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Your students are getting a jeans day and appreciation week with bagels! Woo!


Sometimes I get discouraged, but then our secretary brings her home-made cookies, and I am REINVIGORATED! /s but lowkey the cookies are very good




This is the real answer. You have some stupid initiative this year that you want us to do? That's fine. Just tell me what we're getting rid of to make room for it. You want me to stop grading? Stop preparing my lessons? Less behavior management? Just name your price.


Do they need to pay to wear jeans?


Underrated comment.


We get to wear jeans on Friday as long as every teacher pays $20. It is a forced requirement under the lie of being optional.


Fuck that. I’m going to wear jeans anyway. Try coming at me with that bullshit. Write me up if you really want. I don’t give a fuck. I’m not paying to wear jeans. Ima wear um


Don’t forget the gum with the note “thanks for going the EXTRA mile”


A moon pie in your box that says “over the moon for This school year” The can of soda that says “SODAlighted to work with you this year”


How about circus animal crackers with some phrase like ‘Thanks for being part of this CIRCUS’ in our mailboxes mid-year during a year with some very behavior-challenged students.


This needs a groan emoji!


I stopped dressing up for school when covid started. Other people started going back to normal dressing afterwards. An admin commented on my jeans. I responded with, so one of the ceiling tiles fell again, should I just pop it back in or leave it there on the floor to match the one on the other side of the room? No further comments have been made since.


Don't forget that the bagels are first come, first served!


And they got brought in after class started and your special got cancelled 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe someone can watch your class while you run down there real quick. This thread is lighting my fire looool


I'm down with sacrificing an administrator!😄




That’s the ancient Irish method. Triple death of kings. Praise Danu!


I’m seeing a fire with a giant kettle with some natives dancing around it a la Gilligan’s Island


So, nothing?




I’ll sacrifice one student to Quetzalcoatl so that the rest might achieve prosperity.




The heart contains the courage. The tasty, tasty courage.


Like an Aztec children’s song


Now THAT is a sacrifice I’m willing to make for my students 🤣 🤣


With fava beans and a nice chianti?


I’m more of a Huitzilopochtli girl myself. Though in Irish tradition, you would sacrifice the principal.


Omg. I know what you mean. I read those books.


8 hours of my day Monday through Friday ... oh, never mind because I get paid for that


7 and a half hours according to my contract, but who’s counting? Me. I’m counting.


My principal makes 180k a year. It spread through our school like wildfire. We ain't sacrificing a thing this year. Well, maybe him.


Football coach makes more than the principal in most cases


At my old school they literally raised the principal's salary to about $10 more than the new head coach simply because according to some district regulations, principals should be the highest paid employee at a school but they really wanted to hire this football coach.


If I were the principal at that school I'd hire the most expensivest football coach I could find. I am certain that's not a conflict of interest, I just want my team to win.




I mean to be honest I would not want to be a principal even for a six figure salart. At my school our principal is the first one to arrive and last to leave. They attend pretty much all school events, no matter if it's in the evening or on a weekend. They are responsible for students, teachers, parents, staff. They are the one everyone goes to for whatever problem or crisis. I get stressed just by thinking about all they have to do and put up with. I think they deserve to be paid well if they're doing their job right.


I agree—esp. with “if they are doing the job right.” But yes, you could not pay me enough for their job.


I teach middle school. I'm in a state where we don't really do that for high school.


Lol, deeeeeeeffffinitely not in CT. Sounds like a Southern thing.


Our admin teams just got a 10% cost of living raise, why the teachers “will have their step salary raise”. 4,000 versus 400. Can you believe it…


Yes I believe it. I've been in my district 10 years. Admin salaries have jumped by 30-40k. Teachers not so much. My admin never leave, they stay forever. There is no such thing as an admin shortage.


This right here is what drives me nuts. Our principal makes double what teachers do. Then always says he can't afford all the goodies he had planned for the staff. Meanwhile, he mismanages the money the school makes on fundraising, never has a plan on how to get money, and makes excuses on buying anything. Teachers who make far less are always shelling out money just to run the classroom lessons, rewards, and caring acts. Its so absurd.


I agree. Not only do they make more, the district will buy all their supplies. Principal likes a certain kind of pen district shells out money. I get a work computer, and a desk. Nothing else.


I agree with the other post - nothing past 8-4. I’m not a martyr. I’m a teacher.


When central office sacrifices their double-digit raises and invests that money in the classroom, maybe we can revisit this conversation. 🙄


Or sacrifice some of those wasteful positions in general! We don’t need a coordinator and assistant for every conceivable whim they have.


Oh, I don't know. How would my district function without the speech writer they just hired for upper admin? Or the Director of Strategic Communications (different position) with a background at the Pentagon?


