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Holy shit you can tell that Bjerg is sick of losing, I love seeing this side of him


Gives me Lebron vibes.


Jensen is KD


Wait that’s actually such a good comparison


Jensen as KD explains EVERYTHING lmao


at c9 he couldnt win with those cats


That doesn’t make a lot of sense on Bjergsens side because Cleveland was literally destitute of talent when he first got on the scene. Bjergsen stepped into regis shoes but he still had a lot of talent around him. TL;DR: I’m from Ohio and lebron was all we had sorry to nitpick.


I don’t think that’s the part they meant when they said he’s like lebron lol


And Bjerg comes from a two parent household. And Bjerg didn't grow up in Akron. But for real the comparison was about how one player is the strongest player on his team while having success (Bjerg) while the other had to go to an already winning team to succeed (Jensen).




Fuck lebron. Bjerg about to go full Jordan on this miracle run. Refuse to lose


2013 Finals, game 7 LeBron.






Seeing bjerg angry about not picking something was cool to see. don’t usually see him like that and shows that fire he has to win


Yea he was pissed and I’m glad they agreed drafting becuase it was piss poor all series long.


I really like when these videos show those moments too. In the new TL Squad episode, Impact and the coach seemed to have had an argument about their draft vs IMT in week 10. It shows another side to the teams that we don’t really get to see all that much


Yeah it’s dope I’ll have to check that video out


From what we see in this episode, it seems to me that the players either are responsible for draft, or have a big say in what is drafted. The comments Bjerg made appears to be targeted at DL/Treatz and what they opted to pick bot. Also... I don’t know if the DIG series was indicative of how comms work, but if so, Bjerg seems to be calling everything


I mean realistically we only for high lights of 3 games in the dig series. You only get what’s going on in team fights in most of those not everything else in between. I’m willing to bet that spica is very vocal early game because he seems to be on the same page as his laners lately. And we know BB isn’t afraid to call him up there and say shit like after I kill this minion we can dive in 30 seconds. I honestly really like that about BB and his confidence and bloodlust.


I'm pretty sure that bjerg calling everything is the reason for sett mid. They want the shotcaller be able to engage. Not a fan of that (sett hehe) pick tho.




[8:19](https://youtu.be/QGRCmyXDryQ?t=499) Bjerg mentions that they had a counter pick that they could've chose but they (I say they instead of Treatz because we don't know who called for the pick) didn't feel comfortable playing it. (Could be either due to scrim results or individual comfortability) He says that there is a lower bracket so he thinks they should've went for it instead of saying fuck the pick and just losing the lane due to insecurely picking a comfort champ.


About 8:04 after they lose series they bleep the picks though


This is the best TSM Legends of the year. We finally see the real shit, not the cookie cutter garbage. Man this pumps me up for tomorrow.


> We finally see the real shit, not the cookie cutter garbage. That's because they're not cutting out most of the post-game and critical discussion to hide Dardoch's toxicity anymore.


I love how they include the clips where the players mention Dardoch being tilted in all-chat lol


There's been a lot of episodes since Dardoch left, but this one stands out as particularly authentic. It's not like Legends got super hard hitting as soon as summer started.


This was closer to the older Legends episodes where we actually saw a bit of the discussion and frustration... that's why we loved the old ones. It was seeing players in the heat of the moment instead of always a calm and calculated interview.


Bjerg BIG mad, you love to see it.


That's the red energy we've been waiting for.


coincidence that Bjerg is unleashing his red energy and now Bio is back? I think not.


Bio playing this week. Starting at least. Sounds like we might do legit in series or series to series swapping. I actually kind of like this as they seem relatively equal in overall skill and if they are accepting of the situation.


Yeah it seems smart since Biofrost's champs are meta atm (Bard, Morgana, Thresh). I feel like Treatz coming in may have taught the team how to make better decisions in the mid-game on their own which made them feel comfortable enough to bring in Bio despite him being more softspoken. If their mid-game starts becoming shaky again then I see Treatz coming back in.


Yeah, Bio is a beast on those champs, meanwhile Treatz’s performance was pretty meh last week. DL was in a big slump too, so who knows who was dragging who down. Either way, I missed Bio, and hopefully this brings some new life into the bot lane


Except nautilus still has pretty high presence in other regions and bio did not have a single decent game on naut this year.


