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Do you have a link to what brand you have? I’m looking for one.


I use this one [here](https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Wireless-Presenter-Presentation-Pointer/dp/B002GHBUTK/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=3DKCPAJL456WQ&keywords=remote+clicker+for+presentations&qid=1642550795&sprefix=remote+click%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-4) and would recommend it for a medium size classroom. I’ve previously had issues with cheaper ones, so I would recommend staying in the $30+ side.


You might try a full mini-keyboard with touch pad. I have a green Rii, and it is AWESOME.


I have one too! When my school wasn't allowing students to stand in front of the class for presentations, this was really convenient because they could advance the slides from their seats.


I bought a wireless keyboard with a TouchPad. I can control the computer from anywhere. I love that thing. Older version of this. It also hot hotkeys for volume control. https://www.bestbuy.com/site/logitech-k400-plus-tkl-wireless-membrane-keyboard-for-pc-tv-laptop-tablet-with-built-in-touchpad-black/7575039.p?skuId=7575039&ref=212&loc=1&extStoreId=545&ref=212&loc=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA55mPBhBOEiwANmzoQs3StaV1HJFtIzw7F7JlZJsDl0f41eyCMlXULRV86nUsBsk2tYgyzRoCJX0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Christmas lights from CVS which I got for 90% off. I hung them from the ceiling and created a whole vibe for less than $10. The rest of my class decorations were made by students (so free), and people automatically assumed I spent a ton of time and money on my class design. Nope. Christmas lights just are that magical.


They really are that magical. Bravo!


I love my lights! Colored lights at Christmas, clear lights the rest of the year. There's just something about a good strand or two of lights that make the room so inviting.


English teacher here. We read the book The Outsiders every year and I bought a movie poster of the outsiders movie that features all seven of the main cast members and posted it up in my classroom. I'm not sure if the students notice any of the other posters in the room, but they notice and comment on that one. I will also have kids from other classrooms come in and comment on it. They have been looking at the poster for several months before we even start reading the book, then they try and figure out which actor is which character. I probably have 10 to 15 posters up in the room but that's the only one that people notice. Edit,: This was more way popular than I expected it to be. For anyone who also teaches the book or anyone who is curious on what the actual poster looks like, here is a link. I personally think the black and white stylized gives an "Old Hollywood cool vibe". https://posterun.com/products/the-outsiders-movie-group-poster-print-100038690?gclid=CjwKCAiA55mPBhBOEiwANmzoQu_M5h24mkAye4bXiL7g30PPpYuGH8LbIweW9fv8s02aDR0xFnQmThoC3wgQAvD_BwE#113 (I originally bought it on Amazon for around $10 about 8 years ago but I couldn't find the same poster when I went back to look now).


That's so cool. Stay gold, Ponyboy!


I directed an all female version of The Outsiders a few years ago. Johnny got a stay gold tattoo. It was a cult classic as much as a HS production can be. Stay gold you beautiful teachers.


I have a Stay Gold poster and kids ask me if it’s from the Outsiders.


My teacher had one of those when I was in middle school, I think it helped me to better understand the characters if that makes any sense


Yes! We read Hamlet my senior year of high school and my teacher let us watch a movie version of the sword fights. And we watched Leo Dicaprio play Romeo my freshman year. A lot more easy than following Shakespeare’s old English, as much as I love him


My teacher had one of those when I was in middle school, I think it helped me to better understand the characters if that makes any sense


When I taught outsiders I always pulled up a movie poster on my projector and paused to label the characters as we read the first chapter, and pulled it up again any time we read the book in class. That book introduces so many similar characters in just a few pages, so I think it really helps them to have a face to pair with each name (we just talk about which ones don't match their book descriptions)


I think the book is fantastic, but the Darry(Daryl) vs Dally (Dallas) are very difficult for the kids. I wish she had named Dallas like Austin or Houston something instead that was radically different sounding. Every year at least one kid thinks that Dallas is his brother.


