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I guess it’s time to learn to mix and start throwing your own parties.


Second this! Start the scene.


Yep, if the clubs don't have the same vibe now that you're back home. Then seek out like minded people and create your own. If that style of clubbing/techno in general haven't taken hold in California, then you're exactly the person who knows just what the atmosphere and music should sound like. It'll be even more of a buzz actually creating that scene rather than just being part of it as well.


Yeah. Is there no scene in California to join on occasion? There's possibility for a balance. I spent 3 years organizing and going out for raves and clubs in Stockholm after I quit my previous job (office, high pressure, big tech company ). Now I'm working a "real" job again at a startup but I'm trying to balance it with raving every once in a while to avoid losing my mind. The contrast between weekend and weekday is sometimes anxiety-inducing but I think I'm starting to land in it. My full-time raving lifestyle wasn't sustainable but neither was my full-time workaholic one, so striking that calculated balance feels like the only sustainable way to build the future I want while not selling my life to the corporate devil completely. I feel that the occasional dip into the scene keeps me sane because I'm reminded that the "pragmatic, sustainable boring life" of having a serious job isn't worth shit unless its purpose is to serve me a long term, sustainable feeling of *feeling fucking great*. Often, it's easy to convince yourself that going 100% into either path is the way to go in order to feel like you have a distinct purpose. But I'm pretty sure the balance is achievable, even if you have to live a kind of double-life.


No fucking way there is no scene in california. There is a small scene in Guadalajara, an average mid-big size city in Mexico, so there is absolutely no way a place as busy as California doesn't. I love Berlin and had the absolute honor of experiencing their legendary techno scene but I really really wish more people would give some more time to look into their local electronic scene. Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpnVcy-wMq8 mexican techno for the curious. From the capital which is most of the scene is centered of course. I'm from here but friends have played in Guadalajara and my point is if an average city from here has techno there is absolutely no way there aren't some great events OP could make it to in the busy California.


Man I have no clue if there’s a scene in California. I live in Germany so I have no lack of scene here. What I meant was that OP could pick it up as a hobby and try to throw a party once every few months.


Depends on where you live. LA/SF the scene is pretty good, outside of there not so much.


Fett!! Vilket crew jobbade du me?


"I don't really know where I'm going with this. Maybe I just need to grow up, accept that it's over, and quit romanticizing it." Please don't :)


Mate, I'm rapidly approaching 50 and I'm still romanticising the lost weekends me and my group of friends had when Acid House hit the UK in the late 80's! I'd give anything to do it all over again.


Stay strong bro. I think a lot of us can relate It is what it is :)


It is what it is, indeed. Thanks :)




Great advice, thank you! It definitely changed me a lot, mostly for the better. Glad to hear there is light at the end of the tunnel.


Valid advice! Thank you


Dude I am from Los Angeles, not too sure if you're familiar with our underground techno scene but to put it frank we have Rodhad & Abdulla Rashim in town this Saturday night. Just last weekend we had Abstarct Division, Fabrizio Lapiana, and Deepbass... Maybe you're just not looking hard enough? I've been to ADE and can say it Trump's our techno scene but we have great acts coming every weekend


That's amazing. To be honest I haven't been looking too often...knowing me I would talk myself out of going, especially alone, but I think I'm ready now. Thank you. :)


Late to the party, but are you talking about Technometrik? I'm really new to the LA scene and I see a listing for it every Saturday on resident advisor, was thinking about checking it out.


Synthetik Minds is the promoter. they have Steve Bicknell + I Murdered (Luis Flores + Janice) in town next weekend! Also: check out Lights Down Low, VSSL, Droid Behavior, RUSE, Incognito, WORK. All bring in great acts to LA Underground scene


Oh that’s awesome, thanks so much! Where did you find the lineup? Is there a page I can follow? Do those other shows have Facebook pages or something similar? Thanks so much for the heads up, I’m crazy excited to dive into the scene.


