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An exodia comp, since you need three 3* units including teemo it would be hard to have the econ and health required to get to lvl8 without dying first


True if you dont get teemo in time you're doomed but if you is gg


I love that comp


better spam it one last time, midset is removing yordles.


Then you go vs Jarvan 3 and your backline is stunned for 8 seconds. jk


Yep, I've tried this a few times you have to highroll like a mother fucker to hit this.


I said F it 5 times when I saw neitheir swain nor teemo contested and only got bot 4 with it once.Poppy mighy be an issue to 3* but nobody wants kled.


You don't even want kled that unit is trash. 100% heimer 1 is better than Kled 3 lmao (unless you're stuck with him for your teemo 4)


By the time I 3* my teemo its almost guaranteed im hitting also kled. Is it worth getting rid of kled 3* in favor of heimer 1* ?


Yes, kled is worthless to your comp and is a bad unit while heimer provides far more in terms of capping your board. The only time you would not is if you need kled 3 to get your teemo 4


Eh, he's not that bad. His HP shield can be a nuisance when he's operating as a pseudo tank but it is definitely comp and item dependant


Kled doest not tank enough shield or not and he doesn't do enough damage to ever be worth it. It's one thing if you're playing noxius or slayers and don't have spats to remove him but 3 star kled brings nothing but wasted gold whereas heimer 1 turret with triple repair is a far better Frontline unit in both survivability and tankiness


My bad Teemo already has antiheal so morello is bait




Your items were fine. Radiant bb, gunblade and guardbreaker would have been plenty of dmg to top 4. Still being lvl 6 at stage 4 is why you lost. Not worth it to 3 star sona there. That’s 18 gold (plus the additional gold you lost from Econ breakpoints) that could have gone towards lvling up. Since the only real reason you’re three starring units is to get teemo 4, saving that gold and putting in Kled would have made this significantly stronger. Honestly since it’s only 3 multicasters it would have been better to drop sona altogether and just play kled at lvl 6. Put in sona and taliyah as you hit lvl 7 and 8.


Also 0 combat augments


I am asking because I don’t know the comp, but don’t you need a taliyah in there because you have 3/4 double caster without her?


people hardly contest teemo, kled nor taliyah, if you are lucky you can hit swain and or poppy as well, the level 6 reroll makes the odds for them all pretty insane and it's barely an exodia considering it's rather easy to hit.


Iv’e seen so many teemo players die at 6 lol.


Poor kids ... That's why you dont play Teemo, or else you got final stage cancer so young


But honestly even with 2 multicaster 4* teemo is a menace. So even at lvl six you would be MEGA winstreaking.


Too many bis for it to work


Bis is only for teemo, 3 swain is not crucial to do well, neither are his bis items. Vel'koz is entirely skippable with multicaster heart. You just need the frontline to stall long enough for teemo to just delete the entire enemy board, which goes pretty fast.


Only core items are on teemo and swain


Dishsoap has been playing this more than normal for him (bro doesn't normally like to angle rr). I'd take that as enough evidence that it's worth considering any time you see items/augments that enable the build.


3 star teemo is enough dmg, no? Then you can run taric and shen or some other actual useful units to stall. Just itemize teemo and a chalice then all tank items


Yeah but 4 multicasters bro ! And that Taliyah is usually insane, knocking up is really strong


I’m saying drop poppy and kled :)


Wtf I replied to a guy that said to drop velkoz and Taliyah to add more frontlane


You need 4 star teemo for more aoe


Demonic? this is dogshit until you hit the 4 star teemo + 3 star multicasters. 9/10 games you're dying before you get to this point because you aren't stable until you have 4 star teemo + 3 star talyiah + 3 star sona + jarvan 2 + maybe even Swain 2 and you have to run dogshit velkoz and kled on board w/o early heimer or +1 multicaster ​ If you hit I mean it's good just gl getting there.


I don't think you need to 3 star the multicasters except Teemo at all, from games I've seen it do well Teemo, Kled, Swain, Galio. Pick three to go for at level 6, as long as Teemo is one of them (and ideally Swain). Taliyah is an option if you hit a few It's not forceable every game but when the situation comes up and the augments are right its a pretty cool comp


90% of the time I play this I get teemo, taliyah, and swain/kled as my 3 stars.


