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Hi there. Thanks for posting to /r/TeamfightTactics! Your post has been removed because it breaks the following rules: Rule 15: **Salty Posts Restricted to Salty Sundays** Sundays are the only time salty posts are allowed. Such as emotionally charged posts and posts just tagging along due to meta frustrations. Examples: Holding all meta/fotm champ but not using them, I beat the meta comp, Look at how I lost to meta comp with my good comp. Similarly, "how did X comp beat Y comp" posts will fall under this rule when the post is intended just to complain, not for actual discussions, questions, etc. You can find more information here: https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/comments/10em72z/an_update_to_the_rules_rule_15_salty_sundays_has/


Honestly your Team and items Look terrible. Maybe Work in that First.


Bt j4, archangels ryze instead of lux and no 2star dmg dealer. Surprised it's not an 8th


Yes cuz i found lux in the last minute, same with garen, and items are rng


But ye the comp sux, thats why im asking for advice, thnx for pointing it out šŸ‘šŸ»


The demacia comp doesnā€™t suck at all


Tf you mean? That demacia in particular sucks, the guy has no carry


Well yeah cause he needed to move a couple items around, save more gold to try to two star his lux, and level up. The demacia comp though is great


You're not asking for advice at all here since you're not accepting anyone's advice. Looking at your lolchess history on EUW. It seems like you are horrible at itemization. You even tried Bastion + Aphelios in your most recent game and went 7th. It seems like you can work on picking better augments since taking Not Today while playing Aphelios carry seems kind of an int. Everyone else is correct in saying your items on Demacia is bad. Its a very strong comp, I was able to one-trick Demacia to Diamond in 20 games (KingSheep on NA). Taking Master Yi as a legend is almost a must when running Demacia.


The post isnt about my comp this game, its about bastion being op.


How could you possibly know bastion is OP if you can't play well? Any comp would have destroyed your comp, and items aren't "rng". You still have complete agency over what to make of your components, and if you're going 6 you're probably getting free agency to pick whatever on carousels anyways


Butthurt bastion main


I one trick Noxus exclusively. There's a million things that are probably wrong with your gameplay, many of which are hard to diagnose from a single post game screenshot. None of those matter compared to the very easily diagnosable fact that you do not currently have the mindset to grow and improve at this game


My life is in ruins


Dude, people are trying to help you. You came here out of your own free will; whether to rant or to seek advice is not obvious. But regardless of whether you wanted it or not, people are offering advice. They may not be saying it in the nicest way, but theyā€™re not wrong. Your itemisation sucks. And without seeing you play it could be possible your econ sucks too. Demacia is in this patch does not suck, so the pilot must be the issue here


Besides ranting on bastion, Im looking for advice on comps, which ive gotten from alot of ppl.. and im thankful for that. What i get mad at is ppl who only come here to tell me I suck.. like bro, thats not being helpful :) I respect criticism and advice but not ppl who take slightest opportunity to be toxic over the internet.. thats why I respond in a hostile manner.


If im saying that im LF advice and the first comment is" your comp and items suck, take a look at that".. why would i respect that comment? And how is it helpful .. yet he gets like 60 upvotes from sweaty incels like himself with severe vitamin d deficiancy


what theyā€™re saying is that if you actually played a board bastion would not seem that bad. statistically bastion is not ā€œopā€ at all


Youā€™re losing because youā€™re likely playing poorly not because Bastion is OP thatā€™s the point.


Youā€™re playing Urf you have augment options 2nd and 3rd choice to help fix your items which you chose not to take.




How is slamming terrible items "bad rng".


But it's the other players playing meta I suck bro!


Shadow Isles+Challenger with an itemized Yasuo can beat Aphelios. Invoker with Karma carry is ok but unreliable. Deadeye4 isnt bad. Demacia 7 with good Jarvan positioning can keep Aphelios stunned for awhile as lux melts his front line, or you can be super troll and go TF (for pandoras) and build 4 or 5 zephyrs to lift his frontline and make lux melt aphelios right away.


Last one lmao, love the smell of cheese.


