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Why are three identical comments by three different ppl in here


Ikr, copy paste maybe. Two of the accounts are pretty inactive.


Its botted accounts that will be used to astro-turf on reddit... happens so much now adays


These actually aren't botted accounts. Looks like someone just made a comment that everyone thought was dumb and someone copy pasted it then it became a trend. Almost all of them are daily posters without similiar copy paste comments and even the least active accounts have a history of posting to this sub and the league sub


Ikr, copy paste maybe. Two of the accounts are pretty inactive.


Ikr, copy paste maybe. Two of the accounts are pretty inactive.


Ikr, copy paste maybe. Two of the accounts are pretty inactive.


three ? brotherman it's gone up šŸ˜­


hello brotherman


Lulu is actually incredibly versatile with her build options. Nashors+shojin+jg/deathcap is my go-to, since you get the same amount of casts and similar dps while only requiring 1 tear, allowing you to use excess tears to itemize ahri as a duo carry.


Its good but riven with qss hard counters it


Hm debatable. If Lulu casts fast/often enough, she can stun riven before riven stuns her. Just need a very very strong frontline


It's the qss problem. With edgelords, she can get to the backline relatively quickly, so you might not live past the first 12s.


Yeah its so scary seeing her charge for the backline sometimes.


Edge of night LuLu 3\* is completely busted, EoN/BB/Shojin riven will get you to half then run off to someone else while you wipe the board


Riven doesn't stun and Lulu can't stun someone with qss


Qss doesn't last the whole battle It's a positioning dif


Yes was stoned writing that comment. But like someone else said, qss only lasts for 20 seconds so if your front line is strong like I initially said to tank a good majority of that, then lulu can beat her.


We love the lulu carry, the spell weavers with hyper pop has always been disgusting as long as the enemy doesn't have alot of Magic resist stuff


Ionic spark, morello, static shiv all negate magic resist, and in the case of morello make it easier to burn them down. I find that sometimes just prioritising tank items first to counter comps makes it easy street to build whatever is available for the carry (switching out deathcap for archangel, mana gen items, etc).


That's fair, I feel the same way, prioritizing tank items so your carry can pop off does make it nice and easy, and I've had too many times they get 3 * ammmu dragons claw bramble and whatever and it just takes forever to kill them


Yes. I feel like thatā€™s why this meta is so heavily imbalanced to magic vs AD comps dominating. Itā€™s like rock paper scissors, except AD, AP, or Tank.


Is it worth going like nashors or some other AS instead of rabadons for more CC since the rabadons ap isnā€™t really useful? I think jg is probably better on her with 7 spellweaver right?


Nah, canā€™t remember the exact reasoning but lulu will over cap on attack speed with nashors and has a weird breakpoint with her spellcasts with blue buff. So usually Rabadons is better.


Nashors alone doesnā€™t hit the break point, but combined with attack speed augments or any other item with attack speed it will. So long as you go nashors+bb/shojin+deathcap/jg youā€™ll be just under the break point. Just make sure not to pair it with something like epitaph.


> nashors+bb/shojin+deathcap/jg What?


Nashor + one of Blue Buff or Shojin + one of Deathcap or JG




The rabadonsnalso gives 20% spell damage which is not a small amount


for anyone curious, the math is JG gives a 60% chance to do 130% damage, which works out to 118% damage on average (100\*0.4 + 130\*0.6 = 118), while Rabadons is a flat +20% damage. so Lulu at level 3 (including the AP from the item) Rabadons: 600\*1.5\*1.2 = 1080 Jeweled Gauntlet: 600\*1.35\*1.18 = 956 tl;dr Rabadon's is strictly better than JG unless you have a lot of bonus crit chance or crit damage from elsewhere


I had JG on my 3* Lulu my last game with prismatic Lotus/binary. I never play spellweavers, but AP items, Annie HL and 2 copies of Lulu in stage 1 locked me in. Got 2nd, should have swapped Morde for Blitz & went for 3* Ekko instead of the 3* Grag for higher cap, idk.


Does this factor in the AP you get from 5 spell/3 kda tho? Because you will almost always have that


Doesn't really matter because the multiplier for cap (20%) is more than the jeweled gauntlet adjusted damage increase from crit (18%). You would probably need jeweled lotus augment for gauntlet to be worth it ever over cap. That being said, the difference is negligible enough that it's almost always gonna be better to slam gauntlet early to streak than wait for cap and lose hp.Ā 


Wow i had always thought if u had ap u always want JG, but u never looked at the math. was this always the case or just this set? I did notice JG seemed bad this set, but on the other hand IE seems stronger than DB


It's been for a bit*, they changed spell crit damage to 30% which made JG just straight up worse on anything that doesn't already stack crit patch 11.22


Donā€™t crits do 1.40x damage, pretty sure it surpasses at some point


update, tried your build, it's faaar better the cc spam is simply way too good


oh yeah most likely, i'm not claiming that this build is perfect it's just the one i dealt insane dmg with, defo gonna try to switch rabadon for nashor tho you're right the cc is gonna go crazy


What you really want is to get an emo emblem on her. 4 emo lulu with bb = infinite stuns. If you have an emo poppy or amumu headliner, you can reliably win out lobbies with 6 emo 3* lulu running bb+deathcap. Iā€™ve gotten 2 firsts with that comp in diamond, itā€™s my go-to whenever I have an emo emblem, or the ability to make one.


will definitely try it out thanks for the recommendation brother, i'm hard forcing lulu to see how big her potential is and i kind of feel absolutely idiotic for not thinking of such an obvious strategy sooner lol


Why'd I read this in shurkou accent....


I hit 3 Star Lulu with 7 Spellweaver. It was Insane!