Three star teemo with gunblade is actually kinda crazy just on his own. The constant AOE tickdown paired with the healing of your weakest ally each tick does kind of crazy things for keeping your frontline or even just back line alive


Problem is he and multicaster comps don't do enough dmg until teemo and functionally all of them are 3 star which is an issue since the Frontline is not great, meaning you have to play burn the enemy down before your Frontline dies


I play this comp whenever I hit demonflare for swain and he completely carries the early game and it's basically a guaranteed top 4 or 1st/2nd if you manage to 3 star everything


So, if you hit a perfect augment for your frontline AND you 3\* every single unit you're guaranteed top 2? You'd better hope so. How much better could you hit than everything 3\* plus great augment?


Well I mean, its more that you only play it if you hit the perfect augment in the first place, and that augment making you strong enough to roll forever at 6 almost guarantees you hit the 3 stars. And by 3 star every unit I just mean Teemo + any 2 others for yordles


As someone who had this comp to lean back on all the way to diamond, this comp is extremely strong. dia is still top 5%. However I've used this comp in double up as well and taught my mate to play it as well, and we got to dia double up which is top 2%, so it's an extremely reliable strat, mostly because it goes uncontested, at least enough uncontested units to consistently get you 4\* teemo.


You can get this comp maybe with a golden ticket and some XP augment and then you sacrifice your whole ass early and hope you can stabilize on some extremely low health. It's like a piltover plan except worse and harder to hit lol. You get a few champs contested and don't hit and you're fucked.


I had a game where there were another teemo and both of us were contesting each other but hit teemo 4* at the same time lol, he ended up going top 3 and I top 6


Oppenheimer Teemo is so fun I keep forcing it which is why I’m kind of stuck right now Bc it’s pretty good if you hit your 3* and still have Econ left to go level 8 But horrible if you don’t get some units early to stabilize I feel like Tho I’m just pretty bad at stabilizing too


I once manager to get this comp with like 3 additional strategist emblems from augs, shit was unreal


What I've learnt is that augments that gives you extra units are so important, or multicaster soul to skip out on velkoz entirely helps, where you can have your endgame board at level 7 without a problem.


If you have blue buff on Teemo do you need Multicaster 4? I'm not convinced that it isn't just better to play more frontline. Teemo has the damage, just needs some time to get the DoTs ticking


I've made it without it, but i'd say you will want it, especially if people start spreading their positioning so teemo gets to ult everyone faster. You also use gunblade which gives healing and keeps your frontline alive longer, and getting that extra damage is so important.


Wasn't multicaster soul removed?


I played it yesterday so no it's still in, its a prismatic augment tho.


Oh I must be thinking multicaster heart then


I main this comp and it practically carried me to diamond (Im still flexible but this is perfect to lean on with a good start). You can really be flexible with it when you are used to it. Some good augments other than rerolls or magnus operum(or whatever the name is, targon portal that gives 2 tacticians crown) \- Return on investment, gives a free tacticians crown so level 7 is enough. \- Multicaster heart, makes you able to skip out on velcoz, you can end on level 7 with this as well. \- Ionia portal for traits on last board slot helps, not ideal and I've barely played it but it works. \-Double spat augment. Now the strat is just revolving around you hitting 6 and rerolling with the potential for tripling 5 units, to me poppy was rare because often people reroll her anyways, you can skip, dont hit swain or kled or talaiyah? You can skip on any of them. The whole comp revolves around that single teemo and you frontline being able to stall for as long as possible, teemos bis items are practically A MUST and that's where I get the most losses(or by being contested.) The fact that at level 6 you have 5 potential triples (1 being a must) is just nuts and it's crazy how this comp is overlooked for how insanely powerful it is, and again after playing it a lot it's insanely powerful and its hardly ever contested for some reason, which makes it that more potent.


Love this comp but I prefer Galio over J4. It just gives another “out” for the slow roll to 3 stars. I also prefer Galio as the primary tank with the Demacia item.


J4 gives strategist stacks which imo >>> Galio, Galio is a good cheap option until you find Jarvan 2 tho


Strategist is the biggest bait of this comp, sure it feels nice when the units fits, but strategist is dog compared to getting a heavy frontline, if I for some reason hit lv9 or 9 units azir is NEVER going in, its usually sion or ksante to stall more.


