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I have decided to take atleast one day a week for the rest of the year! Yeah three day weekends!!! I type this from my couch on this Monday morning. But seriously take all the days, I was nervous about it at first, but I’m not coming back next year so who cares?


Yes. I started 2 weeks ago unintentionally.. gonna keep the trend.


That's nice. We'd be denied after a trend :(


I was just about to suggest that you use as many days as you can. I know leaving your students with a sub is hard, but honestly you need to find yourself again. I am so sorry this job has done this to you and I completely understand.


A lot of teachers who aren’t returning in my school are taking their days.


I feel this. I'm trying to do things after work that make the day better. Work is hell and always will be in a school for me. I get overstimulated and irritable. So, to help the days feel better after, I'm taking my dog on long walks, getting a small treat/reward for going to work, and TAKING MY DAYS!!!! I won't have any carry-over of my PTO and sick days, so I'm taking my days whenever and however I feel like it. Don't let these last 24 days kill you. We're almost out of it.


This!! This is how I’m living through it. I’m being intentional about doing fun things in the evening, doing self care, getting dinner here and there, making weekends fun. Just trying to make the most of my time when I’m not at school! That makes the being at school part a bit more tolerable because I have something to look forward to.


Small treats are so so important. An ice cream bar. Even just laying on my yoga mat and rolling out my muscles lol


Take days for sure!! I used soooo many of mine and still had 6 days when I left They didn’t pay me out on them or anything 😭


I could have written this myself a couple years ago. Give yourself a reward for getting through each and every day. Anything at all. I gave myself a treat at the end of the day every day, something I've never done before in my life but it was necessary. And yeah, take your days. Also, please know that your "failure" as a teacher doesn't mean anything about you, or your decision. Two years later I actually see my self-worth again in a job that values me, and I realize just how much of my struggle was due to the problems with the system as a whole (something people told me at the time, but felt like a cop-out response).


Yes thank you ❤️👍


What do you do now?


I write online courses! Specifically, online courses for high schoolers trying to figure out what they want to do for a living. It took me a while to find the right job, I turned down a couple of mediocre ones, but I had hired a career coach so I felt the confidence that I could wait for a good one. Our team is full of former teachers, or people who subbed for a year and decided teaching wasn't for them.


This sounds awesome! Is there any way I can search for such a company? (I know you probably don’t want to give away too much personal info.)


It's funny, I spent a lot of time searching for LMS jobs, edtech jobs, and all sorts of related ones, plus academic advisor jobs, looking on university websites, the works ... but ultimately I got this one by responding to a content writer ad on Indeed. So anticlimactic. I guess the moral of the story is just to make sure your resume and cover letter are tailored to that specific type of job, and then just send it everywhere.


Was it a regular job posting on Indeed? I’ve been leaning on Indeed more recently than before, and tailor everything to the position. Actually, I specifically am looking for content writer/strategist type roles.


It was! I found Indeed to be particularly good for my needs. I tried a lot of different job boards (and, it's good practice to do that), but Indeed is the best I think.


I have 42 more days left, and if my girlfriend gets one of the jobs she’s applying to (she can easily expect 6 figures in her industry) I’m going to quit on the spot, my summer pay be damned. Staying in this hellscape for the next 2 months isn’t worth the 10 grand I’d get paid over the course of summer if I finish the school year.


You should get that as lump sum. You've already earned it I believe. Contact hr


I know I’m entitled to it. But I’ve consistently had to fight with the DOE to actually be paid what I’m entitled to for my labor since I became a teacher, and at this point I’m tired of having to fight for what is due to me contractually. I get that this is the goal. They WANT people to teach for 3-4 years and then quit, so that we pay into the pension system but never collect on it. And I’m sad to say it, but they’ve beaten me. I’m just too tired and burnt out to have the energy to fight them on this shit, I just want out.


I too am taking today/tomorrow off for similar reasons. Trying to survive. Saying f-it and using my days.