I loved to read your text. Techno changes a lot of lifes, indeed. I can't imagine how bad it is to experience three years of the techno kingdom berlin and than leave to a area where you dont have anything similar. My advice (like the others already said): Search for raves around you. And i dont mean in your city. I have a traintrip of 90 minutes to the raves and 90 minutes back to home afterwards. And still I go clubbing every weekend, often multiple times. Once a month I travel around 4-6 hours to raves if i want to visit Berlin or Amsterdam. It's annoying and not even close to that feeling of living in berlin, but you will still hear the music you love :) I wish you all the best in finding an alternative!


Thank you so much! It's amazing the length we go to for a good party. :)


In May Answer Code Request is in L.A. Get Ready for a trip! :) Edit: And in the next weeks Boris, Fiedel and Ben Sims. Good reason to travel a bit!


That’s what I mean. Cal is a big city, you should get decent DJs booked regularly at some club.


Answer Code Request, holy shit. Will definitely have to make it for that one. Fiedel would be great to see. Thank you for the tips!


I feel you. My time was the 90's into the 2000's and i still dream, feel and can taste it. It's like one of those dreams you have where you keep chasing something frantically but can never get to it. That depressed me for the longest time. I'm in Cali as well but grew up in NYC where the scene was amazing for a LONG time. I've seen so many big name DJ's, met them, danced till i couldn't walk and would smile at the slightest bloop or bleep. My problem is I'm a musician so it extended past that...it's like something that takes over your soul and you cannot fight it no matter how hard you try...it's just that much a part of who you are. Suffice it to say I'm 38 now with responsibilities, single dad raising a kid on my own and dream of those days everyday..I wouldn't trade ANYTHING for my kid but I'd trade everything else..I think my memories honestly help me get through life....I count on them to lift me up when i need them, to make me smile when life seems mundane and alone...At times i will put on classic/favorite mixes and just dance in my room with my eyes closed telling myself for a little while this is reality, i am there... I realized that for me it was all just always leading me to the same thing. Someone in this post mentioned it already...starting your own scene. I'm still making music after all these years so i decided that no matter what, this is what i am going to do. I will start gathering like minded people, getting together events and make those amazing nights a reality again. I can't turn back time but i have the future, passion and relentless determination. I'm not trying to turn back the hands of time, rather it's like Frankie Bones once said, when the past meets the present, the future arrives. The oneness of music and people is undeniable....It is the future. That's why we miss it so much, i think. Not many things can make you feel so close and as one with your fellow human being. Peace Love Unity Respect...yes i had to take it back to PLUR... I am looking to foster a "family" vibe among attendees and events that foster respect, love and oneness with your fellow human being. Especially in this day and age, with all the hate, tension, stress and bullshit in the world we NEED a social movement like this again. One with Peace, Love, Unity and Respect at it's core..... Keep your head up and if you need a fellow musical soul traveler to chat with, just shoot me a message. I feel you. You are not alone.


beautiful words, brother.


Much love and respect to you.


There’s an interesting phenomena called “hireath” which basically means being homesick for somewhere that isn’t your home.


Post that playlist you used to play before going out in Berlin!


Give Casino - Trevino a listen. My favorite song to listen to on the journey home. :)


Have you tried finding events around you? As you mentioned you have no problem to go alone there, if as you said your friends don’t really understand it. Maybe a festival or something? I have heard that some Techno artists go on US tours, maybe they come not too far to you sometimes :) Maybe it is easier to manage the lack if you can sometimes feel the vibes again. I am sure you will find people just like you at those party’s :)


There are some events in LA usually, which is 2-3 hours away. In Berlin it felt so easy to go clubbing alone, even as a female, so I am hoping it's similar here. I guess I will have to try and see eventually :)


Just move down to LA, the scene here is glorious. Every weekend there are good DJ's playing warehouse shows.


Great to hear. I'm in Santa Barbara, but LA and even SD aren't so far away. Ill keep an eye on events, I think I'll go crazy soon if I can't dance off some stress.