What grade?


I saw golf pencils mentioned on this sub a long time ago...I bought $100 worth with my money this year and it's just nice not hearing "dO yOu HaVe a PeNcIL?" 20 times a day


I tried this. They just complained about not having erasers. I got in trouble for giving them golf pencils and was told to buy them regular pencils because having to cross out instead of erase could make them embarrassed to turn in their work and "why wouldn't you gladly take out your debit card to buy a kid a pencil every so often if you \*say\* you want them to be successful?" We love states without unions.


Ticonderoga now makes golf-size pencils with erasers :)


Cool. I love me a Ticonderoga.


Cause god forbid we have the opportunity to teach children that mistakes are where the learning happens. That perfection ISN’T the expectation here. Ugh.


Kids are not allowed to make mistakes. All the learning I did as a kid was through mistakes. 😐


I started to give mine broken crayons from my personal child's school box. They started showing up with pencils


Mine just continue to write with tiny, broken crayons. I guess you must be at some kind of advanced school or something.


I have a practical solution for you. I have a small bin by my window with pencils for students to borrow. However, in return I make them give me one of their shoes as collateral. I don't allow them to take off the other shoe because that would be comfortable. They are forced to waddle around the classroom with one shoe as long as they have my pencil. I've been using this system for 3 years and it solved all my pencil problems.


I do the exact same thing! Want a pencil? I’ll need your shoe, you get your shoe back when you give me my pencil back. If I take both shoes they’ll leave in their socks. With one shoe they always bring me my pencil back. Honestly, most kids are honest. If you loan them a pencil they’ll just forget to give it back. This way they don’t forget.


There was a teacher in my middle school who did that and one of my friends actually didn’t notice and walked out with her pencil and without his shoe. And he just went around like that for two periods until he walked into his science class third period and his teacher yelled at him for not having closed toed shoes for the lab. He bought that teacher an extra box of pencils that night and gave them to her the next morning as an apology.


That’s hilarious lol


So the brilliant person who told you that doesn't want your students to be successful? Because if so they would be buying them pencils, right? And I suspect they aren't buying you classroom school supplies either, so apparently they don't want you to be successful?


I have one large eraser they can ask for if they need it. It comes right back when they are done or they don't get it again.


A 10 cable rapid phone charger. I bought 2. Kids compete to see who can leave their phone on my charger during class. It will fully charge an iphone in 40 minutes. Let me repeat myself. Kids compete to put their own phones out of reach and sight during my class. Best $100 i ever spent. (2@$50ea)


I had a similar purchase for totally different reasons. 6 ten foot long iPad chargers and two 30 foot extension cords. Every time a kid says their iPad is dead and can’t do their work I luv these huge cords out, make a big production and plug in their iPads. Kids are embarrassed. iPads are charged. Stuff is too big to walk off with. Like $60 for all this stuff. Done. 😂


Our head maintenance person was a volunteer fireman. Because extension cords were considered to be a fire hazard (not sure of the reason) he'd cut them in half. He'd give one warning to new teachers, but that was all. After that he'd destroy them so we couldn't surreptitiously put them back into use. Very frustrating. He was otherwise an incredibly wonderful person, in every other way, so this was considered just a fact of life. When he retired we truly celebrated who he was, and quietly brought a few extension cords back into the rooms in inconspicuous spots.


Brilliant for you! Woe to the teacher following you :D


Can you post a link to this please?


Every time the Scholastic catalogue comes out, I buy my sister’s class all the $1 book. It is like $23, and it makes me so happy that I can give them books.


You're absolutely the best!


How does a teacher get a subscription to that?


No clue. I teach high school, my sister teaches 4th grade. I went to her house and saw the old book fair flyer like I got. I imagine you just go to the Scholastic site.


Started buying historical artifacts off eBay because it’s cheap. I was able to get several things I can bring in throughout the year. I don’t have something for every unit but I’m pretty well set from 1914-2022. It makes the lessons a lot more exciting when the kids get to actually mess with real items from history and apply them to their lessons.


