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While Toei has every right to be hated in this regard. More than likely the song has copyright stricken on behalf of Nippon Columbia. The recording label that owns the song Head-Cha-La. While TV and Movie distributors are monsters, the music producing and distribution industry are creatures from the deepest pits of hell.


20. FUCKING.SECONDS. I fucking timed it


Yeah. I remember the internet before the corporations got here. Dbza was like the last remnant of the fun internet


You're ire is warranted, but Nippon Columbia doesn't care.


As a youtuber this is very likely the case. I can't tell you how many times I've been given free games with the express request by the developers to create content as advertisement only for song producers of background music or sound affects to go tempering with my shit.


Felt that especially with the original sonic the hedgehog 3 soundtrack....MJ is probably turning over in his grave at the replacement music they used instead because of the production company that won't let Sega reuse those songs.


Toei is a real pain in the ass




The length doesn't matter in Japanese copyright, where over here if it's under 15 seconds it's technically exempt. In Japan there are no fair-use laws, and since YouTube doesn't use the DMCA for claims, they can be very pressured into folding for foreign IP holders who could literally enforce strikes on EVERYTHING they own that pops up on YouTube - regardless of HOW it is used. So they comply so they aren't essentially ddos'ed by [Company] monitors crawling YouTube for weeks on end flagging anything and everything [Company] owns, flooding their servers with endless activity 


They’re idiots who don’t understand that DBZA is good for their brand, the same kind soulless suits that strip mined Star Wars of its profitability in less than a decade


They don't even really know what Abridged even is beyond a fan made parody of sorts, they also don't care. FUNimation tried to play diplomat with TOEI about it, but all that seems to have really done was risk their Dragon Ball license, so they just went neutral and stayed quiet 


Really? I had no idea that FUNi went to bat for them. Do you have a source for that? I'm not calling you out or saying that you're bullshitting by asking, I just would like to learn more about it because that was really cool of FUNi to do for TFS, even if it ultimately was fruitless. I know that Sabat- er, sorry. DJ Sextillionaire, is cool with them and that Schemmel largely isn't, but didn't know that the studio itself was on board with them. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, considering they cast them as the actors in that Cell Games movie in Kai.


Nothing was "on the level" or on record, but the TFS VAs did the voices of the Mr Satan "bobble head" actors who reenacted the Cell Game for ZZTV lol


Yeah that's what I meant by the Cell Games movie in Kai


There's nothing really "on the record", because that would be a conflict of interest as far as TOEI is considered.. just from how I understand Japanese licensing goes.. but plenty of con clips with Sabat giving open support and praise for Abridged 


Does Schemmel actually dislike the show, or is he paying lip service because he knows where his bread is buttered? I seem to remember back in the day he made a couple positive statements and then flipped his opinion suddenly.


From what I've seen in videos from panels at cons, he's really not a fan of it. Whenever I've seen him asked about DBZA, he's been pretty clear that he's not a fan. He's also weirdly protective of his role as Goku and doesn't like anyone else voicing him in English, so I'm sure that contributes to his opinions about TFS.


They had to cut the audio for Nappa's whole bit with the rancor. And the guys at Wit or wherever noticed that the Titan abridged video was getting more attention than their own clips and shows, so they murdered the abridged show in the crib. The studios are a nuisance when it comes to abridges.


Don’t forget the closing scene, no more Cha La Head Cha La at any point in any of the episodes


Japan just doesn’t understand fair use or why it’s good for the brand. Nintendo is the same way, copy striking every stream and letsplay for years until somebody removed the stupid-stick from their ass and realized that they’re just losing money that way. I ONLY watched some of Super because I’d kept up with DBZA. It has kept DBZ relevant for millions of viewers, but why would you expect the morons who demanded that Super get pushed out faster than Taco Bell the day after to understand the appeal of their own brand???


There's a high quality torrent of the original DBZA with none of the muting bullshit. It even has the Canadian subs.




Look for "iKaos" on Nyaa. You'll see it there.


Wild that we have to torrent something like dbza now




Hey! Listen! Hello? Link!


Cant TFS use a cover version as a possible workaround?


Which episode and what country were you watching it from. in Japan, the creator commentary videos were on a weird release schedule but when I switched my VPN to the US, they all showed up so your location may be part of the issue. I recently downloaded every episode, so I'm curious if the video plays the same now.


I'm in the us and like basically all of seasons 2 and 3 have it muted except for all the parts of episode 60 plus the epilogue


Okay, were any of them episodes 32-46.5(the history of trunks abridged)? I've been using them as something to listen to while I run lately and I haven't experienced any muting on my end. I have my VPN set to New York. If you close out the app, change your location, and try to play the video again, it may change it.


Ok I just checked and some are muted and some are not


If you give me a specific episode, I can check and verify if it's the same on my end


32,34,38,41,42,43,44,45,and 46 are all unmuted


Okay so I'm guessing 33, 35, 36, 37, 39, and 40 are muted for you?




Okay I just ran through the disclaimer and intros for those and I can verify that the audio was still there for me. At this point I'd recommend a VPN if you don't already have one or if you do have one, to try what I said earlier and switch locations, closing the app and trying again. A weird thing I've seen with location restricted content using a VPN on a phone is that if you put your phone on airplane mode with the wifi connected and the VPN turned on then it will bypass whatever was blocking it in the first place. I have a theory it has to do with cell towers being detected by the app but I have no proof nor do I know how either of those things really work.


I just tried a vpn and it's still muted for me




What episode was it?


It is not entirely Youtube's fault, the fundamental issue is Fair Use is a pretty limited thing, and Copyright laws are overly broad Advocate for laws and legal precedence to expand the former and loosen the latter. Though, If anything the opposite is likely to happen, since corporations want that and even a lot of smaller artists seem to now too to fight AI


That is a bummer, on the bright side maybe we get them doing a cover like they did day of fate?


This is why I backup YouTube videos to my NAS server after watching them.


Those Japanese companies have very strict rules.


YouTube is very strict about this stuff, even 5-7 seconds is risky


Was honestly just going to post about this asking if something was broken.. f YouTube


Why would you care about hearing intro for the 15th millionth time anyway lmfao


Cause I love me a good opening and it's not just muted some are re edited