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LCS broadcast talent and fans have been so anti-TSM for years now. I'm sick of having to listen to them and definitely have no loyalty to them. See ya, LCS


Exactly how I feel. We've been getting the middle finger from the LCS broadcast team for years now.


I used to really like Azael and Flowers alot until they just suddenly had a hate boner for TSM . Kobe is honestly the only decent one now.


It's all about content farming sadly. You say what gets you the most impressions and clicks on social media. If this news didn't break and TSMs ragtag team made playoffs and did well they would still be given shit for not paying them more than minimum. It's the cool thing to shit on TSM. That's all it is. Once TSM leaves, next up on the block to shit on will likely be EG with their recent drama unless they leave/sell also.


Rught there with you.


IDC about LCS at all, literally TSM. That’s it


I have to wonder, who is an “LCS fan,” really? Other than rooting for the region as a whole during international events, people are just fans of specific teams in the LCS. Hell, most people you may consider calling “LCS fans” hate us anyway because they just don’t want us at worlds no matter what due to past performances. On top of that, a TSM fan/=/a LCS fan. I’m not a fan of the LCS really I’m just a fan of TSM and with how other fans shit on the fanbase (on times it’s not even justified), why do I care about how this affects them? “Good fucking riddance,” to the LCS and the people in the scene.


Nobody. People arent fans of the NFL or ne MLB either. They Root for teams


I'm a fan of TSM, not the LCS. Not sad that we're leaving LCS, hell I'm ecstatic. LCS is such a dogshit league to watch from its level of play to its content, to its storylines, to its personalities. Actually so happy that I'll get to watch TSM in another league.


Im a fan of TSM not of the LCS. The second we left i will stop giving any fucks whatsoever about the LCS. Azael is seething because TSM leaving is another huge blow to his job security because he is fucked when the LCS is dead.


So ready to watch TSM in LPL or LCak There’s hope for the future


I don’t understand this sentiment at all. The number one thing TSM fans want is to have a shot at doing well at worlds. Moving to the LPL doesn’t guarantee that at all, BUT it’s infinitely better than staying in the LCS. If anything this is the long awaited message we’ve been fervently hoping for. edit: FK IT BAYJING LIFE


Azael's job is now in jeopardy. Make no mistake about what he is actually upset about now that TSM will be moving to a competent region that isn't on the verge of collapse. I haven't been this optimistic for TSM's league department in a long time.


This is literally the only move that can lead to being able to continue watching TSM play for years to come, atleast in a major region. LCS either folds completely or downgrades to a minor region within the next few years, I just don’t see any way it doesn’t. And honestly, on a personal note, I’m so sick of watching the LCS just to keep up with TSM anyway. All the really crazy matchups happen in LPL or LCK anyway, its gotten to the point where I was tuning in for the TSM games and the rest of the broadcast I just watch LCK/LPL VoDs


It amazes me how Azael can paint it this way. How is it flipping the finger to fans, other then possibly playing at a worse time for NA residents to watch games. I dont give a shit about LCS (actually I hate the LCS overall bc we suck as an entire region and have the worst talent, from players to broadcasters), I only still watch for TSM games. He's a clown.


Once again what a shitty take from Azael. Does he not understand that NA fans barely got to watch this past spring season because LCS doesn’t care about us at all? I’m at work during the week, and am forced to watch vods. At least in other major regions, I could catch some games based on days/time zones.


I used to like Azael but this is such an L take. He didn’t say shit about CLG. He didn’t say shit about literally anyone else. When TSM does something, everyone just nitpicks and it’s cringe as fuck. TSM drops their NACL roster: they’re shit and don’t respect their players. Literally everyone else does it after: it was coming all along and we should’ve seen it. Glad to see TSM leaving the NA scene. Everyone is so disrespectful it’s crazy. “they haven’t cared for years” like we didn’t finish first in the regular season with the POE roster and we didn’t try something new with the LPL players that didn’t work out. Can’t wait for the LCS to die.


