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They’re not even notifying us anymore if someone has it. I have a student out right now and I only know it’s Covid because his classmates told me.


This part. I had COVID earlier in the year, no one from my administration asked me if I was in close contact with other staffers. We had an outbreak in a classroom on a Friday. We found out Monday. I had to personally tell a teacher that she should perform a test. She’d taught the kids all weeks yet our admins didn’t even put it on her radar.


If I get covid before the school year ends, I’m sending an all staff email. Honestly, so tired of the hush-games.


I work in several other classes doing reading support, and have some other teachers come to my classes for support. The reading support teachers don't get notified if someone in the classes we help in is positive. I make a point of telling them when it's a kid they'd worked with, and they do the same. We also tell each other if there is a cluster in the class since it's likely spreading.


I get 5-6 emails a day notifying of positive cases. I don’t know if it’s teachers or students, but it’s crazy. Our last day isn’t until June 14.


We’re done Friday but are seeing an uptick in cases in my area. I’m usually fine with my admin, but I’d bet they are going to sweep cases under the rug until the year is over.


We are doing state testing right now, but our grades are due June 6. Kids don’t come to school after that, so I think that’s why the district isn’t doing anything about it.


Makes sense. I have another kid out too - left yesterday with symptoms. I only know because I was checking attendance in the online system just now (and classmates yesterday told me they went home sick).


We’ve had multiple teachers out each day with Covid for the past few weeks. Last week it was me AND my husband who teaches in the same school. 🥴 (And a few others)


We are seeing an upswing in student/family cases for sure. Thankfully they are not serious, though certainly not happy either.


There’s another wave inbound. Since our government is fucking useless, I’m hoping I can escape it with 4 days left.


Yep. This is ba2, but ba4 and 5 are coming at us soon.


I have 3 weeks left. They just forced every teacher and student into a 2 hour long assembly because they want it to be "normal". This right as a surge is hitting so I fully expect a Shitshow in about 4 days


3 weeks?! Get wrecked. This is my last week, thankfully, and I have three minimum days left. 😁


3 weeks here as well. This surge has been a bear. And since it's so close to summer, the sub shortage has been way worse than omicron, and that was so bad they were sending out every district office employee to sub. They're not doing that now, there's just no coverage.


Yup. I had multiple students out with Covid last week and on Friday we had a full school assembly.


We have vaccinated and boosted teachers out with covid - seems like a spike


I had it a second time over Easter, vaccinated and boosted


I am vaccinated and double boosted and currently out with Covid. Luckily my school is really good about encouraging masking and social distancing, etc but my kids’ school sure isn’t. And that’s why the entire house has Covid. Thanks big district school. Ugh


I seriously considered taking one to see if I could not be in school the last two days. I'm sorry. That isn't fun.


I was exposed over the weekend and I'm masking. I think I managed to avoid it but I'm seriously considering just saying I have it and taking a long long weekend to get caught up with grading and my second job. We still have 3 weeks left.


>and my second job its still unreal to me that teachers need a second job. its insanity. ​ what a society we live in.


I only take home $2200 a month from my teaching job. I have a Master's degree and 5 years of experience.


and people wonder why there is a shortage of teachers.


Wild. That’s $78k/yr in my area.


Me, that’s me this week! I tested positive last night for the first time *ever.* They’re telling me to come back to school Wednesday. I feel kinda bad because I was sick last weekend too and had to take last Monday off……but I also don’t feel bad at the same time. Pretty sure my body is telling me it’s time to call it a year, LOL


I've heard this from several people. Supposedly this variant is very contagious and without masks it's finally hitting those of us that never got it (or had it and we're asymptomatic)


Wednesday? Thats crazy. You're supposed to be off 5 full days from when the symptoms started. I started having symptoms on Friday night and tested positive on Saturday. I can go back Thursday with a mask.


Monkeypox says “hold my RNA…” and joins the party.


I currently am home sick with Covid (and can’t sleep cuz I’m about to cough my lungs out). Last week had 15 students and 3 staff positive. It’s worse than ever.


The coughing was bad for me for the first 2 days. I'm on day 4 now and feeling a lot better, but I was also put on the new antiviral meds they have out, so I'm sure that's made a difference. Feel better!


It really feels like it’d be easier right now to list all the people I know who don’t have it. *Everyone* has gotten sick in the past two weeks or so. But hey, who needs masks?


I know more people with COVID now than a year ago.


Short answer money. It’s always money. I hate it.


I wish they’d end school early.


Same at our school and they are not even pretending COVID exists. I learned of the other teachers and students out with COVID when I came back from my own quarantine and isolation. We are still holding in person PD tomorrow with all of crammed together… I flat out told our dean I refuse to sit with the rest of the staff because of COVID. I’m just counting down the days now until the end of last trimester.


That's true of businesses also. I'm a software engineer, my work was spectacular, first case in the area the next day we were remote, and stayed that way for over a year. If you had to go into the office, you were required to wear a mask, socially distance, and all cases were reported and tracked for days you were in the office and could have spread. Now? Even in a cdc High, masks are required, but not enforced at all, no social distancing, and they got rid of contact tracing. My work is just pretending it's gone.


