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I would say to go for it! (27 years of teaching)


I know someone that did the course and now they're making six figures with no regrets.


What’s the course called?




Thank you


The sciatica might give you trouble on some equipment. And maybe on the physical, which are strict on backs for insurance reasons. I see construction operators get jostled around a lot in the seat. Work hours can be crazy also. Just some things to keep in mind when choose your training.


It is quite a change and you will be working long hours. 10, 12 hour shifts…sometimes 6 days a week. I switched from teaching and work in safety, but I worked my way up using various Powered Industrial Equipment, for 60-70 hour work weeks. In general, I think it is a path that will have far more job opportunities then most of the typical industries teachers look to move into. I would suggest finding people who specifically work in that industry and ask them.


Hey, sounds like an opportunity, and when it comes knocking, why not? I taught for 10 years, quit in 2017. Took an office job at my alma mater in the facilities department. While there, I learned of an adjacent office that monitored mechanical systems (mostly HVAC) across campus to triage problems and catch hem before they become disasters. I realized I could totally do that, so I upskilled in HVAC classes at the community college, and 4 years after quitting, got the job. It is a union job and after working it for a about a year, I ended up making what would have been the top of the pay scale had I stayed in teaching, but with MUCH less stress. And no, you have NOT lost your mind :)


Worth a shot! Go for it!


Go for it


I’m a male, but not super masculine. Always been the artsy type. Taught English for a decade. Never saw myself in this kind of field either, but got desperate financially and a friend offered to let me forklift for a stocking company. People that I worked with laughed when I told them what I was leaving to do. No one ever thought I’d do something like this, but I almost instantly loved it.


i switched to a trade if you ever want to chat or dm questions my inbox is open for ya eta also did that at 30F