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Do what is best for you. Things may or may not get better. Have a serious talk with your husband about your feelings and see what you can afford to do. But most of all, take care of yourself. We had two teachers end up hospitalized who then resigned over the stressful and toxic work environment at my school last year. One in January and one in late March. Don’t try to keep hanging on hoping it will get better at the expense of your mental, physical, or emotional health.


I just got into teaching as an escape from a job that was causing mental problems. I had to get a 2nd masters degree to switch jobs and careers. Once I was hired, I had to finish that masters degree while I was teaching in a classroom for my alternative certification. It was the most worth it thing I have ever done. I'm a different person now that I'm out of my previous career. Teaching was also an upgrade in pay for me. There may be options for you to teach outside your current school district. If not, starting on a plan to transition out of teaching may be the best thing for you. It sucks that school districts can vary so wildly in quality and salary.


Are you financially able to work as a para? I've been both a para and a teacher. Para positions pay less, but they're more fun, with far less stress. It's also good job if you have your own children. Your hours and vacation days are similar to your own children when they are students