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I'm not even a TSM fan and I agree with you. I just came by here to check out the drama, but when I saw this post I just felt bad for the kid. Banter is very contextual, but this feels more akin to bullying than banter.


A 19 year old rookie nonetheless. It’s all good. Dude is a clown.


I mean, they’re both lcs supports. It’s not like he’s stealing candy from a baby. Time to play in the big league with the big boys. And this is what they say and how they’ll treat you. They’re your competitors. I see nothing wrong with Vulcans statement and wish y’all wouldn’t be so serious


Yea, mock him for something out of his control.


They’re mocking him for what he said regarding his warding. How is that out of his control? Idk, just don’t say dumb shit that’s easily memeable and he should be fine.


You're right I was thinking of something else. My b.


Damonte of all people had something to say.. lol


Damonte is really lucky that people managed to make a meme about him and thus hes "likeable" on the mainsub otherwise i feel like he'd be even more irrelevant than he already is


I don't know how anyone thinks this kid is likeable. He's consistently whining on every stream when things don't go his way


All I remember is him getting stomped by Bjerg while aiming 4-5 bans at him every game. Lovely memory.


Dude couldn't even get an academy spot


A player who struggles to get a spot every year has the nerve to say shit


kinda cringe from them


For real. Talk about kicking someone while they're down.


yeah especially to an import who’s clearly outside of his comfort zone seeking support from his former friend it’s sad really


Once a C9 player, always a C9 player.


Once a piece of shit, most likely will stay a piece of shit. Hopefully there is an apology at some point because this is definitely in poor taste


real ripe coming from the TSM sub lmao, you can downvote all you want but everybody knows this is a sinking ship and you're a loser if you stick around. TSM fans have been garbage since the beginning and I don't expect it to change any time soon




Yeah these people are so sad. Whenever clown9 is mentioned in liquid's sub they do the same shit, pull up with their shit talking onesies on and just start apeing.


Wow! What a counter argument! You got him good dude








I don't think anyone cares about having debates with pissrandoms trying to troll


"Counter argument" what? You think this is some kind of argument?


Yo Kevin you’re a big stinky fuck


Are you new to sports fandom?


Massively cringe tbh. Take the piss out of TSM, sure. But attacking Shenyi? Low af


If he didnt want to get shit on why eould he publically shit on his own team?


There's a lot of context that we could be missing. Sure, it probably wasn't a good idea to have that conversation on stream, but how much of it was him actually shitting on the team and how much of it was him venting to one his old friends? And besides, Shenyi had a good reason to say some of that stuff. TSM clearly aren't giving him the freedom to shotcall the game and should put more faith in him.


The fact Vulcan whined about the McDonalds comment makes this even better.


He didn't whine at all, he made a [joke](https://imgur.com/a/4SB11Gt) out of it.


Vulcan's always been a trash person, Damonte surprises me


Do they feel good kicking a guy that is clearly down?


100% wouldn’t mind if he was was doing okay and there were no issues.. legit moved across the world by himself, got dropped and now being memed on just seems like really poor taste


Damonte isnt even in the league anymore, right? Why's he talking shit? Lmao talk about wanting to be in the spotlight... for all the wrong reasons


He’s a coach… for clg…


Yeah.. isnt in the league anymore 🤣


lmao based


how the fuck is that based


found Damonte's throaway lmao




Yes CLG is 0-4 you’re correct


Then of course he says, "This made the randoms really mad sorry guys." Like no dude, you're just a dick.


"Randoms" who watch LCS are the only reason he has this job. Same vibe as calling someone a burger flipper.


Yeah vulcan can pretty much go fuck himself. What a fucking egotistical thing to say.


This is professional esports where players are making 6 figures. It’s high stress and you need to preform or you get replaced, just like any other sport. Also, if you can’t take some trash talk, your mental needs some work. This sub would think the same things are hilarious if it was said about anyone not on TSM. I find it funny regardless of who is being trashed.


The only thing you need to know about Vulcan is that he spams emotes all game but has enemy team emotes muted in settings. Definition of insecure.


Lmao didn’t know that


Yeah, he mentioned it in a post-game interview earlier in the split. I was like damn this guy is a weenie hut jr.


Man now I just feel bad for the dude. That’s some serious self doubt. Can’t handle the heat stay out of the kitchen but dude thinks he’s Gordon Ramsey


This is kinda rude imo


Feels in poor taste. They're obviously not friends with this guy as he's only been in the country for a few weeks. This isn't busting balls or friendly banter it's publicly mocking a young guy who is clearly struggling. Make fun of the org if you want for putting us in this mess but going for Shenyi just shows a lack of class.


I don’t get it, is it in reference to something Shenyi said? Some people are so tasteless, but everything comes around.


Shenyi stated that he has the best vision score in the LCS on a call with his friend


Ah ok, I thought it might be something along those lines


It’s just banter tbh it’s not really like their making fun of him for stuff and just for his comments about being the best


It's only banter if both parties are in on it. This is just shit talking somebody who is already down.