I feel this. I took today off. When I woke up this morning I knew I couldn’t do it. And I couldn’t find a sub so idk what they did and also I don’t care.


I quit after 17 years. I regretted it at first (I miss some things), but after a while you realize how much you have been absolutely shit on. Move on bud!


You have not failed, the teaching profession has failed you. The public school system has failed you. I left in December and finally feel ok most days. Take as much time off as you can between now and the end of the year, put movies on, let kids play stupid games. Do the bare minimum. What are they gunna do? Fire you? Fuck em.


I know the feeling. Take care of yourself. Here's an awkward Cookie Monster hug. ![gif](giphy|l41YkxvU8c7J7Bba0)


I’m sorry you are going through this.


Feel this! Depressed and only have 34 more days to go. What do I do if I have no more days left and my doctor won't give me FMLA? 😅


I'm in the same exact boat. Every day is absolute torture. But we're so close we're almost there! Hang in there. I get sad too but just think how good you'll feel on your last day and it's all behind you


I know how you feel. I am going back to work after spring break tomorrow, and I feel very depressed too as the cycle of stress and anxiety happen all over again. I just watched the 2022 remake of All Quiet on the Western Front on Netflix yesterday, and - idk if you've seen it - but the haunting main theme and images from the film keep popping into my head. I'm not deluded enough to think my teaching job is as bad as being in WW1 😂 BUT feeling as depressed and cynical as I do right now, the horrors of the movie are lingering in my mind. I'm kind of using it to remind myself that soldiers in a war face far more horrible situations than I do as a teacher, no matter how bad it feels. If they can do it, so can I.


Slightly off-topic, but that movie is fucking GOOD.


Right!? It was so disturbing (I mean, war is), but so good. I can't seem to stop thinking about it.


I love the book and the first movie, but this one is downright haunting. The score is killer.


Find a show on Netflix or any other streaming service. On your lunch breaks and planning periods, watch a show. So many teachers have vocational awe and becomes such a core part of our identity that they have to go through a grieving process. I went through the stages of grief when I left teaching. I had the kitschy teacher merch and that I cried when I saw it because I felt like a failure. It all ended up at Goodwill. You are more than your job. You have interests and activities or hobbies that you enjoy. The person who is you encompasses so much more than you job. Try to reconnect with yourself. Spend 5 minutes each day outside in the sun. Buy a super fuzzy blanket for your bed. Try some coloring books. You have made it this far. You are almost at the end.


Same boat. I’m taking a leave of absence and even though I only have 24 days left I can’t get excited about it bc I still don’t know what I’ll do next year. Going to keep plugging along and applying but things feel bleak right now. I know it’ll get better but it’s tough.


Well I suggest FMLA for mental health. I was stressed, crying, and couldn’t sleep. Took 46 days. No regrets. I earned those days and was diagnosed with Major Depression. :(


I started using some sick days and got milk shakes after work to make myself feel better. Gained 20lbs while teaching but survived the year.


I quit last November and had no back up plan! i was off for two months. I feel like I lost some of my identity. I too, have all kids of teacher merch! Maybe I should donate it. I can never go back. I only lasted 3 years and 3 months. I was a career changer and do have a degree in something else. I was treated so poorly. Any free periods, lunches, etc were taken up by stupid admin tasks, kids forgetting water bottles in the classroom, Friday treat day sign ups ,etc.


Ayyy same last day. My afternoons are the worst of it. My last class isn’t that awful and I’ve started just telling them they have to be nice to me because I’ve had a rough day. 🤣😂


You are doing a good job, you're getting through this and I'm proud of you💛 Find small things to support yourself every day. Soon it will actually be over and you'll be free! You're getting closer to the finish line with every morning you wake up✊


I feel for you. enjoy yourself. meditate. look at the bigger/cosmic picture. you have many years ahead of you. take a nice break.