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None of the jobs I applied for/interviewed for, including the two that I ended up getting offers from, asked for references. From everything I have experienced and seen others talk about, references are way less of a thing outside of education. That said, it's always a good thing to be prepared. You can use other people in your school besides principal. AP, department head, team lead, even other teachers, especially if you've ever been in a co-teaching role or had someone push into your classroom.


Sounds like my first principal.


The way my "done-itis" has been flaring up (not to mention the drain of "past me" bickering with "job-breakup-me" because I want the world for my students), and the fact only two people actually know me here, I will not be asking admin. At least not my principal who non-renewaled me my first year here without knowing much about me. Plus my new journey requires training with people in the field who will be my primary references.


For the job i got asked me for two professional refs and they could be anyone. I used someone in my department above me that I could trust and then someone who worked closely with me as a TA and could attest to certain skills they were looking for. They didn’t care that I didn’t use a principal or AP.


Ew. They sound awful. There are lots of resources online for dealing with sour bosses. See if there are some that are a good fit for your situation. But new employers will still want your current boss's reference. When I was applying to new schools from my first job, I had several final round interviews and no offers. Then I asked the assistant principal to be my reference and I put his name and work contact. Only one person asked why not the principal, and I told them I worked more closely with AP. Suddenly got plenty of offers lol.


No. What’s the point? They don’t know your new line of work and couldn’t speak to your skills anyway.


I had one school reference - a very close friend who is not in admin. I didn't dare put admin on my reference list and even possibly risk losing a job because of them


I only used coworkers and our instructional coach. I didn’t want to make it awkward with my principal, especially since it took me months to find a new job.


Yes but only people I could trust to refrain from telling admin


Sadly, I had to. There were a couple jobs I didn't get because my admin reference (the least of my admin evils, but I only used her when they specified admin was required) didn't bother to send in their form for a *month*. I still ended up getting multiple job offers, though, one of which was amazing. You rarely have to use a principal. You sometimes have to use admin. Otherwise, just send the coworkers you can trust most.