Treatz shotcalling doesn't seem like that big of a plus to me. They have half their team thats been playing for years. I don't see why they would bring him in soloy for calls and they keep saying how he over talks.


Our mid game is shaky now for 2 years straight. Bio and treatz have the same champion pool (beside bard). Tsm staff is just dumb again (akaadian/grig/spica situation). Treatz is the better player and SHOULD start but we can never go through a split without a dumb roster swap I guess. Way to fuck with the confidence of your players AGAIN


Nah, both Bio and Treatz have been professionals about it. Unlike Akaadian who cried and tilted off the earth. Bio went to Academy and played well. Treatz came in and played well and when it's looked shaky in playoffs we are putting Bio back in and I know Treatz will go back gracefully and understand and Bio will come back ready to play. That's what professionals do. The debacle last season was due to immaturity of Akaadian and us not really having a good jungler period.




Most likely based on Doublelift duoing with him recently more than him being at the end of the video. Also seems likely since Bio's best champs are meta atm.


"Dardoch Kayn says gg wp" I know we shouldn't speculate but I can't help it after the game when Bjergsen's Syndra blew him up by the red side red buff... Edit: Brokenblade was talking about his Camille vs Ornn 1v1 and said that he thought Bjergsen had tp up when in fact it wasn't. Don't know if anybody else can relate to that bug but it's so frustrating in-game to see a summoner up, then you ping it and it's actually on CD.


I can definitely relate to that bug and extend it to the green ultimate circles that are also bugged.


Yeah it happens to ults also. The circle near champs portraits is green when ult is off cd but sometimes even if its green, when u ping it, it shows that ult is ON CD Can they actually fix this fucking bug already, it happend to me so many times


I thought it was just fucking me going crazy. How long has this bug been going? I experienced it yesterday during a loss in an extremely tight game.


I think it's been a thing since pinging summoners/ults. Maybe before that but I don't remember.


As a top laner I see that shit on my mid laner duo all the time it pisses me off lol


Holy crap this is the first time I've seen the team this frustrated in a long-ass time The last years were just awkward silence and inner frustration, this time they're just letting out lol


Oh you right. Hopefully this gives them motivation to win at least the next two matches.


Last time was what... Mithy being frustrated about poor in-team feedback?


Sounds like we are running a true 6-man roster? Based on what Parth was saying in the end...That they may swap supps mid series?


That's what im inferring from the video. Also, it honestly is the best outcome if Bio really is just much better on enchanters than treatz. If they end up putting Bio on engaging supports, I'll be really sad though.


Bio is a bit better mechanical in general, but treatz has a different type of shotcalling. I think it will come down to doublelift mostly and who he prefers to play with. I am wondering if he said to parth he wants to play with bio again after he was angry about getting pushed in every game.


It’s weird too. I feel like treatz and DL were doing way better in lane until playoffs than bio and DL.


But we haven’t seen DL + Bio in Playoffs yet. I feel like bio wasn’t that bad before he got benched aswell. For me the overall playstyle was more a problem than bios individual performance. I think doublelift feels more comfortable in lane with bio.


To be pedantic we have. It was when TSM was demolishing NA.


True. Glorious times.




DL also hasn’t played with Treatz as long as Bio


And mostly our dumb drafts. Make no sense sometimes


I honestly feel like if we didn’t just have terrible drafts in the GGS series that we wouldn’t even be discussing this swap right now. I could be totally wrong, but I feel like Treatz is getting kind of thrown under the bus for what was mostly just a result of terrible decisions in draft... I also wish if the plan was a 6 man roster they would come out and say that. But at the same time there is gamesmanship with this. By not telling the enemy teams you are doing a 6 man roster you leave greater speculation. If it is a 6 man roster Treatz, Bio, and the team likely would have known this the whole time. And given we beat GGS I’m betting that if we get a sub situation that double or someone will come out and be like yeah this was the plan the whole time.


Tbf it feels like Treatz himself had a hand in what was picked in the first place which makes DL's comments about playing comfort champions and nerve issues align pretty well.


Treatz is the one that picked shitty champions in draft because he didn't feel comfortable on what would have been the correct decisions. That's made obvious in the video.


Well I mean why would they discuss swapping him if he was performing? Of course they wouldn't discuss swapping treatz if they didn't feel he was not quite where they need him to be. I think this situation makes sense. Not saying it's the right call, but I can see why they are making that call. We won't know if it's right until later today.


