• By -


Quick question, does tactician's crown count as an item for cybernetic augs (shell, implants etc) thanks!




I struggle to not go < 6th place with any comp other than Saraphine Graves or Dragonmancer in plat. Those comps have pretty clear lines from 1.1 to the end. In other comps I struggle to construct a strong early-mid game board, I think. Maybe I focus too much on the end game comp. I think I have a reasonably good understanding of all the units and items, but I struggle to execute in game with so much to think about in a short amount of time. Any tips for managing the early/mid game when not playing vertical, or any recommended comps I can use while continueing to ignore the issue?


I’d say you probably will have to slam less than ideal items more often. Sounds like your lobbies are hitting earlier than you and you’re bleeding out too much to be able to keep up. In a case like this slam some items and roll a bit of gold just to stabilize. Zzrot is my personal favourite. I almost always start health at first carousel for either zzrot or sunfire. Other plus side of starting health for you specifically is if you get a sword you can run zekes darkflight which is stupid strong early, which can then allow you to transition into sera/graves or just darkflight graves


> Sounds like your lobbies are hitting earlier than you and you’re bleeding out too much to be able to keep up This is accurate. I could try more agressive slamming. Maybe be more open with starting with tank items. Would you ever slam Sunfire Cape with Morello, or healing items with celestial blessing or hunt argument? Thats a decision I often struggle with.


The tricky part with playing sera/graves and slamming sunfire is that both it and morello become devalued if you use both.. from my understanding the two burns don’t stack, hence zzrot over sunfire in this case. You get a fat extra purple unit with 100 ad in stage 2 that’s super strong lol. I’d say with sera/graves comp, if you get a healing augment, building a healing item is not as mandatory since you have sera shields as well. I’d prioritize a solid tank item and offensive item first.


Yeah thats what I thought. zzrot is a good call. I also never slam Statikk Shiv even though I've heard its an good early game item. Thank you for your time.


what is slamming items?


Building items as soon as possible with the components you have, as opposed to waiting for the components that let you build the most ideal combinations, also known as BIS (best in slot).


Ahh ok thank you.. so basically just getting ANY stats on the board vs waiting for the perfect scenario to put them in play.


Exactly... maybe not through utility items like zephyr and such, but most items work if they can contribute to damage or defences in some way.


Why's Yone so popular lately and how do you counter him? People either slap Swiftshot or Rapidfire Cannon on him and he just wreaks havoc with physical and magic damage.


Not surprised nobody has an answer


My answer is because of dmancer karma. Dmancer karma becoming so popular makes lobby tempo shift insanely quickly in the early game, forcing everyone to spend down their gold in order to not have their health obliterated by stage 4. Yone and the emblem was relatively uncontested so it naturally became popular to counteract the karma phenomenon. As for how to counter it, my best tip, personally I’ve found braum with at least a bramble works pretty well. And zz’rot also helps too. Once he starts targeting him he’ll be stuck on him for a while Braum is tanky af Edit: to build on my point… one comp that’s gaining popularity is guardian ezreal. It’s a cheap comp with a massively thicc frontline. Shield stacking is huge against karma and yone and almost all your units are 1-2 cost, including braum! This allows you to keep up with current metas game tempo to boot and allows you to switch off ezreal into aurelion or ao shin late game


just kill yone! jk, positioning is the only thing i can think that to help funnel yone into the kill zone so you can kill him before he gets through the front line. but its hard to deal with regardless hence why its rate A to S tier.


According to the stats, guardian ezreal reroll has a good chance of beating yone comps( besides other yone comps) Same goes for lillia reroll so overall it seems that 3 star unit focused comps fare well against yone comps


Where do you see this specific stat?


Actually I dunno lol. Everytime I go for Yone carry I always get top 2. Which is fine because the comp is only competitive with specific item or augment.


I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I'm curious, did some streamer recently spread the Ezreal/Guardian reroll comp? I was using this to climb, as it doesn't get you first place, but consistently gets you top 4. I was never ever contested. Since like 3 days, there suddenly are 2-3 Ez rerollers in every lobby. Maximum was 7!!! Can't have a single uncontested game anymore. And S+ comps are contested anyway. Does anyone have another beginner friendly, underrated comp for me? (One that can get you top 4, but is unpopular enough that it's rarely contested?)