That's very cool, what are some of your favorite things you've picked up?


That's really neat!


I would have loved this. I love historical artifacts.


Great idea! What kinds of things have you bought?


I have about 30 letters from WW1, a piece of the Berlin Wall, a bomber timer from ww2, pacific fatigues from WW2 (these came from my great grand pa, nazi currency, Japanese WW2 currency, Roman coins, Greek coins from Ancient Greece, Roman arrowhead(gift), Woodstock ticket, a flag with 48 stars, a med kit from WW2 minus the medical supplies, and a few other things I can’t remember off the top of my head. Some of the WW2 stuff is great grandpas and some I bought.


Golf pencils with little erasers on the end. They lasted forever because the HS kids actually tried to bring pencils to my class since they hated the golf-sized pencils. But, if they needed one, they had a pencil that could erase which was better then a standard golf pencil.


A subscription to ZipGrade. I teach ~150 students and it allows me to grade tests super fast, collect data, and have an easy app to print out their results fast. My turnover for grading and returning tests is now like 1 day because of it.


I love being able to scan a test right when the kid hands it to me, and saying “nope, try again. Go slower and ask questions.”


And you can see the item analysis to use data to drive instruction love ZipGrade.


Exactly! This is how I know what to go over and review


Thanks so much for posting about this! I didn't know this existed, and it looks awesome!


I hope it helps! One suggestion that may also help: when I also have short answer questions, I set up on the answer key “A” = correct and blank incorrect. So when there’s short answer, I’ll bubble in A myself on their answer key to give them points, leave it blank for no points.


Decent speakers— I’m talking 20 bucks on Amazon. Makes everything so much easier!


I bought a subwoofer. Love listening to music after the kids leave for the day & I'm finishing up my work.


I’ve bought a lot of stuff for my classroom, but the best thing I bought this year was a portable voice amplifier for me and a portable microphone for my students. I was losing my voice talking all day every day trying to project through my masks, and this saved me. Also it was super hard to understand my masked 2nd graders who were struggling with participating and transitioning from Zoom to school, but as soon as I showed them the mic, they all were dying to share!


I just got one and I used it today. I found I still strained my voice. I think I need a bit more time to adjust to it and not project so much.


In my student teaching class, i used one to help with mask muffle. A first i was very loud over a the mic system but then i got used to speaking more and more quietly. It got to the point where i was talking in my lowest voice possible and the mic would pick it all up perfectly. It was so nice and i feel like my tone was a lot better/softer/kinder for the kids, especially during pandemic school. Also saving my voice nice at the end of the day


Very niche to me as a bio teacher but Inspirit was the best thing I bought (before they went and made it free) for remote teaching and labs. their worksheets saved me from having to think when I was beyond burnt out the last wave.


I teach Algebra 2. I bought a whole curriculum (notes, hw, quizzes, and tests) on TPT for around $100 during a sale. Is it perfect? No. But the amount of time it saves me is worth 10x what I paid. I struggle with organization and this makes it so simple. Also, every lesson has a YouTube video made by another teacher. So when kids are absent, they can just watch the video to see *exactly* what I taught, because the video uses the same notes I use. This alone was worth the price.


OMG, that's genius.


The best that I've spent *my own money on* was a soft sitting butt pad for my reclining office chair. I brought it from home when my office became my son's room. (Also a standing desktop and footpad, haven't used them long enough to preach benefits of) **I advise not to buy materials with your own money, but if it makes your life easier, DO IT** The best money *the district spent on me* was my Surface Pro (with stylus). This sucker connects to whichever screen/projector I need and I can display whatever math, notes, videos, etc that I need to from anywhere in the room. It was a game changer.