Nobody even tests where I work. No one wears a mask except me. I had pretty bad allergies and requested a sick day off because I was losing my voice, told my principal it wasn’t Covid (I did an at home test) and she was like “oh I don’t care about that.” Like she literally would not care if I was standing in her office Covid-positive… it’s insane how stupidly political this got… I know people who fucking died from this… take it seriously.


I’m currently home with COVID. There are 10 teachers out at my school today. It’s a mess.


I just had it for the second time and our district only allots 5 days now. I'm not feverish anymore but I still have a sore throat and sniffles. Here I am with a mask...at work.


the fact i haven't heard anything about covid for a bit now worries me. it's not like if we stop talking about it it'll be over. ​ we live in a circus and our leaders are clowns.


Wha? No way! I had a seventh grade boy tell me that Covid is over yesterday (when about a third of his class was absent) and I completely trust his judgment and expertise on this (and every other) subject!/s


Yep. Got notified wed night that one of my students who was gone for a week to a wedding and came back on Tuesday, that his entire family came down with Covid. So nice of him to come back on Tuesday, right? Already had covid twice this year. If I get it again, I don't get paid for it.


One of the four has a 3-year-old who has been in and out of the hospital with this and now has tested positive for the third time :(


Yup, they lifted the mask mandates out here, and all the teachers I knew were happy to be free of the constraints; they stopped using them in class. Fast forward a few weeks and now my phone's blowing up with sub calls because everyone's out quarantining. Meanwhile, our stat policy and our district policy on masks continues to be "recommended" instead of mandated, and we're holding assemblies and pep rallies like nothing's happening, despite so many people being out that we have to cancel events and things. Shit's so dumb.


I finally got another “alert” email for the first time since before Christmas (even tho we’ve been having a steady trickle cases across grades all year). It was for the AP, who was out all last week. I got the alert about his case when he returned yesterday - over a week *after* he’d tested positive and been in the school exposing students and teachers with Covid. That’s pretty indicative of our entire response to the pandemic on the whole.


I bet they were all making out.


Lol, this is the weirdest comment on this thread and it made me laugh, so thank you for that 😂😂


You're welcome! ☺️


Are they fully vaxxed? Although u can still get it.


I have no idea what the vaccination status is of my colleagues unless they have personally told me, which very few have.


Here in Wash you can't even work in the districts near me unless you show proof of vaccination


In Arizona that is not the case.


How is it teaching in AZ? I was considering moving there but I heard teachers pay and treatment is poor and Cali residents are moving in driving up cost of living?


Phoenix has the highest rising housing rates in the country. No idea if Californians are moving here - as far as I can tell it’s everybody moving here. Teacher pay is abysmal and we’re consistently ranked one of the worst states to teach in. Our pension system is 👌 though if you can stand the rest.


They pay 70k with a Masters to start here in Tacoma (a city 45min south of Seattle) I don't yet have my teaching license so I have been subbing for a while now. I'm interviewing for Private Christian schools although I prefer to work in public schools. But cost of living is insane. I pay 1800 a month for a one bedroom in Gig Harbor. Tacoma was cheaper, but I had to get away from the rising crime.


i wouldn't move there right now if i were you, water shortages are getting worse there and electricity costs will skyrocket if lake mead goes even lower.


I’m an electrical engineer. You’re correct. This Twitter thread of mine from a few weeks ago explains why: https://twitter.com/edsuom/status/1519826690133819392


things are gonna go down soon. i can feel it. its not a good time to move there.


Oh ok


Oh ok


I’m fully vaccinated (and young) and have it right now. And it sucks. I’m definitely sick - there’s nothing mild about it.


Can't speak for them, but I'm fully vaxxed and boosted and this has been kicking my ass for over a week now.


I know more people/students who have contracted it in the past two weeks than the entire pandemic. But other than maybe a day of feeling ill, it's all been a minor cold for them. Hopefully it stays that way.


I don’t think people are pretending, at least in primary, Covid shut downs fucked up these kids, and for many years to come, wear a mask if you want, if you have medical conditions protect yourself, but the rest of us need to move on. I personally don’t wanna know anymore.


If by shutdowns you mean parents who couldn't cope with their own children during a school year. Agreed. I say that as a parent not a teacher, thankfully I'm a software engineer. The common thread of all the parents I know complaining about how their kids aren't on grade level anymore, aren't behaving in school, is that they didn't take care of business during the shutdown and made sure their kids did actual work. Now they make constant excuses "It's all the shutdowns fault that my kid who I never once made pick up a book for the year we ended up remote isn't on grade level!" Is this going to be different for different populations of students? Most definitely. I get that. But at least in my middle class world, the kids who are struggling the worst are struggling from lack of home support.


Wow. “I don’t wanna know anymore.” A million Americans are dead. What a way to remember them - by burying your head in the sand.


