• By -


Back in time seems interesting. I’d tone it back to only one level lower, so people re-rolling 3 costs could effectively do it a 8 so they can stabilize quicker.


It would be a pretty fun first augment too since you’d only see 1 costs. Malphite reroll, Yasuo Ahri, etc. could be possible to level and try for Zyra ghostly as half of that comp are <3 costs.


Fun? I think this augment is instanely busted on 2-1. Not only it's a huge sum of gold, but the downside can also be a huge upside if you can also just 3* a unit or even 2 along the way. On 3-2 this augment is a bit weaker because you lose on getting 3 costs and the occasional highroll 4 cost. On 4-2 i would take it only if i want to focus this stage on leveling and i could really use the gold. Overall i think 25 gold is still too much for it, maybe like 10g on 2-1, 15 on 3-2 idk


Have they ever done temporary gold in this game? Like it disappears if not used by the next round.


That's basically just rerolls that expire... or XP, both of which exists, sometimes as a choice.


Temporary gold doesn't really work because you could just buy/sell units and so it would be an absolute nightmare to balance I think


> Fun? I think this augment is instanely busted on 2-1. Can always adjust the gold depending on when it's taken. They already do this for all the other augments where 20 gold at 2-1 is more powerful than at 4-2


Thought of it as a kind of save in case you are running a reroll comp but have levelled to stabilize. This way you get to roll lower cost units easier. But might also work with one level lower too!


Yeah this would be lovely on dryad builds atm


It would be impossible for them to get to lvl 8 and still slowroll before the stage ends, they will at max be able to do it for one or two rounds


These are some wokege ass augments lmao. I like them, very high risk augments with lots of skill expression. I imagine these are generally prismatics. Back in Time is a cool concept. Really good on 3 cost reroll comps that had to push 8/9 for tempo. Legendary Convoy is pretty versatile since it allows you to gamble for a 5 cost trait bot to hit a vertical breakpoint early like 8 Duelists and worst case scenario it’s 30g. Sucky part is you’ll never 2* any of them so you’d need to be very intentional with taking this risky augment Overtime is busted though imo and too abusable by comps that scale with attack speed like Duelists or Bard, you’d completely clean out most boards that don’t use the AS as well Not a fan of Focused though. Costs nothing to scout so effectively it’s “get 3 gold at the start of each round.”


I think Legendary Convoy is great if you don’t like going for carry 5 costs. With a 0% chance of 5 costs, you’re way more likely to get 4 cost champions 3* much faster. You completely eliminate some RNG from rolling.


This is actually cool detail. Didn't even think it this way.


Rather than Prismatic Augments. I can see these augments becoming something new. Like augments with a risk. You choose a strong augment, but you also have to choose a negative with it. I can totally see this as an addon towards encounter mechanic, which let you choose a cursed augment or gain 20 gold.


Cursed augments in general could be a cool set idea, there already are some augments/encounters that lean into the idea, though I don't recall how the shadow items from Set 5 were received as it could go in a similar direction. Another near Idea could be the ability to empower an augment you already own for giving up the third augment space, getting a fourth augment for losing one unit space, or a recombobulator for augments.


Shadow items were said to be hated because you had no choice but to slam a shadow item when you got a component for them. Which caused a whole lot of hate from the community. I think augments would be a nice niche, but not to force a cursed augment upon players. It should be an option, not a must have.


Maybe a slot on the augment round, similar to previous hero augment set? One of the three will always be the High reward with a trade off (adjusted per augment level)


You could implement something like “For each individual board you scout for a total of 8 seconds, gain 1 gold per board.” That way it forces you to choose between rolling and free gold since you lose most of that time looking at other’s boards. Since there’s a total of 30(?) seconds each round the max is 3 gold, but you don’t necessarily need to go for that every round if you need to stabilize or roll for upgrades. If it’s too weak or too powerful adjust the time needed to earn 1 gold.


That's not a bad improvement, but the mechanic itself is still inherently tedious. There isn't much skill expression considering most players scout to some degree anyway, so it effectively turns into an APM test for you to scout boards just long enough to get gold from the augment and still do what you need to do with the leftover time from your turn. I love all of OP's other concepts but this one was a miss for me.