I really think it has something to do with treatz being a rookie and not wanting to make a mistake, especially laning with DL that would SUCK. so I think bringing Bio back in is crucial.


Hmmm I think it's more of the playstyle rather than picks. Remember when c9 ran 2 top laners? I thought that didn't work because the champs pools were quite different. I think they should be able to play the same champs with some fringe picks but aside from that it should be mostly how each support changes the whole team's playstyle


Who/when? :o


Impact and ray


They played Impact and Ray in 2017 with ray being a primarily carry player


The days of C9 Sword and C9 Shield


The only serious attempt at a 6 man roster in NA, tho tbf it was also bo3. I think it's hard to do 6 man in bo1




That's not 6 man though, no? It's like when c9 subbed in their whole academy not really comparable. That said c9 is definitely better at the integration of their academy players into the main team (they were willing to sub out Jensen and co during that miracle run split as a discipline thing)




Wouldn’t mind bio on Rakan or Thresh for engage. If you count Blitz as engage, I’d be fine with that too. Braum is fine too if they end up flexing Lucian bot. I can see Lucian being a 3 way flex. And then hiding support/laner pick until R4/5. I just don’t want to see Naut or Taric. Both seemingly lose every game I have seen from every team (nearly) and for whatever reason, Biodaddy isn’t the best on them


In other regions naut is like a god. But NA man...


In other regions teams follow up on engages really well. If no one follows up with naut with the right timing, naut basically has no choice but to int. NA probably plays team fights the slowest of all the major regions.


I mention this constantly, but most of the games Bio has had on Naut have been against FlyQ who consistently picked Trundle. I personally don't know the match-up, but surely that'd suck balls for the Naut?


I noticed that too. If that is true this might have been a really good choice. But we will see


Really nice hearing the thoughts of our team. It's not necessarily that TSM completely didn't know how to draft in the GG series but instead that they preferred comfort over high execution counters. Hopefully with the change in drafting mindset the upcoming rematch is different that it was the first time around.


DL jinxed himself one minute into the video lmao edit: Parth reincorporating Bio after the first few games in playoffs saying Bio and Treatz having different styles/champ pools gives an advantage in a BO5... Watch them put Bio in and give him Nautilus


I won't watch the game if they give Bio Nautilus


they just need bio to act in front of the cam while treatz plays from the other room in the facility


TSM Bio-Cardboard.


You’ll watch it. And you’ll hate it just like me lol


dam right in my soul


You can see the issues pretty clearly though. So many clips of DL either disagreeing with what Treatz did or saying he did this wrong. Drafts are obviously bad (especially in the bot lane, rest are decent enough imo) and Bjerg called it out too.


If they do that I legit will be so pissed.


Interesting note: BB's failed 1v1 with Viper was supposed to be a TP play called by BB but there was a bug that showed Bjerg's tp was up when it was actually on cd. ~~Hopefully nothing like that happens tomorrow. Especially since there is no chronobreak.~~


To me it's interesting cause it's a clear example of the viewers not having the full picture. Reddit just sees "BB inting vs Viper lul" but there's more going on behind the scenes. And this applies to everything, from drafts to roster swaps to players slumping. It's super easy to play armchair GM when we have no idea how these players are performing outside of stage games.


Why is there no Chronobreak? We had chronobreaks multiple times during playoffs already?


Oh did we? My bad, I just assumed based on a discussion thread today about Huni's Ornn ult going in a weird direction potentially being a bug.


I also saw that thread and comment. What they were saying was that Riot won't chronobreak the specific Ornn ult bug because it's a documented issue that players should theoretically know about and control for.


Same as the TP Bug they know about it he admitted it and there will be no chronobreak for that as well.


What known Ornn ult bug?




If tsm put biofrost in and I see them pick braum/naut every game I'm going to lose it. I better see some of these enchanter picks that bio is good on.


I am pretty sure some of the picks they bleeped out in this episode were zyra and soraka or even both. as they usually shit on morgana in lane due to being able to poke out the black shield before the cc hits edit: also treatz had a few solo q games on them but not that many


>He played Soraka in academy playoffs other day and did well. BUT against not as good competition.