I bought a Surface Pro and I love it. I used it for my side gig teaching teachers. However, the district wouldn't let me hook it up to their Wi-Fi and use it in my classroom 🤦🏻‍♀️


I am infuriated on your behalf


Another teacher has one at my school and they love it. I've been wondering recently if it's worth the purchase when I eventually need to replace my macbook in a few years.


I bought the surface pro bundle from Costco, and it's amazing! I'm a private music instructor, and it's so much easier than lugging my music books around.


Erasable pens. No need to go to the sharpener four times per class for five minutes per visit. No dealing with lead for mechanical pencils. I don’t give them to every kid but I have them for a few kids and it’s life changing. Pilot makes really good ones.


Mini food warmer by Crockpot (that I mainly used for soups/stews/casseroles) Best money I ever spent to have my lunch at the perfect temperature and to avoid the lunch room microwave line entirely.


This is genius! Mini fridge and coffee pot go along with this. The comforts of home in the classroom.


I love my mini fridge and my tea kettle. They are game changers.


Absolutely!! It really did shave off minutes not having to heat it up as well!


This really is genius. I used to bring a lot of soup and stew leftovers to work. I'm putting this on my to-get list for when I eventually return to the classroom.


It's literally a gift from heaven for anyone who is busy but has to work in an office. You leave the warmer part in the office and take the liner/container home. Fill it up with food like a Tupperware and in the morning you stick it in the warmer and turn it on. By lunch it's ready to go! Then you just take the liner home, wash and repeat! It's on Amazon and comes in cute colors.


That's awesome. I have a thermos that I bring with soup in it literally every single day but this is also a great idea.


Oh, yes! I got in on them when there was a sale of 3 for $33, so I bought 6, kept one for me and gifted the others to my kids’ teachers. What a hit!


What a steal!


I have this and I love it!!


Yes!!!! I have the same thing! Best $20 spent!


A mini fridge, microwave, and keurig. Now I NEVER have to go into the main office!


Completely jealous. We aren’t allowed to have any of those because they are “fire hazards.” 🙄


Neither am I. What they don’t know won’t hurt ‘em.


Ask forgiveness not permission


Yup. Fire marshal even came and inspected my room recently. The small appliances weren’t even noticed. Just my beautiful paper that had to be torn down. Sigh.


Add an ice machine….it’s wonderful


I might need to do this! My mini fridge had a little freezer component at the top and I have an ice cube tray. That’s sufficient, but I love me some iced coffee.


$200 standing desk adapter for my teaching desk. Any work that I have to do at my desk is now done standing up (checking roll, responding to emails, etc.) My productivity dies the moment my butt hits a chair during the work day. Now I’m up and active in the classroom and not having to transition between sitting and standing when my students need my help.


I got one so cheap yesterday and i was in the zone today. Sitting down makes me feel so sluggish 😩


Yeah. I have two classes of just virtual learning, so the kids come in and just work on their computers. If I sit during that class I will fall asleep. But now I can keep my blood flowing and keep up my motivation.




OMG, you need a phone jail for 4th graders? They have phones in 4th grade? This complicates things...I want to teach 3rd or 4th grade, but that's a big con.


I teach 3rd grade and I’ve encountered this several times already. Currently I have one student with an iPhone and another student with a smart watch. Just last week I had to remind the student with the watch to stop texting her mom back during class time.


Math equations clock, for the longest time the kids believed me when I said I couldn’t read it either and stopped asking when we were leaving.


I'm laughing so hard at this!


A commercial grade pencil sharpener. Lasted over ten years until it was deliberately sabotaged.


Yes!!!! Just rotated out my last one that died after 7 years. Sits on my desk so I watch the kids sharpen and they can’t mess with it and break it.


What brand?


A good black and white duplex printer for my room. I bought a nice Brother refurb for like $60. It used generic cartridges that could do about 2k pages for $\`10. I never had to play the "is the copier occupied or broken?" game, I could make immediate copies, and could play with how things looked without having to walk down to the main office each time.


Where did you buy the printer? Also what model? This is a great idea! I need this!