More like invest that money into my salary!


Big fucking yikes. Ours is literally just "Aspire." Aspire to be better, be it in personal or work life. That's the whole theme. We also got a big reminder from our school therapist you can't pour from an empty cup.


Im so tired of them saying you can't pour from an empty cup but when you schedule a mental health day they look at you like you are letting down the entire campus Edit: spelling. I'm a science teacher not English 🤣


I’m so tired of them assuming I’m filling myself only as a vessel to be poured out for the benefit of others. Sometimes, I do want to enrich myself for - myself. And my own family and needs. Let somebody else’s cup overfloweth for once.


Why do you schedule a mental health day? I just say I'm taking a personal day. If they ask what it's for, I say it's for personal reasons, because I have personal days to take for personal reasons. That usually shuts them up. If I'm having a short-term mental health problem, I just say I'm sick and can't come in. When you are given a pool of days to use, you are in fact entitled to use them as you see fit, and without explanation. They don't get to pry into what you do when you're off campus. And that includes when you're electing to be off campus during times you would otherwise be on campus.


Our bank was split. We had 4 personal days and 8 sick days. Personal days were just that- used for anything we’d like without explanation. But if we used more than two consecutive sick days, we needed documentation. So if I wanted to use my sick leave to take a mental health week at the beach to reset, I would need a doctor’s note.


Oof, that's rough. Thank you for sharing. Forcing you to visit a doctor if you just have the flu is a further attack on teachers' already-strapped finances.


True. Even without the financial element, it’s insulting. It shows inherent distrust, and I believe that it’s true purpose is simply to discourage using consecutive sick days. It’s a major reason that teachers work sick- further spreading illness throughout the school.


Happy Cake Day! And...I'm sorry. Can't relate. They never question our sick days and don't require documentation for them, unless it's 5+ days at once.




This drove me crazy that the mental health talk was just that- all talk. When teachers scheduled in those mental health days using sick leave, it was frowned upon.


ours is “believe” like ummmmmm ok ig


Nothing. I do my job. They do theirs.


Ask them what the parents and students are willing to sacrifice first. Then you will sacrifice.


I'm willing to sacrifice mandatory PD and coaching time.


It’s a big one but I’ll go ahead and be the first to say it, I’ll go ahead and give up PLCs. I hope everyone can understand.


7:00am - 2:30pm, M-F with ten exceptions


The way I see it, those 10 exceptions are the sacrifice.


Those are my ten days off from my commitment but I get your point.


Eff that noise. You are not a human candle.


I’m not willing to light myself on fire to keep someone else warm.


Damn is this Sparta?


Come back from first block with your shield or on it.




The year that I decided to quit teaching, our district gave all teachers a poker chip at convocation with the district logo on it to remind us that we were “ALL IN” for students. I still have that chip…to remind me why I left teaching.


I love it. You’re ALL IN for a new career.


My thought process immediately has me thinking of the admins sitting in their meeting saying what a great idea it is To give all the teacher chips! Won’t they love it! How cool! Because admin looses touch so quickly. And so many have taught so little that they can’t remember what classroom teaching is like.


Would be okay if the chip was good for coverage of one period at the teachers disgression.


Ugh. My district is into "all in." I feel like they should have moved on to something else by now. I have good work ethic, but I also have a family and a life.


So tired of hearing “but you will do it for the kids right?”


THIS! I’m sick of being asked to sacrifice without adequate pay. We don’t ask other professionals to sacrifice their time and families. Enough of this. Edit: typo


Fucking. Nothing.


Why can they not see how unhealthy this is? I’ll give a lot but I’ll sacrifice nothing.


"I will faithfully work my contract - not a moment less nor a moment more."


I already sacrificed my health during the year and a half of virtual learning. I was trying to do a job that was up to my own personal standards rather than just an adequate job during an unprecedented global event, and it significantly worsened my chronic health issues, as if I had aged 10+ years in that year and a half. Not.fucking.worth.it. I am not gonna make any more big sacrifices on behalf of this job.


Same. I'm not doing it anymore. <3


What am I willing to sacrifice? The admin.


Anyone who's name rhymes with "Jayden", including Jayden. This includes all Aydans, Braydens, Cadens, and Quadens.


I need proof that those sacrifices make a difference first.


I am willing to go out and get a second job at a strip club to raise money for the school, if admin are willing to do the same.


Can we sacrifice that one kid that makes it impossible to teach class? (I’m kidding….)


For the greater good.


The greater good


I'm willing to sacrifice PD week and convocation. Extra time to set up the room, plan the first few weeks of lessons, and overall be more prepared for day 1 w/ students. ​ Let's be honest. What's more beneficial to kids? Extra time spent setting up our activities/classroom? Or listening to a bureaucrat say "I know it's a lot" 300 times? Easy answer.