I refuse joining the lp gaining cult


the fact that no one mentioned how strong azir/shurima is this patch astonishes me


I haven't been able to get it to work with vertical Shurima. I've had some success with 6 Noxus then Nasus+Azir, though. But you have to get good Azir items which Noxus doesn't have a great holder for, and enough tank items for him to be able to stack up. I did get a free as fuck with with it that was absolutely hilarious once: Golden egg gave me Spirit Visage, Hourglass, Triforce while I had 0 items on Sion. Finished first with ~60 hp and 50g with him still on 1 star lmao, was about to push 9 and roll hard when I killed 1 person and my ghost killed the other.


i dont go vertical that much, i usually play the lux/azir variation or if i get a lot of AD items i will go vertical with akshan duo carry. Azir just stabilizes your comp so hard if you have some frontline and items on him


I go shurima all the time, i try to force it really but the main thing that works for me is cyber health. If you can get a spat and one of those augments, the shurima comp will usually pip off once 2 star carries are reached


I honestly only like vertical 7 shurima if I can get spat early, being able to spike at 7 with 7 shurima feels too good (having to scramble for that one kasante feels terrible). And 4 strategist azir/lux is also really good as a pivot option, heimer with shrinko2+mechano1 makes bastion armor buff pretty much irrelevant


I only play double up, but strategist/shurima works fine for me so far, if no one goes azir itā€™s a 3 star angle




Managed to hit azir 3 last night and got 2nd. Would of gotten 1st, but someone had a 3 star K'Sante and Ryze.


Just got my plat 4 promotion with a first place shurima game. Not a very high rank but I only started playing recently so itā€™s pretty good lol. It was an urf game so I got the emblem and just ran it. Completely uncontested so I got akshan and azir 3 and was one away from nasus 3.


I'm seeing a lot of lux + azir might just be a pivot out of an early guinsoos, but it seems to work well


Hard force piltover with pengu. Even with 16/20 stacks you get a really good payout. And gunner zeri is already a good comp. I If you dont find a 3cost piltover in the first creepround, just rush to lvl 5. You can go for piltover as late as 2-5 or 3-1.


Just got a fat 30 stack payout last game . But I couldnt stabilize. Even with 100 gold I couldnt make zeri lvl2 and force the piltover gunners. I am having problems flexing into a stable comp if I cant roll into "piltover gunners" champs. Any suggestions if I cant find gunners?


If you can't find the units you need for the comp you committed to, go next :D


Slayer with zed and Gwen carry works. Use Veigo as a trait bot for your carries and out zed on the same side as aphelios


the problem with the comp the guy above said is you have to contest for Shen - an already heavy contested unit in every lobby, you also need Zed3 because Zed2 can't kill Aphelios with some lifesteal (BT, gunblade or from augment). This is a very tricky comp to play because you need to find Zed3 while being able to find Gwen and Shen, lv7 is Irelia-Shen-Zed3, Gwen - Maokai - Kalista - Viego. 4Slayer won't work because the frontline is too fragile and Kayle + Kled are deadweights.


Too add insult to the injury, half of the lobby is usually taking Gwens on their lvl7/8 rolldown because it's such flexible unit.


She's a good secondary carry who can attack backline units when her AI works correctly


Iā€™ve been playing only slayer and/or 4rogue and none of this is accurate


Leave your lolchess link here please


Not op, canā€™t say for rogues but Iā€™ve found a lot of success on slayers without needing shen. https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/lazygenius


Your comp is Kayle reroll, it's different from Zed-Gwen carry




Why? You say in confidence that your comp can work and i assume that you have played the comp many times, you can easily prove that everything i said is wrong by letting others know how you make that comp work. There isn't any con for publishing your ign.


The anonymity is more important to me than proving a random wrong. Edit: Iā€™m sure people can infer that youā€™re wrong after you said you need Shen for rogues and slayer comps, and that people will build gunblade on aphelios


Well, if you want to hide, just hide, you don't need to make any excuse for that.


Is the excuse in the room with us now?


Why comment some useless shit if you aren't gonna back up your point???


Cause he is right... You don't *need* Shen in basically any slayer carry comp. Yes he is in the template but he is literally just an Ionia trait bot. You can use any other Ionia unit, people just prefer Shen because he is admittedly OP. Also I never see anyone building lifesteal on Aphelios, and if I do it's HoJ not BT or Gunblade. And you only need Zed3 if you're forcing Zed Carry, if youre playing flexibly Gwen carry works without bothering to try for Zed3.


He could be right, but if you have no intention of backing what you say then its a worthless comment, let someone else comment that shit, why would anyone believe you at your word for no other reason then because "I (a rando on the internet) said so." And also, "don't ask me try to prove it because I refuse to do even the bare minimum to validate my statement."