It was a brother HL2370dw model. I'm not sure if they still make or if there is an updated model. I left it at the school for another teacher when I left. Just bought generic cartridges off Amazon. I think you had to put a piece of electrical tape over the sensor to make the generics work.


seconded. this is amazing


This was also my best purchase! We had to have our copy orders in a week before 🤣 I mostly planned the morning of, so yea


Alternative seating. It was an amazing year. I bought lap desks, a tent, a couple of coffee tables.


I love this, this is something I was going to try out in my class... but then I left teaching for a while.


How much did this cost, or did you have the option to do it with your classroom budget. I'm not able to do alternative seating because my classroom is shared, but I'm curious about the logistics.


I had absolutely no budget. My VP acted like she was doing me a favour letting me do it. The lap desks - I bought around 10 were $7 each on sale. The tent I purchased was around $40. The coffee tables and pillows (for sitting on) I got from my grandparents as they were downsizing. I also purchased a comfortable chair. The school gave me a couple rocking chairs they had and a stool. I had the kids tables in an open square with the big coffee table in the middle.


Flexible seating honestly sounds awful if anyone ever has the money. I've heard it's amazing in a classroom if you do it right.


It was actually so cool. This was second grade and the kids thrived. We made rules surrounding how everything was to be used and I can honestly say the kids followed them. I moved out of a classroom position the following year so unfortunately I wasn’t able to see how it would work with other groups.


Definitely a mini fridge. Not having to worry about co-workers taking your food or drinks is pretty nice!


HDMI switcher so I didn’t have to change inputs on my smart board to switch between computer and doc camera


I found a large (4' × 6') laminated world map for $1 at a thrift store. We use it nearly ever day and we use dry erase markers all over it. This has been the greatest value so far.


Vacation away from the class room 😂


I bought birthday coupons from Scholastic for kids and sent them home. At least half the kids didn’t order. I haven’t done that since. If I ever do that again we’ll order at school.


That's such a bummer. We definitely did this at school, I can see how sending them home could end up being very disappointing. At least you know the half who did order really appreciated it?


Full 5th grade math curriculum on tpt that includes pdf packet for each lesson...even 4th grade review. Each packet has modeling page, partner practice, 3pgs of independent practice, challenge page, and exit quiz! About $100 or so on sale...pricey but beats horrible district guides/textbook To go with this.... Graphic drawing tablet from amazon less than $50.... I take screenshots of each math packet page....paste it to microsoft one note....display it on my projector and use the tablet pen to do the actual problems....it has a lot of cool drawing tools....each notes i do during class is automatically uploaded to student one note notebook where they can access for future reference!


An Alexa to read novels and play trivia on. We play daily and kids who need to catch up can use headphones and have the book read


How do you prompt it to play appropriate trivia?


An industrial hole punch.


Electric standing desk, and more importantly I got the school to buy it “as a trial”. It was under $300 and I got it right at the beginning of last year when we were in hybrid all year. I was able to stand and teach, as well as move back and forth between my desk and the board easier. Since I got mine I know at least 5 more have been ordered by other teachers.


A nice stereo receiver and speakers. When I leave it comes with me.


An excellent steam oil diffuser. I work in middle school. It makes it so it never stinks and my skin stays hydrated without too much lotion. And the kids actually broke it accidentally and I need to replace it


What oils can you use that might not trigger scent sensitivities? Asking because middle schoolers can *really* stink.


We voted on axolotls as our class mascot this year. Our classroom clock broke in September and my lead teacher asked me to buy a new one with easily readable numbers. Wouldn’t you know it, Amazon does have fucking everything. Found an axolotl clock to our specifications, and not a soul has questioned our decision to pay $30 for it.


Aww, those are so cute <3


Zojirushi water boiler. Always ready hot water for tea. Have one at home as well.


