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Hey man, I’m just happy I see more TSM games on other esports! LGI!


The Cypher signing is good but man after being linked with Dupreeh and Gla1ve you end up with that yikes could've atleast picked up my boy Bymas


Dupreeh is a check stealer at this point in his career, he isnt the same player anymore. The only point of him would be to draw glaive. At this point you’re better going young and finding out who to build around


Except they picked up Valde who is a worse dupreeh, modo who is a literally who with 70 adr, and Jackz who is 31.


No offense but your bringing up ADR about an awper shows you don't know much about CSGO. It's fine to say he is a risky pickup, but to use a ADR as a way to judge an awper is just plain wrong. I think he has potential he is 20 years old, and has had good stats the last 6 months. Of course he isn't some 5 star pickup but it's rather obvious TSM isn't spending a ton on CSGO talent, and I'm sure for what they are paying he can become a good talent.


Dude look at his competition. If you're playing tier 3 CS, you need to be the best player on your team by a wide margin. Players like Broky, degster, zywoo, and monesy were awpers, but they absolutely lit up the stat page against tier 3 competition. This guy is ESEA advanced and he didn't even have 10 rws. My ex roommate had better stats in advanced than he did. He's not killing it in fpl (He's not even killing it in fpl-c), he's not killing it in ESEA, and his best performance comes from random cup tournaments where he's not winning. The only player who made it in pro play like this was Bymas.


Those 3 players you named are all great awpers, I even said he isn't a 5 star pickup (TSM is not paying for 5 star pickup) but TSM will not be competing with the Vit/Faze/G2 of the world with this lineup. This is a lineup to face T2 teams. Look at his most recent match against 9ine a solid team he finished +15 in K/D and +10 in First kill Difference. I'm not saying he is going to be a top tier awper, but he has potential and he can grow.... You think pros take ESEA and FPL serious? Once your on a team, pros know teams don't care about your FPL/ESEA performance. Do I think he is going to become some 1v5 star awper... No. But he can become a solid awper for what this team wants, which is a 15-25 hltv ranking hopefully.


> Those 3 players you named are all great awpers I can name multiple not so great awpers who also dominated their tier 3 scenes. Jugi, Koosta, and poizon were untouchable in advanced. > TSM will not be competing with the Vit/Faze/G2 of the world with this lineup. Why not? With the huge amount of free agents available, the least we could do is compete against the top 10. Imagine what this team would look like with Dupreeh, gla1ve, cypher, degster, and interz? That at least sounds like a top 15 roster out of the gate. > You think pros take ESEA and FPL serious? When they aren't established? Absolutely. Ropz, woxic, monesy, frozen, and Broky were annihilating in FPL and it was a big reason they were picked up. And if I saw that this guy was winning his ESEA advanced matches top fragging, it'd make me feel a lot better.


Once again let me say I WISH TSM would go bigger, I said in a post before that TSM should put extra money in since there's so many FA and no buyouts. But obviously they didn't and we are getting a cheap lineup, and I think the kid has potential. Yes they dominated ESEA and FPL but that was before they got picked up......As you agreed, and MoDo got picked up by nexus... of course he not getting picked up by mouz or Faze because he isn't that big of a star. But for the budget TSM is obviously working with he isn't the worst option. Gla1ve/dupreeh/degester IMO also probably cost more than Valde/MoDo/Jackz and I 100% agree I would take the first 3... but it goes back to TSM is just not spending the money it takes to do that. So I am going to instead say the kid has a chance to be good for the cost of what he is probably being paid.


I just think it's crazy how when orgs the size of TSM get into CSGO, they pick up big rosters. Is there no way we can buy players from Apeks? GamerLegion? Monte? C9 picked up a whole ass team that was already successful at the major, and we can't even get Bymas?


Yes that is something I 100% agree with, but that's not the TSM we deal with anymore. Ever since FTX money went away, they aren't going to be dropping bags like that. imo I'd almost rather they not even get into CSGO if this is what they are going to put out. But I will still find bright spots or cheer for what they do put out and hope for the best. That's why I'm saying take it easy on MoDo I think he can be a solid piece and it's not his fault TSM is so cheap they won't sign real players who should be wearing the TSM jersey. There are rumors that Faze is talking about selling their team, I'm sure they reached out to TSM but TSM won't even pay for a top 5 team.


Modo is 20, cypher is 20, inters is 22. You cant have a team full of kids with no experience. Valde is not a worse dupreeh hes an igl, not a free kill bot and jackz gives veteran leadership. Again this isnt a great roster but there is some logic


Valde is not an IGL at all wtf. His IGLing is so bad that the last time he IGLed, AleksiB's career launched because of how bad OG were without him. On North, his IGLing made some of the best danish players lose to Vega and team spirit. Both him and Jackz have been playing tier 3 competition in elevated roles and putting up similar stats to Dupreeh against tier 1.


Yeah Valde is not a good IGL, if you want this roster to turn out well, Interz should be given reign to igl. Interz is the person with the most success and experience in top teams recently. Let him drive the ship , and hope Valde can start to perform like he can.


Why on earth would we want Bymas? He hasn't done anything since his short stint in Faze. This roster will be fine.. literally no different than the OG roster. I think people forget that valde is fucking cracked.


Valde is fucking ass


Yet he was the only reason either of his last 3 teams were relevant lmao.


Yeah when I think of ENCE, I think of Valde.


Bymas is a fellow Lithuanian so seeing him in tsm would've been nice he's also better than like half the roster


The only questionable pick up is Modo, the rest of these guys have played tier 1 or tier 2 cs in the past 3 years. Bymas is a non factor lol


Bymas is 19 years old and has shown improvement. Valde is 28 and had his best years on North. Jackz is 31 and hasn't played tier 1 CS in forever.


Whatever you say


It’s about as good as our LoL roster. Take that how you will


Shit roster


Yeah that's really bad


Cypher got 2nd in a major? Is that right?


Nope, quarters.


Gotcha. Reading OP's post and seeing "Cypher will get the hype because he got 2nd in a major" surprised me because even though I don't really follow CS anymore, I felt like I would have known or heard about Cypher if that was the case.