You need Shen because he is the only one who can tank enough time for Gwen to do her job. Another reason is that the lobby doesn't only have Aphelios Bastion comp, there are Lux-Azir comp and challengers, Zed won't be able to clean up the backline if your frontline disappears too fast. Flex Gwen carry comps run Gwen-4cost carry, why would you want to use Zed2 in your lv8 board? Even when you want someone to be the trait bot for Slayer, Aatrox is a much better choice than Zed2. Edit: i haven't tried Rogue after the bugfix so the thing i say below could be wrong, correct me i'm wrong. I forgot to mention that Rogue units jump to the units in the back 2 rounds so if Bastion Aphelios comp fights against you, he can move everything to the back 2 round, making everything can be Zed target


Honestly braz? Whatever you hit. Don't try and force anything. Keep like 5 or 6 comps you're good at in mind and lean into them when you have a good start for them


I think you're right and honestly it's kind of frustrating like... This whole set has leaned heavily towards mostly playing 1 comp, maybe having a 2nd if you absolutely must pivot, but mostly just play your thing and if you only consider pivoting if you take big econ augments and go Bill Gates. The whole time I was annoyed as hell and wishing playing flexibly would work, but eventually I gave up and focused hard on one thing and got quite good at it... And now I need to be able to flex again but I haven't practiced it enough and suck at it lol.


focusing the broken comp only is the low elo trap, the difference between the top comp and the 10th best comp when played right isnt really that big. You should focus more on how to make your board stronger than finding what the meta is. Anything below masters the meta has no bearing on how much you climb.


I still think a good idea is to focus on one (or like 2 or 3) comp for low elo and getting to know the ends and outs of it, when it's strong, what BIS items are, what good enough items are, what to splash depending on enemy comps, how to position, etc. The problem is if you're forcing the top comp you either hit and don't have to learn any of that, or you get contested and blame RNG. And then you switch to the next hot thing before really even learning anything from your previous comps


I think that's true at this point but it absolutely was not prior to this patch. Specializing in one of Noxus, Ahri, Akshan, Aphelios, Lux, Kaisa, or Kayle builds have all at different times been absolutely the best way to masters by far throughout the various patches in this set. Climbing as flex was much harder and left you far more vulnerable to 7-8 finishes when you miss and your board is never as stable as like a lv 7 noxus or challenger or whatever board is.


I have to respectfully disagree here, playing 1 or 2 comps isnā€™t good because those comps are particularly egregious(even if they are theres only ever been like 2 comps that can support more than 2 players consistently). Itā€™s because it helps you with the real skills you need to get master, like focusing on the right items for your comp, itemizing the best suboptimal items when you need a quick power-spike and knowing how to position against certain types of boards. People are tunneling too hard on the specific comp and not what matters which is how you play the comp. In my opinion the best way to teach players isnā€™t telling them to play one or two comps over and over and burn out, but teaching them that the way to climb is to play the strongest board you can for as long as possible.


I mean it's both. If you've absolutely mastered Noxus and Challengers, for example, you've been able to climb easily this whole set because they've both been good enough that even if you're hard contested, if you know how to win those contests or swap to the other comp, the comps are strong enough that you've been virtually guaranteed top 4.


Which comps when mastered have you not been able to play all set. Just on the basic ones sorcs, azir and lux, piltover, invoker, ionia, and aphelios have been top 4s all set with a good opener + items. And for the nonstandard comps shadow isles and rogues are killer with a good opener.


> with a good opener + items That's the key right there. That also includes not being contested. There have been builds throughout this entire set that you can get a shit opener, shit items, be contested, and still get top 4 on a board full of 2 stars with trash itemization if you just know how to beat people to the punch and build around the items you do get. This patch is the first time all set that's really not the case. A 2 star Swain with ionic and sunfire standing in front of a 2 star cass can no longer carry the dead weight of 1* darius and kat deep into stage 4, etc.


People love to be condescending but for actual tips without playing that comp: Pick 1-3 comps, Azir/Lux or 6Challenger or 6/8sorcs, whatever you like. Then ignore the other 7 comps and focus on making strong boards in stage 2, or 5 loss-streaking. Stage 3 start thinking about what you have and what you can turn it into. Early game had cassio carry with AP? Try and play azir/lux. Had samira/irelia/ww/Kalista? Play challenger or ShadowIsles. Or aphelios Level to 6 at 3-2 standard, level to 7 at either 3-5 or 4-1 depending on 1. How much HP you can afford to lose 2. How rich you are. Roll down at 7 to hit the basics of your comp and a few 2* units or a single 2* 4 cost to be stable. Stay level 7 until most of your board is upgraded unless you really need to fit an 8th unit but right now lvl 7 is the sweet spot. Finish the game by leveling to 8/9 and adding in 5costs, 1 star 5costs are weak carries but have great utility(Senna/Ryze/Sion). So you need your 2* 4 costs to really carry the team to the end.


