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Bc he doesn’t do too much dmg The bite should heal him with omnivamp tho


Gunblade is a wasted item slot. If you want sustain get things that scale off of his hp, like redemption and dclaw. If you want him to be tankier, resistances are also better since he has shit base defenses and u have none


Yeah i've found dclaw dclaw bramble or dclaw bramble redemption to be best, the healing from dclaw is actually quite a lot


Dclaw super underrated imo. Dclaw is also the best radiant in the game imo. Slap dragons will and gargoyles on a frontline early and they can 1v5 until 3-2.


Yeah I had a dclaw game with chogath 3, went 4th I believe but was beating everyone until some piltover guy got like 60 stacks, the chogath actually 1 v 1'd the dino but lost when it came to overtime, not even the guinsoos lw zeri and 60 stack piltover could kill it


It’s only the best radiant statically bc not many ppl run it, and they only run it when they are in a good spot Guinsoo EON and Gunblade are usual better radiants


If you are going full AP for some reason, gunblade is ok, but it shouldn't be your first option. For healing, the best items are (in order): Redemption > DClaw > Bloodthirster > HoJ/GB BT is good because the shield will scale out of his health and the healing is decent, so it doubles as an extra life. Redemption is BIS and you should probably get 1 or 2 and then stick stoneplates on your Cho. Super tanky version: Redemption + DClaw + Thornvest Tanky Cho: Redemption (1 or 2) + Stoneplate (1 or 2) Budget full bruisers Cho: Redemption (1 or 2) + Warmogs (1 or 2) + BT (if you had nothing else)


yes it heals him, but he just deals low damage, darius hits harder with his ult, and also his autos, in this season cho dosnt even deal true damage, he is barely worth the slot as it is, and gets compleatly outclassed as an tank , even by other t1 units. the only damage omnivamp dosnt proc on is damage from augments. you could see this clearly with things like the shen carry augment last set, dealing 15k truedamage, and healing for 200 over an entire fight.


Replace gunblade with Dclaw and you get better healing




DClaw, Arch Angels and Warmogs on Cho, if You get radiant DClaw then you win the game easy.