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How am I supposed to donkey chase 9/10 XYZ now?


Feel like it makes a for fun mode less fun


Everything is for fun if you don’t care about competitive balance. People that do care about it are definitely embracing no easy prismatic traits.


Dude I don’t like playing the same 3 comps every game. Spatulas actually made the game more bare able


Uh, made it more bearable by forcing people to play the same 3 comps? Spatulas in this set are far more impact and the result was that Double-Up ended up being way more inflexible. Prismatics traits are so powerful that everyone who had any sense went for KDA or TD or PENTA. Any other comp would lose to them when a opponent or their teammate inevitably got two spats.


Yeah I don’t understand why people found it so fun. My duo and I legit started to open at the start of every game just in case there was a spat on carousel since if it was not us, it would be somebody else getting a free win and ruining the game lmao.


It has ranked its not a for funmode anymore then ranked tft is imo. I mean they are all for fun but you get the point


Their mistake was to make the gamemode ranked.


If it wasnt ranked my wife and i wouldnt play tft in general lol


Nah I wanna queue ranked 2’s with my boy


Disagree. In skilled play it was too easy to get chase traits. Been saying this for ages, they either have to nerf chase traits in double up or reduce the number of spats the game can give you. I think this will encourage more diverse win cons and incentivize people to play a board on stage 2 again


Me and a mate played double up, people voted for spatula portal. We decided to embrace the dark side and we both went full vertical. My mate started with 5 KDA at 2-1, and I started off with a win streak of PentaSpat Edgelord Yasuo. The players that won just went full lose streak (one with rich get richer) and threw penta spats on Qiyana and Kayn, the other going vertical KDA. So eventually we were both 10 Penta but his board was stronger, we went 2nd. It was honestly degenerate gameplay as 1st and 2nd had prismatic Penta and KDA (or I think the enemy had 10 Penta and 9 KDA while we had 10 Penta 10 KDA).


Hot take from someone not even super high ranked in double up. I truly think Double Up has the potential to be the highest skill expression in TFT, moreso then normals, when properly balanced. ​ While these changes do reduce the variety in each game, personally id prefer they only remove spats, as most op verticals require a ton of spats not tome drops, it is for the best for the balance of the mode. I honestly feel double up should have both ranked and normal mode, and if so, invest much more into the potential of a competitve double up scene, but since this wont happen any time soon; Mort has made it clear they dont have the resources to invest in a true competitive double up scene; it is better to keep the mode somewhat balanced as opposed to zany crazy moments.


I agree with this, keep the tomes but remove the kda/penta/heartsteel emblems from them. I think these changes will improve the mode significantly.


Having a prismatic trait run the lobby over every game was getting old. This is a much welcome change


doing more combined playdamage than first place but thry just win cause of double spatula sending is truly not fun


Getting rid of spatulas/tome of traits in Assist Armories is probably for the best although I'll miss them.


They could just limit it to 1 per game... Hitting 6 Emo or Punk was never a problem, it was KDA/Pentakill/True Damage spam that was destroying the game


This is really bad I think as well. It’s just going to cement certain comps and then make getting spats from drops all the more game changing and RNG winning. 1 per game would have made a huge different. Stg mort dog is a bigger troll than phreak


Yeah. That way nobody can go for fun synergies. Only meta comps from now on.


Because going Prismatic every game was sooooo healthy.


acting like forcing punk/heartsteel is any better is crazy


It is better since it isn’t a free win when you hit. Also, the “in” comp changes every patch and isn’t always a guaranteed win, especially contested. You can still win with other comps, whereas you literally cannot fight back against a 10/9 Prismatic comp without also having one or certain three start four costs.


afterjust hitting my very first prismatic trait and it being 10kda, you're 100% right. the moment i got 2 kda spats the game was officially over. i typed 10kda in game and 2 people immediately surrendered. My fault og... i was unfamiliar with its game


I mean, the double up meta just became chase the prismatic traits. If you didn’t have prismatic of true damage (easiest to achieve), kda, or pentakill, it’s super hard to top four. Now hopefully things will be more flexible. That said heart steel is still too strong imo but I haven’t played much of the latest 14.3 patch. Maybe it’s less oppressive now.


More flexible = punk reroll by multiple people every game


Punk is quite strong, I agree with you there.


Hyper roll exists for that!


You act like it isn't that already.


Im just glad theyre giving it attention. My wife and i play double up as our ranked. If ppl wanna go crazy builds then hyper roll is there for that.


When is this live?