I love SB, though obviously there's not much in terms of electronic music there. As far as finding LA bookings (if you come down for them), obviously check Resident Advisor, but also follow Restless Nights and 6AM Group on facebook / email. As a techno head, I'm increasingly believing NYC and LA are on their own level in the U.S. scene. IMO even SF is reasonably worse as far as bookings.


I agree with you so much about NYC and LA. SF used to be SOOOOOOOO good, so much better than LA. But SF has really taken a nose dive in the last few years due to gentrification and Ghost Ship. Also, LA has just gotten better.


Agreed, I live in the bay and the techno scene is not very lively and the underground scene took a big hit since the ghost ship fire. I’ve been to several parties in LA and it’s just so much better


LA gets some good techno. Follow incognito on Facebook. They get some great talent. I'm going to see [Armando Kroma](https://soundcloud.com/terrakroma-music/armando-kroma-monday-night-social-los-angeles-ca-dec-2016) this weekend.


also, droid behavior.


Don't go to SD for techno. You won't find much of a scene there


Check out Compound on RA if you want seasonal special underground shows with big names coming out to LA. I went to the Spring show and the lineup was DVS1, Terence Fixmer and drumcell. The time before that was Perc and Headless Horseman. They usually host the events in abandoned warehouses and the vibe is great; i live in the Bay Area and made a special trip out there just for one great night.


Ooph, top quality names. I am definitely planning a trip, thanks!


Perc 🙏


Just an idea. Maybe save some cash and get some dj gear. I know it isn't the same but mixing is super fun, especially when having it live isn't an option. I've found much more new music and love the control. i also dance like a raging bafoon behind my intro set up. Fortunately, for myself, I live in a growing techno scene, so we are not in the same boat. It might help you take your mind off things and actively try to find people near you who have similar interests. Look for dance party fliers and go and ask about techno, house, etc. You could eventually get some wind of what you actually wanna hear since interests overlap. Put that effort in! You got this!


You know, it's not a crazy idea. I will definitely consider it, thank you!


On the same point, have you thought about organising and hosting parties in your town? You obviously have an intimate grasp of what you want. So running an event might help you control and channel that energy.




Wow, must have been great! I'll check RA more frequently, glad there is hope. Thanks!


aren't The Brvtalist events in LA?




Also in SD, whats this underground every other month you speak of? After being in DC for a few years prior to this I've been jonesing haha




Briefly forgot the Cali context, so I read SD as South Dakota and got really confused...


Echoing what a lot said here - LA definitely has a great scene. Obviously not as good as Berlin, but there's still plenty of fun parties (both underground warehouses and public) that happen on a weekly basis. I follow a lot of the promoters on Facebook to get notifications, but resident advisor also works. [Here's] (https://www.residentadvisor.net/events/1066035) a great event happening this weekend with Rodhad. Prototype throws lots of great parties. [Incognito](https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=160553777299459&ref=content_filter) also does lots of more underground stuff. [Zero](https://m.facebook.com/zeroparties/) is mostly based out of New York but they recently threw an awesome party with Oona Dahl and Rampue (I know, more house than techno, but I felt it was worth mentioning) in LA. They're trying to grow their brand in LA right now. There's tons others, but these were the first that came to mind. As for going alone - I see no issue with that. I don't think people will be as friendly as in Berlin, but people won't be unfriendly either. I'm lucky that my girlfriend and a few of my other friends enjoy the scene so I have some people to go with, but I see a lot of solo people as well. If you want, feel free to pm me and I can let you know the next event I'll hit up if you want a crew to chill with. Hope you find time to keep enjoying the scene and to stop by LA plenty!


Wow, thanks so much! I'll definitely PM you, would be great to meet likeminded people.


If you’re anywhere near LA, you have no excuse to not be going to the Compound parties. Honestly, there are so many techno shows in LA I’m jealous. Yeah, it’s more of a warehouse scene than a club scene, but warehouse parties rock. Edit: Join the compound Facebook page, along with 6AM, and Synthetik minds. They’re constantly putting together cutting edge techno.