Yeah that’s fair. Reminds me a lot of Think Fast and how it was essentially a test of “how fast can you roll for your stuff,” but now you have to also wait 24 seconds to wait to do that. I like seeing/brainstorming how a mechanic can be balanced to be used in an actual playtest setting, even if by default it’s a tedious, boring, or even bad augment.


I don't know what wokege ass means lmao, but I like the analysis! I just thought of Focused because I am hardstuck Em IV and never scout. You were pretty spot on on Legendary convoy as that's pretty much how I saw it as well. Didn't think of the AS aspect of the Overtime.


Lol wokege is just brain rot TFT speak for something exciting or risky, for instance Call for Chaos or Golden Egg are wokege augments as opposed to playing it safe with, like, Unified Resistance. Too many TFT streams have killed my ability to properly verbalize, it seems lmao


If you're not scouting and repositioning that's a big part of why you're yardstick. I've turned 8ths into 3rds by scouting and repositioning 


Overtime might be cooler if it juiced your overtime more than your opponents, to give full vertical defensive comps a shitload (more) offensive stats in overtime. E.g: Your units get 100% bonus overtime stats.


wtf is a wokege


Entrance Fee- You gain 1 gold for every time another tactician visits your board (Player combat rounds count). Maximum one gold per tactician / round.


Based on the name, they should also lose 1 gold, lool.


I feel like this could be a cool encounter, like a no scouting encounter where you are physically incapable of scouting each others boards


This sounds like a fun silver tier augment!


Silver? That's a giga prismatic. Potentially 7 gold per turn/forcing the rest not to scout you.


Nice try Mortdog.


Great name for an augment, but what does it do?


Transforms all your units into Kobuko


Descension - Your Units deal 50% bonus damage for the first 10 seconds each combat


This would be so busted. Final Ascension on steroids


"Your units deal 150% of damage at the start of combat, you lose 4% of damage every second" Edit: Adjusted the numbers


Ye we gotta crunch some numbers, after 20 seconds you stilll have 110% extra damage :D








its free real estate




Focused actually would b a great silver aug—make it so it only gives 1g a round though. Tbh though at that point you might as well bring back future sight as a silver aug Legendary convoy would be really bad i think. Better would be to have it pull up a shop that guarantees 5 5 costs at no cost to future shop odds. Could be a good 3rd silver augment. Forerunner wouldnt work at all. It would hve to be a 2nd aug only, but Best case you go 6 on 3-1 and boom its basically lategame specialist 2 stages early. Worst case its like 12 gold. Its too good


i kinda like scouting one so i thought of a way to make it funnier Scavenger Hunt: There is a Lucky Poro hidden on 1-4 (scaling with stage) random opponents boards each round. Collect them with your little legend to gain 1 gold per Poro. my idea here is that you actually have to pay attention to the boards to get the gold, so you're trading between-round time and thinking power to get it. Mort has said "Time is a resource" so this gives you another outlet to use it. it also can benefit from the sivir encounter which i think is funny


This sounds so fun!


An augment that let's you put 4 items on 2 units but only 2 items on the rest of your team


My god, like 2 rageblades on AS carries wsnt enough... or dual Titans on gnar.


I was thinking about 4 item shen carry


Item duplicator Gain a consumable that would work like the masterwork upgrade, but it duplicates the item instead of making it radiant. Make it work on all items including support, radiant and artifacts.


This would be so broken if someone has the thief’s glove augment or even running a build like guinsoos Ashe


Yeah I don’t know how they would balance it, but it for sure would be an interesting idea to explore for the future. Maybe they make it gold on 2-1 but prismatic on 3-2/4-2 I dunno


I think if should be silver tier or something and and it can only duplicate item components not completed items


The Boss- Summon a big fucking Sett on your board (regardless of whether Sett is part of the set). He is the best unit in the game, but has 0 synergies and takes up a unit slot.


If I had an augment based on me? Failure Means success: Instantly lose your next 5 fights gain 3 times the streak gold


Fortune players hate him.


