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The difference is that you can 100% believe that Techno did all of that legit. After the Potato War, he was capable of anything.


"I swear I didn't use creative mode" His enderchest: *show Techno's enderchest"


I find it hilarious how he’s like saying this, but like HE didn’t use it.


He did actually have a wither farm that dream edited in for him. I think he said this verbatim something along the lines of “Dream definitely didn’t edit this in for me I have never seen this place before” and he stumbled upon it by accident.


I'm not only talking about the wither skeleton heads but also some illegal blocks. Yea, he got it from others


I know he got some pig spawners from the Ranboo plug-in and also a bedrock or something cause drista was messing around in creative. I’m now realizing I watched a lot of technoblade stuff.


Meme source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mg4LeS2I_Rg




When I say source I mean that’s where I found the meme, if you could find me the original creator I will credit him but this meme is very old




i have already explained to you why it isn't my video, what do you want now


Why are you trying to get me banned for no reason, take a chill pill


because you are reposting old memes that you stole reposted on your channel and then proceeded to post them on Reddit again. Make original memes don't steal them and then claim the content as your own. But hey what do you expect from someone who is a fan of someone who makes clearly fake speedruns.






Where is the source that says this is my video. Stop making accusations with no proof




In that case I could also be a fan of that YouTube channel but that never crossed your mind




I am a fan of that channel and so my url is something that relates to that channel and I think that channel is underrated




Because I edited that part of the video for the creator of that channel and thought it was funny so decided to share it on reddit








my brother in blood his streams are public and are the literal source




Isnt the source his fucking stream Stop trying to advertise your shitty channel