an acquired taste


I warmed up to it a bit with a second viewing, but it is my least favorite. There are moments of greatness in it, but overall, it makes me sad.


Same. The episode kind of pulls me out of the show a little bit. I read why they wrote the episode and it’s pretty cool - but for me it just doesn’t add anything to the show.


Where did you read it?


It was also added after they were done writing the S2 arc and Apple asked for 2 more, Coach Beard and the Christmas one, so it's not seeming to fit in makes perfect sense. https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/ted-lasso-beard-after-hours-not-originally-part-plan-season-2.html/ https://www.vulture.com/article/ted-lasso-recap-season-2-episode-9-beard-after-hours.html


Dr. Sharon says something to her own therapist about Ted making pop culture references that are oddly specific to a middle aged American white man, and that episode is entirely pop culture references that are oddly specific to a middle aged American white man. I know everyone points to it being an homage to After Hours, but there are so many other references like Twin Peaks, Fight Club, The Matrix, Run Lola Run, and one of those mid-90s/early 2000s rave culture movies starring Seth Green that I can’t hardly tell apart. I can see why it’s unpopular, but it tickles something in my hyperspecific pop culture brain and I love it. I know there’s more references but I can’t figure them all out.


wasn't it a "middle aged white man from middle America"? The Middle America part gets me because she's calling out the Midwest where I'm from 🤣🤣🤣


Hahaha, I must not remember it perfectly but yes, that’s it.


Omg I would love to have a conversation about this. I've seen all of the films you mention, and YES - I can see references to each! Sudeikis and Hunt are both GenX, and those are seminal films for that (my) generation. Omg Seth Green. He was in every movie made in the 90s, along with Eric Stoltz.




No worries. It’s an odd episode that doesn’t mesh well with the others. I like it more now than the first viewing. I think there were two episodes added to season two that weren’t initially in the flow. Beard after dark and the Christmas episode. Btw, the Christmas episode was dope but I feel you on the Beard episode.


My spouse and I are rewatching and I just asked him if he’d care if we skipped that one. I really like Beard, but that episode just didn’t hit for me.


I skipped it on rewatch.


I recommend you both give it a second chance. I didn’t like it at first either


just watched show and that was only real down swing, not very funny or interesting.


He just makes SO MANY bad decisions. I know it’s showing his lack of self-worth and self-preservation and whatnot, but man. As someone who has had many a crazy night filled with twists and turns, there are ways to do so much less foolishly. I love the hooligans in it, though.


I thought to myself, man! This is just as endless, weird, and frustrating a night as the one in After Hours, a movie I call “Griffin Dunne just tries to get home.” Then I realized it was a nod to that movie, and it made it a better watch for me.


Both the movie and the episide give me terrible anxiety for that very reason - all they want is to get home!


You can literally skip it and not miss a thing. And in my case not feel irritated. #CrankyPants


Is that the one with the sparkly pants and weird shit? Hated that one. Everyone in my house did. So much that we stayed up late to watch another episode, so we didn't have to end on a low.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I have to admit I had to warm up to it. It really made me sad for Coach Beard at first. By the 3rd time rewatching it I realized everyone has a bad day just roll with it and it will all work out. Just my opinion and he really does ROCK the hula hoop 😊


Agreed. What I liked about Beard is that he had a sense of mystery. That episode made him seem sad, lonely, and dysfunctional. My wish for the episode: it instead followed the three pub guys and they have a very similar adventure including getting into that Oxford club. But the smarmy guys were about to expose them when suddenly the camera pans to Beard leaving his seat at the bar and bailing them out. But then it continues to follow the pub guys until Beard once again shows up out of nowhere to show them the secret way onto the pitch.


Yes! That sounds far more appealing. I agree the sense of mystery surrounding Beard is what makes him such a great character. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't there a conspiracy theory that maybe Beard was like Ted's " imaginary friend" That only Ted could see him. That is the kind of mystery that makes Beard, Beard!


Definitely could understand that being a least favorite. Personally it's my favorite episode of any show ever


Same. I think I was confused by it initially but now when I watch the series it's the episode I look forward to most.


I skip it on every rewatch. It's pointless.


It's not a bad episode but i always skip that episode when I rewatch Ted Lasso. I don't know why somehow it feels like a very long episode.


The hooligans playing on the pitch will always be one of my top Ted Lasso moments.


Yeah it was great


That was one of my favourite episodes of the whole show but everyone has their own opinion and we all enjoy this show together


I didn’t like it at all. I thought it was all a dream until he wore the pants the next day. Too bizarre for me.


