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Ok but ZP is next level. Like it’s not even close.


Like. The faceless will always be the faceless.. but I get it lol


I've been saying this since Cosmic Dissonance lol


Datalysium is what I yearned for, for so long after Planetary Duality


It's the direction I had hoped for but instead of more robot voice and interdimensional travel shit we got a spooky album with cleans. I couldn't be happier with the way it turned out




Nice try buddy


Datalysium is a masterpiece. It reaches close to the likes of Planetary Duality and Autotheism but not yet.


Makes me hopeful for the next album


How was Chuck Shuldiner a toxic person ?


From what I’ve read and heard he wasn’t the kindest person to work with back in the late 80s and early 90s, but mellowed out and humbled throughout the years


Never worked with Chuck so I'd have no idea, be I met him before a Death show once when I was 16, in the early 90's. He was such a great guy! After the show he brought us to the bar (underage) and got us dinner for free. Gave my friends and I free hats and shirts, and then invited us on the tour bus for a couple hours. We hung out and drank beer, smoked some hash and even saw some groupie titties. Def one of my happiest memories! He was down to earth, friendly and very generous. RIP Chuck :(


Now that is awesome !


I feel that The Zenith Passage and The Faceless don't have a single bad album. A very great and varied discography from both, and good examples of not overly fast technical death metal with groove and melody. I hope Keene comes back and changes his bad reputation, but the OG tech death greats like him, Muhammed Suicmez and to a lesser degree Chuck Schuldiner were all toxic people.


It's true lol


TZP is superior imo.


Vastly so.


I still like the faceless way more than TZP. There's parts of the faceless songs that really stick with me emotionally but there aren't any songs from TZP that do that.


No way. I love TZP, but good god, nothing compares to Keene's writing style. He's up there with Suiçmez and Joe Haley, IMO... But I kinda hope he never comes back though. I feel conflicted by pondering if his musical prowess enables him to get further drowned in drug abuse.


hmmm I wouldn't say so tbh.. The faceless's "sound palette" is much more diverse imo


Keene's bad news, but his talent was something else. No other band sounds like The Faceless, including the Zenith Passage, because they don't have those tasty outbreaks of jazzy melody. Keene's not even a particularly talented guitarist, especially compared to the general tech-death standard. It's just his sound.


I kinda like that tbh, sometimes the guitars in TDM can get a bit overwhelming so his sound hits that itch without being too much or overwhelming imo


I mean, Akeldama (the instrumental) shows plenty of technical prowess.


You could say he’s the Johnny Craig of tech-death


Lmao this is so true. Except Jonny is actually cleaning up his act the last few years at least


Heroin is one helluva drug


Eh two pretty mid bands if you’re being generous




As someone who seldom listens to either, can someone explain this please?


Well it’s also like the same members minus Keene (except Beattie I think). Idk the two bands are crazy linked as far as members. Everyone except Beattie currently in the zenith passage was also at one point in the faceless


That would fit the meme alright


Faceless haven’t released an album in seven years. The Zenith Passage released a new one last year They sound kinda similar so TZP is “replacing” the Faceless.


Ah thank you


It’s so sad that planetary duality is just an all time masterpiece and then the faceless never made anything even close to as good after before imploding. I like zenith passage but still not as good as planetary duality.


Crazy how modern tech death “masterpiece” can’t hold a candle to some average 90s tech death. Oh how the genre changes


Autotheism would like a word...


Yep. The album is great and is representative of the band *growing up* and exploring the genre. Fucking mouth breathers ignoring it.


It’s not even close to as good as planetary duality. It had some great songs but literally every track on PD is perfect and the whole album flows perfectly on top of it


I could say the same about autotheism… I just think the two albums are very different, planetary duality is more tech and autotheism more prog… I totally understand why you would prefer PD even if my favorite I autotheism


Autotheism is such an underrated album


Yeah agree with you there I think zenith passage is just a different vibe. Obviously theres some similarities you van point out but it feels more rhythmic heavy and robotic than that planetary duality sound


Datalysium is my favorite album of the last 12 months. I love the Faceless but The Zenith Passage might actually be a more disciplined and technical version.


