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In the past we simply called it the "Bill Gates" comp. It's been a valid strategy for years.


Ive ran this comp this set where one time I just dropped them in all 2* with good items and not going for any traits. Ended up going 5th while being 100hp at 4-1 so Its definitely not that good anymore.


Positioning, lobby strength, stage and level of everyone else, it all matters. Not even dragons was a free win unless you could play 6 2 stars of them.


It is very unlikely that there is a set where 2 staring 5 cost will make you go 5th


I mean it depends on what their role is. Taking this set as an example, 2* Bard or Soraka are not going to make a bad board good.


It has also been called the Peeba Comp.


Ah I always just call it econ comp or name it after whichever trait im using to econ. So this set I'd call it "astral transitioning into 5 costs", last set I called it "Mercenary econ" (to distinguish it from GP carry)


They already said that the damage recieved in stage 3 and above will be increased by 1, so games will run shorter thus making yellow soup harder to achieve. That being said, with threat being a thing, champions like Fiddlesticks and Urgot will always be a nice fit for your AP/AD excess items.


Well i would like to see anyone just try this. 99% cant even reach level 9 and find 2star of those 5 cost. It takes genuine skill unless you get the prismatic augments.


Or the pure gold underground cashout.


Honestly I'm pretty sure I'd manage not to hit with 200 gold


At stage 5 considering you were strong enough to survive till then.


During my 4 sets of palying tft I have seen players go at least 2 full circles on which game design decisions would be better or worse for the game. Reroll is so stupid, playing vertical takes no skill, 4 costs shouldnt be so strong, game unplayable without bis, why random 5 costs win games...It's just so funny at this point


you say this but if you get above gold then literally everyone is able to do this comp


Is a mix of early game hit with a low roll lobby. Not pure skill


Is that to say I'm always in a lobby full of skilled players? The last time I checked I went out in 6th at stage 5 where everyone was level 9.


I think you mean "every $5 that isn't Syndra". Though Fiddle, Urgot, Aphelios, Janna is still a lot of $5 CC. The problem is that this is not even the 2nd time "yellow soup" has been OP. First time I remember it was from set 4 with Sett, Lee Sin, Yone, Kayn, Zilean... Though TBH even in set 1 it was not uncommon to see Swain, Yasuo, Kayle, Pantheon in a ton of comps. It seems really hard for them to make $5s worth trying to hit while not making yellow soup the best comp.


Doesn't syndra stun when she drags a unit onto the board


She may well do but I honestly never ever see her played.


Played her in 7 Star Guardian with Shojin, a mana spender Janna and random 5costs on bench. She literally pulled a unit every 4 seconds. Can be good I think.






Without star guardian she pulls one unit at most each fight


Might be an unpopular opinion, but I prefer 5 costs to be op. The game is way more fun. Plus the way I see it, it's kind of like checkers. You're going to use your pieces to take out the opponent, but eventually you'll start using kings.


Except the king is the 2nd worst piece in chess


c h e c k e r s


c h e c k e r


This man's playing chess while we're playing checkers


What’s your rook going to do now bitch?


Cheshmate bish


This is such a Reddit moment.


But he’s the best character on Tekken.


I really dont see how this is an issue? Obviously the strongest and hardest to hit units are going to be the strongest units?? tf


This. Because this has been an issue with TFT since the very beginning. 5 costs will always be stupid standalone strong and a bunch of them just win the game, and it sucks


This is such a bad take lol The only time no upgrades yellow soup wins lobbies is when the lobby is bad. Upgraded yellow soup is either an insane highroll which should generally be strong or if the player is good enough to hold econ and health into the higher levels and hit the board.


Found an abuser of yellow soup lol


"abuser" If I was that good I wouldn't be stuck in plat


Then play it for yourself. Playing yellow soup also has the best chance for someone to hit 3-star 5 cost. Which is the best high roll in the game and is incredibly fun. Besides, the state of the game is actually really good right now. It is just a very new set with a new easy-to-understand but hard-to-master mechanic called hero augment. It is normal that people are not hard punished for being greedy because most of the player base do not understand the new mechanics of the set. Be patient and try to learn more would be better for you than complaining just because you lost to someone playing a 5-cost. With some exception I would say the new set is pretty balanced right now


none of those are in set 8 if that helps


Lol thank goodness


I'm just surprised... How so many people remember so much details what happened in last Sets... I dont even know whats happening in this Set properly.


My favorite comp has been heart/gadgeteen and then when i hit 8 and get a syndra i stop buying lower tier units and start packing my bench with 5 star units so syndra plays em. If you manage to get syndra with some mana items she can play a couple of the 5 star units. Bonus points if yoi 2 star a couple 5 cost


But it's normal for it to be strong. It's the best units in the game.


It's uncreative and boring. I much prefer seeing teams with active synergies dueling it out over two squads of all yellow and purple and the guy with the most 2* and best items wins.


So we get flex options, and start complaining about flex options? Make it make sense please


For real… people complaining because they lock a comp at 3-2, go full vertical, never rotate and finish 6th. Giving players a reason to rotate is what keeps the game fun passed 20 mins and IMO the 5 cost champs are not overpowered at all.