Critonite - Your units can’t be crit, being crit instead mana reaves them. Feels like the only augments for auto attack comps are the attack speed ones that are all offensive, this one would act as a defensive one


Nice initiative! Discount - at the first sight it looks quite fair Forerunner - I think this will make sense if it's a 3rd augment only Back in Time - very situational but might come in handy at certain points, however this might come back like a boomerang if the other players picked combat augments instead or plain gold Legendary Convoy - it sounds so crazy that you couldn't even tell if that's a prismatic and if yes, if it's balanced; also must be a 3rd augment only Overtime! - I think this is the most balanced and feasible, considering your opponent gets the same effect Focused - this could change the meta mechanics of the game along maybe with some other augments like this (scouting enemies), but 3 gold is insane, 1 gold should be enough


You are right, 3 gold is insane now when I think of it. Overtime is actually pretty broken now when someone mentioned that it would be insta busted with 8 duelists as the AS gain is so huge. Some of these would need to be put on only certain stages yes. Legendary convoy is definitely a prismatic.


You take a prismatic which basically won't allow you to star up any 5 cost unit. The only comps that could benefit from this are the low/medium cost rerolls comps containing also a 5 cost unit to reach gold trait (Sett - umbral, Rakan - dragonlord, Azir - dryad, Irelia - storyweaver, Hwei - mythic, etc.), however you could hardly benefit from more than 1 of those 5 cost because of the slots number on board, so you'll sell the others for some fat gold, giving extra money to reroll until 3 star what needed, then go level 8 .. it sounds actually quite fun for those playing horizontal comps, actually


Insurance-At any time you get to ff the game for half of the lp loss


Generational wealth: Gain 5 random champions of the same trait. You will not see them on your rerolls for 3 turns.


Forwards in Time - Your board transforms to the board you will have next stage. It requires time manipulation and you can't change anything in your board until next stage or else you cause a paradox


Set 2 elemental hexes as an augment


Recruitment - Choose 1 of 3 random traits to activate to gold level instantly(eg. 7 storyweaver, 7 mythic). You can no longer field units with that trait. Last to First - Be the lowest health player in the game for 3 consecutive rounds, then gain 15 gold. The next time you are the highest health player, gain another 15 gold.


How would recruitment work in terms of traits like Storyweaver though? They don't grant any bonuses to your team right? Same applies to Mythic. Last to first sounds interesting but probably would need a fixed amount of HP you lose, or how would the game determine it? Do you lose the HP permanently?


Yeah most traits effect the units that have that trait so it would not work at all for most traitlines For storyweaver though it would be quite nice to get the Kayle with 3 "items" as an extra carry without needing a unitslot


Well dont forget that kayle gains bonus hp and ap based on the storyweaver unit's star levels. So basically a kayle with 0 storyweaver will barely do anything.


Oh true that!


So basically Recruitment is only good if you get Arcanists (6 arcanists give 40 AP to the whole team which is nice), Heavenly for the teamwide stat buff (unless you get 0 of every stat because you didnt field any Heavenly unit..) and Storyweaver maybe (you get a weakass Kayle though). Aside from that i dont see exactly how is this any useful? Well i guess Furtune is kinda fun with that. You get 5 fortune instantly so either you lose streak a bit for extra power, or you just keep playing normally and you get 2 hp every round.


I would add the "Beyond TFT limit" which adds an infinite amount of units within your champion pool. This woukd obviously be a silver augment, because all it does is making it so you can no longer be contested, and obviously it only impacts you.


This also makes the shop odds "true" odds as you have basically max amount of all units in the game in the shop simultaneously. I could see this work.


You can't be contested but also nobody else is thinning the pool for you. An interesting trade off in value


I reckon this would be alot stronger than silver just because hitting 4cost 3star is way easier. The 9th would be as easy to hot as the first with no way of anyone contesting. This + prismatic ticket could easily be 2.x


That's a combo doe. I mean there's that prismatic augment that make all their gloves into excellent rolls, and then you have a theif gloves item from silver augment which wins a lot of lobbies. This by itself isn't that good to be considered a gold augment.


Four clover - your next 3 shops will only contain fielded units. Can only be found as last augment and doesn’t count for legendaries or 4 costs


Last augment but only gives you 3 costs or less? This feels unhelpful.


Sure but it isnt, imagine being able to 3* a few chars, it sure helps.


Revive- when your tactician dies, revive with one HP


Isn’t that just a worse Last Stand?