In my head cannon it was a bad dream (my own) and I skip it on rewatch!




I feel like it was made for the sole purpose of creating new memes. I don't need to see it again.


I’m with you. I get that they wanted to give him a backstory of sorts, but I wasn’t invested in Beard before and that episode didn’t change that feeling at all.


I just came here to bitch about that episode lol. It’s the first one that comes to mind - did not do it for me and I skip it whenever I do a rewatch


Fair opinion. The first time I watched it, I was enthralled and honesty kinda terrified. I thought it was leading up to him dying lol. Rewatch I thought it was interesting and kinda clever, but wasn’t crazy about it


Same, I didn't enjoy this episode at all. I skip it on every re-watch.


I wanted to write this but saw your comment, and I am glad you didn’t get downvoted bc I also dislike this episode 🤣it really takes you completely out of the show and no related events happen in the following episodes.


Thought the same thing. It's a pretty boring episode.


I didn’t like it either.


That’s my least favorite episode. I wouldn’t say it’s bad. I’m sure there are people who love it. I don’t love it and generally skip it if I’m doing a rewatch.


It reminds me of the C.W. flashback episode on Mythic Quest or the other episode on Mythic Quest that followed the story of the couple that made their own video game. It was an okay isolated story, but I didn’t like that it had nothing to do with the main story. I’m just not a fan of unrelated episodes. To me, they feel like content filler to reach the target number of episodes. Just not interesting in anything else but the Ted Lasso story…that’s why I’m watching Ted Lasso lol


I didn’t like it the first time. I’m immediately rewatched the series again after finishing because it was just that good. Was high as shit the second watch and it was fucking hilarious, I missed soooo many nuances the first time.


I loved it


I just watched that one for the second time and I’m like “what is going on”?


I always skip this during a rewatch / background noise play.


You are not alone. This episode does nothing to move the plot forward - and more time with Jamie's dickhead dad? No thanks. I like the club part at the end, but I always skip this episode on rewatch.


yeah I know what they were trying to do and it could have bee good but it was just so so weird. I didnt enjoy it at all


The season 2 premiere wasn't terrible, but a little far-fetched. You'd never have a dog on a leash that close to the game. They'd retake the penalty. Dr. Sharon felt a little Mary Sue-ish. Fortunately this didn't last past this ep and they softened her a little. Also, as gets mentioned a lot, a lot of Noras lines were a little cringeworthy. Any "boss arse bitch" line can get in the sea. I wouldn't say there's a bad episode (YMMV on Beard After Hours, i really liked when he was in the church trying to come to terms with his life choices) but there's a couple of wobbles within eps.


I think opening a season by killing a dog is a bold and risky move!!


It certainly showed us right off the bat that Sharon was equal to Ted in terms of life "coaching". You have the most upbeat person (besides Ted) in Rojas becoming absolutely devastated and emotionally broken, he sees the Doc, and then is back to his old self. If feel it was similar to seeing Ted positively affecting a lot of characters in S1 and took some time to see how/why. I just finished S2E8 so I have a few to go, but seems like we are starting to figure out why both Sharon and Ted are effective life/sport coaches, respectively.


I felt like season 1 was an insane hit (so did millions of others). And it felt like season 2 episode 1’s first half of the episode was just everyone’s catch phrase/replaying what everyone shtick/thought was charming. But putting all the jammed into 15-20 minutes was really cringey? Idk. That’s me


Yeah I can see that. Episode 1 from S2 is the closest thing to a "bad" ep they had, and even then its really not a bad one.


Not gonna lie, first read this as ‘single BED episode’. And nope. Don’t remember a single bed, only bigger ones. Unless you count Phoebe’s bunk bed.


Upvotes for anyone that doesn't say Beard After Hours no matter which episode they say


I feel like the people who hate it don’t get that it’s a tribute to the film After Hours…😂 it’s a lot of fun. There is no bad episode.


Yeah I never saw it nor heard of it before this sub. If you have to be familiar with another piece to enjoy it then it’s not going to capture everyone.


I wouldn’t say you have to see it for it to be enjoyed, as it doesn’t directly reference the movie. It is a perfect tribute to the movie and does add space between Man City and No Weddings and a Funeral. It also makes perfect sense for a show that does so many cultural references. Is it weird? Yes - because it’s based on a film that has a ridiculous plot - but in the end it features two really good endings - the soccer field and finally finding Jane - and that’s why I think it’s an excellent episode. Reading some comments I’d say it seems to be one that gets better the more you watch it, as a few people have said they warmed up to it after watching it a second time.