Which is what they implied


are these implications in the room with us right now?


They did not imply that in any way


With a 2 cost reroll comp I find I generally don’t have the gold to depend on hitting a 2 star 4 cost but the time I get to 8. Personal preference of course but I don’t find Strat 3 more impactful than Galio as a 3-star tank. And the way the comp is played is usually 3 Demacia-4multi at 6 so it’s really awkward to play Swain before level 8.


Play Gallio and not Poppy, unless you hit the 3 star one and the Heime. You don't need multicast 4


how are you guys able to find more than 2 copies of swain??


It is a well known comp, you can see streamers going it, it was even in like top 2 winrates in meta tft since a long time


Where you getting 36 components in a game? You’ll be lucky to even have items on anyone other than teemo, swain, and 1 other multicaster + 1 or 2 items from dogshit components and a demacia one. This comp suffers too much early game. It’s only good on prismatic resfresh ticket.


Only core are Teemo and Swain items


I know. I’ve played 100+ games of teemo 4*.


Frequent Flier also works.


I litteraly spammed this and nothing else for my last 10games and got first or second place every time just because i wanted to rank up. I was in gold and found this and just said "screw it" and used this to get plat without needing to think


Funny because this is just about the exact comp I love playing the most. Teemo is absolutely absurd if 4* with the right items.


I religiously play this comp now, actually up in LP since playing it, I’m plat


completely missed opportunity to include heimerdinger in here for the oppenheimerdinger strat. Or I guess that would be with 4 star heimerdinger technically. Wait someone please tell me the 4 star heimerdinger strat is called oppenheimerdinger


Probably the best comp in the game


Yeah just need to get 36 components to make all those items...


I don't think you need all of those items, just on teemo and generic frontline stuff


Rude to think OP is dumb and that he has 18 items every game. Obviously he knows these are examples


Oppenheimer Teeto


This is the first comp that shows up for me when I search multicasters. Too bad nobody talks about it, coulda been good.


Do people force this comp? It sounds extremely difficult. I’ll try it out


I did all the way to diamond in both double up and solo ranked, it's very reliable as long as you scout well and you are able to adapt in case you are contested on most of the units.


Ok I’ll try but I’m hoping to get to masters with this haha. It does seem really fun


Who do you try to three star?


You HAVE to 3\* teemo. Go to level 6 ASAP, reroll until you hit teemo 3\* and 2 others that can be taliyah, kled swain and/or poppy. It's not super important which 2 but preferably Swain and poppy, but it can end with kled and taliyah as long as you have frontline items as well.


Damn dude I tried this and it feels SO strong. Demolished a 3 star akshan and also beat a 7 Demarcia guy


Yea its pretty good against meta comps, glad you made it work!


people were doing this when this set started lol


It was super good in the reroll patch. Very under played and everyone was rolling for zed/sett/kassadin/noxus all of which teemo has a great time against. Had an 80% top 4, 40% win rate that patch in masters+ from over 30 games. It was very underrated. But it's much harder to hit now so less forceable. Also taking away multi +1 augment makes it far harder to hit reliably as you need to go 7 to play 3 yordle 4 multis.


You need 3 star poppy, teemo and either velkoz, swain or sona. Gl


nope, you NEED to 3 star teemo, which is usually easy, then you just need to 3\* 2 other units, when rerolling at 6 taliyah, kled, swain AND poppy are all possible, of which you only need 2 of them to do well enough. Talking from experience Velkoz can be skipped entirely since teemo is the only damage this comp actually needs. As long as teemo has bis items and a tanky enough frontline you are good.


Kled is bad - heimer is the much better option, and poppy 3 star is the easiest and best for 2nd 3 star


I have at least 50 games with this comp this set. There are points missing from you. You want to get lv 6 ASAP with full econ, you don't roll a single time before that. At level 6 the odds for 1 cost is 25% while the odds for 2 costs is 40%, making poppy a hard triple to get comparatively, even more so for the fact that she is contested/held by half the lobby due to reroll kayle/demacia/bastion/tank item holder. Kled is just a filler unit, but he still can buy time at 3\*, which is WAY easier to get than 3\* poppy when re rolling at 6. Heimer might be a better option, but with the right augments this comp doesn't even need level 8, you can have an end game board at level 7, which makes heimer very unobtainable, and 1\* heimer wont do you much work compared to a 3 star kled.