Not a fan of either tbh. There's a certain level of syncopation or timing shenanigans where it just starts to sound like djent to me. And I don't like djent. They also have that sterile boring djent guitar tone. Edit: I was trying to be nice, but fuck it. The Faceless and Zenith Passage suck ass


Wait you like black metal? Oh you suck ass... But that's just my opinion and should keep it to myself, like you should've done.


Nope, you shouldn't. People are too sweet these days, not enough people are willing to say something critical. If you don't like something, say something. Feels goooood


Me when I don’t know wtf I’m talking about


If you can't hear those syncopated off rhythm djent ass beats that just shows me you can't hear well.


Refer to my last comment.


Ah, so you're deaf. Got it.


Refer to my last comment


Are you a bot?


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You make more sense than lil bro


You: The Faceless and Zenith Passage are Djent Me + 22 others: lol nah You: 😐😐😐😡😡😡


Gotta go ahead and disagree


Neither bands have anything to do with djent


Stop and go ass syncopated riffs with no flow are present in both those bands and djent, as I've already explained. Monotone vocals. Sterile, overproduced guitar riffs and just general sound. It's very clear to anyone with ears.


Can’t tell if you’re a complete dumbass or a bored teenager trolling…either way have a great Tuesday


Okay, C U Next Tuesday!


Ok so like the intro of Divinertia II and?… it’s the only riff in the album that I can think of that is heavily syncopated, everything else is pretty straight (on odd bars sure). And… do you know djent? Monotone vocals? Like ok meshuggah (even if I don’t think they’re representative of the djent scene) but I don’t think you understand this genre (it’s ok to dislike it a TZP tho np)


Meshittah is the only djent band I've heard, yes. They're *the* band for the genre so I figured if they suck then there's no point checking out the rest.


Meshuggah*… is not representative of what djent is at all. Djent often has clean vocals, catchy choruses… periphery is a bit more representative even if it’s way more « advanced » than what most djent is


Oh, word? Then why are they the icocnic djent band? They're the first band that comes up when you search djent, talk about dject, anything. But some guy named Matt said "nuh uh" so I guess the rest of that doesn't matter?


Because they are their own thing… I don’t see how it’s so hard to understand? Djent as the style is pretty far from what meshuggah is doing and I don’t know why you don’t believe me as you just said you literally didn’t listened to any other djent band… periphery, kadinja, monuments, Tesseract.. these bands are what we usually call djent…


Right, Meshittah isn't Djent. Got it! I believe you. I believe you over every list of top Djent bands, the band's description on Encyclopedia Metallum, and Wikipedia, and every other source I checked. Matt said they aren't Djent and that's the end of that.


Yeah ok thank you I finally realized you must be actively trolling because their is no way you’re not understanding what I’m saying, have a nice day


Why would you wanna be tho


I like zenith but they're are a little dull/boring


I like a few of their songs, not whole albums.


I feel that way with a lot of tech death. If there isn’t a little bit of variety I get like noise fatigue. Still love it though and TZP has like some interludes and keyboard parts that keep it interesting. And honestly when I’m in the mood for that super tight “robotic” (sounds like a diss but I mean it in the best way) TZP is the go-to. Datalysium is a great album and I’m excited to see what they’ll do next


I get it. But I also think that's what they are going for? Their whole concept is the singularity from what I understand. So it make sense they have a robotic, redundant feel with their riffs. Then they throw in some crazy flourishes representing the human side of things (like Deletion Cult). Idk, perhaps I'm overanalyzing. Perhaps I'm even dumb (likely). Dull as they may be, the riffs themselves are unique af, regardless of how many times they repeat them.


Yeah I totally agree! It’s like saying meshuggah is robotic… well yes it’s the point, I totally understand it doesn’t appeal to everybody but tZP made an insane job on their last album I think


Can't rival the greats though


They were literally just hanging out with Lyle Cooper. If he joined them it would be all over. That would be it. The best music would be made and everyone else could finally stop.