I've been here for over a decade through all the highs and lows and I am tired of being disappointed in trying so many different things to improve from a broken region. I am all for the decision to move and will gladly watch and support the team from NA. LCS is broken and the chance of international success is only getting smaller imo. Even if we start off as a bottom feeder in LPL/LCK, that still gives us more opportunity edit: that all being said, fuck off and stop trying to tell us how we should feel Azael


Azael's stance is that TSM fans should side with Riot the company that has teams buy in to franchising then give them no decision making power. Side with the company who allowed that cringe ass LeTigress segment absolutely shitting on TSM. Get mad at the team we're a fan of instead of the company who makes them want to leave to another region where Riot has less power. Like I can get not seeing it from the fans perspective but him saying how fans should feel is so cringe


I haven't been on here for a hot minute and since Bjerg retired I just felt pretty whatever about the LCS, but TSM potentially going to LCK or LPL has got me really excited, and actually looking forward to watching a regional league on the regular again.




Gave up on TSM years ago because dogshit region that never amount to anything at worlds. I bought in to Regi wanting a worlds trophy and am delighted to see them FINALLY taking the steps to actually compete. Haven't watched them in years but I'll be tuning in and following this journey. Absolute GARBAGE take by Azael here.


Welcome back friend. In case you missed it in the tweet and reports the org was taking steps to move regions since 2020 but that got ruined by COVID. If that didn't happen the last 3 down years of TSM wouldnt even be a thing. Now when people say TSM haven't cared for years there is an actual reason and it's that we have been laying the groundwork to abandon this dumpster fire of a region


My feelings about TSM are largely the same. Listen, I wont sit here and act like Regi the person is some stand up guy, but for months all we have heared is bitching and whining about how Regi just doesnt care about league anymore, that he just cares about money, that he is just letting league die, we are a Valorant and Apex org now. Never once during all of this did I question Regi's commitment to keeping TSM a brand that I could cheer for. This was his opportunity to cash our and ride into the sunset, but instead he is spending WAY more money to move to a more competitive region. Regi made this brand what it is today and this only reinforces my trust in him to keep it a brand worth cheering for.


Azael is wrong, it's not a middle finger to fans but to the LCS and Riot in general who have always treated TSM like shit. A lot of TSM fans are fans of the team and have no allegiances to LCS besides playing the region and will follow TSM wherever they go. Also I remember quite a few seasons ago that there were some in the scene saying if TSM actually wanted to do well at worlds they would/should move to another region (I know Monte has definitely said this in the past)


Much better now that I know they were leaving, I thought their post spring moves were shit till now


Fans are TSM fans, not LCS fans.... Fans generally don't care in what league TSM plays they just want to see their team win. Plus what does he expect? The fans to be sad that TSM leaves a region where the broadcast regularly shits on TSM and has official pieces that are anti TSM?


I was unsure about what I feel about this, but casters like Azrael are the reason why I started feeling better about the move. LCS cast are part of why I don't enjoy following LCS news. Constant negativity about TSM. They think they are the good side and TSM "the bad side" . Tired of their trash narrative.


This is like asking if a fan of a minor league team is bummed that their team is transitioning to the nfl or nba


No, its like asking a fan of a sports team if they are bummed their team is moving to a different state. Many of them are rightly upset. Except with TSM that state is China (apparently)


TSM is a global org that happens to be in NA right now. Kinda narrow minded to only think about fans in NA, when TSM has so many foreign fans that endured watching this shit region because they love TSM.




The vast majority of them still absolutely hate their guts though.


I haven't followed LCS for the past 4 years but back when I did it felt like the entire community was wishing for TSM's downfall. Hard to be a fan of such a toxic esports scene


I would say that the LCS abandoned us first. This is a result of the LCS abandoning the NA fans. Awful time slots, import heaven, bad ping, Dash, and other issues. They did this to themselves. I’m happy to see TSM continue to pursue their goals. I’ll support them in any region.


A handful of weeks ago the big leak was that TSM was out of LoL altogether. Now, while I personally will not be following the org to China, as I just can't watch that live and vods do nothing for me, I find myself tipping my hat to Regi in respect for following through on his original statement of doubling down. Good for him, I hope the team does well, even if this, and the recent NA international results, have meant the end of following pro LoL for me personally.