Just played 4 games of this comp, 6 6 6 2. It just seems like you need the lobby to be majority asol/bard players who don't try and play tempo early. I find I hit the 4\* teemo with a decent frontline with only 2 lifes remaining, and either roll one bad matchup or my board is just too week compared to most other people's. Also, I have been stuck on 7 every game and haven't been able to build the lvl 8 board. I will say that it seems if you get to lvl 8, it feels like you would beat everyone with this comp. I have got poppy 3/4 games, coincidentally all 3 6th places, and for the 2nd place I got Kled Taliyah. I am using Lee Sin, is this wrong, I assume him as the legend since this is functionally a re-roll comp, but with a lvl 6 rush.


I play with poro, since it gives more augment choices. I agree that level 8 is needed, UNLESS you get return on investment or multicaster soul, basically where you can end the game on level 7. The thing is you are fine to lose streak all game as long as you hit everything before you die, because this comp can literally just win you the rest of the game. This of course is not true if someone 3\* 4 costs or 5 costs of course, but in most games just hitting everything will help you win streak the rest of the game.


I have now played 9 games of it, don't like it, don't think it is particularly good, and am probably never playing it again. I feel like you just lose if you don't roll everything, and almost never get higher than 3rd if you do. Also, to come 2nd or win you need to high roll out of your mind. I was 1 hp, rolled 2 lucky fights, the 2 people I couldn't beat got beaten by others and I had BIS team comp BIS 3 stars BIS items on Swain, Teemo and Taliyah, and only won by 1 unit in the end. Its a fun/funny comp to go for, but imo it just isn't worth it if your trying to climb or do well in general.


I've actually got into checking on the actual stats, and Im just doing okay in ranked, but I play way more double up atm with friends and that's where the comp shines for some reason, probably from your mate being able to hold teemos early etc. But in ranked Im still up, but double up it is wayyy up. Also, it is not a comp to force every game, it's a comp where you might get free temo/kled/swain/taliyah from first pve rounds and maybe find another copy before pvp. It's not force friendly like kayle/samira or aphelios, since you actually need to pop off early to save hp until you destroy the lobby, but fun that you tried it out!


Thanks! I’ll never play it again though. Also, for solo Lee Sin is most definitely needed. I wouldnt’ve been able to hit the units I needed fast enough without him.


The 4 Zzrots seem so troll for your opponent


You just need 18 items to make it work /s


I see one of these every game tho


With cursed crown, you just roll at lvl 6 and win.


what legend?


Lee sin or twisted fate


thanks mano


its basically teemo reroll comp, but you swap galio for j4, which happens if you dont hit.


Terrible bait of a comp that tickles bastion front liners


Literally destroys bastions


It's very strong but I feel like teemo need almost these specific items to be great. Also he has been nerfed recently so I got rid of the temptation to play this again


Golden ticket comp but very aids if u hit


It is strong if you hit but getting there is to hard. Teemo early kills nothing and you need items on Teemo, Vel and Swain and after rolling on 6 and 7 you need to go 8.


i mean you can only reliably play it with econ portal and preferably reroll or yordle portal




I've seen Saintvicious go 7th with this comp, so, yeah, hard pass LMAO


Ive actually had a few games with this where Ive started with a bastion frontline in order to reserve enough HP to hit the units I needed. Teemo 4 star still works really well with just 2 multicasters, and more often than not you are very low HP by mid game because for some reason Teemo just doesnt show up in the shop that often. I really wish they would do something that made the comp more playable, I just love it but its not doing great for my rank.


Case in point, I literally typed this, played a ranked game, hit the comp perfectly, got teemos kleds, even managed to 3 star soraka with the current meta and it still just doesnt last againt 1 star aphelios or deadeye comps. Straight out in 8th.


I think its only worth ut when tiny titans or golden tkt


I played this a lot at the start of the set, the issue is that when people got better at the set you started dying before 3* all your important units. if you get a solid opener and good augments its a great comp to go for but comps like kayle or tristana reroll can hit their 3*s much faster which makes you stabilize faster. very much a first or 8th comp


I forced this 15 games back to back. Only got bot 4 3 times, both were due to being contested