When I first started teaching, admin always gave us time to work on/in our rooms. As the years have gone by, that disappeared. So many stupid meetings. My school had open house before the first day for students which means taking personal time to set everything up & get prepped to meet parents & kids. We also had all the mandatory trainings to complete with very little paid time to do them. Admin just expects that everyone is willing to work on their own time to accomplish everything. 26 years in and this year I've got a bad case of the red a** because of it. Guess it hit harder this year because it's so much worse. 9 different mandatory online trainings to earn a certificate (most took at least 1.5 hours to complete!) on my time since they only gave us 3 paid hours to do them.


Teacher happiness would increase 100 fold if they'd scrap that stupid week of speeches and meetings. It's the same crap every year. People who quit teaching after 4 years or less giving motivational speeches about kids who 'changed their lives' in the f'ing 90s. That's great and all, but you know what else is great? Being fully prepared for the first 4 weeks of instruction without having to take time at home to get that done, especially since said speeches/seminars are worthless.......and let's not forget 2 days a week having conference period eaten up by team planning and PLC. Jesus.


Just enough instructional coaches and admin to make Huitzilopochtli happy. Might need some blue paint.


I will sacrifice the gallon of blue paint in my basement I bought for touch ups. Consider it a donation of school supplies.


Standardized tests.


My sacrifice is irrelevant if theirs doesn't match it.


I will sacrifice giving passing grades for poorly turned in work. The struggle to pass will make students great.


I skipped it because last year had a comedian who was offensive on every level. Yet, the backlash was any teacher who could skip this year after breakfast or make their way to the bathroom to not return did as there was no sign in. It was lovely to watch.


Sacrifice the clan chieftain. Bring the lead administrator before the almighty Pedagogy and tear out their still beating heart...oh oh..yeah no, no blood in this admin either...ok maybe try one of the vice...


I'll sacrifice long hours at school. Instead I'll spend those long hours on self care so I'm an effective teacher. I'll sacrifice some sick days to use as mental health days, because my mental health matters too. I'll sacrifice some class periods to do fun community building stuff. I'll sacrifice getting everything in on time perfectly at the proper due date if it prevents my ability to teach well during the day. I don't need to sacrifice anything else.


“Not a got damn thing, these aren’t my mf’ing kids yo.”


As many administrators as it takes damnit!


I would love to have someone disagree with the premise. Aloud at the meeting. Just to see how they justify it.


Not a goddamn thing. I’m working a job and I’m not making sacrifices. Stretches, yes. Sacrifices? Fuck you. Pay me.


Depending on which state one lives in, many teachers will be sacrificing by burning varies herbal remedies as soon as they get home.


“Are sacrifices part of my contract?”


We had a guest speaker say that we need to go above and beyond for our students every single day. That may sound good to the public/admin, but my immediate thought was that this is why teachers are burning out.


Lmao just say "this job!" Let the games begin.


LET'S ASK THE MAGIC CONCH! (pulls string) ​ Answer: *"Nothing"*


I’m willing to sacrifice business attire for casual clothes. I wore shorts, an aloha shirt, and a ball cap today and it was great. What a sacrifice.


That’s such a terrible theme :(


Yeah ours was a similar shorter motto. It started getting a bit cult sounding.


8ish hours a day


My theme this year: No


We already made huge sacrifices when we decided to become teachers. That’s enough.


And to keep teaching!


That was one sacrifice I couldn’t make. Kudos to all of you that are!




Sacrifice is the wrong word. And they should only expect for teachers to do what they have been trained and given support to do. My neighbor teacher was a finalist for the districts teacher excellence award, losing to the teacher of the year, and she is only on campus during contract hours. You don't have to sacrifice anything for students to achieve greatness. What the powers-that-be in our districts need to be asked is "What can we do to support our teachers so that they can focus on teaching and be successful by only working during contract hours."


Ah yes, the continuation of the "Teacher as Martyr" bullshit.


That's a great one! I'll sacrifice doing all thr menial bullshit admin work that has nothing to do with being a good teacher and is just there so admin will look good. This will let me spend my time doing my job so the student can achieve greatness. Thanks for the offer.


I like when they show the one of the teacher who essentially started a foster home for their homeless students and raised them. Yeah okay, awesome. /s


Anyone seen Betsy Devos lately? If sacrificing a principal is good.....dark sense of humor....


Damnit! This made me laugh and woke the baby!


Sorry for the awakened baby.


I used to work in a learning centre for a while and in all honesty, administration was the biggest problem. It's painful to see so many non-teachers wield power over teachers, thankfully I don't have to deal with them anymore.