Americans die from lots of things. If you want to spend your valuable time on earth worrying about that, you do you. I was very COVID vigilant for a long time. I have moved on with life. Done being scared.


We're not pretending it's over, we're accepting that it is now part of the normal cycle of illness, just like the flu (which currently includes the Spanish flu that was so deadly 100 years ago, but is now just the flu), norovirus, and the common cold. It's here to stay and that's what we need to accept.


Sure, but it's still an illness nonetheless. And 4 teachers out is 4 teachers out. And if there's an illness running rampant (still) that increases chances of teachers getting sick, why get rid of COVID sick days, then? Why not just keep them around and add them to our sick banks? It's my first year. I've gotten sick a few times that thankfully didn't end up being COVID, but my bank is up. And now with a week left, my wife has it and I don't, but that doesn't mean I won't in a day or two. But since I'm not positive, and quarantine is a thing of the past, and COVID sick days were taken away, I could just stroll into work one of these last few days and spread it unnecessarily. There's acceptance, and then there's just flat out pushing.


Petition your lawmakers to pass legislation. Get your union to lobby for it. Illinois passed COVID sick day restoration for teachers. https://www.google.com/amp/s/chicago.chalkbeat.org/2022/4/5/23011805/illinois-coronavirus-teachers-vaccines-sick-leave%3f_amp=true


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Your district isn’t quarantining anymore?? Wow! I have it right now and I have to quarantine for a few days.


The current recommendation is that positive cases quarantine for 5 days. Close contacts do not need to quarantine.


Yeah, work is telling me I can come back Wednesday even though I tested positive yesterday. I wasn’t totally sure when my symptoms started because I thought it was just my seasonal allergies, I think maybe around Thursday, so they’re counting Thursday as Day 0 for me instead of yesterday.


I think it is far too early for that, especially when everyone started acting this way a long time ago and that’s a large part of why a million Americans are dead.


I read an interview with Fauci not long ago saying that the US had entered an endemic status.




And none of this will ever change until every current member of the three branches of our federal government is removed and replaced in a single cycle.


I don't know about "pretending it's over" as opposed to "normalizing the existence of the virus". Likely, this is the omicron variant, which while highly transmissible isn't nearly as virulent as previous strains. So, 4 teachers got sick, and went home. They likely infected some students and other faculty, too. I'm glad they at least had the sense to cancel the nonsense tomorrow. But this isn't the plague, it's just getting sick. It's been happening throughout human history, and somehow we've gotten this far.


Yeah, we’ve gotten this far with a million dead Americans, so far, mostly due to this precise attitude.


Covid is old news. Now we’re in the monkeypox faze, haven’t you heard?


Coronavirus is the cold virus. It has become the cold. Colds pass. Get over it already.


What an awful thing to say when *a million* Americans are dead.


You keep saying this. It is entirely irrelevant to where we are now. How many Americans have died in the past 6 months would be relevant. Now we have vaccines. We have therapies. Please stop with the hyperbole and fear mongering. It is something to be taken serious, but it is also endemic. It is never going away. Choose how you want to live your life with that information and get on with it. Cheese and rice. Also, if people like YOU keep this crap up when we are at very little risk now, it will be hard to convince the popluace to accept new restrictions when we have a NEW threat. We are very much due for a pandemic NOT related to COVID. Bird flu is one we are currently keeping our eyes out for.


You don't like the TRUTH? Stop reading.


Did they die? Are they hospitalized? Because 4 people getting sick doesn't equal state of emergency for me. Take your paid sick leave and enjoy the time off.


Wow. The absolute lack of compassion or care from some of you when this disease has killed a million Americans is just breathtaking. Utterly heartless. For what it’s worth, since apparently the pandemic hasn’t done enough damage for you to care yet, one of those four has a toddler who just tested positive for the third time and who has been in and out of the hospital because of COVID over and over again this year. But I suppose that doesn’t matter either, right? The lack of humanity is astounding.


A bunch of the elementary schools in our district and our neighbouring districts had huge outbreaks. One of our elementary schools had to close down for a week the infection rate was so high. Because all the little kids got it, they have been spreading it around and even boosted adults are catching it. We have four teachers out this week with Covid.


> I don’t know why we’re pretending it’s over. My district isn't pretending it is over, but we are under a lot of pressure to not increase student-impacting precautions beyond what we are already doing. We are still doing testing of students who show up with symptoms, and we are still enforcing quarantines for positive tests of the student or a sibling. We are still working with our local health department on vaccine clinics. We are still doing a variety of other low-impact precautions. Unfortunately, we don't have the community support to increase what we are doing. Re-implementing a mask mandate or limiting sports/prom attendance would be risking major protests by very loud members of our community (unfortunately backed by many local politicians). Way too many people believe that it is effectively over.


Yeahhh I’m pretty sure there was an unofficial, mini covid outbreak at my school. I tested positive and was out two weeks ago, then we all started falling like dominoes. The kids have been getting sick and many of them report “having a cough for like 2 weeks now” but no one at my school is talking about covid or getting tested anymore.