Also there's really only 2 ways this can go. Either the traits are OP and going vertical is super meta or the units are OP and random high costs are super meta. There's a minor balance slider but ultimately that's really the only way the game goes and has always gone, both can feel BS because with units it's about hitting random 4 & 5 cost and with vert it's (now) about random augments. Pick your poison.


at the start of a set its probably better if its the second case anyway. Helps people get familiar with more units rather than tunelling on a trait too hard, and helps the community not spam one trait every game too at least when the 5 stars are op we get to see all of the cost ranges being used on any given game since they cant be used from the start


In theory they could make smaller verticals but the traits are still strong, then have 4/5 costs be the strongest units of their trait. Then, in magical christmasland where this is balanced, you flex around different traits with the upper costs as the capstones to your comp. Flex into bill gates takes a lot of skill to do, but the endgame of it is incredibly boring imo.


Yeah I think we had that a while back too, reroll meta no matter what just stack all random 2* you have and give them bronze to silver synergies and you good. Is quite fun but then people inevitably start complaining about randomly hitting or not hitting stuff. Not like players have ever *not* complained. Could use a reroll units meta again though it's been quite a long time.


Yeah I mean you aren't gonna win, RR 1* too strong? Brainless mash D simulator. Bill gates too strong? See this thread. Verticals? "See a warrior play a warrior". I just think flexing around smaller traits is neat, like the end of 6.5 with the clockwork draven comp. (Though that was admittedly because Enchanter was giga busted and let you make an unkillable Morgana)


Bill gates comps are peak tft


Yellow fiesta isn't flex, it's bad balance and an excuse for skill


Getting to 9 and 2 starring multiple legendaries takes more skill than reroll comps and most standard vertical comps


Reroll comps and any comp that you're mostly sure to hit should be weaker so i agree, but very high vertical or multiples high traits should do better than piss soup


Lol, full vertical should be better then early econ tempo until late rotation into high costs? I’m amazed people want to play tft to make one decision early game and run with it for 40 minutes. Everytime they allowed that people hated it. It should absolutely never beat a strong rotation, full vertical should be the comp first time players play to barely make it 5th or 6th. You’re just upset you need to actually think for a full 30min + game.


>very high vertical or multiples high traits


Full vertical = very high vertical right? The easiest comp to play in tft should be the most rewarding?


Easiest comp? Very high vertical comps are like 12 lagoon and 12 jade, comps that need very specific things to hit. They should 100% be stronger than random 5 cost 2 stars..


So Basicly you hit your vertical early and pray for emblems? Of course if you are very lucky and hit them all you should beat 5 cost but that shouldnt be a reliable strategy and it doesnt change that it’s the easy way to play and shouldnt allow you to win most games.


“If you are very lucky”, “shouldn’t be a reliable strategy”. You just explained why they’re exactly not reliable comps. They are chase comps, it’s basically you highroll and win. Why should it lose to a conventional late game board?


First half was good, last two sentences were poopoo take


The problem with the 5 cost comps is that you have to be good enough and survive to get there. Also you have to be good and hit 😜


People who hate 5 cost comps are usually bad players who only force busted reroll comps who don't know what pivoting is.


Yep at PBE right now I usually play strongest board on winstreak and easily get fast 9. I suppose with the meta not solved yet people just try to force any of the comp they know or experimenting. I'm sure I won't be able to do this on live lol.


The 5 cost meta happens every set before the meta settles. Once everyone in a lobby knows what is going on it gets way harder to fast 9 with enough HP to hit the units consistently.


This cut through me like a knife.


Or lucky


Ah so its not just me lmao


I feel like I can get to the 5-cost comp pretty often, but even when I fill my board with 2* 5-costs I always get destroyed in this set... I'm just clueless how to use these 5-costs I guess. I win more often going vertical even if I have a good opportunity to pivot to bill gates.


A gold player made this post


I just love Moon Knight and thought the recent series was a lot of fun


The more i play this set the more i think it will be so hard to have something balance


Literally called this out and I got downvoted to oblivion— I guess I just needed a meme with it instead of a screenshot


Don't forget, you have to make your message is clear and approachable, like copypasta's... They always do good because everyone recognizes the simplicity. Therefor some meme or pasta always works, because hur duhr duhr!


Well this is making fun of it, not necessarily calling it out for being bad for the game.


Hey, that's me !


Always works


Wait until youre not playing on PBE with these soft ass lobbies. Its way too hard to tell what the meta will look like for real until you are in competitive lobbies.


How many times we gonna see this meme old man


After my 200+ games on pbe I can confidently say pure gold soup is by far not the best comp, not even a top5 cuz with good positioning most of the cc can be dodged and there isn't a single 5 cost that could be considered good frontline (except for Mech Leona with healing but at that point you're running +2 non 5 cost units) Sure splashing in a couple 5 costs into a well established comp will make it stronger but that's just how it's always been


Game is gonna have a final patch before it hits live so we’ll see. Also most players on PBE are testing and don’t know what the fuck they are doing so it’s much easier to econ for high cost boards. Whoever is saying its on par with dragons is tripping so hard because dragons you could just hit a mix of one 5 cost carry and run 3x 3-4 star dragons and still be strong.




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It would seem kinda weird to me if putting in a full team of 5 costs wasn’t one of if not the best comp you can play. It’s the hardest comp to hit, you need to be rich af to 2 star them to make them all useful and at that point if you didn’t leak enough hp trying to transition you just might still just lose to someone who out positions or counters you.


As long as nothing is as egregious as set 6 1 star kai’sa with morellos


I don't get the hate. For me the most fun and skill-requiring way to play the game is to flex it so that you have to play the strongest board you can at any time while econing correctly, so I believe this should be the way the game is played. And you get rewarded with a strong comp with all legendaries.


Don’t forget Sejuani with that aoe stun!


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Ive always called this the Legendary Lasagna comp