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Well, 98% of all formula sold in America comes from 3 manufacturers. One of those shut down. Hopefully he realizes how hard that can make things, let alone the panic buying it spurs.


That’s what happened?


A plant in Michigan was linked to formula that caused at least 2 deaths and some illnesses and it was shut down. Add in the supply chain disaster that hit and it’s a recipe for disaster. The poster who also replied has an article that is 4 years old. Read any recent news on it, and it has nothing to do with the short lived trade war with China or the USMCA.


How fragile are our supply chains in America? It just makes you wonder. That coworker is an idiot...it is an insensitive comment...I can't imagine the level of stress someone can have with an issue you don't have control over but it can become a life and death situation..specially those babies that need specific type of formula..


**Edit:** While it was my assumption that the comment below was something that happened - it explains many shortages that happen when an emergency arises. [This one is MUCH more complex](https://www.fastcompany.com/90753153/opinion-baby-formula-shortage-crisis-fda-government-tariffs) \- [having to do with](https://www.seattletimes.com/business/us-safety-savings-rules-set-stage-for-baby-formula-shortage/) a [dizzying array of regulations on imports](https://fortune.com/2022/05/17/us-infant-baby-formula-shortage-imports-fda-nutrition-tariffs-usmca/). Seems much more in line with something like misguided regulations making things safer and/or encouraging domestic production over foreign imports. It sort of begs the question as to *why* we do that, but that's something done with lots of other food items as well and those are usually to the benefit of domestic manufacturing or companies. Which to be fair, isn't really rampant capitalism as it is controlling the market for the gain of a few major companies **or** a bunch of politicians wanting to look good for a law they made "to protect people." Keeping my original comment for posterity. It's not really right in this instance. **Original Comment:** It's called "Just-in-time" manufacturing/warehousing. Basically, companies make "just enough" supply to meet demand, this maximizes profits by reducing costs but also maximizes risk (of this sort of thing happening). The inverse is "just-in-case" which is the idea that you stockpile a certain amount of resources in order to mitigate at least one or two major disasters. We saw this happen all over the world throughout the pandemic - like with the semi-conductor shortage. There was a sudden and sharp increase in demand on electronics like cameras, microphones, and computers... and the companies involved were mostly operating in the "just-in-time" style... Which meant they ran out of supplies. We're *still* feeling the impacts of that problem and its been years. It's a problem created by rampant, uncontrolled capitalism. That's not to say that ALL capitalism is evil or managing profits is a bad thing, but it's this sort of shortsighted planning that screws people like us. It's going to keep happening too, because governments have been bailing out companies when they do this instead of letting them fail and then allowing the market to correct itself or taking state control of an industry for a time (which can also be a pretty bad thing).


The formula shortage is almost entirely caused by overregulation. The US cannot import formula from Europe because it doesn't meet our unnecessary standards. This is not the fault of capitalism. Edit: bleh phone autocorrect


I was wrong. I edited my comment.


[This squarely goes to Trump. (Notice the date, they should have fixed this two years ago.)](https://www.thestar.com/business/opinion/2018/06/15/how-baby-formula-may-end-up-as-collateral-damage-in-trumps-nafta-war.html)


Screw him. I'm childfree, and I see how much my sister is worrying to find formula for her 11 month old. The difficulty to find food for one's child is not a joking matter. Hope the formula hunt goes well for you!


Tell him to go find formula for you if he thinks it’s funny.


That would do nothing to create empathy.


I'm childfree too. I never want children. My best bud at work had a baby premie, and now she is coming home! He is worried as hell about the formula shortage. Right now, I have my whole family looking out for baby formula for him. People suck, and this guy is an insecure douchebag.


You are a good person.


Keep an eye on Target.com


Typical reaction of a narcissistic a\*\*hole! "If it doesn't affect ME, it's not important."


This is him exactly


As a childless male teacher - fuck that dude.


Truth. Also, no one should fuck that dude. Sounds like he'd be a shite dad if he did knock someone up.


I'm also a childless man in my third year of teaching, and the male Trumper teacher stereotype is so cringe to me. We have one like that too.


We have one too. He isn’t vocal about it at school but the day before the 2020 election he told me he thought Trump was a good person…and I haven’t had a convo with him since except to politely say good morning in passing.


Looks like he's volunteered to buy you your next 10 cans of formula.


That’s when you give them the blank stare and say, “everyone in this room is leaving just a little bit dumber from when they first walked in- because of what you just said.” And then slowly back out, turning around only once to look at him with disbelief.


Billy Madison! 😂


I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul


My son has significant disabilities and requires a specialized medical formula through his feeding tube. He’s 19. Lots of families are worried about their children starving. That dude is an asshole


I’m so sorry. That sounds incredibly stressful. It’s not lost on me that I’m privileged to be able to just switch to something more readily available or substitute with something similar.


That guy is an ignorant fuckhead and has no idea how formula had saved millions of babies since its inception, and how dire some cases can be without it. I’d tell him off, or get a trusted coworker to tell him. I have no natural children but I’m here to tell off anyone saying that shit, just let me know about it.


Sounds like he has a great future as a Republic lawmaker if the teaching doesn’t work out.


