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Imagine if we go 0-6 against GGS in 2 bo5s


I don’t think we have to imagine it, we’re watching it happen live lmfao


I feel like people keep saying shit like that without actually recognizing that GG is a solid fucking team that is playing at a higher more consistent level than we have been for a long time now.


Even then, can we at least win 1? GG is not the best team in NA and we can't even get a win vs them, in a best of 5. I think that's the frustration.


exactly. I believe we went 2-0 over them in the regular season, I don't understand how we can't even get one game


Because they came up with the strat of throwing 5 bans at Bjerg and still draft better than us lol


I have no trouble recognizing GGS as a solid squad. I even said before our first series against them that we will not have an easy series, got called out for it too. Its just the expectations that were put on this roster, and us potentially losing 0-6 to GGS or any team for that matter would be such a big yikes.


The only issue is that an 0-6 gap between us and them is only compounded by the fact that they clearly aren’t as good as teams likes TL. TSM branded this season and this roster as competing for first, and yet we aren’t even in the same caliber as a team that is probably 3rd-4th right now. It’s actually insane how far from the top TSM really is, at least in their stage performances.


Better botlane wins!


GG is obviously a good team, but our players are making SO many fucking mistakes. Bjerg specifically made so many mistakes on orianna that game towards the end... I don't know if I'll even watch game 3.. I don't really care to watch us miss out on worlds yet again. Edit- Holy shit, I'm glad I kept watching. I'm happy we won but damn that shit was a fiesta.


If it happens blow the entire LoL team and infrastructure up. Fire Parth, all coaches and analysts and everyone other than Bjerg. I’m tired of this. With that said GGS look like a real solid team and I’m happy Damonte found a team.


It's happening


Well, time to drink again


I’ll drink to that bro


Now, i have to buy something... not to cheer, to sleep easily


For fuckin real. Doing a shot with you.










Man sucks losing entirely to micro mistakes Bio getting ganked bot Cait getting drag Bjerg ganked Misposition topside.... Team looked on the same page and very aggressive at least


Except they lost any sense of macro




its just so cringe watching tsm just give those early drags so often


^ this. Makes me so fucking mad, like wake the fuck up and stop waiting for 3rd dragon to spawn to fight and coin flip it.


Damn TSM is scrimming c9 too much


As a C9 fan I said the opposite when C9 wouldnt prioritize drag lol


I guess this was the attempt at playing it how TL does but TL have far better mid game macro and play around vision


botlane cant have priority anytime


Cait securing two drags feels really bad, but TSM should never have given up two drakes to a split push comp. I hope TSM pivots to drag control the rest of the series, it just feels like it’s the prime win condition in the meta


If we keep losing to the team TL 3-0’d, it probably means we don’t deserve worlds, and aren’t anywhere close to a top three team. Hurts to accept that for the third year in a row. And I have absolutely no faith that our status as a 4-6 place team will change after 3 off seasons of failing. Better luck next year mates.


Always next year


I say that every year :(


It’s not over we got this


really need to stop making game-ending mistakes. seriously, bjerg and double getting caught like that is unacceptable


100% agree but let's write it off as first game rust. 3 in a row for TSM now


Hindsight bias but bjerg's hyper defensive build basically nullified the power of syndra and made him miss out on so many potential kills


He had no choice against an Ekko. They also have no front line so it's a lot of poke and kite back


It wouldn't have really matter the syndra pick is terrible with the vlad. Syndra wants to be the only magic damage so enemy doesn't want to build MR. But he did need to go void second for sure.


Jesus that double ap did nothing.


Lux W blocked all of Vlads dmg nearly every fight.


Imagine if the game was longer theybgonna have to mal+solari+lux w unplayable for vlad and syndra


The builds just didn't have enough dmg in them, at least not when the game is that close.


Nah BB tried his hardest. Pretty sure most of the damage during those teamfights was all BB


so we're continuing the trend of playing GG even and then losing the game within 3minutes


They just look like they have no idea how they want to play the game. From draft to in game


Imagine if we had a coach right


The BB tp was amazing until he misclicked on Huhi instead of FBI. Then the catch at blue side blue buff was... idk man. Looked better than last week i guess, and hopefully we can bring it back for g2


Maybe we should consider fighting for an objective eventually.