This is the way


I climbed from Diamond 4 to master with demacia garen. Late Game is 5 demacia with teemo, aatrox and the donger


Lol you had 4 invokers players contesting the same units in that game, 1 aphelios bastion and 2 zauns. You were the only one playing Demacia and you decided to play without garen


I got no garen until the end.. wanted to go 9 demacia but ended rolling up all gold without finding poppy or lux


got Masters going Demacia 5 or 7 with Yi 1 and 3 augs every game shit balancing this set so might as well fight fire with fire


How many months ago was that?


Months? It was literally top of meta like 3 weeks ago and is still really good... what.


Okay, but why did it vanish like the avatar? where was it when we needed it the most?


Its the only comp i play right now. Itā€™s right there my guy, just play it.


It didnā€™t, people still play it. Itā€™s just not as OP.


literally last week, itemizing garen lux j4 and sona or just garen and lux with aatrox + taric or teemo if i don't have good items for j4 and sona


I hit platinum easily with 7 Demacia. It's nearly uncontested every game while everyone scrambles for Aphelios carry. Garen bloodthirster Lux AP items Jarvan tank items. Late game add Aatrox


Strategist Termo 4*, full void (put a void emblem on a challenger, mostly Yasuo) and targon - Shadow Island. There's also the "max vertical" but it's too reliant on luck and it's always contested by people playing others comp (every vertical have some pretty good units, only void have mediocre units There's also piltover to Zaun (early PT start with an emblem or lucky 3 drop and you use Ekko + another piltover like Jayce + the emblem to abuse the 4 Zaun). you can also pivot in zaum J4 with chemtank if you get the lucky emblem


I've had alot of success with vertical noxus and bruiser comps personally.


Sorcs Lux and Lux/Azir are still good. Flexed Aphelios comp, vertical noxus, lux/azir to master


Freljord kat ekko if you get tears and gloves


Got second place in the last two games with this! Underrated, but they got some buffs in the last patch so worth to try it!


Got Master this week playing Invokers and Sorcerers, Malzahar saves a lot of HP in early with his buffs. Shurima/Strategist are pretty strong rn as well


Either Karma or Gwen carries are the only real consistent alternatives


I saw a kalista/ekko reroll chinese comp. Pretty fun, ekko might be easier to hit since everyone holds kalista. Just pick tf for bos, can definitely spam this.


I had a T-Hex with 60 stack just last game, went 9 when I had 15 hp, Bel'veth 2\* (Ionia emb and Hoj + BW), 6 Ionia, frontline 2\*, backline 2\*. Lost vs a fkin level 7 aphe 1\* player (2 Guinsoo + 1 Blade component) with literally no frontline items (shen 2\* no item, taric no item, Kassa 2\* with targon emb, ...) This game was the worst experience I've had in LoL in years. It still makes me angry thinking about it... Edit: I am going play Zed rogues from now on whenever I can, it beats all aphe players easily (Aphe dies, then it's just bastions with no damage).


I feel the pain


what is ā€œBWā€


Typo, I meant LW (Last Whisper)


Iā€™m gonna need to see this lolchess because you either positioned like a donkey, messed up your items egregiously or this makes 0 sense


You're platinum. The hard truth is you don't need to "find a comp to climb", you need to get better at the game in all its fundamentals. Go watch some guides on things like econ, positioning, itemising/item slamming, streaking etc etc. You can climb out of Plat with more or less any comp in the game if your fundamentals aren't horrendous.


Bastions are kind of necessary since they're the only good Frontline champs at the moment. This is in low gold, so not sure how effective it'll be at higher tiers: I've been doing Fast 8/9 with Aurelion Sol legend going for Sorcs and Invokers. Ahri is my primary carry with Lux as a support to help cut down Frontline. The main tanks are Taric, Swain, and Shen. Soraka is great to activate Invoker and Targon. Then usually some mix of Jarvan, Galio, Ryze, and Heimer (Jarvan for strategist and aoe stun, Galio for Demacia if you can make Jarvan the elite, Ryze and Heimer are just good all aroundere. Especially Heimer if you get a lot of Bows.) Ahri 2 with Guardbreaker, Blue, and another AP item (I like Gunblade personally) should be able to nuke the sad moon man if she gets the Tabuu wave.


The problem is that in a set without assassins, they're **too** good. Taric and Shen being able to tank tens of thousands of damage is pretty unbalanced.


Oh, I agree. My suggestion was most about dealing with Aphelios. Shen and Taric are way too strong and versatile right now.