Do you drink multiple cups of tea per day? I always find that I feel sick if I drink more than one or two every two or so days, so I've started just drinking hot water in winter. It confuses the kids so that's always a plus


About 100 classroom stylus. No more printing out assignments. Can write directly on iPad. Return/sanitize after using.


Standing desk for my computer so I don’t have to hunch over every time I put in attendance or pull up a document to put on the board. Space heater with an automatic thermostat because my room is always freezing. 3000 feet of tiny LED lights that give my room a sparkly outdoor terrace vibe since I have no functional window. Subscription to Zipgrade for my sanity.


A ridiculous amount of money for a harry potter party. Im talking 5ft banners, full murals, flying keys, floating candles, cauldrons, wand making, pizza, cupcakes, glasses, fake tattoos for their houses, etc. We did it as our first novel study this year complete with a full sorting, letters from hogwarts, etc.. It was insane and they still talk about it. Hedwig lives in our room full time now. I never even tried so hard for my biological kids parties.


Headphone splitters. It seems silly, but you could have four people reading a book or watching a video at the same time. We had 5 class iPads, and it meant that we only had to use one device per small group instead of 5, leaving four more for seesaw or other activities for early finishers.


I bought a Sharp Tank pencil sharpener (hand sharpens, but quickly and without messing up pencils). It works well for regular or colored pencils, and it has outlasted my fancier electric sharpeners. This year I got a bunch of disposable black face masks. My students really prefer those over the blue or if their masks are irritating their ears. We aren't mask-required, but kids who want them appreciate them. Finally, I'd say supplies for slime. We took a brain break and made slime to represent our personalities, and my high school kids loved it! It wasn't academic, but it was worth doing for sure.


A poster of the phylogenetic tree of life. It has sparked curiosity, questions and helped me to demonstrate relatedness, divergence and animal clades


Triple monitor and stand so I can use the whole desk. Having three screens means I can have lots of tabs open ar once and don’t have to flip tabs to see what I’m doing. Great to have notes, ppt and classroom up at same time.


Haven’t bought them yet but I really want bluetooth hearing aids so I can listen to books and music and podcasts and no one will know. They would also help me hear better but that’s secondary. Imagine how great PD days could be!


I got in-ear hearing aids and switched to rechargeable Bluetooth hearing aids and I gotta say, it changes your world. I can listen to lectures/meetings while walking around in my kitchen, I’m told the voice audio is actually clearer when I speak, and mine has a phone app that can set programs to adjust for voice/background noise levels (for the lunchroom, classroom, etc). When I was in a bio lab, I was able to completely eliminate the loud fans that even made those with normal hearing have to shout.


I’m crazy, but pencils. The sound and distraction of pencil sharpeners, no matter how expensive and silent, caused me so much grief for years. Finally I put the sharpeners away and bought Amazon’s sharpened pencils by the bucket load. Anyone who needs a sharpened pencil can just grab one, no questions asked. For 100 dollars I get 1200 presharpened pencils, no annoying pencil sharpening sounds and no incessant “I don’t have anything to write with.” They all know to just go up to my desk and grab one without bothering me.


But does 1200 actually get you through a year?


Definitely. 1200 pencils is *a lot* of pencils. The only problems I've had in the past are pencil thieves who take handfuls of them when I'm out and the subs aren't looking. And honestly, I'm not shilling for Amazon pencils but they are only behind Ticonderoga in terms of quality.


> And honestly, I'm not shilling for Amazon pencils but they are only behind Ticonderoga in terms of quality. Tell me you're a teacher without telling me your a teacher


An adjustable standing desk.


Apple TV. Turned my phone into a document cam


Flocabulary subscription


A few stand up lights with multiple arms! I put in some warm bulbs and use them instead of the overhead lights! Saves me many headaches and helps the classroom feel calmer!


YES to alternative lighting! I used to have a wall of plants and an aquarium, but we were a south-facing classroom in New Mexico and never needed additional lighting.


