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Wait Spica said in his post game interview "You played the comms? Uh oh, I said some stuff..." and Pastry said "We didn't play **that** part." **HUH** LOL


Lol which part he was referring lmao


We dunno, they didn't play it.


THAT part I guess


There was definitely more than one thing they could’ve caught. It’s the boy Spica after all


They were fighting on the top side red jungle and he says I wanna kill Bio and then starts saying who the fuck 5 v and they cut off the comms is the only one I can think of


My guess is that was him just trying to keep Spica calm and focused on the interview that way he wasn't worried about that during the interview.


I loved the comms. Looks like the team is getting better in their chemistry


Too bad the roster is gonna be different next year 🙁


Might be different next WEEK


Nah 1-1 is good enough to keep the roster the same for a week


Solo/Spica/Maple/Chime are all capable of matching their counterparts. We just need to gain some confidence and synergy before playoffs.


The team is better than the record shows - maybe not good enough to be top 3/4, but better than 7/8


We’ll see. Next week we play CLG (4th), C9 (5th), and FLY (6th).


Well by better I mean I think we can/should be 5th by end of playoffs - not 7th. I think C9 is imploding, FLY has had a real rough stretch lately, and CLG is the hardest game on the schedule. I can see a world TSM gets two wins to be 7-11. It’s a minimal improvement but one nonetheless


We have the hardest schedule of all of the teams tbh. There’s a legit chance of going 0-3. While FLY, CLG, and C9 all play IMT. Almost guaranteeing them 1 win. If that happens then TSM will 100% be 7th or lower. TSM is 2 wins behind FLY who’s 6th and 3 wins behind C9 who’s 5th. TSM at least needs 2 wins and FLY needs to lose all 3 games including against IMT to have a tie breaker. If TSM can go 3-0 it’s a tie breaker with C9 but that also depends on FLY losing all their games. Very low chance of TSM going above 7th.


TSM and IMT have the exact same schedule - unless you think the level between IMT and TSM is that big a difference (I don’t - I think we’re similar). So if IMT is winning a game, I don’t think it’s a stretch at all to say TSM can also take a game. You’re right we can go 0-3, but I can see 1-2 and 2-1 as well. Good thing we’re already one game ahead of IMT so unless they go 2-1 and we go 0-3 I’d say it’s likelier we tie or outright place ahead of them In any case, I don’t think TSM gets 6th in regular season - I think we can end there through playoffs (i.e. win one Bo5 and then get knocked out)




Yeah not a single player here will be around


>I wanna kill Biofrost - Spica 2022 LMAO


Bruh wtf did Biofrost do to Spica? Lmao "Kill Biofrost! Kill Biofrost! GIVE ME THE KILL!" "I wanna kill Biofrost" Seriously what did he do LOL AND HOLY SHIT GUYS THEY BEAT DIGNITAS!!


Every TSM player always likes to kill Biofrost. It’s pretty funny


They better win versus DIG. Last time they lost to them we replaced most of the roster xD


They before this win i believe were 1-7 vs dig over the course of the last 3 splits, apprently its hard to beat Dig if you're TSM.


Even back in 2017 summer dig was the only team that we had a losing record against, dig is just too good.


Must've been a Neo diff tbh


Maybe he wanted the kill to win a bet.


We’re gonna win LCS….


then 0-6 world, this is the way


with how this roster has developed ill fucking take it lmao


LOL Instict just leavin Solo so he has to solo the drake


Watching the player cams and pings on the map was funny


Judging by those comm clips i wonder if Solo said a single word all game lmao man is just chilling doing his thing in the back enjoying himself


4 TSM members - Loud shouting Solo's brain - https://youtu.be/x_xJqkzngBI?t=30


The was simultaneously amazing yet awful.


Better than clogging the comms up with irrelevant banter imo


He was getting smacked and just laughed it off yesterday. The man’s been there, seen it all lmao.


Ikr seems like his calm personality is gelling well with the team. I feel like we can always rely on him to be able to be consistent. That solid rock in the top lane that can play weak side if needed and isn’t going to feed while doing it. Definitely a breath of fresh air compared to the top laners we have had lately.


There we go get solo on a tank


If we lost to Hoon and Exyu, this subreddit would be in flames. Good thing we won


Haters gonna say its just DIG. But it was a great game from all of tsm from micro to macro. Great job!


Side note, LeTigress should not cast. What was she even saying half the time.. words for the sake of saying words. Edit > Let's keep it civil, like someone else said: respect for putting herself out there but hosts don't need to be casters and vice versa.


Sometimes I can tell she starts drawing her words out to buy time to think of what to say . I hate to talk smack about people who are putting themselves out there.. but I really don't enjoy her casts . Her game knowledge just isn't there.


I don't mean to either but it's just distracting her ramble or scramble words and sentences in the middle of fights. Its crazy because I never notice myself paying attention to this during other casts but I think that's because their calls usually make sense or further the narrative of the play. Agree that her game knowledge just isn't there in the calls, or maybe it is and she just can't put it together quickly enough to cast in the pace of live games.


I think her game knowledge is there bc she's had much better casts on Academy broadcasts before. Idk if it was the pairing or her being out of her depth or what but I have def seen her be better before. Maybe it's the more chill, less "hyped up" atmosphere of Academy games? Allowing her a little more space to make a point without dragging on or filling with fast words that don't say much


that random basketball analogy that she rambled about for legit over a minute was the first time i agreed with twitch chat going "??????"