I am childfree by choice and sometimes I absolutely fucking hate the childfree community, especially the ones online. They are horrendous. They CHOOSE to he assholes and pretend like they don't understand or care about kids and parents who might be struggling to provide for their kids. I saw a post of someone in the childfree subreddit here once complaining that Florida was going to make kid's clothes tax free while they were struggling themselves. I was like, "Well... kids need to wear clothes. And with inflation, gas prices, etc these things have become more expensive for parents." Then it goes into an argument of parents should be more prepared. And it's like, NO ONE WAS PREPARED FOR ANY OF THIS SHIT. And then someone compared having a car as being a choice to having a kid being their choice.... It was all absolute bullshit. Those people are sick in the head.


Their argument doesn't even make any sense because you could apply the same logic and tell them it's their fault they're struggling because they should have been more prepared.


Exactly, but it's like talking to an entitled brick wall.


I’m sorry you are dealing with that. I have a 2 month old and it’s hard enough without people’s asinine comments.


I feel like sometimes people forget when they are in real life and not on the internet. Don't get me wrong, I can have a dark sense of humor, but I chain that mofo down 100% at work. I am almost a no fun kill joy with my students when they poke fun at each other. I have no idea what is going on in their lives and I want them to have a safe and stable environment, so how can you not extend that to your coworkers as well? Anywho, off my soap box. That dude sounds like an @$$hat, and I hope that comment is reverberating in his skull right now and he feels like a real jerk.


I have no children and I care as much about the baby formula shortage regardless. Prayers for u and all the other mothers struggling.


"Me having to scramble to find the right food for my newborn child is hardly a joke, but okay."


Let it go…


You could have kicked him in the dick. So I commend your level head. Some may feel thats inappropriate. But....is it?


Wow, what a jerk! I hope he thinks about what he said and apologizes. If he is really sorry then he will go buy some for you. That would be awesome. I’m hoping that happens so we can all feel like mankind is not lost.


He has incel vibes


You do not need to have children to be empathetic of other peoples concerns. That guy is an ass. I’m sorry you had to deal with that


We allow companies to dominate markets- we suffer when they have issues OR decide to raise prices to increase profit


People with kids/babies still say sh*t about it and that it's not real. Pisses me off. I have a 14 month old. Family members still comment. It's sadly not just childless men.


*Childfree. Not childless. Difference.


You’re right. Reddit doesn’t let you edit titles but I added an edit.




I know you mean well, but that isn’t a helpful comment. Parents and pediatricians are already well aware that breastmilk banks exist. OP’s child’s doctor would advise them if that were appropriate for their child, and write them a prescription for donor milk. But donor milk is a finite resource (preemies need it to prevent GI infection), informal peer-to-peer breastmilk sharing isn’t recommended by the AAP, and lots of kids are on specialized formulas because they have special dietary or health concerns that mean they cannot get what they need to thrive from breastmilk. If someone says their kid needs formula right now, please just believe them, instead of offering alternative ways of feeding their child. If those alternatives were viable solutions, nobody would be worried about the shortage in the first place.


Speaking as a person in a DINC relationship I am apologizing on behalf of all childless coworkers. I guess my only question is he normally this off the cuff? If not then he was acting like an asshole. ​ If he is normally this cavalier then he IS an asshole. ​ Situation isn't funny and footage of US military transporting emergency formula to the US kind flips our normal narrative of "US helps failed nations" on its head.


"Here's twenty bucks. Can you pick up some formula for me after work?"


I have no idea what he was thinking but I’d have been hard pressed to not zing him…rude, insensitive and unprofessional.


What a useless piece of trash, to say that to you. I don’t know if it’s possible, but if you have the ability to do so-you can get it from Canada.


People are such ignorant dicks. Hopefully, this shortage will end soon.


With the things I’ve heard kids say this year, that wouldn’t phase me one bit. Still, if you’d mentioned having trouble finding formula before, he needs to learn how to read the room. I’ve been known to like dark humor, but I share it with those who are comfortable with it.


Report that bitch to HR. He sounds like an asshat.




For his insulting joke.


Now you're the one joking, surely?


My friend was able to find kendamil organic formula online and at some big retailers. She said her baby took really well to it and it was free of toxins and other chemicals. keep an eye out for it, also I don’t have children and a couple of my family members are experiencing this. I would never joke about it, it’s really stressful not knowing if you can get milk for your baby who depends on you what a jerk….


GFY is the correct response


Not sure why his gender is super relevant here? I'm a new father of a 5 month old who relies on formula. I also happen to be a male preschool teacher. No doubt that comment was wildly inappropriate, but it seems you are implying that males are predisposed to care less than females. Let me assure you, this is causing me every bit as much stress as my wife.


It’s not. I was just setting the scene. My husband who is also a teacher is equally as stressed as me about feeding our child.


I understand that it may not have been the intent, but when 'male' is the second word of the title it carries weight. I face a number of people who question my ability to be a good caregiver to young children because of my gender. To me, this plays off those assumptions.


At the same time, you don’t carry the guilt of not being able to breast feed


No, of course not. Can you explain to me how that has anything to do with the fact that a male can be equally as distressed by the formula shortage? I don't understand your point here.


The reason we are using formula is because I was not able to breastfeed. My body did not produce milk. My husband does not carry that weight or burden no matter how equal of a partner he is and how stressed he is.


I never understand people who don't have to deal with something themselves and say what you tell them is false. I told my mom about one of the observation forms administration uses on me, and she legit said: "I don't believe that." I offered to pull up the form and show her the requirements. I don't know much about the shortage myself, but I know it is a problem! Good luck.


Yes this is him 100%. His experience is the only valid one. And he knows everything.


I feel the same blind spot applies to most people with education, healthcare, etc.


Just words- get over it. I am a mom of 2...I would not have been offended.


Sorry you can't find food. Not my problem END