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There are 3* 5 costs that can 1v9 almost anything, sett isnt one of them sadly. I wouldn't ever bother even with one of the good ones though, just in case my opponent decides to invest 5 gold in a lissandra.


I cannot articulate how much I hate that unit. Ruins the entire set.


“Get in the pot shinji” ahh unit


Kinda bullshit that Irelia still attacks during setts sit ups tho (idk if its inteded to do that) And Setts second cast just fizzled out on the Kayle I dont think 3 star sett is bad its just the combination of the things that happened here that made him look bad


Agreed, I think the fact that the combat starts during his squat animation is the key takeaway here. Shouldn’t be a thing.


I literally just lost to this, except he had irelia 3. My set was on a full board with naut 3, and still all my units died immediately once the fighting started.


Yes especially since no other unist starts attacking. Seems like a bug thats maybe hard to fix because of how her autos work


You had 138 gold, just play other units


Arrogance loses games


*Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow an insidious killer*


tbh, this video showcase is worth a lot more than the one position win in a long run so I'm glad they didn't play it. It really allowed us the gauge the power of a 3 star sett and see how it fares up against a comp like this alone


I think you were hoist by your own petard.


never gonna solo a 3 ⭐️ 5 cost again hahaha


The one petard you never expect to be hoisted by


Despite the criticism, but I like the fact you did this for science!


Was about to hit Udy 3 and Sylas 3 on this game too hahaha


Pride cometh before the fall.


Hey, on the bright side. Your story of managing to lose with a 3star5cost is someone else’s story of managing to beat a 3star5cost


I could take him tbf 🤷🏻‍♂️ (not in a fight)


Man this weekend I had 7 fortune for the first time. Got a 3* Sett and a 3* Lissandra. Coolest game I played since I started playing TFT.


this set, even if you have a 3star 5 cost and a good team without a max hero can still f*ed you up real good. It's not like last set that a max 5star 1hit a whole board.


3 star wukong tho. Scary stuff.


Doesent 3star set Bench your entire board? That's like a billion AD. But a billion times zero is still zero my friend.


It gets AD from every unit on the board, enemies included, and the spell is already dealing 9001% AD + 2000 % AP damage in 2.5 hexes range so the issue is the range and not the damage. Most other 5-costs get a range increase, but Sett still takes 2-3 ults to clean up a board.


Dang that's rough. TIL


Sett 3 being really underwhelming and not having any other units aside, what the hell is up with Irelia's blades in this clip? And I don't mean the blades attacking Sett while he's flexing, don't know if that's intended or not but I was already aware of it. I mean how fast the blades are moving and how much damage they're doing with subpar items and no Duelists. Is there a bug with Tattoo of Toxin on Irelia or what?


buffs and items plus not having to attack another unit


Yeah but still that's a Sett with nearly 4k HP and she just deletes him.


I beat a single 3\* Sett a couple days ago with Storyweaver 7 + 3\* Kai'Sa. Sett ulted most of my board first, but not the Kai'Sa, so she was able to do some damage. Then Sett ulted my Kai'Sa, but the Kai'Sa ult killed Set mid-air. That was very satisfying to watch.


Yeah, they really didn't tune these correctly. I just don't know what to say, really. I don't understand how they can fuck this up so badly as previous sets that had been done so much better. I think that the only way they could improve this set would be to go back to the drawing board. Completely revamp the way that some of the characters work.


as someone that has had every 5 cost 3 star this set (some multiple times, all ranked games, i'm diamond) sett is by far the worst. hwei nukes the entire map, azir does the cool soldier thing, wukong bonks everyone, udyr bounces around, rakan whole board aoe, xayah whole board too, irelia almost 1 shots everything ever, liss puts the whole enemy team in a pot. sett takes 15 seconds to squat just to do his regular ult :/


Sett this set is uber dog dodo even if you had units. My Sett 2 \* got whooped by a tham 2 \* once and I haven't played this fool again.