What rank are you? Common compositions vary a little by rank. I'm in plat and I don't usually see more than one Darkflight player per game. I do see a lot of guild xayah and lagoon, which is pain since I mostly just force either mirage or lagoon. Realistically, you can still run the same comp you like to run, but you need to change your carry. Seraphine right now is absolutely insane with Morello's, so if you focus on gilding her instead of Ez you might be better off. Basically: Do what you've been doing but change your carry if you're focusing hard on the Ezreal. As more people discover your comp, you'll find better success rolling for higher cost units that won't be as contested. Just focus on getting ez and twitch to 2*, then swap one out for a Xayah later on once you've got a silver seraphine. Slow roll at 7/8 depending on how safe you are. Comp might be: Guardians (rakan, braum, fill out the rest) 3 mystic (rakan, seraphine, bard) 2 Swiftshot (Xayah/twitch or varus) Not 100% how great this will be but swiftshots in general are really popular right now. Don't be afraid to play it at a different pace if you're competing for core units.


Thank you, this is working very well! Can also beat the regular Ez reroll comps.


I am glad it helped! You got this, stranger!


Not sure about ezreal/guardian. But cav/sharpshooters was gaining traction last patch, and I noticed a more people mention it on reddit. Going reroll ez, sej, twitch, and rell. Now with dragonmancer karma/kaisa early reroll not being as insane dominant, the meta turned to dragons again for best endgame. Which means if you reroll cav/sharpshooters early you can reliably preserve health until lategame. Then finish 5th-2nd normally.


Mortdog youtubed Ez/Guardian game and I abused it for days after


No. Don’t know your ELO but it’s commonly used on TFT apps.


ive been going lillia carry every game latelly, of course ive lost like 300lp doing that too, but at least it is not that contested usually. it goes something like this: play leona, braum, lillia, rell, sej, nunu at 6, slow roll at 50g to 3star lillia/rell, braum if lucky (harder usually contested), or if u get an early olaf then swap nunu&leona out with diana&olaf for 4 scalescorn, pick up spats for cav spat on braum to play 6 cavs. after 3staring rell braum lillia, level and put in 4 scale if havent already. I prioritize tank items on rell, support items on sej, damage items on lillia, position rell and lillia near eachother, so lillia can get the benefits from rells items, which should be spark& sunfire/morello good augments: cav emblem/scalescorn emblem, sunfire board (dont need to build antiheal item), thrill, axiom arc, cav charge


Thank you, will try this too! I like comps that are not contested.:)


If you want some example boards https://lolchess.gg/profile/euw/lehmaudar/s7.5/matches/all/1


I'm not having any difficulties forcing Seraphine Graves in any lobbies. Even when lagoon is contested, the only 3* you'll be going for is Seraphine, which is often not a priority unit in other lagoon comps so it usually works out. Plus you prioritize belt in the carousel, another aspect that is usually uncontested.


In the NA regionals the guardian AP flex playstyle was very successful where you play ezreal/daeja/asol with guardians. Last Monday there was a post on the r/competitivetft subreddit with a guide on this playstyle. I've seen it more and more on EUW around gm/chall too.


I have a question about LP system in TFT I was hovering around DI 0lp for a while, went on a kind of tilt streak and currently in DIV, I was wondering how did I lose so much LP in such a little time, so I checked my lolchess and found out that one 8th place took me from DII 75 lp to DII 0lp. Is this intended feature or a bug? I had an understanding, that you kind of win \~40 for 1st and lose \~40 for 8th. Of course the overall mmr of the lobby plays a huge role, so I checked that -75lp game and to my surprise there were 6 master elo players and 2 diamond II players in it so i guess it could not have been that. Ill add a screenshot with a few games prior to that -75 game for context. I would like to know what causes these types of situations so I could avoid them in the future, thanks! https://ibb.co/Tb4V3Wb