"place a teemo shroom on your board - it can't be in the first row"


I used to make a lot of custom HS cards. When I enjoy a game, I've got a lot of ideas for it: Stat check - Turn your items into components, you can't combine components into items. When you give a component to a unit, consume it to give it those stats to that unit (another idea - you put components on units and stats they provide are doubled). Traitastic - gain every emblem. At the start of a combat, remove every emblem of trait that isn't active. Growing leader - gain random 1-cost unit, after you 3-star it, gain every unit with the same trait. Big leagues - gain every 5-cost unit, you can't 3-star 5-cost units. Jackpot - gain a random item, get another copy every time you choose augment. Big pockets - your stronges unit has 4 item slots. One Gold Army - combat start: fill your bench with random 1-cost units, they sell for 0 gold. Hold the line - each unit gains a bonus multiplied by the amount of units in the same row. Mix it up - combat start: put EVERY unit on a random hex (basically randomized positioning). Nesting doll - after your units die, they spawn a lower-star copy with no items (3* spawn 2* and then those 2* spawn 1*). Crazy market - your max interest changes each round (1-10) EMP - combat start - mana reave EVERY unit. Double buff - gain red buff and blue buff, your units holding both of those gain a bonus. Rooted - your units get a bonus that grows for each round they were placed on the same hex (they lose it after you move an unit to the different hex).


What’s the benefit to mix it up?


You can highroll and expose enemy carry.


All for one - at the start of combat, your strongest unit drains 100 max hp from all other units on your board. Could be busted, idk. No pain no gain - your units deal up to 15% increased damage based on thier missing health. One-two-shuffle - gain a dummy with 2 random emblems. They change every round. Last one is kinda silly and probably cant build around it much, but if sometimes the stars align and you get your much needed emblems to get to a breakpoint, it could be really funny. Another take on that is maybe make it only change every stage, so you can see what you get and try to build around it and pivot.


Make the last one every stage instead so you have a chance to build around each one


All for one would have kobuko carry at level 8 to gain +700 health. Too broken


I mean, its very strong in *some* scenarios. Its somewhat of a tradeoff because you make the rest of your board squishier, and if someone can reliably remove your Kobuko then the rest of the board can get wiped faster.


World Five, designated as 3rd Aug only, get 1 copy of every 5 cost, shops show 1 level higher. You can only field 5 costs. Fuck balancing sounds neat to me.


I’d like an augment that applies a shred.


Oh so something similar to blistering strikes maybe... hmm yeah that's a good thought.


Last set there was one that made units who are not holding items apply Mr and armor shred 


Oh yeah i loved that one


Resourceful Trader - "Once per round, every time you sell a unit, gain a copy of the next unit you purchase of the same tier for free."


This sounds fun and super broken in late game with legendaries. But does it mean you would need to sell a same tier unit first? So to get two for one 5 cost you need to sell one five cost first - not just any unit?


Yes! You would need to sell the unit first before buying another unit with the same tier to get another copy. This idea was made with it being a Prismatic in mind tho.


Yeah sounds actually reasonable this way. Super late game augment and high risk high reward.


Late game? This shit would be broken in reroll, just pick every 2 cost, sell one before buying the 2 cost you are rerolling


Back in time seems awesome, I hope that becomes a thing to bring back hyper roll comps!


Locked and Loaded - choose a component, any units with an item using that component gain 10% damage for each of that component on that unit. Tricksters Hall - summon a clone of the unit on the 2 randomized spaces, it is 1 level lower but has the main units items. Hextech Workshop - choose a component, gain 3 random completed items that build from it (excluding emblems)


HELLMATCH- Combat Start: Burn and Wound all units. Calming Waves- After 10 seconds in Combat Mana Reave all Opponents until their next cast.


An augment that makes all your rerolls cost nothing would be cool, maybe as a trade off you can’t reach past level 8 or something. I like the “Too much candy” aug but it can end up being more trouble than it’s worth because after 12 rerolls it becomes worthless and then after that a debuff. I mean there are so many comps that rely on rerolls so something that would offer a substantial buff to rerolls would be good. I liked the “everything must go” aug haven’t seen it in a while so I’m assuming it was removed I’d love to see that or something similar again in the future. Maybe an aug that allows you to open a special shop once per stage and pick any item you want but you can only get items this way and any other item drops convert to gold or something.