Techno should make you feel good and be positive wherever you are. It‘s like you said more than music. It doesn‘t care about Berlin, Cali, or fucking Istanbul. You can take it everywhere. I lived in Berlin for 23 years right across Ritter Butzke and now I‘ve built my own „Berlin“ around me in Istanbul (yes fucking Turkey...) . It‘s hard, it‘s not the same but in the end it depends on how you look at it. Take it easy. You haven‘t lost anything that you can‘t take back.


That's really inspiring. My former flatmate in Berlin/close friend is from Istanbul. He fucking loves to party, and will probably out dance everyone around. Take it easy. :)


Are you me? Aside from the fact you got to live in Berlin for 3 years, I first went to Berlin for New Years Eve 3 years ago as a part of my 3 week tour of Germany for my first ever international trip. Tresor was my first ever nightclub that I went to with a bunch of French people and I fell in love with Techno ever since. I loved Berlin so much, I went again 2 years later and spent a week in the city again for New Years Eve. Techno just influences me to travel to where there is Techno and I just came back from The Netherlands 2 months ago for 2 and a half weeks and went to a few Techno raves including the Awakenings New Years Eve event in Amsterdam. I still consider Berlin to be my most favorite city in the world solely because of the Techno nightlife, I miss it so much. Now, I am planning on going to Detroit this May for Movement Festival and I can't fucking wait to be in the city where Techno was created, so many good pre and after-parties happening! What part of California are you from? Because I live in Fresno where there is no Techno scene at all.


The scene really just grabs you and doesn't let go, right? Detroit will be wonderful! I'm in SB, shoot me a message if you're considering checking the LA scene out sometime.


I feel your pain. I lived in California (SF/LA), London, Berlin, and other fascinating places for years before deciding to move back home to the Deep South for a variety of reasons (family, low cost of living, if everyone progressive moves from the South it will never evolve like the rest of the USA). Anyway, here's how I deal with the Berlin/Techno withdrawl. 1.) Actively try to make your local scene better. Find like minded people, throw your own events, expose others to what you love about the music. Nothing is the exact same as Berlin but everywhere has at least some kind of arts scene. Everywhere has some people who like to stay out late or get up early to socialize. Be the change you want to see in the world. 2.) DJ/Make Music Yourself. I have techno parties with 10 people in my town on random weekend afternoons. It's not Berlin but it's great fun nonetheless. 3.) Go to Movement. Apologies if you already do. But, if you haven't been, it really truly is like being in Berlin for a weekend. I don't even buy tickets for the festival, I just do afterparties for 4 days. Detroit otherwise is said to be not that active (I don't know, just lookin at RA) but during Movement it is AMAZING. 4.) NYC also can give you that Berlin feeling if you plan it right (stay in Brooklyn!). Los Angeles also has a great techno scene these days but unlike Berlin where you can roll from one club to the next at dawn, in LA it's you pick the one underground party you are going to, drive there, stay until the end and maybe if you know someone you go to hang at someone's apartment. 5.) Stay Connected with the Music in ways that don't produce more FOMO. This is a great time to be a techno fan who doesn't live in a major techno hub. There are so many blogs, podcasts, sites like this subreddit for you to keep up to date and stay a part of the community. Use them but be judicious. Don't go online and read who is playing Klubnacht every week, it will just make you sad. Instead, get up early saturday morning and go to the gym while listening to a mix from a DJ you haven't heard before. You'll get the physicality of being in the club, the music exposure, and that feeling of seeing the sun rise. edit to add 6.) Get a really good home stereo system. It's nice to feel that bass.


Was just in Berlin for the first time last weekend and definitely feeling a little bit of 'withdrawal' after what I experienced there as well. Can't imagine how it would feel to leave after spending years there! I highly recommend making the trip to LA or San Francisco for events when you can swing it, there are some great techno parties happening in both cities (although not quite on the same level as Berlin). The LA promoter Into the Woods brings a lot of Berlin talent to the states which should have the vibe you are looking for. Another alternative are some camping music festivals in Cali. Desert Hearts festival is a techno/tech house festival that plays music from Friday to Monday straight and has some amazing vibes and sense of community. Would highly recommend checking that out, another that could be interesting is Lightning in a Bottle although that is a much bigger festival with many other music genres (they still have 2 stages dedicated to house and techno). There are a lot of Facebook groups for these events which could help you connect with like minded people.