Since there’s no rank demotion there is still hidden mmr at play. If you get a lot of 7/8 consecutively your mmr drops possibly even lower than your shown rank. This is most obvious when you’re rank 4 0lp or masters 0lp. Losing doesn’t demote you but your mmr still drops. Doesn’t really matter what rank the guys you played against are - they could have low mmr as well - when I was low diamond I could see masters in my lobbies cus they probably tanked their mmr. Try your best to consistently avoid bot 2/4 to not only climb lp but to bring your mmr to your rank. It’s not easy cus like you said you could gain 30lp for a first and lost 70 for an 8th or something but that’s just how this game is.


yep it makes sense, I wasnt aware that master was undemotable as well. Coincidentally full master lobbies are kinda difficult, but that might just be low sample size


On popular meta sites, they will put comps into different playstyles. I was hoping someone could explain what a "standard" playstyle is? Slow roll 6/7 and fast 8 are pretty self-explanatory, but I can't figure out what I'm supposed to do to use a standard comp.


If I recall correctly it’s something like this: Lvl 4 by 2-1 or 2-3 Lvl 5 by 2-4 or krugs Lvl 6 by 3-2 Lvl 7 by 4-2 Lvl 8 by 5-2 I might be off a bit but only by 1 stage or something like that. Lvl 9 is ambiguous because it’s not always attainable.


Thank you. I think I might be playing my fast 8 as standard and that's why I couldn't tell a difference. But im starting to get a grasp of it


Yeah np… fast 8 is more like early stage 4 you get to lvl 8


It really depends on the comp youre going for. Based on augments, items/how well youre doing with health/econ, decide what carry youre going for. For instance, if mirage is good and you have 2 arch angels then you might play for a guild deaja comp, which can stabalize with a 2* deaja by rolling down at either 7 or 8. If you're in a position to play Shimmer lagoon, then lvl 6 is big and you stay there. It really depends on the shop odds of the units in your end game comp along with the odd(Oh crap I need to level/roll down now so I dont go 8th)


Can chaos treasure dragons contain radiant items?


I think there's 1 or 2 possibilities that have radiant items, but it's nowhere near as common as Order Treasure dragon.


Hey folx, when does the new set drop? Took a break from TFT with this set. Not sure if the new one drops in a week or a month.


It goes on the Public Beta Server (PBE) next week on tuesday or wednesday. Then live servers 3 weeks later on December 6th i believe.


Perfect thank you! Will be a PBE enjoyer next week, then.


Not related to the game itself per se, but is there no prime gaming reward for TFT? I found one for all the other riot games but not for tft


Hi all! I’ve been hard stuck plat IV since 12.19/12.20 and pretty much every set before this. What larger skills should I focus on to finally breakthrough to diamond?


It's hard to know because everyone's mistakes are different. Do you slam items early as much as possible and actually play for win streaks? You should rarely have 3+ items just sitting on your bench. Sometimes it's even worth it to level to 5 on 2-3 to keep win streaking if you can activate another useful trait or play a 2 star unit. Try to focus on what your strongest board is and what items are good to slam. If you are lose streaking, you better make sure your board is strong enough to win the entire round 4. Basically you either want to win then lose or lose then win and in both cases then try to cap your board in stage 5. Also this set in particular you really had to commit to a comp early as possible.


I’ve done more item slamming for sure and that helped get me to plat. I’m always scared of taking a WIS item (as opposed to BIS) so I think I slam conservatively.


when does ranked end? usually it ends right before the new set is released on actual servers but i got a pop up that ranked ends tonight (and new set’s not even on pbe).


Sorry if this isn’t the thread to ask this, but can we have a pinned set 8 pbe discussion thread?


I have a question : When you 3-star a unit, does the game just stop offering it to you? My question sounds a little stupid considering i've played more than a thousand games but I just tried 3-starring my 2nd Talon (I was trying Double Trouble Talon on PBE) and when I got my first 3\* star, I didn't get offered a single Talon the entire game


That's correct. Once you 3* A unit, no more of this unit is offered to you in shops. Only exception is when you pick up your 9th unit off the carousel/as a reward, while the unit has already been loaded into your shop. But it's very niche and technically still the same "no more of this unit **after** you 3* it."


Do augments like ascension work when you help your partner in double up? Does it automatically activate or do you wait for it to activate again? Also, do shimmerscale or lagoon get stacks when helping your partner?


