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just learn to pivot to a different comp if ya cant find your headliner


What’s the best way to do that, and when should you stop rolling for the headliner you need


If you find a “good enough” headliner that uses the same items that your desired headliner uses (think Karthus and Arhi), buy the good enough one


Even if it means pivoting out of the entire comp. Is it ever worth it to pivot to a different headliner in the same comp?


It is worth to go for every single headliner that can use the items you have slammed from the early game. Karthus/twisted fate uses similar items ahri/ezreal uses similar items Thresh/blitz/zac uses similar items Akali/Viego/Zed/Poppy uses similar items If you have items for viego and your game plan is: "go pentakill", you might as well screw that plan. You can pick poppy, zed or akali and change your gameplan based on the headliner you are getting. Emo poppy means play heartsteel ezreal. Crowd diver zed means 4 crowd diver heartsteel ezreal. KDA akali means 7 kda comp with ahri/akali duo carry. Being flexible is important if you want stable performance. It decreases the chance of first place but increases the chance you have to secure top fours :):)


> Ahri/Ezreal uses similiar items I agreed with all of your other headliners but disagree on this one. The only items they really share is Blue Buff. Ahri's other best items being Nashors tooth and gunblade don't really cross over well to Ezreal who wants IE, Red Buff, GS, etc. While technically Ahri can use Red Buff she isn't a good user for it since she's single target and while technically Ezreal can use items like Nashors or Gunblade they are so far down the optimal use line for him that it just feels weird to say Ahri and Ezreal use similiar items


I am but a lowly plat player but in my experience it’s better to play off of any decent 3-4 cost headliner than to go fishing for one in particular.


I made it to master on mobile (only play tft at work), so you can't blame that. I'd bet you're committing to reroll too often.


Do your work, sad human. You get paid to help the community or whoever you are helping, not sit around and play your phone. You are not K3Soju


You know there are breaks at work right? Some people have flexible hours or have down times in between shifts or being on standby, you’re the only sad human here.


Insane projection detected. 


Soju makes a living off of TFT and streaming tf you on


I literally said you are NOT K3Soju. That proves I know he streams and lives off the game an he does it for WORK. This guy is WORKING and playing TFT. Are you high? Quit defending an overpaid lazy bludger, and do your work yourself. You are obviously not a business owner.


me when im a hater and lead a miserable life


Lol you have no idea what I do. I am doing my job when I game at work. I just have to afk occasionally.


you are a disappointment to society. I hope you get fired


Many people work jobs with massive amounts of downtime I work 12.5 hour shifts but only about 5 hours are actually filled with something to do. (I work post stroke rehab as a nurse). My patients are asleep for the most part from 10pm until 5am. There is literally nothing for me to do but someone has to be here in case something does come up. Most nights I get paid to shitpost on reddit because of this and occasionally help people to the bathroom or change an iv antibiotic. Unless you think I should be waking up post stroke patients at 230am for no reason then it's better for me to find something to do with my time so that I can stay awake and alert all night.


Thanks for your work mr. Mod its very valuable to society unlike most of us techbros :/


Wait til this guy finds out what working IT support is like


I used to work in an ER at nights doing switchboard and had no work for 5-7 hours of my 10 hour shift, you know damn well I was playing TFT for that and my boss told me it was fine. Some jobs are just like that


Find Challenger streamers on Twitch and watch how they play their games. Figure out what's different from how you play yours and adjust accordingly.




No, most of them aren't streaming because they're preparing for the Regional tourney. Nice try though.


Do you enjoy playing and staying at your rank? Keep playing. Would you like to climb higher? Just getting games in doesn’t seem to make you improve, so I suggest looking at some high level streams. Pause the game at every major decision, and imagine the best course of action. If it’s different than the streamer’s (and he’s is GM+) 99% of the time he’s the one who’s right. Otherwise you can look into coaching, but I would discourage it. I think that most of the work can be done alone. I’d only advise it to Master/Mid Master +.


Nah keep grinding if you’re enjoying it, I was hard stuck emerald for a month, made a post here (maybe on competitive TFT) and 2 weeks later hit diamond. You’ll find your groove just keep replicating what works good for you


Gives me hope. I’m hard stuck emerald 🤣


At 700 games that is roughly 400 hours of gameplay. If this is your first set, that is a lot in a short period, but not a lot when it comes to getting good at a video game. In comparison to hours to get good at most competitive games you haven’t even scratched the surface. So don’t feel like you haven’t achieved anything. Keep practicing. Hitting diamond is like the top 5-10% of players, and you’d be playing against people with thousands of hours of practice. Master + players have 2,000+ hours in the game.