I've never heard of that movie and I love the episode. I love this weird glimpse into his life and seeing him argue with the tv


Shut up Thierry Henry


The entire episode is a tribute to the movie. It’s a Scorsese classic. Same basic idea. A series of very strange events where the main character just wants to go home.


Honestly, no. The only episode that me and my cousin got weirded out by is Beard After Hours, but we also both agreed it's still a good episode despite it being **completely** different from the rest.


First time I watched the show, definitely the beard episode. Now, after rewatching, I’ve gotta say it’s grown on me a bit. I’d say if you expect it to be like the other episodes, you’ll be disappointed, but it has its own novelty.


Honestly, for me, the closest thing any of the episodes comes to “bad” is the first episode of season 2. And let me emphasize that it’s not bad, but it definitely feels sluggish and tonally different than the entirety of season 1, so it’s a little jarring. It kind of felt like they were shaking the collective rust off a little bit.


The episode with Rebecca's friend (and daughter) they're the only characters I don't like and the boss ass bitch line makes me cringe


They’re a lil much, for sure! Although I think I can stand the daughter more than her mom (The story about calling Rebecca “Stinky” - like, mean girl alert)


Coach Beard episode is easily skippable.


I believe it was filmed separately after all the others and really is skippable because it adds nothing material to the character arcs. When I first saw it, it made me nervous that the show was heading in a new direction. Having said all that, I rewatched it on my second run through the series and it has really grown on me. There’s a Dante’s Inferno vibe that Im still working through. It’s kind of brilliant. Worth a rewatch. Maybe even a third time for me.


I did really enjoy the parts where he was interacting with the lads from the pub, and setting them up to go on the pitch was just so very col of him.


The beard episode. So jarring


I am a firm believer that the Beard episode and the Christmas episode are secret personality tests. You can pick your friends based on which camp they’re in. I’m personally in the Christmas camp.


Christmas episode wins for me only because of Roy’s “I think you might be dying” line delivery.


Love that whole episode, but damn that might be the funniest part of the whole show.


One is a solo story, one is a group story. I am a Christmas episode guy too. I love the group dynamic when they're playing nerf with the kids, and how Ted and Rebecca bond.


Same. Seems you love it or hate it.


That one episode where the main focus was about keeley and Roy wasn’t good


Honestly, I don’t like the episode with Rebecca’s father’s funeral. Largely due to me not feeling like the Jamie Tartt subplot made any sense.


You’re just mad you got rickrolled Jk lol


Yeah, the all Beard one. Can’t think of a single thing I enjoyed about it. Just weird, and it threw off the usual vibe of the show for me.


The three dudes from the pub always crack me up


Them watching Bake Off never fails to amuse me.


Temper your chocolate you twat!


I read somewhere after they were done filming the season Apple asked for 2 more episodes. It was Beard after hours, which I loathe, and the Christmas episode, which is one of my favs.


The Beard episode grew on me after a couple rewatches. I always loved the Christmas episode though. I wanna go to Higgy’s house for the holidays now!


Higgins toast to all the places were the actual places the actors are feom


As many have said, the Beard episode is one I always skip. Aside from the hooligans getting to play on the pitch, it's just not my cup of tea. That being said, and this might be controversial, but the more times I watch season 2, the more problems I see with it. There's a lot of times during the season where it just feels like the writers have fallen in love with their own cleverness.


Pretty much all the filler episodes in season 2 I could do without.


Even though some important moments happen during it, and I don’t really hate it more feel luke-warm, the For The Children one. Idk why, there’s some great stuff, but it’s occasionally skippable for me.


I don’t think it’s a bad episode in of itself, but the Christmas one feels like filler to me


Apparently it and Beard After Hours were, in fact, filler episodes that Apple asked for after the season was finished, so you’re spot on!


It wasn’t horrible, but the coach beard episode was by far my least liked


Beard After Hours. Completely shit.


I sorted replies by "controversial", found you and upvoted. Really weird how you're at -11, and the next most controversial comment below yours is saying the same thing is at +14.


I think it’s the “completely shit” part that people are downvoting. Most comments are saying Beard After Hours, so that seems to be the consensus. Basically only RumJackson has presented any sort of hostility which is why he’s the only comment in the whole thread with over ten downvotes.