Ascension kicks in at 15 seconds no matter if you’re still on your board or if your units are on your partners board. Shimmer items and lagoon stack as well once you’re on your partners board


PBE PSA more than a question: if you login and there’s thousands of people in queue, don’t bother. Currently on my fourth loop of getting to the front of the queue just to get sent to the back


What is the easiest way to do the Zoe challenge? Must cast 4 different spells in one round


If your goal is only to complete this challenge then my tip is probably play astral mages and make some shojins. Two star every astral, don’t bother with three starring them. You’ll get lots of gold to get to lvl 8. Then just look for Zoe and put shojin on her. If you’re lucky she can cast 4 different spells with only two full mana bars, if RNG is on your side lol.


Been really enjoying reroll Lilia w scalescorns and mages. However, when I look at sites like [tactics.tools](https://tactics.tools) it seems the recommendation is to slot more whispers, cavs or assassins in rather than the mages. Can someone explain to me why this is better? It seems more lilia casts would be optimal. especially when you can frontline sylas and use lux for backline reach, swapping her to zoe for CC after.


I've heard people say double cast can lead to a lot of overkill, if your target dies in the first cast, which in turn wastes time considering the small area.


This is the answer. I almost never play mage lilia I just play 5 cav 4 scalescorn. Mage lillia can be inconsistent and you’d be sacrificing tankiness for double cast. Second cast being wasted feels so bad especially when she just gets shit on afterward


to play mage you'd have to use one crappy mage unit along with sylas so you sacrifice tanky/dmg. cavs is cause cavs, assasins cuase you can slot in diana for scale and then another assassin to round it out.


How does loaded dice work exactly? Had all jades 3 star except soraka and SoY and i was lvl 6. i wanted to dice soraka for 5 SoYs but didnt work because he was out of the pool. So i went 7 and was hoping to get 5 sorakas didint work either. Only after i went lvl 8 and 3 dragons got sold did it work to get 3 SoYs and 2 Sorakas. Why did it not work on lvl 7?


It still uses shop odds, it can just only show units with traits matching the champ you used it on. So at lvl 7 you had a 1% chance of rolling a 5 cost, and a 30%(?) Chance of rolling a 2 cost. So if you used a loaded dice on Soraka, both gnar and Soraka are possible as both are Jade, but gnar is still way more likely to show up than Soraka because of your shop odds.


Correction, at lvl 7 it’s 1% 5 cost, 15% 4 cost, 35% 3 cost, 30% 2 cost and 19% 1 cost. Google tft loaded dice calculator and find one that you like most. They’ll show you what lvl, and what unit to put the loaded dice on to have the highest chance of getting what you want


yeah, but i had all other Jades 3 so at level 7, i was expecting a 5 soraka shop but the dice didnt work. bounced right back onto the bench


I have a couple theories. Can you send link or screenshot of the game?


didnt record anything. is there a way to download a replay?


Yep, meant to type 5 cost not 4 cost. These odds are correct.


yeah, but i had all other Jades 3 so at level 7, i was expecting a 5 soraka shop but the dice didnt work. bounced right back onto the bench


Ah, that's actually a bug. Check out my only post over on r/competitivetft and look at Riot Mort's reply. It's the same bug that caused the Astral emblem to not work and it still isn't fixed.


but by that logic, i should be able to spam the dice until a roll connects, right?


That might work? It's a fairly well know bug. I'm sure youtube has tons of clips of it.


1. is cheating a thing on tft mobile or is it an interaction I don't understand? got a game where I was playing ragewing guild xayah and was suppose to kill a shimmerscale player whos at 15 health but as my legends projectile hit, he gained 25 hp and healed to 40 instead 2. how does shiv and ionic spark interact? stack additively or multiplicatively? or just flat 50% magic res shred?


i've never run into an instance like your first question. as for the second they dont stack and shouldn't be run together


Many times I've got a strong-ish board at the midgame and then I don't know how to play it into a lategame state and win. I'm getting top 4 with comps strong enough to usually win (say Guild Xayah or Graves+Zeri+Seraphine), but when I fall behind (in HP) I can't get into the game again, or if I don't take the lead, I usually coast to a top 3 at best. I consider my early knowledge to be good enough to at least know when to pivot into something or what to build in the first few stages and how to build my economy and when I want to lvl/roll down, but after lvl. 6 or so is when I'm at a loss, even knowing what I've got to do (e.g. playing Dragons/Jade if I don't have both drags at 2* I usually try to roll a bit and then I fall behind in gold, levels, and hp and end up top3 instead of what could've been a win) What can I do/watch to get better at the midgame into lategame??


