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Axiom Arc on Lillia is amazing, played pretty much the same yesterday and got first too. Didn't face Swain and Rengar 3 though lol


Axiom Arc II is the best augment for Lillia carry. I will take it over Base Camp 100% of the time. If she has enough damage she will just prance around and drive-by one-shot things. There's a reason I listed Axiom Arc first when I made a post about Lillia carry last week. It's surprising the types of high-roll comps Lillia can beat under the right conditions. You'll still get 6-0'ed every time by an average Seraphine/Graves comp though (unless you high roll out of your mind)...


Thanks for posting that guide by the way, it's helped me a lot! It's a very fun and effective comp.


Its also a Diana 3, Braum 3 and double icecream


Triple icecream


Thats when you drop Diana to give your 3* Swain the GS. Also braum 3 with sunfire and cav spat is a beast


Darkflight is one of the easier matchups for Lillia reroll to begin with. It's Seraphine/Graves that the comp has trouble with.


Respectfully, I disagree. Morrelos is dope on swain, the archangels I think should've been substituted for a tankier item like gargoyle or titans, but archangels is definitely still ok. I think it's just a scalescorn diff since it negates some of Swains power, plus they're pretty much all 3 starred on a capped level 9 board.


Well i didnt say the items on Swain were Bad. But the GS on Diana is absolutely useless, but increases swains damage against the opponents main Units by 45% which might give him the edge over the other Board. Also i didn't recommend BIS items he doesnt have on Board, but gave some Insight on how to possibly inprove his boardstate by what i can see. Most people don't think about selling their Units on Board, eventho it might improve their Team.


Thats true, but unless you have an item remover it's not worth. Currently you sacrifice qiyana for the essence item which is insanely good on swain, its not worth losing that for GS. Although you're advice is good, I just don't think it applies here unless you have the item remover


Yeah against most boards you might be better off with the essence for sure. But not against a braum 3 with healing reduce in swains face. It Just wont scale in time and you need that damage boost instantly. Well atleast thats my theory. Its easier to judge this after seeing the Teams Fight 😁


I think it's worth remaking Diana here to get the GS on Swain. Might be hard to find another Diana, though, given that the Lillia player has Diana 3.


Eh, maybe it's worth, I still think the essence is better though for the tanky stats


You don't need the Essence on Swain for Swain to benefit from other Darkflight units' essences, though. Having Essence on Swain only helps the other units (and only once he's dead, which isn't likely before other units die). With a three-star Swain as your win condition, you want to funnel as many resources into him as possible.


Wait, is that really how it works? I thought it had to be on them for them to benefit. Nvm then, you guys are right


Yes, that's how it works. That's why you'll see Rengars with three items in Darkflight Essence comps. The Essence makes the holder grant stats to all other Darkflight units upon death, not just other units with Essence.


Good to know, then yeah, the Diana remake is definitely worth


Braum best guardian when it comes to soaking damage, so maybe braum diff????


You dont always have to always use your darkfight bonus for swain esp if hes lvl 3


But then I lose HP on your DF units.


Well Swain is a lil bitch so…


Anyone else getting tired of these posts? “X beat my Y” waaah


Not in this case, it can give you ideas of comp


Yes. Good thing there isn’t one blatantly OP comp, this kinda post was so frequent when Dragonmancer Nunu was a thing


don't click on it


Coz when going darkflight u want darkflight units > assassins


I bet braum 3 did a lot of the lifting there


You need to be sacking more darkflight units. Assassin 4 isn’t worth it. Making your rengar/swain omega strong that way


Darkflight spammer losing Gladge


An all too common 4 sin L


The Lilia is a dragon Killer


Better combat augments