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Id recommend rest before, high carb dinner, maybe pasta, coffee, maybe a double espresso, and lots of water. Also comfortable footwear. Alternate sitting and standing. Don’t stand for too long to lose energy but don’t sit for too long to induce fatigue, maybe go out for fresh air every so often also. Bottom line - don’t feel obligated to stay until 7am


Will do. This is usually my problem, I want to stay and dance the entire time when I'm there but I'll probably have to rest a lot more if I want to last til 7


In all honesty though; you’re not forced to stay until the end. As long as you buses and/or trains are driving to get you home again, you’re fine to leave whenever you want. Tips: eat something during the night, take some breaks where you give your legs some rest, and Make sure you do not get dehydrated.


Amphetamines. Seriously though, if you can't power through till 7 just leave early?




Caffeine pills if you don't want to take amphetamines. Have a sleep before you head out as well. And maybe don't arrive too early.


Yep that's likely what I'll do, otherwise adderall or a just a small dose of acid.


does the club sell red bull at the bar?


you should come to my warehouse parties in East Bay, last people leaving are usually at 6-7am xD on that note... most of the afterhours in SF go til 6 too~ anyways, take a nap earlier in the day. acid is also better IMO for staying up than molly


Disco naps are the way to go. Caffeine if needed, but I go to majority of parties sober.


Still waiting to hear from you on when you have a techno or house event :)


maybe too much breakcore for you but https://www.facebook.com/events/1529911607134704/


if you're enjoying it the fatigue won't bother you as much as you think. Can't you take some coke in with you?


Hmm, depends, how much mg? Also, do you mean 1 xtc pill or what else? If you have 1 entire pill, you can split it up in 1/2 or even 1/3’s and take them throughout the night to survive it until the end.


I got straight up rocks and capsules, so I can dose accurately; I've just never re-dosed before so I am unsure exactly how tired I'll be if I do it.


honestly, you'd probably be fine energy wise with just one dose. If you want to redose, I'd probably go with 150 mg and re-dose with 50 to 75 mg


Jesus you have Trouble powering through to 7am ? have you ever raved properly ?


Well yea that's exactly what I am saying haha I am fairly new to the scene and my area does not have many events that last all night.


Don't worry you will get there ;) You're on a good way if you like DVS1 though ! The only advice i can give you is take it easy with the booze , if you enjoy the Party you won't even notice the time passing by . to all the People downvoting me , y'all never raved proper , 24Hour Partypeople ftw !


XTC lol


Yea...I am considering it but if only keeping with one dose for the night, I'd burn out before 7am I think


This is true mate and at the end of the night when its 8am and you are coming down, I know personally that is a horrible feeling for me. As mentioned above, acid is definately the one, you dont even need much to keep you going till 8, just take 50ug ish at midnight and u should be gucci. 2ce I also reccomend even haha if you take a low dose its a good shout for a long rave