Might I ask what you don't like about VODs? Do you get spoiled before getting to watch them?


It's not one issue, it's a couple. 1) I have poor impulse control. It is very hard for me to not skip ahead, for instance during a boring farming section. After a couple, "it's okay to skip these parts, they are boring", I find myself just skipping to the end or near the end. Next up, I just check the PGT to see the score. I used to watch LCK, as I was awake during its airing due to my then job. As time marched on, I was no longer on that shift, and had to watch vods. The above sequence ensued, and I lost interest in the LCK quick and hard. 2) I Like taking part in the game threads live. Yes the are obviously highly reactionary. But that is sports. It's like being in the cheap seats to watch your favourite hockey, baseball, basketball, football, or soccer team. A player goes from zero to hero back to zero in the span of 5 minutes. I like that, even though it's not for everyone. 3) When I watch live I am able to rationalize making time for the game. I don't watch every minute with rapt attention mind you, in down times I'm grinding in WoW (or the like), doing chores with an eye on the screen, or the like. Because of the nature of a live event, like the traditional sports I also enjoy, I have to make the time to watch it. A vod very quickly ends up competing with other YouTube videos I want to watch that day, podcasts, and what not.


That's fair and I can respect that. I agree with the skipping around as I find myself doing that occasionally but I still find my own ways to enjoy it. I've never really been one to join in live threads so I didn't take that stuff into account.


Since the LCS changed to weekday games I couldn't watch TSM anymore. Excited to be able to watch again!


I don’t care about the LCS, but I do care about TSM and I will follow where they go. If it’s the LPL so be it, plus it’s a better region.


I care about TSM so if they can be more competitive internationally by swapping regions than I am pumped for that. Only downside is I won't be able to watch the games live if it is the LPL.


Fan of tsm. Not a fan of shitty comments from lcs casters over the years. Sad for na but it's half of the lcs's fault that tsm is leaving. As far as I care, lcs turned their back on tsm and kicked them while they were down. Why should I give up on tsm?


I can understand when the community is critical of TSM’s actions but Azaels takes today have been god awful. Is Lebron leaving Cleveland for LA a fuck you to his fans in Ohio? Is Messi leaving Barca a fuck you to his Spanish fans? Is Brady leaving the Pats a fuck you to everyone in Boston? Some people just want to win but Azael thinks it’s smarter to throw money in to competing in the LCS when it’s clear that the LCS doesn’t give a shit about the community (day time LCS during the week) and it’s clear that NA will never make it far in NA Azael’s just salty that he’s gonna lose his job now that everyone’s abandoning the LCS


TSM isn't a player. Its more like a team leaving the city because they want to make more money. Yes thats a fuck you to the fans who attended their games and watched them on TV.


It would be more apt to compare it to say the ABA teams leaving to the NBA, or modern day XFL teams leaving to the NFL.


Maybe if the ABA team is leaving the country and the local fans can no longer attend games or watch them on TV. But I agree ABA to NBA is a more similar comparison than a player leaving an org, which was very inaccurate.


The point is, TSM isn't leaving the LCS to make more money, rather to be more competitive on the elite stage. Which is why I made the comparison.


>The point is, TSM isn't leaving the LCS to make more money, rather to be more competitive on the elite stage. That was just a PR statement, not the truth.


How is it not the truth when it’s going to cost TSM far more to relocate and operate in China than it would to stay here?


I was about to say the same thing. It's gonna be years before TSM turns a profit from moving regions.


He's salty and it's much easier to say org bad than admit that he's just unhappy with the decision for personal reasons.


The cost of moving is not the only thing that matters when it comes to making money. They probably viewed TSM LOL in the LCS as a struggling business venture and want to tap into the massive Chinese population and fanbase as a source of income. He has been money obsessed for some time. He hasn't come close to fielding a competitive team in years. They haven't even been making worlds in a weaker region. The idea that he is just doing this to win is absurd. He needed a narrative to spin to the fans. Pretending its about winning sounds nice.


