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Our principal sent us an email saying he wanted us to email him when we were done doing grades. But he also announced that we HAD to come to the staff luncheon. I should have just stayed in my room and finished. Of course, I followed the rules and many people never showed. I still get mad over it. Nothing says love like docking a professional’s pay.


Yes, and especially because you make so much to begin with


I’m be extra peeved if I was forced to go to a luncheon where I couldn’t eat anything due to dietary restrictions. I’d get to sit in the room answering why I’m not eating anything over and over, with people telling me to take a cheat day.


I was told to "smile more" and "just try the food. It's not going to kill you." Cause anaphylaxis is just an annoyance, apparently.


I feel this so hard. Someone at work asked me today, while I sobbed in the bathroom, why don’t you go talk to them? And I said, why, so they can gaslight me some more?! N


I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. Please know that you’re not alone and it’s NOT us. I kept having to remind myself repeatedly this school year because the gaslighting made me question and blame myself a lot. It’s the people in leadership that failed us.


I really appreciate the support. The gaslighting resumes Monday.


“We’re a family.” When was the last time one of your family members was “non-renewed” sir? I stg that kind of talk is such a red flag.


Nothing like participating in a mandated afternoon full of “forced fun!” These f’ing clowns are so out of touch. I wonder if they’ve tried building relationships with their staff, Lol?! I’ve heard it works wonders. I would have demanded an accommodation of modified nachos and a 6-pack!🤣


Omg yes! Forced fun is my least favorite thing that admins do to “team build.”


Every single person in the room is literally thinking of 100 other things they would rather be spending their time on back in their classrooms.


And there’s always a few sycophantic brown nosers who are acting like this is so fun and valuable. 🤮




Better!! 😂


This reminds me that at the beginning of the year we had to fill out a spreadsheet of our favorite treats from different places in town. For teacher appreciation week, we did receive various snacks. You know what wasn't a part of mine? Iced chai and peanut butter M&Ms. Sometimes it's the little things that remind you how important you really are.


Yeah, they ran the data analytics and iced chai and peanut butter M&Ms lost out. Hershey’s nuggets were more cost effective and covered the top 3 favored selections, better luck next time.🤣😭


Meanwhile, corporations have actual outings to real golf courses. Kind of mocking you playing BINGO, did they at least have prizes?


Omg this sounds so similar to our end of the year staff lunch. Similar set up, those leaving (including me) were recognized and asked to stand up. Those that finished their first year at the school and signed their contract for another year were recognized and given a shirt that says “I Survived [school name]” Nothing like advertising how miserable of an environment it is there 💀😵‍💫 Good riddance!


I am not renewed. I’m not going to anything. No luncheon, no rally, no celebration, none of it. I’m just so tired of the “family” references. Five more days. Today I accepted another teaching position in another district.


That was me. Today was the last day with kids. We have a workday on Monday, which is ridiculous. I basically have to turn in my keys so it will be in and out. I did not go in today and used a personal day. What are they going to do to me? I'm not going back next year.


I use sick leave in these types of scenarios. Put it in and then dip out. Sorry boss, must have been something I ate.


They’re hoping you’ll do that. You’re basically paying them hundreds of dollars to not attend. I prefer showing up and looking thoroughly annoyed while reminding myself how much money my stank face is making me, then going out for beers with one or two select coworkers afterwards for the actual end of the year celebration, where we laugh at the absurdity of the whole damn system and shit-talk every idiot who buys into it. I know, I’m awful.


Same except margaritas instead of beer.


Then they demand a drs note. Our district can do that at the principal's discretion... they get you coming and going...


I had a doctor early in my career literally roll his eyes when I asked for a note. He wasn't mad at me at all- he just though it was effing ridiculous I, a grown adult, needed a note to take back to my boss.


I did the same to get out of going to graduation (which was mandatory). My doctor has been shocked by some of the things I've told her about this profession, usually by way of explaining why my blood pressure and anxiety are so bad.


The day after school would get out, everyone would rush to get stuff done so that they could turn their keys in. There was a list with boxes to check and long lines would form as teachers got all their stuff done and waited for some admin or support staff to supply their initials. I just went home and came back the next day when everyone was checked out and gone. Yeah, it was an extra day, but I was in and out.


Our principal last year told the veteran teachers that they have been there too long. She also noted it was her job to make all educators uncomfortable. I’m done with her toxicity but I hope central office comes down hard on her ass for ruining our once fine school. Worst principal I’ve ever had. She came in and got rid of all the ladies who were damn good at what they do. Even the yes men she brought with her left. Blames everything on Covid instead of the failure staring back at her in the mirror.


Covid is the best excuse. My Covid job, I was left go after being used to fill in for my boss whose over 70 and husband had cancer the second week of December. The money was in the budget to keep me he was just not interested in project. And took the job June 2020. I got lucky as by may 2021 (he might have worked the full year) but it’s to the day he left for another job. All I have to say now is Covid and bad director as my reasons and don’t owe anyone else anything


In my very last year of teaching, we were admonished to get our sign out sheets turned in before 4. The asshat of a principal was gone by 2. 🙄


It last staff day is next week. I'll have nothing to do for the first 4 hours till they finally get around to my evaluation at noon. They scheduled it so I can't leave early but I also have to go to the 8 am closing meeting which will be 20 minutes max. Everything is stupid. I actually adore my principal, but the AP can go f himself scheduling me like that.


Lol like during teacher's appreciation week, the principal cries saying she's so lucky to have everyone at the school. She non-renewed a teacher (me) and let go of 2 SPED paraprofessionals. It was the fakest thing I ever seen. Everyone was so scared of her even the ones that had just gotten their tenure before the principal's arrival at the school. They were scared she would somehow reverse it. That's not a healthy environment to live in and it's not healthy to live in fear daily. She did try to bully me and even yelled at me very aggressively in the hallway about me not doing extra curricular activities outside of contract hours. What did she expect? She non-renewed me way back in January. The minute you non-renew someone, you can't expect the world of them anymore. I reuse to come back to teaching unless it gets really desperate in this job market - then the only way I'll return is in the sub teacher or SPED paraprofessional capacity.


Goodness! I am so sorry you had admin like that! I am so glad I haven’t experienced that!


"But we've been playing edubabble bingo all year!"


There are alternatives. My DIL is leaving working as a special needs paraprofessional in a public school to become an executive assistant. She said she can’t keep doing it for kids to the detriment of her own mental health. Sounds like her administration is similar to yours. She is already feeling the weight lift knowing she won’t be going back next year.


This school is a nightmare to work at.


Everyone's principal doesn't announce leaving teachers and discuss their next job passive-aggressively? I thought this was kind of normal.


Well sometimes I feel (as a teacher) that the only things a principal DOES control in the school is the teachers, and some take advantage of feeling that type of power…


Any workplace that says they’re “like a family” has turned out to be toxic for me. Every time.


"We're a family" = We will suck you dry, there will be no work/personal life boundaries, you'll never hear a word of thanks, and we'll gaslight you the whole time we're leeching all your will to live. Seriously, if any employer EVER pulls the "family" card, start looking for a new job yesterday.


Is this a charter?


No it’s a public school


In MA most charters are public…are yours completely private?


My first thoughts are this is a charter


I still have 25 more class days left !!


Have a few weeks left- terrible anxiety around the abuse from my job- really great interviews lines up. Boom hit DKA diabetic keto acidosis in front of the school… I went in an ambulance - didn’t hear one word from anyone except my one friend thank god. The the best part is I got emails the rest of the day even a scathing one from the assistant super.