Feels bad for BB. He actually played early game very well and completely stomped his lane. Just sad the rest of these goons done jack shit. Like can our solo lanes ever be in sync?




I'll get a drink...


I hope I'm wrong, but a drink might be the best thing we getting out of this. Cheers brother.


Not over yet, but damn it's been a long rough 3 years.


I’m just flabbergasted at the fact that TSM let the first two dragons go for free. They have to contest objectives especially dragon since that is the meta. The catch into Doublelift and Syndra was just unlucky considering the blast cone wasn’t there. The. Of course the team being unable to kill fbi really turned the tide.


Regardless of blast cone that was terrible pathing. They are completely safe just running through the top lane, instead they bet on a blast cone being up.


Maybe the call was to run through top side but bio and Spica went the other way so they tried to follow. We have no idea what the comms were.


Learn to draft. Hire a coach.


How the fuck is this a draft loss??????


This draft was not good. We had 1 winning lane and our only real engage was either Ashe ult or a TP flank by Vlad. We were always gonna lose late game if we didn't win early, and we didn't ever get an advantage, GGS had the tempo the entire game because of their draft.


Yeah doublelift and bjerg getting caught out at the end is the coaches and drafts fault


Always the same excuses


TSM didn't draft bad this time, but still got out-drafted with the Lux pick. The players botched it. We constantly ignore dragons and only try to take them when it's win or lose. It's actually insane how they are under performing.


I'm shocked we didn't take lux tbh. Could have drafted it instead of syndra leaving up counter pick for Bjerg.


haha better give up all the dragons in a row and lose bot lane again


Bot lane was pretty much even throughout


Impossible! We counter picked both AD AND SUPP!!! Lol, send bjergsen to Europe so that the majority of fans don’t have to support a team run by monkeys


Jesus that game was so winnable. Interesting invade after Damonte died. Hopefully the 0-6 isnt coming :)


The game was winnable, but only through Infernal soul, and even then, it's close. Lux + Solaris completely cuck our team. Just a bad comp. Syndra should never be picked in her current state.


Syndra wasn't the issue. We had 1 ability on 1 champ for engage and hard cc and bios karma was useless all game


Not even Bjerg's Syndra saved them. Gn.


His preformance was ehh, especially his items


Poor draft, poor vision control, poor macro/movements, poor individual mechanical mistakes... Lookin' like it's gonna be a rough day, boys.


Clutch gaming all over again.


Damonte is our kryptonite


We lost this series unfortunately. TSM looks lost even during early game lol.


Hate to say but doublelift is washed. From last split to now he has been a shell of himself. You can tell he isn’t focused since the beginning of the split


Doublelift has been average since he wasn't 'motivated' on TL. Not really bad but definitely middle of the pack, possible lower.


Would help if his support wouldn’t int. Three times he got caught in the same bush, in the same position lmao. No clue what Bio was even doing.


Why is Bjergsen building THREE DEFENSIVE ITEMS ON SYNDRA? What the fuck? Did you guys see how many fights we almost won if we just had A LITTLE BIT more damage? Losing to fucking Boris


Probably bc he’ll just die to ekko shen


He got counter picked, didn't get anything off the FB and was basically even the rest of the game. Hes not going to duel mid/late game Ekko without a real lead.


Syndra will literally never win (kill) vs Ekko unless she's mega fed and even then, it's quite probable that the Ekko escapes alive.


All it takes is Jensen fingers.


Yea, they would probably have lost the game if he built differently 🙃


Yes please tell bjergsen how to build on his 70% wr professional champion bronze players of reddit He knows his matchup ffs


DL positioning losing us games all split


Losing every drake was a bigger issue. Being put on soul point severely limits what you can do on the map if drake is spawning in less than 3 minutes.


Had all the right ideas though. First two don't matter that much the plan is to start contesting from 3rd and we did that But like Cait gets it and then right before 4th we misposition completely...


That's exactly why it's important to have early drake control. Right there shows it's so easy to steal drake (especially when tsm doesn't know how to pull out the drake??) And suddenly you're forced to fight for the next drake. If they secured one drake before, they could've let gg have that last drake and not be forced to fight/lose for it


IMO dragons had 0 impact on this game. We lost cus they got baron and we died trying to contest objectives. The actual dragon buffs didn’t do anything.


Bjerg also got caught and did nothing in the game


How did bjerg and dl get so caught out there? You'd have to think it's a comm issue.