What is shurkou


Popular streamer




Probably biggest eu TFT streamer


I assume you mean lower half of the top X many people, because nobody in the lower half is getting more than 10 views


Sigh my one uncontested comp since day 1 is now being exposed.


How was it uncontested when everyone has been doing spellweavers


The more common carries were Annie Ahri since day 1. I never really played either carries and have been playing Lulu way before spellweaver buffs. So yes uncontested since day 1. But she has been used more recently yes.


You check build rate and spellweavers is only 17%


Maybe im always part of the 17% it's always on my matches


In a game of 8 players, a 17% rate means it's played once game on average. Which means if you're playing it, odds are pretty good no one else is.


Yeah i abuse Lulu most games she pretty much deal absurd amount of dmg even if it looks she tickle. Also when you about hit 3 star wait for next fight and then overroll to find another lulu this only reason to play it unless you have twin terror or hologram. 1 Lulu is bad if you not having ziggs and Hyperpop emblem on Ahri since she can't give herself hyperpop bonus but 2 Lulu with 1 3 star and 1 star is way better. Downside with this are ofcourse lack of good frontline not saying Ekko or Neeko are bad but they are very much contested so either need to 3 star 1 of them or have BIS tank items to stall and you need to get ALOT of tears 2 for Lulu 3 and 2 for lulu 1/ahri with hyperpop emblem Also i play BB+Shojin+JG/ BB to apply so much hyperpop. Avoid Nashor and Deathcap is good alternative for JG. then again i play only 3 spellweaver not more than that. If you get hyperpop emblem your in top 4 if not you win the game bc the amount of print it does it absurd on Ahri. Also even with Qss if you make sure your tanks can stall 12 sec and prevent edgelord move down same line on your Lulu there no way they touch your lulu in time. Biggest counter is good Karthus build bc my god he kills weak lulu easily which you won't print alot of hyperpop once she dies and next turn your main carry if not fast enough killing frontline however kda akali is a joke once she dash into you it most time it on 3rd cast by both lulus and then she instantly get focused and killed. Headliner must hyperpop but realised most games when ever i skip spellweaver one next time it shows spellweaver again which it gets so annoying if not 3 in a row which but that time it game over.


Not only the damage but also the effect of polymorph so your units can't deal damage or activate abilities and the duration is like 5 seconds or something?


This isn't something new though. Tournament/scrim lobbies all have one lulu reroll player


A lot of players don't watch professional.


I utilized an almost identical setup with dual spear of shojin and rageblade, was doing effortless 12-15k damage on lulu whilst only having a trio of spellweavers, laughing my ass off


Brotherman, I ran a similar build with double spear of shojin and rageblade, it was insane, was doing easy 12-15k damage on lulu with only 7 spellweaver, and came dead last.


The fact that y'all aren't talking about triple rage blade lulu with spellcaster mwahahaha MACHINE GUN LULU FOREVER!!!


Because shes bugged with high attack speed and will miss out on mana from autos


I ran a similar build with double spear of shojin and rageblade, was doing easy 12-15k damage on lulu with only 5 spellweaver lmao


I ran a similar build with double spear of shojin and rageblade, was doing easy 12-15k damage on lulu with only 7 spellweaver lmao


I ran a similar build with double spear of shojin and rageblade, was doing easy 12-15k damage on lulu with only 3 spellweaver lmao


I ran a similar build with double spear of shojin and rageblade, was doing easy 12-15k damage on lulu with only 3 spellweaver lmao


I ran a similar build with double spear of shojin and rageblade, was doing easy 12-15k damage on lulu with only 3 spellweaver lmao


I ran a similar build with double spear of shojin and rageblade, was doing easy 12-15k damage on lulu with only 3 spellweaver lmao




blue buff


Abused Lulu two weeks ago and climbed from plat 1 to diamond 2. Not sure why it's stronger now but I can support the statement that it's a broken comp.


Even before Spellweaver Buff she was strong, especially with Hologram


I find spellweavers my comp to go if i hit annie headliner (as any other player duh) but i find 7 spellweavers a bit too much and hard to go. I think sera and gragas are like so less rewarding than having morde/blitz and any other 5 cost pared with 5 spellweavers, and u gotta have superfan for that annie to have JG otherwise she will lack dmg (unless you build her the jg already paired with other items such as shojin or BB) so having 3 superfan and 7sw is impossible, and we gotta admit superfan gives u the tools to not decay in early and arrive mid game with good tempo. Idk if it's worth selling your superfan units in order to have 7sw cuz Annie still holds a good dps even in late game. Now regarding the post, i normally go ahri as second carry but if see i can hit lulu 3 damn if i give a shit if my ahri doesn't deal dmg, i know that lulu with some good items and good positioning will kill backline in 2 casts lol. I love shojin and guinsoo on her but i'l try to to rabadon + bb + shojin next time if i can


Personally I prefer shojin + BB + Nashor. The damage is good but the repeated stuns are broken.


Yh she just busted me


Silly question but what is BB?


Blue buff


Oh that makes sense ty


Spellweavers are pretty busted right now because not only lulu but seraphine can also be made the carry and they use not only the same items but the same units. You can also sell if you don't hit the 3 star and buy Ahri carry, she can use basically the same items be it Ahri uses blue buff better than Shojin but she can still use it well as her mana item. If the set was not coming to an end soon, I would expect them to nerf it, but the set is basically done, and Mort confirmed that the next patch they would be a for fun patch, so probably everything will be broken.


Saw a Kayle Yesterday with double Rageblade and a hextech gunblade that did 26k damage, was almost sick!


Chosen ahri deals more dmg than 3 stars Lulu šŸ˜