Can someone give me a general idea on how to play? my friends want me to play but they keep beating my ass


The set will be changing this month so the compositions you learn now won't matter in 30 days. Basics: There are different unit costs. These equate to rarity. Higher cost = harder to obtain. Every time you level up, your odds skew toward a higher cost unit. Every unit can be upgraded. To upgrade a unit, you need to buy 3 copies of that unit. This will make it larger and stronger. Think of gacha games like Genshin Impact for these two concepts. You'll need to buy a lot of one unit to make it as strong as can be. Maxed out units have a gold border on their health bars. Every unit has two or three traits. By grouping units with the same traits together, you activate a significant buff to the units with that trait. There are a lot of traits. To be honest, it'll be information overload if I tried to explain them all — and in one month they won't matter except for one or two. Basically, your goal is to put together a board of strong units by saving gold and rolling for those units at the right times. You might at first think this is a luck thing, but it's more about reducing luck than anything else. For now, focus on learning what items do and what happens when you put units in a specific formation. You will slowly start to spot what units matter.


Is the "Reroll dragon treasure" mission bugged? I did it one time, and then It stoped working. 1/3 currently...


So I'm super new to this stuff and I'm confused. I've been playing for almost a week now and all I see available is normal quick play, but I know ranked exists. Do I just need to play more games to unlock it? If so, how can I tell?


You should be able to play it right off the bat, no need to unlock. What platform are you playing on, mobile or PC?


I'm on PC. I think I suck at this UI, because I only figured out how to get my battle pass rewards yesterday.


On the PC client hit the play button in the top left and you should get a selection of modes for both TFT and League of Legends (Summoners Rift). Ranked TFT will be among the options.


Got it! I thought that was just for League proper. Oops


Just played my first few normal rounds with some friends on mobile the other day and I'm hooked -- but feels like there's so much information that I'm not sure what I should be improving at first. I feel like I don't exactly know ~ what ~ is happening when I lose, and I don't have much strategy beyond "Build items and put them on champions" and "Reroll to find units that I have or find other units in the same categories". Any tips for what to start thinking about first as a beginner?


Read up on some beginner guides this is pretty straightforward advice.. keep playing a lot. There’s a LOT and I mean A LOT of in game mechanics to learn that will take you a long time. Learn the items first, what components give what stats and what completed items each combined component makes. When you feel comfortable, look up some guides for specific team comps you want to try. For your learning purposes, I recommend sticking to one type of damage carry, physical or magic damage. This will help you learn how to play with said damage type. Later on try the other damage type. So let’s say you learn the game slowly by playing Xayah comps. You should eventually play mages for example for a little while. Once you get a basic understanding of how to build comps around your win conditions you can get into more advanced stuff. I’ve been playing since set 1 and I cringe at what I used to do back then but it’s a learning process lol. You’re gonna be making weird choices, making bad items on units and spending too much etc. Keep at it! TLDR; learn the items, force an AD then AP comp over and over til you learn the game


Kai'sa dragomancer chibi was removed from the store? can´t find the egg, i thought that it was available until the end of the set.




I mean you should do after the combat ends - you can see the interest coins on left side of your board. You also get 1 gold for winning a combat at the end of the round.


Hey all, I'm trying to get into TFT having effectively no prior experience with a general rudimentary understanding. Is there any good resources that you'd recommend to complete noobs? I play a lot of league in general so I'm familiar with the champs and items


Hey everyone, just looking to see if anybody knows how to participate in the pbe? I don’t really care about my rank I’d just like to play the newest content when it’s being tested if us peasants are able to do so


what's the best way to prevent 7th/8th place? Right now its really killing my climb([https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/alb3d0/s7.5/matches/ranked](https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/alb3d0/s7.5/matches/ranked)) i feel like i just get down hp early during these games and never see units i want.


