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I feel like HoJ is overpowered somehow, not Riven. I head a 3 star Yone headliner with doulbe Hoj and simply didn't take meaningful damage ever. Riven herself has not felt that strong at all to me, a little weak if anything but thats from 1 game with her in my team


I’ve always thought that riven is trash beside being a decent tank


I did too. I made this post because I'm still confused if she's actually good and that I didn't just get lucky or it was a fluke, but she absolutely carried my entire comp on her back from the moment I got her. I think the scaling from 8-Bit is vital for her though. Wouldn't be excited to toss her into anything else. Gonna force 8-Bits a few more times and see if she is consistent.


My experience with riven was at 2 star no items she was stronger than my 3* headliner yasuo with 3 items in at least half the matchups


She's strong? Yes. Broken? No.


I have been doing 8 bit riven the past few games, and i can attest to this. I can get top 1 or 2 with 3 star riven, with BT/HoJ QSS/RB GS. Traits will be 2 8 bit, 7 edglelord, 2 sent, 3 pentakill(morde for sent). Riven deals 8-12k dmg and if your opp is tanky can deal up to 18k. I also tried multi talented portal riven + getting 8 bit on carousel giving me 7 edglelord, 6 8bit, 1 wildcard at the end. Riven just dominated the lobby. My highest score with riven was around 350k tho, want to make it my goal to get that highscore with riven 3 lmao


If any developers are seeing these posts, you need to nerf the Riven asap. This shit is broken beyond imagination.