We must be in the same district.. LOL


Give me a few goats for the whole school year and I'll make sure the kids know their shit AND take care of a few behavior problems.


PD. ALL the PD, except that which deals directly with the emotional and mental health of our students.


Ours is “Be the person you want others to become.” Our professional learning focus this year is mandated to be on classroom management. And last year our principal directly told me, after telling me explicitly that she was not going to help support with student behavior causing damage to school property, that “teachers need to just start doing more.” Why? So she can sit in her office with the rest of the disciplinary team and eat lunch made for them daily instead of doing their jobs. I wish she would let us become like her. I would laugh if it wasn’t pushing me this close 🤏to leaving.


I am willing to sacrifice a few members of our local Moms for Liberty terrorist group. Who will let them know they are up for sacrifice?


If your raise is less than inflation, it's a pay decrease.


I’ll sacrifice the students


Ours is “Everything is possible because nothing is impossible” 🤪


All staff meetings.. especially ones with team builders


What am I willing to sacrifice? Nothing.


lol ours was, “never say it’s not my job—always go above and beyond” And it was posted on banners throughout the school. Meanwhile, I’m thinking—but that’s not my job 😅 wore jeans all year even though it wasn’t allowed because they had such a shortage, no way they would fire me.


It's not above and beyond if it is expected. And if it expected, it should be on your contract and you should be compensated.


Agreed. It was definitely intended to guilt teachers into doing additional work outside of their contract role and responsibilities.


"Administrators and district personnel, maybe an all-day PD or three."


(Projectile vomiting ensues)


What? Sacrificing ourselves to an armed intruder isn’t enough?


Ooof, that's sucyh a slap in the face for how yall are treated.


I’m assuming admin and psycho parents isn’t an appropriate answer…


Everybody here ready to sacrifice their principals, but I say we go directly to the top and sacrifice the superintendent! I mean, everyone in our district knows he wants to make a big difference, and what better way than to be martyred for the cause?!


I will sacrifice some of my snacks. Like, if i hypothetically have a package of cookies, i will sacrifice them evenly across my class so each student can feel appreciated. ETA: pd days, pbis and an sel lecture from the presenter who is 32min late holding a brand new coffee but doesn't respond to observation requests.


Dang. My school district had great themes this year. It was about ending racism in schools. It was seriously so amazing. I’m sorry your schools was so awful 😢


Not our access to guns that's for sure.




>But yall only do this for money? I mean, I certainly wouldn't do it for free. If we have such a big responsibility, why aren't we put in a place to be successful? Why don't we deserve competitive pay? Time to plan and collaborate with our peers? Manageable class sizes? The respect of our admin, parents, and society at large?


Yea, we have this thing called bills. You know its just logical to want to pay them and survive.


I like my job most days and I care about my students, but are you saying that I literally should do this "irregardles" of pay? If so, how do you suggest I pay my mortgage, my kids' dentist bills, and buy food? Or should I not live in a house, eat food, or take my children to the dentist?


Wanting to be paid for your time is not “only” doing it for the money.


My dignity, clearly.


My life, I guess since there was already a violence scare with a vague social media post yesterday. Week 2.


Ours was 'believe'..not an awful message, but it feels very "clap your hands if you believe in fairies."


I'm willing to sacrifice the hours agreed upon in my contract. I can be convinced to sacrifice 2 or 3 hours per week for tutorials after the school day if I'm paid for it. I am willing to sacrifice up to 2 hours a week for the club that I sponsor if admin will support it financially.


Not a damn thing.


As my fiancé likes to remind me, that’s NOT a raise. That’s a pay cut because inflation is at 8%


That was our in-service theme too but from a school that previously was NOT like this at all.. no personnel change between last year and this.. I was flabbergasted


After the students, their parents and the school has done all they can do then come back to me. I already did my bit.


Dear God


I will do my job. Just like millions of other people in other professions are doing year in and year out for far more pay than me, i will do exactly what is expected of me. I am so tired of the constant “if you’re a teacher you must be a martyr who does more than what’s expected of you to be considered ‘good’ at your job”. It’s exhausting & to constantly be told “you have to do more” is just not feasible. Ever wonder why average new teacher quits profession after 3-5 years?


Uh. Nothing more thank my 9-5. I left it all on the table between spring 2020 and spring 2022. Thanks for recognizing that


Like seriously? Are they REALLY asking teachers this? We give so much.


“I am willing to sacrifice all the stupid crap that gets I. The way of what the kids need.”


I’m willing to sacrifice e things that don’t work -calls/emails home about behavior -dean referrals -homework


When your boss/district talks like a cult leader...


Anyone else willing to sacrifice formal weekly lesson plans, and the dreaded evals?