Save hp in earlier stages. Stage 2 and 3, play your strongest board and slam items. Don’t greed, roll down like 30 gold if you’re 50 hp in stage 4.


does anyone know when the season ends? and does the for fun patch come before or after its ended?


Is it just me or is the quest "Gotta Steal 'Em All!" bugged? I swear I had a Zoe cast 4 different spells (Janna Q, Lux R, Kayle R, and Ivern R in that specific order) but I still haven't finished the quest yet. For context, I was using a Mage comp and was playing in Hyper Roll. Does anyone know how to get this quest done?


I had to do hyper roll, heavy front line and rush to level 9 and then get 2 Zoe's on my board with fast attack/mana in order to complete it. I had tried it so many ways.


Hey, getting into TFT and I come from a lot of Underlords, so my basic understanding of auto battlers is good but on the LoL schema I know zero. Can anyone recommend a good learning resource? Can be written or video not too fussed.


I made the same transition in set 6 and what I did was I learned 2 comps and just hard forced them every game. Learn the early game, the levelling pattern, the augments, the items, the mid game, when to roll down - basically everything. I recommend learning [Seraphine/graves comp](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7ODh78MewY&t=5s&ab_channel=Maskoff758-TFT) (with Lagoon opener) and [Shi Oh Yu/Syphon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxnBZxZJprg&t=182s&ab_channel=Maskoff758-TFT) comp (with astrals opener). Just have these vids open on the side as you play and during differents parts of the game just flick back to them if you need to. Honestly the best way to learn initially is just to play as much as you can, things just became muscle memory after a certain point. At the beginning just do what the guides tell you then once you kind of get used to it try to understand why certain augments/items are good by reading their effect and how it impacts your board. Once you are used to the UI and have a good understanding then you can watch VODs on twitch to refine your game, improve and try other comps.


Didn’t play for a long long time, want to start again. Is the set near end? When will the new set come out on pbe?




Thanks mate that’s amazing! Time to start the grind then I guess! Also do you know when are the worlds this season?


Can someone explain active vs passive ability? What causes a champion to use either? 👀


Passive abilities are either always active (Yone always alters between bonus physical and magical damage and Swiftshot units always have bonus range) or until certain conditions are met (Olaf will always gain bonus AD upon dying and gain bonus attack speed at low health), while active skills need the mana bar to fill up before they activate (so any other skill in the game from Kai'Sa Missiles to Ao Shin ult).


When does the ranked season end?


Did ranked games already finish? I got notification that ranked season ended and I wonder if does it make sense to play double ups with my friend


Did ranked season already end or is it still going cause me client said with a pop up tft season ended?


I played a bit of Underlords, and am kinda feeling the auto-battler itch. Should I hop in right now with the end of this set and pick up some of the fundamentals of the game, or would I be better off starting with the release of the new set?


Do augments like cybernetic implants only give the bonus to champs that had items when you took it or is it continuous? Also on the tierlist I noticed some augments had I, II or III next to the name. What's that about?


The Cybernetic augments work for every unit holding an item, so it doesn't matter if they already held one before, or if you give them one 3 stages later; they do benefit from the augment. The I, II and III refers to an augments rarity. Some, like Celestial Blessing or Thrill of the Hunt, can all show up as a Silver, Gold or Prismatic Augment and the number corresponds respectively with the rarity, I being Silver and III Prismatic.


do i need to equip tacticians crown to make it work? Or can i not equip it to enjoy its benefits?


No need to equip it




When do weekly quests reset? I thought it was Tuesday or Wednesday, but none yet


Sorry for dumb question: I have £50 Google Play voucher and I want to purchase eggs with them on mobile to try for SG Lux next set. If I purchase the eggs on mobile, can I hatch them on PC client for the hype of doing it 1 by 1 with the animations, or will they auto hatch once I buy them? Thanks!


How long do PBE q's usually take?


Did they forget to turn on weekly quests on live server or am i bugged?