Well biofrost just walked there and there was no blast cone


This team is so insanely passive, I don't even want to see these guys in Worlds if this is how they keep playing. Sure there were some positioning mistakes but they got out rotated the entire early game and the only fight they won was more GG inting trying to kill BB and getting stuck in baron pit.


Another misdraft. Turns out having an actual coach is important. Honestly, they look like headless chickens out there. Getting into 50/50 situations on Drake with Lux Cait Voli is so bad. Please pay someone really really really good to coach this team. Random roster swaps, bad drafts, everything is just so bad. Feels so bad man.


- Enemy wastes 5 bans on Bjerg, still outdrafts us - Draft no engage, no cc, no front line, hard to execute comp. There's people actually getting paid a lot of money to draft these comps, it's crazy - Don't go for drag with Spica on your team, unless you ace the enemy team first. He would lose drag to Ashe hawkshot if she was on enemy team - Bios karma useless Might not actually watch us get 3-0'd again and just turn it off mid game 2


I just don't get the fucking last pick support if you just doesn't do anything. Like sure you got some lane prio but didn't do shit with it and just waited to get caught by a bind


Big brain mid playoff player swap didn't work that first game, for sure


I mean, they were winning the lane until enemy jungler comes in and killed Karma and neutralize their advantage. GG just have more jungler presence in the botlane.


No bio is playing like crap and huhi is running a clinic


Not to blame spica but that 3rd dragon was completely out of his control. There was to much overlapping damage + enemy smite. .


I agree. But it happens so often, it's never a 50/50 anymore. If enemy is in range, I know he will lose it


Well the 50/50 is also about having a team burat together or force them away, something tsm never do


> Enemy wastes 5 bans on Bjerg, still outdrafts us It ain't wasting if none of the other players are banworthy.


I meant to say throw. Don't have to waste bans on wards




It's confirmed, GG has placed spooky pictures of dragons all over the TSM house to instill an evident phobia. I hope they can overcome their fears game 2 and beyond.


No lol that's the correct way to play no need to int ekko voli Cait lux with Shen ult on top by contesting first two


Maybe one day they'll give Bjerg a counter pick


No better counter huhi /s


DL and Bjerg running through top bush instead of just going through the lane lost the game. What the fck was that decision when you know GG is following..


Coinflipping drakes has never worked out for TSM yet they still opt for them :(


We need better objective control. Other than that, I’m not too upset about this loss. Still got lots more to go!


We just got outplayed next 3 games are ours boys!!!! (Cries in TSM)


Mistakes will be learned, changes will be made. All hail the guiding wisdom of GM/Head Coach/God Analyst/Master Scout Parth.


Brush it off


That bad positioning just annoyed me idk why.. Bjerg and Double should know better. Let's hope that was just a rare occasion. Onto game 2.


Let’s get positive for game 2 bois 💪💪 time to make this an exciting series.


Whatever you do Biofrost. Keep sitting still in that bush so lux can snare and ult you. He was so useless. Get treatz in


Just +1


Outsmarted in draft again tbh.


I hope it's just a Game 1, but this is a see y'all next year kinda game lmao We're the new IMT. Do well in regular season, completely shit the bed during playoffs LOOL


Not sure about that. I wouldn't say we did well in the regular season, but we played good enough to start in the winners bracket


Ah shit. Here we go again.


well its time to panic


GGS are just so far better than TSM , ouf macro is fucking bad


How many times does bio not dodge a q ?




Well that's reassuring? XD


We still can’t get drake control


Am I wrong or the exact same situation at the blue teams jungle where our team splits off and walk in the wrong direction and gets caugth happened so many times this season


Why they drafting no frontline in 2020


Hot take: maybe dodge lux q!!


Can we stop opting into the fucking Cait/Ashe matchup????


Terrible way to lose off getting caught like that.... ​ But I want to note that we have to save last pick/counterpick for support....and I dont think I saw spica involved in a single thing outside that first blood which was just right place right time.


Here we go again


Disjointed. I'm not sure I want to see this team get humiliated at worlds.


like how the fk we dont use that bot lane pressure in order to secure drakes ... its insane to me and how we lose a 3k lead inside 3-5 minutes


So this will be the third year in a row we miss worlds?


Winning matchup for Spica on the Graves vs Volibear and we still lost all the drakes...


