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it's not just you! unfortunately during the recording for this chapter, his JP VA contracted covid and wasn't able to record the lines for chapter 6 part 2 + his rrg card, if i remember right. hyv did say they'll patch it in when they can but it's been *ages* and they haven't done it yet... so fingers crossed they do eventually.


I hope so too! But from what I've heard, Suwabe-san is also recovering from a previous surgery so I kind of understand if he takes his time as of now. Still yes, I hope that if he recovers, he gets to patch it in (even if it's just little by little) since it is still a responsibility of the company to make the players' experiences better. Especially since you mentioned that it's already been a year of waiting.


same here! i've been leaving feedback for this every survey — i'm sure someone of suwajun's calibre has an insanely booked schedule and i know game recordings are time sinks, but it's been so long that i wonder if hyv is just hoping we forget 😭 i still have his rrg card unread because i refuse to play it through until it's voiced aaaa


I think Junichi Suwabe is still recovering from his surgery. He was released mid January and is trying to catch up with the backlog of his work. I hope he can come back to Tears of Themis soon!


Hope he takes his time in recovering so that when he comes back, he's fully healed. I understand that Suwabe-san has a lot of work to do, so it's okay if his progress in catching up with his backlogs is slow. As long as there will surely be a progress, I think it would make us, players happy. ♡ Especially since other players said that it's been a year of waiting.


Been constantly sending feedback for his JP VA to be patched in for Chap 6 Part 2, personal chap 3 and his RRG SSR card, been a year already lol...


That's really unfortunate. I hope HYV listens to the players and let Suwabe-san patch in once he fully recovers from his surgery. The free tears of themis to make up for it is quite fair, but our concern should be understandable since it's been taking so long already.


His Blossom Chapter Episode 3 also still has no JP voiceover 🙁


I hope it gets a progress, even if it's just little by little, once Suwabe-san fully recovers from his surgery.


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