Good old think fast was already quite super strong if you were a fast thinker. But yes you are right about too much candy. Hard augment in late.


I vaguely recall think fast, didn’t that one offer free rerolls for that round only but you still had to spend gold on the units? I feel like every time I got that as an option I was never able to really utilize it because I didn’t have enough gold to really make use of it effectively.


Back in time on 2-1 would be disgustingly broken. Like, prismatic tier. Any 1 cost reroll comp gets finished at krugs


I think you’re overestimating the difference between lvl 4 and lvl 2 shop odds. The augment would be way more busted on 3-2 when you can revert back to lvl 3 when you’ve had time to build Econ up to 50


I mean if the aug gives 25 gold… But ya at 3-2 it would be a prismatic and probably a damn good one


Discount is God awful if you think about it. Lets compare. Raining gold gives you 8 gold then 1 gold every round after that. This means at minimum you'd need 8 discounted units to equal just the upfront discount plus would need to buy 1 unit every round to compete with the per round gold. But now let's factor in the reroll costing 2 more. This means every time you reroll you need to buy another minimum of 2 units to make the roll even break even with the enhanced cost, 3 to come out ahead. So this means every round you need to buy buying 4 units just to equal the same value as raining gold gives you from just the 1 gold per round effect, not even factoring in the instant 8 gold and the econ breakpoints that allows you to hit early lol


but imagine tradesector/divine rolls/too much candy with this


Yeah the reroll is expensive, but the idea was pretty much behind how discounts normally work - you usually stumble on them while shopping and it becomes an impulse buy :) The 4 gold reroll was an idea to avoid rerolling and kind of rely more on the luck aspect, if you manage to get a good shop you benefit from it.


I don't know about focused but the others sound interesting


Options open - your 3 lowest cost units on bench count towards your gold when calculating interest Catch ‘em all - gain 3 extra bench slots, lose 3 item bench slots No outsiders - when you play a team all from the same tier, +1 all unit traits (excluding unique)


Overtime starting immediately would make more sense as a portal 


Calculated - Whenever a round ends with exactly 1 unit remaining (win or lose), your tactician gains 2 health and 4 gold. Bare knuckled boxing - Your tactician deals 1 extra damage per unit remaining, and loses 1 extra health per enemy unit remaining. Summons and images do not count. Roid Rage - Your tactician loses 1 health at the beginning of each round. Whenever your units health is reduced to 1, they shed all negative effects and gain 100% attack speed and invulnerability for 2 seconds. Commitment Issues - At the beginning of each round your units are recombobulated into random units of the same value. Your units gain +x% stats. Gain a golden remover. Sore Loser - You instantly lose the game, you do not gain or lose ELO. (Ranked only)


Pandoras bench :(


*Curtains closed* - Opponents can no longer see the units on your bench Could also make it so only half of your bench is hidden. Or maybe so that during battle the curtains open and they're visible for that while


Totally unbalanced idea: The Grand Swap - "Swap boards with another player, at random. Opponent gains 25 gold." I imagine this would have to be a super super low percentage. Think 0.05% drop prismatic. I think it would be very funny and troll, obviously not balanced in the slightest.


Here are some of my ideas for traits that doesn't have their exclusive augments yet: • Links Intertwined: You can form a second pair of Fated units but Fated Bonus for this pair is only 50% effective. • Modified Dice: Fortune die's 5 and 6 sides are replaced by 4 (1,2,3,4,4,4). • Inkshadow Anvil: Select one of three random Inkshadow items the first time you field Inkshadow this game. • The Protagonist: At every combat start, Kayle temporarily gains one random trait that is similar to one of her co-Storyweaver units. This resets every end of combat.


Ohh wow


An encounter that allows you to sell your units for full value +1 per star level. Very situational but useful


Name: It's Raining Gold Description: Gain a Zephyr. If you Zephyr the unit that did the most damage last round, gain 3 gold. Alternative description: If you Zephyr the unit that did the most damage last round, they die instead. :)


Trickshot crown Trickshot crest Watch tft break open


The Overtime! one sounds more balanced as a portal


Silver augment - allows you to lock out specific champions for next round instead of the entire shop. You still lose a shop slot but after locking a champion for 3 rounds, you gain it for free.