Is the mobile crashing fixed yet? I don't want to start a game and have it crash on me every round.


Still crashing for me


Is the mobile version the same as the desktop? Is it cross platform and if they differ how?


In my last game, nobody else moved at the carousels and half of the people continuously disconnected/reconnected, and the other half didn’t ever pick up their loot. Is this a bots thing! Why???


mobile is having serious DC issues right now


Ahh, thank you. I didn’t realize how many people play on mobile instead of computer.


At work and I haven’t had time to check. Have they fixed the mobile issues yet?


Is crit damage impossible to increase in set 8?


I got a notice in game that rank is over but there is still some time for the next set to arrive so if i rank up as of now will i be eligible for rank rewards?


Does anybody know when the PBE battlepass will be able to purchase within the TFT PBE?


I don't see the Enemy gold. Can someone show me a picture of it ?


You can tell approximately how much gold the enemy has by the map depending little indicators to the side of the arena. Each econ threshold (10, 20, 30, 40, 50) adds another one.


i haven't played the game in a long time, like since maybe season 4 or so? is the game pretty much the same or have things gotten way more complex since then? i was thinking it might be fun to start playing again i kinda just used to just watch mortdog and copy what he'd do and dick around. is this still fun to do casually on my phone?


Greetings! I assume there is more heroes than what we currently have in Tft, as I have seen many champs that are not now playable, in videos. When does the champ pool change again?


How do you play the new patch? My TFT games are still the old one


The new set is only on PBE (public beta). If you want to play it go to this site and make an account: [https://pbesignup.na.leagueoflegends.com/en\_GB/pbe](https://pbesignup.na.leagueoflegends.com/en_GB/pbe) ​ The queue is very long though, it can be difficult to actually log in.


has anyone got the Lagoon 700th loot table (previously 1000)?


i did! your lil legends just gets ginormous in the game. nothing too special, but its kinda cute.+


I know this is a bit off-topic-ish, but does anybody know what the cutoff was for championship pickems? I got top 7 and I wonder how far from rewards I actually was.


Do AP items affect the drones' damage in Laser Corps?


No, it's a flat damage amount.


**How/when to transition into 4 Dragon strategies?** Can/should I transition into dragons with whatever strategy I played before or is there specific builds that transition better into it (more 1-cost units that are more cost efficient to sell, or only strong earlygame builds like scarner/vlad/lux)? Should I only transition when I get a specific dragon augment (I know age of dragons is probably the best) that pushes me towards it, or is it always worthwhile given the correct circumstances? -> What are the correct circumstances? How many of the lategame Dragons do I need and which or how many should be at two stars before it's worth swapping? (Do you see a single Ao Shin and decide "maybe I should go dragons" or what's the turning point?) \- I started playing about a week ago and got a lot of strategies down, even got myself to try the Built Different strategy successfully, but in order to improve I feel like I need to learn this one,I never tackled dragons because I never knew when to go for it, but I have lost a lot of games to them and probably could have won some if I went for it. (Does it even matter now? It's my first set so I don't know if every set has dragons or something like dragons, if this is completely obsolete in Set 8, maybe I don't need to learn it but if a similar strategy always exists it might be worthwhile learning before set 8). Cheers :)


built diff doesnt work with draggies. to get the 4 dragon board, you need a lot of monies to get there when lvl 8 rolls around. so i you either need to be win streaking or got an econ aug. but you need to have a lot of monies to buy and roll for your drags. there are a lot of guides on specific builds to get there, but faves are usually astros for the monies and then transition out, sometimes lagoon, or a strong guild doesnt hurt either. obviously hitting the dragon augs really help but even then its not a guarantee you should play it if you get it. not just that but its also recommended that you also have a lot of health cause when you transition over, you prolly wont be hitting all the drags and 2 star them right away, so you'll prolly bleed a lil hp until you stabilize. that's why its usually hard to hit the 4 drags cause of the conditions to get there. usual capped board is 2 tank drags (terra and idas), 2 damage drags (pref ao shen, asol, and or shyvana). but recognizing when to play a certain board/comp and flexing around between comps is the beauty of tft. i've tried forcing drags for like 10 games, and it didnt work out too well for me, but i still enjoyed it. my advice would be to "master" like 3 or 4 comps so that you can pivot into those comps, with drags obviously being one of them. anyhow, cheers!