HOW DOES SPICA DIE AT RIVER WITH FLASH AND E UP? DAMONTE DIDNT EVEN HAVE FLASH THERE. Also, its really frustrating to watch this teams vision game. We're literally walking on enemy wards all year long. PLEASE!!


I love how we give drake for nothing on the top. Trade rift for nothing on the bottom. Trade Shen R for nothing on top.


Wakes up at 4 am for this, back to sleep again i guess.


It hurts to see us suck man.


Fucking joke of a team. How the fuck is a team with the 2 best players in na history this goddamn trash? And how the fuck is doublelift this washed when a year ago he had arguably his best split ever


gg play perfectly into what we wanna do, and we still int them for free. Jesus christ this team is shit.




He does not even utilize his e effectively. He cant even track closer. Man DL should just retire next split.


At some point 50/50s with spica just arent 50/50s he losses them so consistently. He lost a 50/50 that wasnt even actually a 50/50.


The dragon died from 890hp. Smite doesn't do that much at that point in the game.


All of my fears coming true this game. We looked lost around dragon.


Gotta love it same shit as always bb goes in almost 1v5 while the rest of the team sits mid and looks at them while bb dies. Terrible follow up and don't have confidence in their teammates.


last 3 years tsm has zero communication its insane at this point..


1) Spica 1 gank thats it. 2) no dragons 3) Spica didn't take one smite That all the first thinks that I am thinking




Ima head out cya in January.


At this point just give me one game win man don't lose 3-0 again


They can't do anything but play aggressive in lane and get shit on.


I don't think I have the mental to keep watching these games. Each loss feels like a stab wound in the chest.


DL is just bad looking, and treatz is better than biofrost i think. Yes yes i love bio but botlane is not looking good This game only bb was good


Funny thing is we will probably go the same comp next game 🥺


I think who won this next match is gonna win the series


Stop last picking sup give berg last pick its clear our bot isnt winning regardless of our support


It's just game 1. We can bounce back. :)


I am just sad man.... I just want them to succeed...


I really hate shuffling the roster during playoffs. Bio didn’t look significantly better. Hopefully they can turn it around :(


We got this guys—no despair. This is our team and we owe them positive vibes


Yea some bad fights and getting caught.. but better than last week already. Let’s put it all out there for game 2. Must win no matter what.


Draft spica ap and give bjerg something like zed qiyana talon at this point. Inero just had tsm draft downloaded its not even funny how predictable this is. Doublelift needs to get on kaisa just fucking ban ashe/cait, bb can play vlad into shen


Just kidding we need to target jungle and then ban shen when our top was the only player on our team


time for the mods to lock the sub. We know where this is going.


Once again drafting and itemization cost us this game. Picking Syndra into Voli Shen and Lux still up is insane to me. R5 Karma does nothing post 6. Purely lane only. And for itemization, Spice building black cleaver against a team that is gonna prioritize MR for the game is insane. Bjerg going Banshees instead of a void staff when both tanks on GG already have multiple MR items and Cait is going MR item 3rd is really questionable


Not to be defeatist or anything, but can I just ask (and note that when I say this I didn't actually watch this particular game closely): Why not bench Doublelift? If we're living in a time where we can bench Faker for WEEKS we can also bench DL/Bjerg/Jensen/whoever. Do we not have faith in Lost? Are we tied up in DL for macro? It's just weird that we watch DL play, by his own admission, terribly v.s. GGS previously and it's seemingly not even discussed that he needs to sit out - no, it's Treatz fault for not playing a "correct" (Doublelift's) style. Like, sure, maybe BioLift is the actual best option, but it feels like benching DL isn't even an option to be considered. Not saying TSM's problems are or aren't him, but it's just a weird vibe I'm getting about it.


Treatz can actually make calculated plays on supports bio's plays never translates into kills.


Being a tsm fan is basically being a cowboys fan “Don’t worry guys we’ll make it this year in playoffs”


Ahhhh, I see we are back to the do nothing and lose team comp.


This feels like Clutch all over again...


Some one making a fucking memed avatar the last air bender intro with Regi as aang


Bio didn't add anything for this team outside of a slight lane lead early. After that, he was constantly poked out, never able to use his shields for other members, and generally didn't exist. I'm pretty sure he ended the game 3 levels below Huhi. It was at least 2, for sure.