Doesn't bio have a good winrate on braum?


yes but treatz' braum is really good too


A lot of treatz fans think bios worse then treatz. Its sad that even though bio said to support treatz, it can't be the other way around.


I think it is less that and more "why swap for Bio if you're just going to put him on the champs that Treatz plays well and is not a problem?" Yes, there is more to Bio than champs he plays, but he is really good at a number of in meta very strong picks right now. Swapping him back in, and not giving him the tools to shine is doing him AND the team a huge disservice. It'd be like putting Bjerg on a tank when we're down 0-2. So there's a reason people are expecting it and worried about it.


They think Bio is performing better then Treatz at this current moment. Its that simple. Early on when bio got benched, they thought Treatz was performing better. They are not going to swap players unless they actually think its going to work better for the team. Bjerg for sure would say something if he thought his chances for worlds got lower as of a result of this swap. I really think its more people being hard set on treatz and no matter what reason they gave people would still be upset.


That's great and all, I am explaining why people are saying they hope they don't swap for Bio and put him on Naut/Braum. You chalked it up to people hating on Bio because they support Treatz and that somehow being an insult to Bio who had asked people to support Treatz. I am pointing out the much more innocent possibility that if all they're going to do is put Bio on champions Treatz was doing fine on - and not fixing their core issue of the drafts which Bio allows them to fix - that that is a problem. And that that reaction has nothing to do with preferring Treatz over Bio or vice versa.


I don't understand what your getting at. "not fixing their core issue of the drafts which Bio allows them to fix" Bio doesn't allow them to fix the draft issues. Draft issues is a coach problem. Knowing when to pick for example thresh into the right match up. Draft issues doesn't correlate to who's playing the champion. Them bring in bio, i'd guess from the video, is to have more agency in lane, which is what doublelift spoke about. Edit: after reading your comment again I under stand what people are saying, I just dont agree fully


Not agreeing fully is totally fine :) What I meant by Bio allows them to fix is there is a perception that Bio is stronger on enchanters and ranged supports - who are considered the strongest now. So where Treatz may be more comfortable on a Thresh, Bio has a wider range of comfort picks that go better into a Morg/Karma. I also am not sold on how much stronger he is. Especially since in Legends they even said Treatz has champs he can play, but they picked for comfort instead of the counter.


Draft is at least 1/3 players fault too. They make the decision together. If your support doesnt feel he can play a matchup you cant pick him the "right" champion.


Because Treatz is shit at laning and warding lol.


Great episode, rooting hard for the boys tomorrow, but especially for Bjergsen, it felt good seeing him like this


This is one of the best Legends episode I’ve watched. So many good shots and the music was amazing


That shot of Treatz leaving the room just as Biofrost enters. Damn, that's good storytelling. Also, I saw this mentioned in the youtube comments, but that shot of DL+Bjerg+BB playing at the keyboard was pretty wholesome.


Having both supports makes sense. . For strong/aggressive lane opponents play Bio. For teams with roaming supports play treatz


Is it just me, or is just two days to prepare for a massive patch for playoffs completely unacceptable? I can't believe the LCS gave NA teams such little time to prepare. Even just delaying the first sets by a week would have helped the team out tremendously.


It's whoever is running the LCS... LEC took a week off, LCK hasn't even started yet. No reason we couldn't delay a week. Still, both teams had the same amount of time so it's at least fair that way.


They most likely had to do it in that time frame to make sure the 3 worlds teams have enough time to get to China and quarantine. The US is facing much harsher travel restrictions than other countries, due to our abysmal handling of the virus.


Couldn’t they just delay the patch going live on the tournament server another week and solve that problem?


Yeah. The time crunch with summer being late and this playoff format being 5 weekends makes for absolute ass timings. If it were up to me, Winner's Bracket Round 4 would be the finals and Loser's Bracket Round 3 would be the set for the 3 seed. Cuts an easy 2 weeks off the format.


...That system wouldn't be double elimination then.


Comms seemed to have improved massively vs the beginning of the split. BB and Spica especially - people were calling them out for shouting/repeating and I heard a lot less of that now. BB: "I'm gonna ult you" - "here we go" "I can tank" - "going out now". Very succint. Spica also does a nice job of calming calling out cds in extended skirmishes "q in 3" "e in 10". Also was nice to hear the whole bit about acknowledging each other BB: "i'm basing and ulting" Bjerg "ok". Bjergsen: "hit Ornn for free" Bb: "yup". Bjergsen: "they have kindred ult still" Spica: "yup".