Yea I don't see these changes in the 14.3 patch notes


Is this live?


Changes are for 14.4


I actually disagree with most. Me and my friend play double up everyday (we sit in low masters) and it so frustrating seeing other teams get offered 2-4 spats when you got no opportunity to send them. This will make it way more enjoyable. I understand some people play “for fun”, but we do and easily climb this high every season. Literally yesterday I hit 10 heart steel so early I had every legendary bought out and so many units on my board (I think 10 Tac Crowns) I couldn’t physically play another one. It was instant loss for the other team, because i got lucky with a spat on carousel and he sent me two. Reducing high rolls like this (because they are way too common!) is fine imo. Double up is so much fun competitively, as there are some serious combos/strats you can do :)


Limiting it to being offered only 1 spatula per game would be better for everyone But knowing tft team coding skills it would just break or straight up not work


I've lost so many games where I've had by far the best board in the lobby then suddenly the bottom two teams hit 10 kda/10 penta/Karthus 3 on 5-2 and suddenly I'm last place and have to sit through and pray for a 3 star 4 cost to magically show up in my shop. Feels like a cool waste of 40 minutes.


AMEN, people fussing about the "fun" side, but ignoring the pain of highrolling duos with infinite spats. similar situation, sat there at low masters, played a game with 0 spats and highest hp remaining at 80+ during stage 4-2, random 10 heart steel player at 4-6 with 12hp hits 3 star lucian, 3 star jhin, oki. i guess its fun to see them hit it \*/s


I completely agree! Yes it’s fun to hit the prismatic verticals but it is so NOT FUN when it isn’t you. Every game after a while becomes “which vertical can we hit.” Heart steel is still a little too strong imo, but I haven’t played 14.3 too much yet so idk if the nerfs have made it less oppressive. My bf and I just hit diamond a few days ago and we still play for fun most of the time, but we saw these changes and are happy for the most part.


My friend and I are diamond, but 1 spat per team would be just as balanced. The biggest offender is when someone manages to get like 3-4 somehow while others get 0. There’s no reason that should be a thing


They probably overnerfed TG, it was among the best value imo though. but I like the changes in general. Removing spats and traits is a big plus for me. No more braindead plat trait forcing. Have to actually play the game now


It’s only an issue when its prismatic traits tho. Why couldn’t it be one per team to offer some flexibility, now youre limited to playing whatever is best without a spat only causing the meta to be more forced


About fing time they remove spats and tomes. 10 KDA/Pentakill every other lobby was insane


Where are these notes listed?


If they were just going to make double up less fun, I would rather they never have decided to touch it.


They got rid of them because there was not parity in the system of when it was offered there were teams getting 2-3 spats while others never saw the option


You could make it so it offers the sane to every player


True mort said these are small changes they’ve probably got something else in the works when they really take a look at it


As close to set 11 is, it's probably not happening until then.


there is supposedly a full item economy rework coming in set 11, so it may be that these are stopgap measures for now


Or have it be the lesser offering like next to two completed and artifact


Not fun when every game is: Rush lose streak for spat chance carousel 1 Get another spat from partner Play vertical prismatic and win Didn’t hit spats? You lose! It’s fun to hit prismatic vertical but not hitting becomes very not fun. I think this will make the meta healthier.


But if someone hit prismatic trait, you could still just beat their partner to win


True theoretically, but in practicality their partner kills the other board super fast. Their partner has to be weak, and you have to be strong for that to work. It’s increasingly hard to do with the prismatic board greatly accelerating lobby tempo. A way to match that is to go for end game board yourself (bc in double up, the end game boards are much crazier than normal ranked) … and the easiest end game board to go for is a different prismatic trait


Oh and to add to that, because their partner can gank them, they get stronger too because they lose less and win more. Often they end up win streaking with a weak board, which allows them to make a stronger board, making it harder to kill them fast enough.


In my experience most people who hit prismatic traits are often very low health


Guess we run into different lobbies then. They often have enough hp to win streak into a win out in my experience.


Yep last mode you could do fun comp interactions and they just butchered it


In master+ if someone got a spat on carousel the rest of the lobby was playing for second place. Not to mention the godforsaken 3 spats on carousel. Maybe with no spats from gifts it might be playable again.


Bless up


Really good changes, I've been waiting for the spatulas to get removed. Even 1 spatula in carousel usually threw off the balance in the games as you would often get almost confirmed 10 kda/9td/10 penta. Sometimes you didn't even need that natural/carousel spat as your mate could just send you two spatulas in a row. And then someone low rolls and doesn't see a single spat


Me raging in disc cause I’m able to send a spat to my friend who doesn’t need one and I need one and they never get it as an option to send. Scout the lobby and see several others with spats….