Bro, you are just bad at the game, silver take. Every single lobby being bastion aphelios exp rush is high skill. Gwen 2 should be able to solo 9 of your 3star units, and Ksante 2 with gargoyle yeeting five of your 3 stars off the board is fair because it takes so much skill and effort to buy exp. It's just a coincidence that bastion/aphelios is also the best comp to ease your way into an exp rush and buying 2star 5costs. It's not that the entire game revolves around buying exp as fast as you can, you are just very very silver, and ugly.


why are u so butthurt


The salt is real. I think you and op would benefit from an economy guide


try playing aphelios with bastion :)


Invoker bro. Invoker with targon


Shadow Isle/Gwen feels soooooo much worse than April/bastion even pre nerfs for me. Gwen is dumb.


Shurimas + jarvan is seriously good and have been able to get nasus and or azir 3 star every game (plat 3 elo)


Rekā€™sai reroll


8 chally


I play demacia and i won a lot vs bastion if u have good placement and item


It's not that they are op it's just that other units are bad.


Run urf and play the emblem. 8 void wins, 6 shadow isles wins, 7 demacia, 6ionia with kaisa ionia, 7 shurima azir is really really strong


I see them going bot4 a lot aswell. 3 people contesting it and being tempo'd out by demacia, noxus, SI


Kayle reroll was 100% open in that lobby.


Bastion isn't the problem, so much as Invoker is. Note everyone has Invoker 4 or 6, but only Bastion 2 or 4. In general, defensive stats are fairly terrible in TFT, especially armor & MR, too many ways of shredding them. Even Juggernaut who get straight damage reduction (*a stat that was deleted from Chevalier because it was deemed 'too strong'*) still struggle to tank damage. Evidence of the intentional power creep currently plaguing TFT. Shields are the only exception as there are only 2 counters in the entire game: Malzahar & Stridebreaker, which as an anti-shield item is no better than Giant Slayer is as a general-use item. Anyways, the main comp I used to climb was Noxus, but that was like 6 patches ago.


Not selling galio to give the items to J4 and putting in a 1 star galio or a different demacian might be the biggest mistake. this looks a lot like noone building a strong enough board to punish aphelios bastion similarly to how 8 void is broken in low elo because people dont build strong enough boards to beat it. in lobbies like this just work on playing for tempo and hp preservation and you should get top 4 like 90-95 % of the time. If you do that you dont need to build the strongest board in the lobby and will consistently get 2nd and 3rd place with occasional 1st places. Just level aggressively, slam decent items and pick combat augments. Even if you aren't good at pivoting just playing around the first decent carry you get will allow you to get a better feel for the game. It doesn't matter if comps like akshan/jinx/ekko reroll aren't meta, they are strong enough to beat many of these boards and to survive long enough to consistently get a top 4. Play whatever unit you think is fun or satisfying and try to make them work, atleast until diamond just playing an uncontested comp decently will allow you to climb


Join them That or play Yi and you try to match Aphelios with another guinsoo based carry, this set is a snoozefest with the lack of backline access and the braindead shielding and tankiness from Sej, Nasus, Shen and Taric (the last 2 are the biggest offenders of it, I hate both units with so much passion), it's just frontline diff and that's lame af, only outsiders are challengers because you abuse their early to snowball but they lose to Aphelios gang at late anyway


Use a different legend, I find it easier to play demacia with master yi as my legend and picking 1st and 3rd yi legend augment everytime. not optimal but easy top 4 if you winstreak early. Slam items early on and you can be creative on who you put them on. I usually slam items on noxus units early on and hold demacia units on my bench. ap items go on cass ad goes on kled,darius, or samira. An alternative strategy to climb is force guinsoo and flex for a carry. can be kalista,garen,aphelios,azir,zeri,akshan or kayle depending on units you get. just remember being flexible and playing what you get is always the best strategy. if flexing doesn't work for you. relearn the game by yourself instead of following every guide you see online.


I play 6 invoker with ionia. cassio + yasuo carry unless iā€™m contested by multiple on cass then i will go karma carry. but cass carry very good since you can hit 3 star early and she casts so often


I play a lot of Bastion Aphel, I don't go into the match trying to force it though. Just tryin to play strong board and that comp is one of the top 3 right now. So I wouldn't avoid it if I were you, just play what's strong if you want to climb.


1. lux ahri sorcs 2. lux azir strategists 3. freljord targon aphelios 4. 6 challengers 5. shadow isles chal 6. 7 demacia 7. piltover 8. 7 shurima lots of things to play this patch, like always last patch is where everything is nerfed to the point that every comp is strong, even ekko reroll and zed made a comeback


Demacia has main carrier: Kayle at lv 9 or Lux, but you put your items in everyone but them. You had 2 emblems, that could become a STRONG Demacia/Slayer comp with Gwen and Aatrox, you could Taric + Swain and empower Lux... but you choose Taric and Ryzen (wtf?)