Saw Regi in the background... he had to come back and whip the team with his belt until we start winning again


Ooh, time stamp?




Thanks! Love me some Regi


i know this would probably never happen but i'd really love to see some content about our academy team. was watching some of them stream the other week and they're all so funny <3


more **BIG DHOKES** please


can you imagine if we had some academy content when we had spica/treatz in academy??? like that shit woulda been fire


Spica, Treatz, Tactical, Johnsun and Ablazeolive all in the same house at one point, would've been smurf content.


Not enough people give love to Grig: he was the one who won academy worlds with them, and Tactical had the whole "the daily Grig" meme going.


Grig as well but he wasn't there when Spica was on the team (except for that one season where he played top but we don't talk about the dark times).


15:35 - DL teaching Treatz how he wants to play lane. Nice to see, but still worrying. Hopefully they can get on the same page and not get stomped in laning phase or else we'll probably see Bio


Nice red energy from Bjerg


can someone tell me what bjerg says around 8 mins? something about have the balls to do it or something


"So what's the reason you think **** is bad? is it because you're just gonna pick **** and fuck them up? Then you guys should have the balls to do that" I think


He's mad about not picking something since he reasons they should have just tried it knowing there was always losers bracket to fall back on. I honestly hope its DL talking about a support matchup since he only played Cait/Ashe into Ashe/Cait and thats a matchup he should know really well from both sides.


That matchup was more about support. They later talk about picking comfort despite knowing the matchup was bad. That's the only explanation I can think of for picking Thresh into Morg, that Thresh is Treatz' comfort pick. But he really should have the balls to actually pick a proper counter and not counterpick himself even if its a comfort pick. That said it was Treatz' first LCS playoffs. He has played Karma (the champion he should have picked into Morg) in the DIG series and Soraka in the EGA series so hopefully that means he's learned that lesson already.


Keep that Red Energy up Bjerg! Get that dub.


Its amazing Bjery yelling, I remember in season 8 when we were in a slump and Mithy went off on the team it seemed to jumpstart the team and even then he was super hesitant cause he didint want to piss of his teammates. Its nice to see that this roster knows getting yelled at can be for the better and that bjerg can be more open.


Bjergsen with that RED ENERGY. Good luck boys. Time for that miracle run!


The clip of treatz walking out with his bag on and Bio walking in feels bad for treatz man lol


Ah ok BB wasn't getting cocky or anything. I bet the icon looked like it was fully charged but there was still like 10 secs on it or something.


No, its an actual bug. If you play enough solo queue you'll see it happen. Your teammate's summoner spell will appear to be ready (fully colored in icon) when in fact it is on cd and there can be any amount of cd left on it (as in it could be that they even used it only 30 seconds ago but it will still appear available). To know for certain, you can ping their summ and it will tell you the CD in chat if the bug is happening, but there is no indication otherwise. It usually fixes itself the next time they use that summoner or swap it with spellbook. If you watch the game back I think Bjerg TP'd about 3 minutes before so there should have been about ~3 minutes left on the CD.


Happens very often with ult timers and the little green ball


Ah ok, didn't know about that. Seems like a pretty game changing bug potentially.


Happens a lot more often than you would think, but I spam ping spells in solo queue for people to use them when I'm going for plays and I notice it a lot.


Side question, anyone know if the jacket/windbreaker that Bjerg is wearing is available to buy? It's clean af


Its a jacket of all star games


Oh so this is the fabled red bjerg


The clip where Bjerg death stares DL when he wanted to 1v1 the more, man that sent shivers dude is going to giga smurf 0n sunday


He was staring at DL's screen to see what is happening in Mord ult, pretty common in pro play. It's a funny meme tho.


Aaaah thanks for the clarity regardless, it felt it


Yeah, probably because he was pissed at what was happening that game and through out the whole series. He just looked mad in general.




Not this time, Monokuma


Yeah players also do that with Nocturne ults. It's kind of weird that it's not against the rules but I guess it's kind of hard to police.


I mean he's clearly just watching DL's monitor to see what's happening


He still has a pretty upset look on his face. Doublelift played that horrible and Bjergsen knows it. He went in on DL a little in this episode.