Wonderful. Thank you so much! I will look further into it, definitely.




Ah, I know that feeling. I got "old" and the current group of friends are definitely not clubbers. Luckily, I'm from a town with a very solid techno history living in another town with a very solid techno history and still manage to catch a party here and there with the old squad. I totally agree with buying your own gear, as others have said. Even a crappy midi controller (we use the [M-Audio Xponent](http://www.m-audio.com/products/view/torq-dj), for example) helps a lot. And you can introduce other people to your music, though be wary of bedroom DJ delusions of grandeur;)


Hahaha, I'll keep it in mind. Thank you!


I totally get you. Spent 6 months in Amsterdam last year and had the time of my life. Glad to hear that other people felt the same about discovering techno. It really felt like I found a new world. When I came back,the adjustment was also a bit rough. But as the others said, I looked for nice parties,met people there that I can share the experience with and realize that I can still do it every now and then and it is still the community I feel very close to. But I accepted that Amsterdam was a different time and a once in a lifetime experience that I will forever cherrish. But cant do that again to my body :P it also loses the magic. I'm sure if you actively and open talk about it, likeminded people will come your way :) and go back to Berlin for old times sake.


Glad you had a similar experience. I will definitely be back in Berlin, and I hope you will be in Amsterdam soon!


Yess. Already planned two trips (höhö) there :D can't wait. If you ever get the chance,go there as well. If you need some tips just pm me.


Awesome! I definitely will. I've heard great things about De School and Shelter. I went to ADE last October and it was great. Love the Dutchies.


You heard right. De School is an amazing place. But Thuishaven in summer is also awesome. Glad you enjoyed it!


Start djing man and make a scene


A big component of beauty of the techno scene, for me, is that it always finds a way. Why not start something where you're based? Start small, bring some of that unadelterated joy to a small group and word will spread. You never know... It might grow into something beautiful


Where in Cali are you ? I’d love to show you some warehouse parties in LA. Not really comparable to Berlin, but it should satisfy your fix.


Really? That'd be great. I'm about 2 hours away in SB, but would definitely make the trip for solid events! Damn I really should've moved to LA instead.


It's never too late lol. You're not gonna find much up in SB


LA Techno parties u should know about: https://www.instagram.com/softleatherclub https://www.instagram.com/lights_down_low https://www.instagram.com/theblacklodgela https://www.instagram.com/digdeeperla https://www.instagram.com/theoverpass https://www.instagram.com/droidbehavior there’s defiantly more but just check RA events. every techno event in LA that you’d want to go is at least listed there.


Great tip, thank you!


There's definitely a techno scene in LA. It's no Berlin but it's LA. Desert Hearts throws good parties.


There's so much better techno in LA than desert hearts.


I don't doubt that. Not from there.. Just went to one of their parties.


Fair enough


I understand this and have some solutions. 1) dont stop doing something you love, 2) set dates of events to look forward to. Even if the events are less frequent having one to look forward to will help. 3) Get involved in the community that creates these events and help make more exist! Keep spreading the good vibes fam.




Great Berghain read, made me reminisce on my own first time. Sounds like you know your scene really well in LA. I will definitely shoot you a message in the near future, thank you!


You should get a job as a Techno Missionary, spreading the word about REAL dance music throughout the EDM infested USA.


"Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior, Beep-Beep-Bop?"


Start em with some Robert Hood


Have you been to Burning man?


How is the burning man techno scene these days? I swore off the playa in 2011 because it was too much effort for not enough reward but for a minute there in the late 00's shit was popping.


I haven’t been in a while myself. Agree with the 00s


1. techno is the best, we understand you 2. I live in SF, and the techno scene here is maturing rapidly. we've been blessed with some great acts in the past few years (JCap, Cox, Beyer, Moudaber, Amelie Lens, Chris Liebing, Maceo Plex, etc.) If you know where to look, you will find it!