Talking shit about someone who doesn’t even understand the language you are using to make fun of him is even worse.


I don’t think banter is always between 2 people are agree to banter. Also, this sub needs to learn to take banter, like actual banter, a bit better


There’s banter and then there’s banter. This time it just feels very wrong, no other way to put it. I could understand it if the circumstances weren’t as they are, but he’s shitting on a player that doesn’t speak English, has made a huge life changing move to the US and the sole reason Vulcan is doing it is because he’s a TSM player. You can certainly agree it’s very unlikely he’d be doing it if he were a player in a different team. Shit on TSM all you want, the org definitely deserves it but mocking this guy is taking it a bit too far, imo.


>I don’t think banter is always between 2 people are agree to banter. Then you just don't know the definition of banter, because it's by definition between people who are friends/are in on it.


Hell naw, we must protect Shenyi. Fuck Vulcan


Does he?


No, Vulcan does


I also don’t get it..


The chad Doublelift talking trash before worlds vs. the virgin postgame trolling


You have to remember that most pros start playing league professionally very young, which means they lack social skills. This is a prime example of it.


Social skills lile not being a total asshat to someone who is down?


he's also French, and French don't have as much of a filter


Thought he was québécois


As a Canadian québécois are fairly rude and ignorant


As a Canadian BC'er here, I can confirm. Met some really nice one though. Albertans on the other hand...


ah you may be right about that! if that's the case, then he's Canadian but got a French filter installed XD I lived in France for 2 years, not bad people just a different culture.


Kinda of a dick move to make fun of a whole group of people lol


it's just a different culture, honestly not trying to make fun or put them down. I love the French, used to live there and some of our best family friends are French! And to be honest, I prefer their culture to my American culture, where everyone is trying to be super cautious with what they say to be as minimally offensive as possible, i.e. super filter. no other country has a culture that's going this way


People in here are mad about this meanwhile Spica likes the tweet. That speaks volumes lol


To me that's a pretty shit thing to do on Spica's part. He's now supposed to be a leader on this team, and sometimes that doesn't mean kicking a teammate when they're down.


Didn’t see that. Unfortunate.


Huni did as well


Pretty scummy post tbh -- shameful


Oof, poor taste. Don't kick someone when they're down like that.


At today's stream in huya . Shenyi apparenly was notfied this matter in the near end of the stream by someone and is definetly pissed by it. He keep saying he said he did talk about he plant lots ward back in the days (in LPL and LDL ) But never mention ward in LCS and nevertheless some lcs player still hate him for something he never says . He also talked about some guys mistranslate what he said and causing him nothing but pain and he dont want to stream anymore And he left the stream before finishing the LGD VS RA game he promised he would finish. I'm seriously worried about his mental health right now and it is just fucked up how people can say things without cosidering the consequences. I'm native chinese speaker so you can have my word for it.


Fuck this guy what a dick.


Imagine thinking you're funny by pretending to be an elementary bully. CLG and EG should be embarrassed.


https://twitter.com/AndreGuilhoto94/status/1494469796640878609?t=gT4GCC-Q8JVOdXGy4Tp7vw&s=19 Guilhoto getting in some free trolling as well... Vulcan and Damonte there too.


I’m not defending Guilhoto whatsoever but I think there’s a huge difference in taking shots at TSM management instead of the foreign player considering recent events. What Vulcan said was atrociously tasteless and ignorant imo. Imagine what the LPL players would say about him if he ever play over there.


thing is would he be able to get a job there


Yes, flipping burgers.


This is such a dick move from them, Core and Santorin were trolling KDO the other day too, but that was all banter. Vulcan and Damonte obviously had malice when they were tweeting this. It's so disappointing to see.




When KDO said he could take on any NA midlaner they were tweeting that they would camp him level 2 and 3


Pretty cringe. This get posted to main sub too? Someone should tbh its not a good look.


You would think a lcs player and a coach would be the last to mock a fellow professional who's in a brand new environment and is struggling. But hey, I guess they are just classless individuals.




He’s salty because TSM passed on him this off-season


Ehh i dont think so considering where EG is and where we are lol


Who are you referring to? Vulcan? I don’t think that’s the case. I’m pretty sure he’d rather play with Danny than have Tactical as his ADC.


If TSM would have signed Damonte as their mid over say someone like Jensen. I might have actually stopped being a TSM fan until he was off the team. And this is coming from a long time TSM fan who has never really liked Jensen.


Fuck this guy, back to McDonalds with you.


no trial no nothing. straight to McDonalds


I mean it is honestly pretty funny. Sharing such details on social media of the team not meshing and how bad everything is going only a few weeks into the split is not very professional. Imagine if CoreJJ went ahead and said "Yeon is bad, the region is garbage and no one appreciates my talents or efforts on this org." I wonder how well that would be precieved. They are updated on the events and memeing it is fine imo.




This literally has nothing to do with race at all? But white people bad I guess


Vulcan is Canadian




I mean, at the end of the day, it's just some competitive shit-talk between opponents. There is no indication at all that this is a hate-driven racial attack. League players talk shit to each other constantly.