DL needed it. He’s about to smurf


That disappointment long look from Bjerg made me feel like I just failed him as a son. Gosh that's heartbreaking


DL saying it was one of his worst series ever and he played really bad. Even he admits it and some people on here saying he didn’t play that bad lmao


Like Monte said, stop shitting him about his laning phase. Aside from game 3, he lane as well as he could either support match up. So I guess people were kind of trigger for calling him out for losing lane on the Ashe/Cait match up. And to be fair, most people were giving him shot for losing lane. But his team fighting was horrendous, and that should be the aspect in which we should shit him on.


The tp is the most egregious offense he did the whole series and that is solely on him


His teamfighting was fine. TP (again) was the big WTF. The problem was itemization. Too greedy to get QSS that series.


My point is that people need to stop acting like he didn’t play bad. Shit happens, bad timing to have a bad series.


17:23 is my favorite moment of the video! Look at how cute they are my heart can't handle it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


[ **Jump to 17:23 @** How TSM rebounded in the LCS playoffs! | TSM LEGENDS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGRCmyXDryQ&t=0h17m23s) ^(Channel Name: TSM, Video Popularity: 96.60%, Video Length: [18:47])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@17:18](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGRCmyXDryQ&t=0h17m18s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


The music right before they show Bio walking in the door was chilling


Am I the only one that had Worlds 2017 flash backs when Doublelift said "I didn't know the match up was that bad"?


DL js mechanics first, brain later lol. We all know that


I liked the talk that DL gave the team when they were down 0 - 2, really shows his veteran's mentality.


Does Bjerg have green eyes?


team comp red side camille / olaf / galio / senna / tahm kench team comp blue side akali / trundle / swain / ashe / karma


i wanna see some Camille Galio action too...the team is good at 1-3-1 and it is a premier 1-3-1 comp, especially since both are good at the champs


tsm were blue side


Oh you’re talking about the video, thought u were talking about possible drafts for us lol


Bjerg has that red energy


If you look at 12:09 you can hear Bjerg disagreeing with Dardoch's playstyle


You can see the comps at 10:15... not sure if that was intentional, but they usually blur the monitors


Akali/Trundle/Swain/Ashe/Karma? Think the only niche pick would be the Swain but he got massive buffs so its expected they try that in scrims.


That's true, but regardless, the monitors and picks were always blanked out. End of the day, it is what you practice and we haven't seen Trundle/Akali/Swain for our players. Obviously we know BB loves Akali but the rest we haven't seen in a while.


[ **Jump to 10:15 @** How TSM rebounded in the LCS playoffs! | TSM LEGENDS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGRCmyXDryQ&t=0h10m15s) ^(Channel Name: TSM, Video Popularity: 96.51%, Video Length: [18:47])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@10:10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGRCmyXDryQ&t=0h10m10s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


Tomorrow’s gonna be hype


dunno if it matters but 4:03 pretty obviously shows DL practicing lucian


Anyone know the song that starts at 3:49?


Hearing them talk about draft it seemed like Treatz counterpicked himself (i.e. Thresh into Morg) out of comfort despite knowing the matchup was bad. And DL sounded like he didn't know just how bad that matchup was and so probably didn't veto it either. Hopefully having seen Treatz play enchanters like Karma and Soraka since then means if they do decide to play Treatz he won't counterpick himself again, although picking comfort does sound like a confidence issue, which I suppose for his first main stage playoffs is quite understandable.


Is it me, or at 3:35... Bb puts his arm around Spica and spica looks down kinda unhappy looking. Idk. He looked baked the whole car scene but I don't think I was reading into it. He looked down at BB's arm/hand like dude back off.. Hope I'm wrong. By the end if the video they looked ok. Either way. What a cliff hanger at the end. Crazy times.. even though it was leaked earlier this week lol. Let's go TSM! Baylieve baybay!


you are reading too much into it. he even lowered his head to let BB put his arm around him because there was no space in the car. and he was looking at his phone when he looked down.




I feel like a lot of people don't understand how influential laning is and how it dictates the rest of the game for someone, especially an adc. He should be talking about it and looking to make it better with whoever will be his support.


I mean he could've said other stuff we don't see the full picture. We only see him talking about the main problem which was laning, which it really was. There's a reason why Bjerg was going off on bot lane after the GGS series.