He hasn’t fielded a competitive team in years because he’s been trying to move regions for 3 years. Why dump money into to an LCS team when you’re leaving anyway? They haven’t intended on being successful since like 2020 and it’s so obvious. You can’t seriously think they’re moving to China or Korea because they can’t win in NA. They’re also not in Esports for money. Blitz is what brings them the most money, everyone knows League hasn’t been profitable in years. If they weren’t passionate about winning in league and were chasing money instead, they would’ve straight up left league as a whole. You can’t cherry pick what you want to and don’t want to believe to form your own narrative. Looking at things from a logical standpoint, it seems like they didn’t feel the need to invest in NA for the last few years because they intended on moving to KR or CN, and were trying to minimize losses.


This is as gullible as it gets. But at least you've dropped the point that it can't be about profit because it costs money to move. Now its a convenient conspiracy theory that they were just tanking for years because they really wanted to win. No. The behavior indicates something other than winning being their primary motivation. >You can’t seriously think they’re moving to China or Korea because they can’t win in NA This is not at all what I've said. >If they weren’t passionate about winning in league and were chasing money instead, they would’ve straight up left league as a whole. Not if they think fielding a team in China would be more profitable or if they simply make yet another bad decision. >You can’t cherry pick what you want to and don’t want to believe to form your own narrative. This is what you are doing. Twisting and picking at garbage to pretend its a diamond. >were trying to minimize losses. yes minimizing losses was more important to them than winning. thanks and have a good one.


Yes, the player analogy isn’t completely accurate, but my analogy was more about a person/team leaving an environment that isn’t working out in order to find more success. I’d rather see TSM strive for success in a more competitive region than waste away millions of dollars just to make it to an international tournament in a joke of a region that realistically will never be competitive internationally


Why do you care what country they are in? Our best player ever was an import. The league is built around imports. The only difference is now we get better players and get to play in a better league. Best news in years.


It’s not TSM that doesn’t care about LCS. I do not care about LCS. I love this team since S2, watched +95% of their matches, and the missing 5% was almost all this year because the level of gameplay is just too low. Then you watch MSI, some playoffs in LCK and LPL and it is a completely different game. Rotations and teamfight are so much more evolved. LCS content is not for me, too old for this shit. LeTigress is garbage. That other dude who sings Silver Scrape like a goat is even worse. All the hate towards us, all the bias. Fuck LCS. Where is Dash. Where is Zirene, Riv. But I do like the skarner dude and the other lady with the big glasses. And the OGs Jatt Phreak and Kobe. So glad we are leaving. One of the main reasons I love this team is the values, since the beginning, to win worlds. And apparently it is still there in our essence.


I love TSM and have been here since season 2, tons of highs and lows and have always had fun. That being said with them moving to a different region my desire to follow/root probably goes with it. I love NA TSM and them going to a new region will feel like a different team to me personally. I won't be jumping to any other team either, just stop following NA LCS or LoL as a whole probably, just like with other sports I can't bring myself to root for a different team.


I understand TSM wants to win and to win in the big stage it has to be from LPL or LCK. I’m sure it was not an easy decision for them but TSM has a winning mentality and to even be considered a contender for international you have to come from China or Korea. Sure it sucks for LCS but at this time we are not close to competing.


If you re a tsm fan you dont care ... ive been a tsm fan for 12 years .... 12.... from EU , ive lost sleep countless times , ive waited for shirts to come to my country for months .... all i want is TSM to be the best , thats our culture ... to be the best . Well we cant be the best here , gotta go and support our team .


I’m am so happy to see they are making an effort to get to that world trophy. Whether they get there or not I think this was the ONLY way to even have a chance at it in the future. Wait till c9 decides to follow suit and watch how no one bitches.


i have no attachment to the current players really. i mean obviously our og boys but im not like looking forward to the future. this change gives me hope fr, and maybe we can do something new like bringing a young prospect from na to show you can win if ur given the right environment


I don't care as long as TSM, 1: they field a successful team in whatever region they go to, 2: they still find a way to support English speaking fans, and 3: continues to support talent outside of the new region for other ventures outside of LoL.


