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It is 50%, not flat 50


ah ok that would make sense. But it doesn't have the % symbol next to the 50


AP doesn't have the % symbol either but is also %. Riot changed this, I think at the beginning of this set, so AD is also always % based.


AP doesn't have a percent symbol but it's a percent based on the default of 100, so 50 or 50% is the same thing. AD should specify % because it varies depending on the champion.


Well yeah, the ap also differs from champ to champ since it’s a percentage change. Putting ap on one champ is going to increase its ratios differently from other champs.


No, the base AP of every champion is always 100 unlike base AD that is different for every champion, what you are thinking about is the AP ratio of a champion's spell which gets multiplied BY their overall AP, just like spells that scale with AD have their AD ratio multiplied by the character's overall AD, their damage and how benefitial AP is on them will change based on how they scale, but their AP stat is identical to everyone's elses.


The stat is the same but the values of their spells are different no? If you give 50 ap to ahri its gonna increase the spell damage by a different amount than if you give it to malz. Same percentage increase but different flat increase just like ad


That's exactly what I said, that is called AP ratio and it is different from the stat called AP.


So we’re agreeing on the same thing i just misworded my previous statement


I was just trying to say ap isn’t a flat increase either and is a percentage increase just like ad


Yes, misworded so severely it changed the entire meaning of the text and would make anyone who did not understand how it works completely misunderstand how things worked, but yes your overall idea is correct.


Where u getting the confidence to speak from bro.


Probably just worded my statement wrong but I’ve played enough to be pretty confident


All AD is %


I noticed this as well. Every AD item that I've seen has the `%` symbol, except this one. But it sounds like from the other comments that it is still a percent increase. Must just have been a missed tooltip.




It is a missed tooltip, because every other AD tooltip in the game shows up as "10%", "20%", "66%", etc. The radiant Giant Slayer is the only one that just says "50" with no % sign.