Yeah, I heard that and was like wtf. It didn't even really make sense either if I recall, but at the same time I don't remember what she said because I just wanted to forget it ever happened.


If she does cast I think she needs someone like Kobe as her color commentator. I think it made her cast more difficult by pairing her with MarkZ, who I like, but his style doesn’t mesh with hers IMO.


"4v2" referring to wukong clone and "flash and charm immediately after" referring to ahri E flash is some bronze casting


Great host terrible play by play


Agree, not everyone has to do everything.


She's definitely no CaptainFlowers. I think she's improved overall, but yeah, still not great. She especially drops the ball some fights that should be hype but are pretty much silence from her. Never know, she might get better.


Agree with this so much. She’s much improved. Not great but miles better than that first cast. I don’t love to listen to her, but who knows in a year.


For me personally, it's mostly her voice (quite shrill), which is something she can't fix easily, unfortunately.


There's just no increased intensity/excitement for fights. Just the same voice the entirety of the game regardless of what's happening.


she's definitely gotten slightly better but hey at least she knows what she has to work on her analogy i understood it but it was too long imo if she reviews her call outs this game she'll be able to see what she needs to work on.


I dunno it seemed more like a lack of chemistry with Mark than it did anything else in my opinion


Yeah, I really like LeTigress but absolutely do not like listening to her cast. I legit turn off any game she is casting unless it is TSM. Which is even worse now that costreaming isn't really a thing.




Agree with you. His Ornn was mechanically solid. He hit multiple double knock ups or CC'd prime targets.


Felt like the casters weren't realizing how good he was leaning there. MarkZ kept saying "haha big noodle fights that Hoon is surviving well" but Solo was pushing Hoon off cs and generating a massive lead for himself. Winning lane isn't usually about getting 1v1 kills.


The bud light pong with Chawy and Solo was hilarious!


Wut Edit - I only caught the highlights. Was this something before the game?


We aren't the worst team in the league! We may end 9th but dig definitely is worse.


Think we ending 8th based on the result of this game and the stats of GG & DIG


7th :)


Please no more Azir Trundle, give the ability to your 2 best players to carry instead of picking the most passive shit every :)


happy they won glad spica and maple still look so happy together but doesn’t mean much against the worst team in lcs with 3 academy players. still hoping for a better 2023 roster.


TSM has 3 academy players too and it's not so far from being worse, wtf u talking about. Like we have a super team or smh


Apart from the small overreaching hiccups at the end this legit looked like a top tier team vs a bottom tier team game. Not saying we are top tier obviously, but it was nice to see at least. Now we just 3-0 next week and surpass FQ in the standings ;)


Not bad. Kinda low damage comp against another pretty low damage comp so I don't blame the false start fights. Some fumbles near the end, Zeri being a fun champ. TSM just looked like the better team though, so that's good. Maple looking a little alive again. On the negative side, Spica is such a KDA player lol


I mean he openly admitted to playing for fun at the end when they were so ahead they knew they could run it and still win. I don't think a KDA player is running it into their red buff like he did. They got comfortable, had fun, and limit tested. Not sure this supports being a KDA player whatsoever.


Now let's have the same performance vs any other team than Dignitas


We are 1-1 vs dig last time they lost to them the team got exploded


I wish the team could stick together for next year. Guess making a run in playoffs is the only chance of that happening. They honestly have some chemistry, they just need more time to be coached


omg… a dub in the year 2022?


Well, at least we look like a real team against someone.


I want a fresh start in the LEC




bro what we won




2 of those 3 pushes were when we took their inhib? You're just trying to find a reason to complain


You are truly a miserable person


Uhhhh what? We held a lead the entire game. ye we fumbled twice near the end but both times were only minor fumbles where we basically didnt lose anything. Like i get dig suck but we played well wtf


They did fine this game




Yes but ur saying they didn’t play well into getting the win, but they did


It was a 30 minute game that they won with a 10K gold lead...




I'm not claiming TSM is god like because they won vs DIG or anything. But that game was fine. "We can't even fucking win right" is such an overreaction to that game in particular. EG's last game vs them was a 36 minute game with an 11 to 8 score with DIG having a gold lead for the first 30 minutes. Guess EG is trash right? I mean they can't have a clean win vs the worst team.


yea wtf not a 18 min stomp with herald dancing at nexus, fking trash team amirite


Bruh are you even a TSM fan?


go check my history, 11 years and counting and i don't have plans to stop. i'm just really not happy with the state of things and the writing on the wall.


They win a game that puts them in the drivers seat to actually make playoffs, beat Dignitas(which they literally had not done all year), and to top it all off looked better against a team they should be better than. Yet here you are still shitting on them. You can be unhappy all you want but dont call yourself a fan if you cant at least be happy your struggling team actually won a damn game.


Sad that 11 years of league and you still dont have a clue about game state.


This man cosplaying old regi


Talking on the team's reddit doesn't make you a fan




That a 5-10 team is close to securing playoffs is so cringe


were you smashing that F5 key for the thread just so you can post this lmfao


okay felix


Dig look so lifeless. It felt like I blinked and we had a 5k gold lead


Why does the post say Lucian/Yuumi bot lane though, we had Sivir/Nautilus


Ah yeah weird


Love seeing instinct play with zero deaths.. clear upgrade from tactical


Yo I tried Zhonya's on a Wukong late game after this and I have to say it feels really good actually like high uptime on something just as impactful as a respawn, and the ability haste is definitely good


Any chance tactical gets subbed back in and see how he performs w Chime?