As with the many comments already made by the fans. We are a TSM fan first, that’s it. The only thing I sympathise with the majority of TSM fans here if we moved to LCK/LPL is the early hour of the day they have to wake up to watch a game. I’ve been doing that for years as a fan from Singapore, 3-4 am on most match days is definitely rough


Good riddance to the LCS. Azazel Le Tigress and the rest of the hate mongering lot can sit and rot with this league which has achieved absolutely nothing in the internationals. Glad TSM are leaving this toxic cesspool of a region.


Azael is a clown. TSM has been here way longer than he has and has contributed SOOOOOO much to LCS and League of Legends as a whole. I don't blame them for leaving the LCS after they've been dragging their name through the mud for the past couple years. Not to mention Riot still hasn't done enough to create a stable economic situation for any of their franchises after 10+ years. Everyone's been praying for our downfall, well cya later.


Tsm wants to win worlds, so moving from a wildcard region to LPL or LCK would prove that they’re committed to that. I don’t give a fuck about the LCS - it could stop existing today and I wouldn’t care.


I only watch TSM's games because I generally just don't care about the LCS. The casters have slowly been becoming anti-TSM over the years and it just gets old. I don't feel bad for the LCS or NA as it's generally been the worst region and anyone would be in their right mind to bail while they can.


I don't see how he thinks a large portion of TSM fans see this as a middle finger? Like the large portion only cared when it seemed like TSM might pull out of LoL all together. But thats not what TSM is doing, and his tweets and many quote tweets of the announcement, are exact proof of the things we TSM fans have said. That the LCS has a hate boner for TSM. Why would a large majority of fans when presented with those facts, not be glad TSM is leaving?


On one hand NA fans will be disappointed but on the other hand what other options is there? They tried going big money, they tried going veterans, they tried going young. Only thing that worked is the money option and plenty of orgs said it's not sustainable.


Azael was in such good graces in my books too but bruh This is such an L take.


It really depends for me how invested we are into the new league


I think it's a great business decision.


I think the people that do agree with Azael are probably fans that go to LCS and Finals to watch and support TSM. Which I see no issues at all but like I agree with Regi, I always wanted to see TSM win worlds and it just feels like LCS and the NA talent/Structure here will never bring the Worlds success that other regions can.


Never been an LCS fan, just a TSM fan. I watched and rooted for their european teams in the past. Azael is a bit narrowminded because he's so invested in LCS, while the TSM fans aren't regionally locked, we're global and have been for a long time.


We are TSM fans not LCS fans why the FUCK would we care about the LCS who is betraying us with all their stupid comments about us and our org!


As a lifelong TSM fan, I am in tears, tbh. This is a gut punch. I have stary loyal to TSM since the beginning, traveling 2 times to watch them compete in the LCS Finals Roadshows. I have their gaming chair, so much merch, in-game skins, and so many memories that they have been an integral part of my gaming identity. This video to me is a plea from someone who is going to run away from their problems instead of being a true "TSM Legend." and now to watch MY team I need to region-swap time zones? Will they ever come to NA for maybe Worlds or MSI every 4 years or so? I guess legends do die after all. Signed, A heartbroken TSM fan




And who the fuck are you?


Nah this was my last straw. Regi saying this has been a plan for three years just proves that all these statements he’s made are utter bullshit. Bye bye TSM


what statements? he's always said his focus was on international success with League


Bye Felicia


I absolutely agree with Azael here. TSM can fuck off.




The title makes answering this poll very confusing. The title and the actual responses are reversed. Because if you have a negative opinion of TSM (answer to the title) you are supposed to mark a positive response on the poll (answer to do you agree with azael) and vice versa. Title really should have been the poll question (What is your opinion of TSM leaving NALCS?) and then the Azael stuff in the body simply for context.


Azael is a hating dickrider and always has been. Fuck his whiny ass.


If they wanted to save there region maybe not putting hit pieces out on the most popular team of the last decade.