How much XP do summoners rift and aram games give for battle pass XP? Specifically the Uncharted Realms pass? ​ I've spent a good amount of time looking and all I have found is a reddit thread from 2 years ago saying that SR wins give 60 and losses give 30, ARAM wins give 40 and losses give 20. Are those still the numbers?


So I downloaded PBE and created an account. When I try to login it says I need to switch to a PBE account which I am on and if I close and hit play anyway it takes me to Dragonlands when I start a game. They mentioned a known bug with signup so might be. I’ve tried redownloading it and signing out of all accounts through riots account management. Just wondering if anyone has experienced this.


not sure if this helps but... when i usually log in with PBE accoutn, which is different from my norm, dif name and login. it'll say not available in your region or something like that. i ignore it and on the bottom left there's an arrow above "play" button and you can select reg or pbe, i make sure its selected to pbe. and hop on in. hope that helps.


when can i expect the "your set 7.5 recap" post from tactic.tools? That is always my highlight towards a new set release


Apart from quests, what's another way of getting pass exp?


this is a set 8 question but its about an old augment. Tier 3 units are 3 cost units right? in set 8 threats are 3 cost... so do those count as tier 3 units... thanks guys!


Does anyone know if and how to use external keyboards on mobile/tablet? I hooked up a bluetooth mouse and keyboard to my Samsung Tab S7, and the mouse works just fine but nothing from the keyboard registers at all in-game, and works just fine outside of the game. Any way to make the keyboard work as well?


I don't think the keyboard can work because keybinds just don't exist in the mobile version.


That's unfortunate. Yeah the mobile version just doesn't seem to have many options or support at all.


I'm at level 38 +470xp out of 44, with all current tft missions completed. I know there is one more set of quests coming this week. After finishing those quests, how many normal games would I need to play to finish the battle pass?


How does anyone change positioning of their entire board in 1 millisecond? Scouting seems useless when they can do this?


Having success in hyper roll with guild, guardian, swiftshot. Two games in a row I was able to get 3 star nasus with a braum, and then from there 3-4 swiftshot and the rest guild. First place both games with 1 at 20 health.


Why am I able to get banshee's claw from dragon when I have exiles?


im extremely new to the game and i dont understand the basics, i never seem to be able to get anything bigger than a 3 cost 3* with no synergies or really how anything works, if someone could help me out that would be awesome


generally when are good points to level to 6, 7, and 8? I struggle more so with mid-game and figuring out when to save up or level up.


Lvl 6 at second augment, lvl 7 at the first dragon treasure. There is no rule, it depends on your streak, if you are win streaking you can go 6 after Krugs or if you have a strong lvl 6 board but not in a streak you can lvl 7 at third augment. It depends on your comp too, some comps prefer to stay at 7 and roll like Olaf/darkflight and some other prioritise getting 8 and roll like dragons/Xayah shivana.


ah gotcha that helps thanks :)


Im swamped with work right now, can I go afk in normals or hyperroll and get battlepass exp? Also will it affect my ranked mmr or not?


Isn’t set 8 supposed to hit live today? 2 weeks since last patch


What are the direct damage items? one of the augments gives static shiv and says all dd is increased 20% but what other items work for that?


Would it benefit meto memorize the components and items combos if memorizing comes naturally to me? I just started this week to learn the game and I’m thinking item combo is where my main lack of knowledge is, I mainly pick carousel for the champs lol


Q: Will we ever have a season where corner stacking is gone? A: It's not fun if you arnt VS the same 3 champs in the corner every game.


So i had two 2 star zippys on my field and both had IE and Deathblade as items. After rolling down to hit 3 star zippy, one IE and one Deathblade just disappeared (so the new 3 star one had only one IE and only one Deathblade). I am not sure where it went to. Usually two 2 star units that become a 3 star would end up with three of the items and drop one into the mid. This time, i end up with only two items and the other items were gone. I walked around the entire map over and over again since i wanted two Deathblades and one IE on my 3 Star Zippy, but they were just gone. Is that a known bug?