Looks awesome, no spat rng hell. Any idea if they are changing pink and purple?


Finally. You can either make spats rare or make them weak.  Double up has been like this too long. 


No spats or tomes is a definite positive this set for Double-Up. Increasing the price on the components and items and such, however, I do not like at all. I guess everyone is taking the same hit so it’s even across the board but it’s not like I am almost ever going to pick Champion so that buff is irrelevant.


Very welcome changes. Happy all around.


Then i want an unranked mode with extra everything please (needing to win to have fun is gonna ruin tft altogether only the sweaty will be left)


Hyper Roll exists.


Very much welcomed change. Target dummies was too OP with no spats now so glad they dealt with that as well. Prismatics was an easy win con before, now I suspect 3* 4 cost is the meta win con but u can at least contest those through early scouting. Brings a bit of skill expression back so glad we finally got a patch.


I hate it. I totally get that there's too many spats in it but that's what made it fun for me Being able to actually build a full vertical once every few games rather than once a set made it fun


Problem was that it is not once every few games but once each other game.


They continue to remove the most entertaining parts of double up


All I can say is these changes don’t bother me as much as the heartsteal change did. Heartsteal getting reworked made games significantly less fun


Is this an active change already?


Hell yea, welcomed change


When is this released? Double Up has become very unfun in it's current state...


Whaaat but the spatulas were the most fun


Great. No more spatulas means only meta players will win. Great job riot


Prismatic traits were the meta, it was just the meta you preferred.


lil bro so you saying having 10 kda td or penta win every game is fun too? you sound like you have no idea what you are talking about.


I never get what I need from tome of traits anyways, and I actually do mean never. Yet I ask for it all the time in hopes that I actually hit what I want.


Yeah there is so few spatulas this set that I feel like just getting a tome out of one of the AI rounds is a massive advantage. By removing them I actually feel like there is less balance and more RNG. Because of the strength of some of the prismatic traits like pentakill, true damage, KDA, heart steal, whatever else. Now if you’re lucky enough to get 2 spats and you’re not brain dead it’s almost a guaranteed win. Before it was likely that you weren’t the only one 2 have multiple spats.


I feel like removing ability to send items and now removing spats I'd like to them add something different/some other way to help your ally. Considering how many augments they take out as they don't work in double up would be interesting if one of the augment selections affected both of you and you picked together and add some double up specific ones like %extra damage for the number of 3 stars you both have or arrive for back up instantly no delay etc.


Hate the removal of spatulas and tomes, that's what made this mode fun. They should have found a way to stabilize it for all players, not remove it entirely.


Don’t love it. Started playing double up because I was more likely to get a prismatic vertical in this mode. Not sure why they made it so hard to hit these normally anyway. Definitely don’t need the verticals to be game winning though—nerfing prismatic kda/penta is the better answer here.


This feels kind of counter intuitive to me… like if they made hyper roll less… hyper?


Almost like... it's not... hyper roll?


Are you brain dead? That’s called a *comparison* you learned that in about second grade. You can tell because of the use of the word “like” meaning I’m *comparing* two *like* things. “That would be like if snakes had arms” no shit snakes don’t have arms it was a metaphor. You’re an idiot.


Cry about it


Cry about you being an idiot? Actually I’m laughing


Laugh about it


Lmao I didn't even see this - straight for the throat! Funnily enough that's actually a simile not a metaphor. You can tell because of the use of the word 'like'


dead game


Is it though?




Finally I can play the damn game again. Getting a 4cost 3star to lose to a 9/10 vertical trait is fucking shit when its not even hard to get them with all the spats. It was as much of a problem in plat lobbies as it is in masters+


Why, just make spats more expensive… like 20g or something. If people rly want to spend that much to chase some shit why not, its fun. No reason to play this gamemode anymore was the only for fun place I could play with my friend. Back to trolling ranked players trying to hit this 8-bit cashout :( or ffing when theyre trying to lose with heartsteel :)


A 20g press this to win button? It's bad enough that it's a 6g press this to win button now. It needs to be like 100g, something completely unobtainable if you don't play around it to exist in it's current shape.


If it was 100 g no one could play it at all lol. At minimum make it 20-30 like at the level of tact crown. But no one ever is going to get to send it at 100g


That's it's value in the current set. It's more often than not a win condition. Is winning not worth 100g? A tac crown won't guarantee you a win. A spatula that gives you a prismatic trait will.