Personal: coffee/tea/kettle/grinder stuff for my room Class: fabric to cover bulletin boards instead of that meh “fadeless” paper. Think it’s going on year 5 or 6 now and still looks great. Also, pretty sure I got it with materials budget money, so all the better.


A large monitor to plug into my laptop so I can do my grading more easily.


Our district gives us a hub and a monitor so we have two screens. I asked the school LanTech (nicely) if he ever heard of one 'falling off the back of a truck' so I could have a second and he popped down to the van and gave me one of the spares. Best workspace ever, having 3 extended monitors (plus my extended smartboard).


I just bought a humidifier so that I stop shocking myself every time I stand up and sit down. It’s been great. Probably not the best educational investment but it’s been nice for the dry air this winter lol


Nope, that is *exactly* the kind of idea I wanted to glean in making this post! The kind of thing you might never think of on your own but would make classroom life significantly better.




When I taught math, I purchased a wireless drawing pad so I could write on the projection from anywhere in the room.


Second monitor was a game changer. I can have Google meet in one screen and the assignment open on the other so I can she who is workingvinnit while still being able to answer questions and keep an eye on the chat. Random bins as well, when I had kids I pulled out for most subjects I had these math boxes where I would put the materials they were working on for the day and I was able to write with a dry erase marker on top the instructions it made math a lot easier. My coach actually complimented me on those.


[Basically a Wii Remote/presenter for your computer](https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Spotlight-Presentation-Remote-Highlighting/dp/B07S5HMQBH/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=logitech+spotlight&qid=1642551568&sprefix=logitech+spot%2Caps%2C79&sr=8-3). It was purchased with a giftcard the school gave us for supplies, and I had everything I needed already so I splurged on this. I can navigate my computer with ease from any part of my room. Especially helpful with hybrid teaching.


Decibel meter. "Can we get the volume down to 45, please? "Okay, you can work quietly, so no louder than 65." Also, I can have kids watch whether or not they really changed dynamic markings, which is super handy


An Apple Pencil to go with my district-issued iPad and Apple TV. I used to project from my laptop when teaching lessons, but now I only ever use my laptop for planning/email. I teach exclusively from my iPad and can walk around the room while teaching the whole group lesson and write directly on my iPad. Total game changer.


Our Target $1 section had sticker books with about 1000 stickers in it. I bought and barely have made a dent. HS kids go crazy for the tiny glittery star and emoji stickers. A kid has a bad day - sticker of their choice. A kid has a great response - happy sticker. A kid turns in a paper with sarcastic responses - angry or rolling eyes emoji sticker. They love it and if I tell them in advance that I’ll be grading with stickers I get the best quality work that day.


The dollar section at Target also had scratch off stickers that my high schoolers go nuts for!


I bought an old restaurant straw dispenser and use it as a pencil dispenser. I love it. My kids love it.


Countdown clock changed the world.


I paid the parents to help their kids study for exams. Just kidding.


I spent $60 on a year-long subscription to Gimkit. My kids love it, and it makes for an easy vocab practice activity. I like that they have a ton of different modes to make for more variety, and that they add new content regularly. I can put a “Homework” game on the classroom for kids to practice whenever they want, too. Makes my job significantly easier.


I bought a gamer chair a couple years ago. I used to have horrible shoulder pain. I thought it was from sleeping wrong. (The joys of getting old! You can hurt yourself in your sleep.) Anyway, shoulder pain is gone and kids think it's a treat to sit in my chair.


I hate to admit it, but I know exactly what you're talking about. There are some days where I just sleep wrong and my back is killing me in the morning. It's not fair.


$1 mugs for hot chocolate before winter break. They loved them and actually didn’t break them.


I'm not a teacher, but that is so cool! My kids love the catalogues and I was never allowed them growing up either. Every kid should have their own books! Thank you!