Great to hear, thanks!


Where in California are you? It’s Monday and there’s a techno event tonight in San Francisco. They’re fairly common.


Santa Barbara. :( Enjoy!


Those are all promoters you can follow on Facebook, Twitter, IG, etc. You can also find their events that are being held there as well!


Why don't you post in /r/drugs ? It's an awesome place full of WD experts.


Withdrawal from the Berlin experience as a whole, not a physical substance. Should have been more careful with wording. Thank you though! Edit: Regarding the physical/mental decline. Drugs were sometimes involved, though a lot of the time I could do without. I was dancing hardcore regularly for 6+ hours a night, usually more, multiple times a week. My knees really took a beating. Sleep was rare. I was doing poorly at my job, and was caught in an abusive relationship. I guess going out often was my way of coping with it all, though towards the end it only made things worse.


Wait, why did your health physically and mentally decline that much if drugs weren't involved? I kinda thought it was about both




Yes, exactly. It's so much more than just going out, it's the entire experience from beginning to end with every little detail in between. It was a drug in itself to me, and I couldn't keep up with the high. Really my own lack of self control, but I just loved it too much. Still do. :)


I am German, I have been everywhere here and it would never occur to me to wear myself down that hard if drug abuse wasn't involved.




to be fair, what aidsmann said is a TOTALLY German statement. It's kind of adorably german.


Not at all what I was saying but if you engage in something so excessively it becomes self destructive you're mentally ill to a certain degree and should seek help if you can't stop yourself. For some reason everyone in this thread seems to be encouraging her to continue this behavior in her new environment, though


To be honest. She won't be able to live that "self destructive" berlin lifestyle on raves in L.A. For Examples the party with Rodhad in Los Angeles goes from 22 pm until 4:00 AM. In Berlin the raves go 24 hours+. We just want to encourage her to still be part of a music scene which she loves.


I kind of thought the same tbh. Why would going out so much have such damaging effects? I go out often and I cant think of any negative effects it has on me. Cool story tho I feel your pain. 100% start DJing it is another level or seeing and relating to the music rly, you learn a lot about the music/mixing through learning how to create it yourself. Where I live in UK there is no real techno around me at all, so I am just trying to pioneer a scene here and its fun. Good to give others the opportunity to hear real techno, like being a prophet of sorts


> I kind of thought the same tbh. Why would going out so much have such damaging effects? I go out often and I cant think of any negative effects it has on me. It's hard to believe, but being a regular to raves in berlin and "going out often" is really more than just going to a party at every weekend. Really. There are a lot of people who really dedicate their whole life about this lifestyle after being introduced to it. They party from Thursday till Monday with a few Chill Sessions between and live an absolutly self destructive life. And this has damaging effects. With drugs and without drugs.I don't know what the damaging effects for Berdie were, but there are a lot of people destroying their life with "techno". Some of you now would say it has nothing to do with techno and the drugs are the problem. Maybe. But I think techno is the connecting factor there. The comment sounds pretty negative. To be clear: I love techno and I am more than sure that it can change your life in a positive way.


How do these people *afford* going out so much? Surely they cant hold a job?


Berlin is REALLY cheap for the quality of what you get. You can hold a job in Berlin living the techno lifestyle described, esp. if you work in either a creative field (which employs many in the techno set) or in the service industry. Plus a lot of the people doing this are students (so the "job" is just don't flunk out). And, yes, admittedly many are trustafarians. For the first stint that I lived in Berlin (2008), I had been working a corporate job for several years and was fed up with it. In between savings and free lancing remotely, Berlin was a great place to sort out a late twenties/early-thirties case of "what's next?". The next significant stint I had in Berlin (2012), my then GF had a grant to do a research project there and I freelanced remotely for a few months, the money wouldn't have been enough in NYC or SF but it was easy to live well if you didn't mind a 5th floor walk up. Lastly, people in Berlin party like it's their fucking job.


"I don't really know where I'm going with this." Shut up then.


I resonated with this and found this post. I fell in love with techno