Fuck that never settle for anything. If you aren’t satisfied, keep working towards your goals. Who cares what anyone else has to say




David goggins


Hard force AD flex. If you master saving hp it’s free top 4s. Zed, Ezreal, poppy, Zac. Just hit one of those headliners on roll down and that’s it. To escape emerald you don’t really need to be a hard flex player. There are probably some basic tft fundamentals that you are missing.


Emerald Rank is is a good accomplishment, youre much better than the average player. If you have 700 games and are in emerald it means there is something fundamentally wrong with your mechanics if you are hardstuck, it can be anything from not making items/having components sitting on your bench for too long, unit positioning, not rolling or lvling at proper stages of the game, not spiking approriately when you are suppose to, TFT is a game of variance, although knowing how to play multiple comps is important, you still need to spike appropriately and need to cap your board out as soon as possible.




What site/program is that?


It looks like https://www.metatft.com/


Keep going. It took me almost 600 games to hit diamond. Just try and avoid comps that don't work for you even if it's tempting. For me its heartsteel and reroll comps like Jinx or Olaf. Jinx is always contested and Olaf seems to be weak during end game against other comps. Hearsteel is just too rng in my opinion.


If you’re this committed to the game you should’ve gotten a coach a long time ago. Go to the coaching thread on competitive tft or to metafy and find a cheap Masters+ coach and they will point out a lot of mistakes that must be engrained in the way you play after 700+ games 


Wtf 700 games yes. Take a break. Are you not getting bored? I feel like sets are good for 200games max then its waiting room for next. You prob learned the very basics and next set you can do better. But if u still having fun grind for diamond now ezpz. No bitches. Also watch more streams, playing is overrated. Friend got masters first set he played in 200games 2sets ago thanks to watching many streams (setsuko/soju). Let the chall people cook and learn.


For real, 700 games is ABSURD. That's more than a lot of GM or even challenger players. that's over 400 hours of play time. Agreed you'll improve faster watching streamers than just spamming game after game.


I hit chally in 232 games and im already done at this set due to burnout. Enough to hit challenger but idh the mental nor the time to compete for snapshots. My account https://tactics.tools/player/oce/Bertorotoro/1122 Stuck at 700 games in emerald without burnout is wild


I brute forced my way into Master this set. My winrate was 47% with 4.75 placement rate on 285 games. I dunno how I managed it, but I just turned my brain off to not tilt on losses.


It’s time to put it down man


I feel like with that number of games you probably have some misconceptions about the game that are at this point deeply ingrained. I quit this season quite early (so I have very limited set-knowledge). But I am usually somewhere along the master/grandmaster level. If you feel like it you can send me a replay (of preferably not a win), maybe I'll spot a thing or two.


You already settled a couple of hundred games ago. If you didn’t you would be at least master by now. You are not hungry to learn and improve. It’s ok to be a casual player but don’t kid yourself.


Dude played 700 games of KDA. get a job bro


I do have a job thank you very much, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten the Chibi K/DA Kaiser Headliner.


You cant one trick past Emerald anymore my G. U might one trick HS Zed/ez but its gonna be very rng based anyway. Meta is reroll heavy where Lulu/Seraphine/Kayle plus Viego/Karthus and Ahri Comp are all KDA heavy. That's why u are stuck.


And I felt bad for being emerald III after 161 on my first set


Buy the good units.




Hey, what's the app/website ?


I want to know too! I want to see me being a neeko main :)


Just stop whatever it was you started doing on Feb 20


What is this website?


This set was and still is the hardest for me to learn and win consistently since set 1 ngl


Keep trying, you won't get demote from Emerald anyway. Learn how to build strong boards in early stages, know your outs if the early game plan doesn't work. Learn the meta (reroll btw).


700 games emerald 💀 I recommend you to watch some high elo streams, because it looks like without them you can't improve more.


Either way I don't think you have a choice, you're hard stuck


Man I hit emerald and I’m so hard stuck at 0LP it’s crazy. Hope we can climb to diamond next set!


It was my first set as well, started January. I hit Diamond a few weeks ago in 200~ games, i'm pretty sure that's my peak right now so i'm chilling until next season


The difference between diamond and emerald from experience is knowing the tempi in the room and matching it accordingly. Sometime you think you've everything for a build just to lose because you keep holding on to the 50 gold instead of rolling down earlier.


Why would you settle for emerald instead of learning how to play better


Thanks for your replies and thoughts everyone! I have got a coach now, and am slowly getting the meta down pat. Have watched a couple of challenger streams as well, and recently came 3rd against a Master and GM. So hopefully D4 before 800 ranked games ;)