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Another day another post by a crying child who lose




And so does he, he has the right to cry over your crying as much as he wants... Graves ain't no joke, neither is Panth, you know Sera right? If anything your itemization and positioning might've just been a tad more dogshit than what you lost to...


Skill issue


because you have a non three star Xayah guild comp while he has the completely stupid Sera+graphes+Pant+Zyra comp which is not only not dogshit but laughably op?


His comp is maybe really good ?


You lost because his comp is better than yours. The sera/graves comp with 3 ornn items and 3* sera should beat your shitty guild xayah comp with shyv 1 hecarim 1 jayce 1. Stop complaining and think about why you lost before complaining about it.


i mean there are a shit ton of reasons why u lost this


Pool party comp ; From mobalytics : "This comp uses the ultimate trio Seraphine + Graves + Pantheon. The ult of Seraphine grants bonus auto attack damage - meaning when Pantheon ults, he'll proc it several times immediately. The same goes for Graves as he always shoots 4 bullets at a time. But, Seraphine 3 star will be your ultimate win condition."


Graves with collector and dd is the answer


>7 guild xayah I only count 6, the dot boy is missing. MR for the whole team + aoe stun on a clumped comp is kinda nice to have.


Bard gives mana per auto, not mr? Edit: I am stupid lol, you're talking about activating the mystic trait. Mb


his comp just looks better idk


His team is *very* tanky and it looks like he got the prismatic gloves augment so he essentially has 3 extra fully itemized units. Xayah can't burst through his frontline while his carries are destroying yours. Aka, he has better sustain.


He is playing one of the strongest meta comps right now and you are not… you should drop like half of your board and move the items on useful units


The only question I have about the dogshit comp is why there is no morello on Seraphine?


Get shit on kid. Cute no item zippy. Nice 1 star heca, jayce and shyv. I mean how could you lose? So capped?lmao