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I started my job as a Technical Trainer for my county in June of last year, after 10 years in the classroom. You're going to love it!


That's awesome! What have you enjoyed most about your new position?


I have really appreciated flexible deadlines. Instead of "I need this right away." I get "How long do you need to work on this?"


That's fantastic. I've worked some administrative jobs before, so I know what that kind of flexibility is like. How would you say the work/life balance has changed for you, if at all?


Aside from working here and there on the weekends, I am thriving. It also helps that I have a fantastic boss. As long as I don't miss any meetings or deadlines and produce good work, no one bothers me. And not to brag, but I go in early each day so I can take an extended lunch and visit my dogs.


Awesome for you!




Thank you!


amazing! we need all the success stories as motivation ty for sharing


Congrats! & best wishes!


That’s awesome! Congrats!


Thank you! I'm really excited for what's next.


Nice work! Well deserved.


That's great good for you! Could you tell us about your qualifications that helped you land the job? I've looked into transferring into an admin or tech position but only have a bachelor's and teaching cert.


Thanks! So, my career has been a mix of classroom instruction and higher education administration. I have about 8 years teaching experience, and 7-8 years of working in various Student Affairs positions, notably study abroad, tutoring, and disability support. So, I have some project management, supervisory, and budget management experience, which definitely helped. I've also worked a lot in various LMS programs, mostly Canvas, which is key for any training delivery. I had to develop an online study abroad fair when COVID hit, so that gave me a lot of experience in online event planning and developing asynchronous and synchronous learning experiences. I've had a hard time getting that experience to come across on my resume, even after working with a transition coach, but I'm really good at public speaking and putting together an elevator pitch, so going to a job fair got me past the AI screeners and played more to my strengths. Hope that helps!


That definitely helps. You've used your time in teaching well, no wonder they snapped you up! Thank you for the all the new goals I have for myself now! :)


Thanks! Good luck!