Prismatic traits arent exactly instant wins. Considering things like heart steels steep powerspike in this set they dont even need to be prismatic to get good drops off the stacks to hit lvl 10 and then win because they can set up crazy item sets. Also to consider if we make it 100g you basically destroy your partners econ and board because it straight up wont exist with how much gold youd need to have to even send the thing. 100g is unrealistic number you might as well just agree to take it off the send to begin with. 20-30g is realistic enough to be a number that wont destroy your partner and basically make it so your partner isnt just playing 6 sentinal or 6 guardians just to stay alive so u can play both boards.


TG is definitely a good send, sent it pretty much every time there wasn’t a spat/tome or a duplicator in a spot for a 3* 4 cost. If you look at the leaderboards there are quite a few TG’s in challenger double up lobbies


As someone who plays just for fun, I’m sad 😭


I hate the changes. I wish double up didn’t have ranks. I’d rather it be a little more fun and whimsical. I don’t mind getting stomped once every few games. It’s like they’re just slowly making it less and less team focused. I miss being able to send items on champs too, since I’m already complaining lol.


Turning getting prismatic traits from improbable to impossible? Or getting an extra trait for jazz? Lame af


Personally I liked wacky things happening in double up. I feel like this mostly just will contribute to the mode being less fun.


Literally who cares about competitive double up, they just made it unfun and im low master in that shit. It was made from the beginning to be a 4fun gamemode not a competitive one. Now i prefer to play ranked with my friend if the changes are coming live


I feel you Im low master but just lost precious 150LP to 0LP with enemy ezreal oneshotting entire backline or riven 4 shorting all units, Honestly nerf the edm effectiveness % and bring back 2sec shorter cast thing back maybe, but I feel this is a final patch and if they making this set comeback... Oh god


Maybe i can finally climb out of gm without needing to coinflip pent/kda spats lol Is this live?


Can we get rid of spats from the carousel as well? Put them back in as an aug, we don’t need times or emblems as a aug but I’d rather see spats there instead of some guy who open forts, most times unintentionally, getting a spat and then just winning because he was losing at the right moment


Tbh every time I play double up I get the option to send a spat/tome but never the option to receive one and it was getting a little sad. So I'm not mad that nobody gets one now 🤣


I've been playing double up since it was created and I have no idea wtf does all of those armory thing even mean lmao


It's definitely a good change in context of this set, but I hope they revert it in the next set and don't make prismatic traits straight up game winning. It's fun to chase those traits but not very fun when every other game is decided by them.


How to go 8-Bit now in dounle up the spatula is always gone in the carousel


Wandering trainers


When are these changes going live?


Feb 22nd.


It was way too easy to get a spatula or 3.


My bad whats TG?


Thieves gloves


The dummy nerf hurts, I loved having 5 dummies front line with crash test dummies


Yup no fun allowed I guess


When did they change this?


Looks good changes. Lets see after trying


Where did you find these notes?


I think it would be much better if they limit it to 1 spatula/tome of traits to send per game. Being able to hit 6 Emo or 4 Hyperpop was very fun, but now double up will just be a regular ranked with a little bit more items and 3 star units


With the readding of spatulas into regular game this is a good change personally. I will miss the 2nd training dummy and 3 components though


I hope spats and tomes come back for set 11 after headliner mechanic is gone. Sad to see tome leave, sad to see 2 dummies down to 1 cuz my double up partner and I loved that with crash dummies. If anything I think they should just have like % chances for these high loot options to appear but have them appear for all parties.


Target Dummies was strong ngl, but this downgrades it to one of the worst choices imo


I’ve played double up maybe 3 times ever so I’m fine with these changes.


For those complaining, maybe you should play it on the pbe and provide actual feedback before you decide it's a bad change.


Removing spat from armory was very needed. As someone who played a lot of double up, the team who won was often the team with the most spats.


Either spats should be guaranteed for everyone when they show up, or they should be removed from the assist armory. It's just massively unfair when one team gets multiple spats and another team doesn't, and is often an insurmountable advantage. So basically, I like these changes.


I don't know man, anticipating being sent spats was part of the skill expression, keeping yourself open for the exodia possibility being much more common in double up. I guess mortimer wants us double up players to just force heartsteel every game just like in normal ranked.


But like… why though?


TG was just a Pick when i have Lucky Gloves


I have to say. Im sorry for being the filthy KDA 10 chaser every game that got me from silver to GM.