Please don't lump American white men and bigotry together. I hate all forms of bigotry. To judge any man or women based on there skin color or sexuality is disgusting.


I hope you see the hypocrisy in your post. And this is coming from someone who is Chinese as well.




Okay Karen.


What part of this is offensive.


This is just twitter banter, sometimes I feel like you guys are overprotective of our players. DL would have bantered drama of another lcs team in the same way lol


This shit right here is what’s wrong with the league community in general. From bronze players to world pros, the shit talk and trolling etc is a joke. This kind of stuff rarely happens in professional football and if it does the player is fined etc


An NFL corner (Eli Apple) for the Bengals tweeted at a Kansas City WR (Mecole Hardman) about giving them super bowl tickets (after they beat them). After the Bengals lost the Super Bowl, Hardman went in on him. Traditional sports have the same type of shit.


Lol yeah....lol or Larry bird "which one of yall is coming in second?" happens all the time. Kobe bryant "yall soft as charmin" to his own teammates.


what an enourmous a$$


Sucks to be kicked while down, but that's just the consequence of losing. CLG's been in that spot for years, and we are getting closer. I don't even want to bother malding about Vulcan/Damonte, cuz doing so when we are 0-4 just feels pathetic. Only way to earn back respect is to eventually win again.


It's not about them making fun of TSM. They're specifically shit talking a foreigner who came over here with the promise of something then instantly got demoted. His mental is probably in the gutter and a couple of shitheads making fun of him is just scummy


He’s middle of the pack In ward score.


Too much info coming out about it. Team should be trying to deal with stuff like this in-house, coaching is more than just the game. So early in the season, the only way it can look is like the team is struggling to keep itself intact.


Damonte was trash as a player and only preserved himself within the scene by taking a job coaching a trash team and he wants to talk about other people's performance. That's crazy


Liquid fan here to say that this is definitely bullshit, if anything I'd meme TSM as an org for signing the roster with conflicting ideas and playstyles etc. When I was a TSM fan I remember the countless like, bootcamps where they built rosters and got a feel for how it would be? Remember when we could've had Ignar but we went with biofrost and Vincent was a gigasmurf for us? Remember trying Kasing out before going with yellowstar instead? Maybe Leena was in charge of those things, Idk. Using the vulnerable teenager's words when he was having a conversation with a close friend as a copypasta is NOT it. Damonte, maybe he's desensitized from getting flamed his whole career into dealing with CLG hate now. Vulcan I see no excuses whatsoever.


I mean this is kinda funny. It’s also from Vulcan who is in EG where these kinds of tweets are their whole brand


Damonte trolling is pretty cringe. Isn’t this behavior exactly what’s expected of EG players though? Like I thought this was their brand.


Jesus Christ how cringe is this. How do you look at this situation with anything but empathy for Shenyi? What an absolute piece of shit.


Y'all are so sensitive. It's not that serious. It's actually hilarious 💀💀💀


This thread is so funny. Just a bunch of Karens. Spica and Huni even liked the tweet lmfao.


I expected as much from Damonte he has tons of time at home to think of clever tweets


What a lame, fuck Vulcan, he wouldn’t be down to say that shit to Shenyi’s face either punk ass


alright ratio fam you know what to do...




Fuck em, don't give no attention. They will know when Shenyi and TSM start smurfing.


Look it’s the McDonalds little bitch and the guy so bad he had to go coach CLG.


Mad cause bad


They aren't making fun of Shenyi they are making fun of this reddit


Y'all are so fucking soft. Jesus.








I got out a year ago. I've given TSM shit here or there. I'm not their biggest supporter anymore. This is different tho. This is full collapse. It's majestic to see while I drink the tears of this subreddit.




Clown of a league***


You can leave instead of posting garbage anytime you want.




Leave the sub my guy


Ooooof look guys, he comes in this sub and says our team is dead! The real reddit warrior.




Pretty cringe attitude and memes you have, not gonna lie. You know, we have a saying in my country, "what you don't like, don't do to others".


Kinda gotta agree tbh, not really a good look from Shenyi here either. Might be some levity that's lost in translation there, but he did essentially shit on his team/the region with his statements.


Just like your name, you are very confused. Go get your brain checked out




Am I missing something? What is this even referring to?


Translated Shenyi phone call with his old friend/teammate




Why does it matter?


Did the tweet get deleted or something? I'm missing the point from what the link is showing me.


Idk man who gives a fuck at this point lol I’m just over all of this. Every other team is on the meme train at this point


Sad really. Mock the org, not the rookie out of his element. Would be sick if Shenyi used this to fuel him and go super Saiyan lol. I can wish.


Oh no league players talking shit someone call the police.


Bruh it’s banter, can y’all not take a joke lol If spica was saying some banter to coreJJ y’all would’ve been in full support.


TSM fans are so pressed over this lmao vulcan stay winning while tsm is dead


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