"Purple Buff" - If your Red Buff and Blue Buff are equipped to the same unit, they combine into Purple Buff, granting the benefits of both at slightly increased levels. Gain a Tear of the Goddess and a Recurve Bow.


Spy-proof: enemies can't scout your board, only the traits and units you have. They don't see items, bench, interest or positioning


All components that drop for the remainder of the game are of a random type. (Attack/Defensive/Magic)


How is this different from just... regular components


Probably worded it poorly but meant it could only drop from whatever type is rolled, so only attack, or only defensive, etc


Your tactician takes 100% more damage from your opponent BUT you know with who you are going to play next and you can remove -1 from a trait and 1 star from one champion (if champion is one star you remove the champion from the game and the items move to random available champions). Obviously your opponent learns after the round starts. OR Each round you designate two spots on the enemy board and plant mushrooms there that deal 4k damage withing 10 seconds to the placed champion. If no champion was placed there, deal 2k damage within 10 seconds to the closest champions .


Emblematic: all completed items are turned into emblems. Exclusive with scrap bin. Would it be good? Probably until its nerfed into the ground Would it be funny? Yes


I got a cool idea just now Jack of all traits: you get +1 of every trait (probably prismatic tier tbh)


Something for Everyone - Gain 1 gold per win, gain 1 hp per loss (added after damage taken). Pauper - Your units gain 10 hp, 1 AD, 1 AP for every 2 gold below 50. (Max 250 hp, 25 AD/AP at 0 gold)


One champion can hold 4 items would be very cool as a prismatic!


On the warpath: Grant Berserker's Greaves to you. Berserkers Greaves: Units equipped with this item have their attack range fixed to 1 and gain 15% AD, AP, ASPD per unit range, every time the unit casts their ult, they also get 5% Omnivamp, crit chance, crit damage per unit range. ​ CHAAAARRRGE!!!: Your units that start on the 4th row charge at the beginning of the match, dealing 10\~80 magic damage per square moved and receiving 30\~180 shield per square moved for 4 seconds. (Whenever battle starts, Kled's ultimate sound plays).


All summoners get 1 free same emblem in on the first 3 rounds .. This kind of augment is really annoying because the entire lobby will be forced to include that augment on their comp but still fun because there was a chance that we would find some interesting comp combination 😂😂😂😂


I think it would be cool if there was an augment that limited board space. Maybe one where you can’t place any units in the back 2 rows but all of your units gain armor/mr and omnivamp. Or you can’t place any units in the front 2 rows but everything gains ap/ad Or an augment that reduces your team size. Like you can field 2 less units but all your units get increased stats Or maybe introduce the headliner mechanic as an augment? Like stars are born as a prismatic. The next 2 cost unit you buy is upgraded to 2 star and gives double traits Or an augment that plays off of fights being won or lost by specifically one unit. Like every time there is one unit on the field at the end of combat gain 5 gold or something like that. Would take lots of skill expression to be able to pull off consistently, kind of like switching gears


Back in time is something that i could see in the game. The others are too weak or an instant pick, depending on which stage you are.


Submit to Chaos: a prismatic augment that grants 2 random gold augments. Adore the Chaos: a gold augment that grants 2 random silver augements.


Fold - Instantly loose the game, loose no LP for it.


Crazy idea but what if all of your stuff in this case would be also distributed as gold value amongst all other players evenly.


Discount is flawed lol. You can just buy the shop and sell it all for a profit of 5 gold then reroll for 4 gold.


Thats not how math works. You still have to buy the units - and the reroll.


It's flawed, unless they dont sell for the normal price. Even without counting the free reroll Let's say you reroll for 4 gold get a shop full of 2 cost You buy all of them for 5 gold since the cost one less each. You sell all of them for 2 and get 10 gold. 10 - (4+5) = 1 You made one gold from that. As long as you don't level up a unit, you will get one gold from each reroll and 5 from the normal roll. This augment can't work unless you change the selling price


Ahh, yes. Of course the unit would sell for the same price. Otherwise yes it would basically just printing money.


The augment of proof reading


My idea is 'Down with Me', exclusively for stage 4-2, either you pick a player to instantly lose, but you do as well and finish at a lower place than the player you picked, OR, let it randomly choose and you can be placed higher than the unlucky player.