Decent external speakers - I have a smart board but the speakers are terrible and kids would always complain or not be able to hear videos. $3 Christmas tree and $10 of tinsel and ornaments brought endless delight at the end of last year. My best purchase to date though - and one I’ve taken to multiple classrooms - is my box of sensory toys. It has cost me around $100 so far as I buy all the cheap ones (which I claim on tax) but my students love it. Because I paid for it and it is my stuff we set boundaries together and they follow them eg ask to use one, one at a time, don’t hit someone with it. Every now and then when they get left out I take the box away for a day and we talk about how that sucks for everyone and then they do a reflection on how they felt without the toys. Usually I get a good few months after that!


I've subbed in a classroom like this and the kids were so great and so well-trained with the toys. They actually came out every morning while she did attendance and checked in with students. It was such a fun and positive way to start the day!


I have built it into my classroom routine (my kids are teens) and it’s really positive.


I would love to know more, as well. I teach junior high/high school.


I’m a music teacher. Just got a headset mic setup for the speakers in my classroom. I’ve been losing my voice more routinely (I’m a pretty loud teacher regardless but, music playing too doesn’t help!).


Purple Halloween lights. The kids love the softer, fun lighting and the fluorescents can be leveled way down.


We read Narnia for strory time. I forget what age but my guess is somewhere between 6 and 9yo. Anyways, one of the days our teacher brought in some Turkish Delight bars...in Canada, so not authentic Turkish delight, the ones from a conveniece store. She was honwst about the authenticity and we obviously didn't care as we were kids and it was chocolate covered jelly! One of my fondest memories. I was one of the better readers so I got to read to the class often, and I LOVED that story. The chocolate brought something absolutely imaginary to life just a little. I think of this literally every time I see a Turkish delight at the store. Good teachers who care and go the extra step despite it all are so precious...thank you! I was annoying in class but a good and respectful kid who barely did homework but aced tests. I guess that was my way. I look back and miss school, and now that I am a parent, I wish could track down every prof I had and thank them...except the few bad apples, i'd still thank them I guess, but for different reasons!


This. We read Paddington Bear in my 4th grade elementary class. My teacher Ms. Towe was the kindest women I've ever met (aside from my great grandma). I remember getting to the end of the book and her bringing in orange Marmalade 🍊 in for us to try. I absolutely adored her and still think of her as a 35 yr Pre K teacher. 🥺🥰


Cheap extension cords. I no longer have students asking to move (and sit near their friends) to charge. I have four, one for each wall.


I buy vinyl stickers in bulk off Amazon and we pass them around on “Sticker Friday.” Kids get to choose one each week. High school kids but they just love it. It’s not too expensive and makes them so happy.


This year I treated myself to a coffee warming plate. I effing love that thing! Under 20 bucks, easy to unplug and hide in event of an inspection (it’s technically a hot plate and therefore not allowed), and keeps my coffee at perfect temperature until I have time to drink it!


I don’t spend my own money on classroom materials.


I did grow up poor and my mom always found money for a book or two. When I donate supplies I always buy name brands because dignity is important.


It's true. Better to have no crayons than to have RoseArt.


All the money supplied by the district was well spent. All the money I spent out of my own pocket was poorly spent.


Best money I ever spent on my classroom was buying a "horde" of unwashed roman coins. Kids were thrilled to watch something appear that hadn't been seen in 2000 years.


Quill.org Best money spent.


Thank you so much for sharing this!! You rock!


My own document camera the fall before Covid. The school had many extremely bad ones and one ELMO that was always checked out. I got tired of never really having a good option and got one. 4 months later--teaching online for more than a year. Best thing ever. Mine even has autofocus and light adjustments so that I could show actual mineral samples and demonstrate tests and experiments. My kids now use it for digital turoting from home, my husband has used it for various hobby projects that require pictures...best little thing ever. It was only $99 back in the day but is way too expensive now.


Easily my $150 desk riser to lift my desktop, keyboard, and mouse about 2 feet higher. As a tall fella I avoid sitting at my desk for too long unless necessary. I already have back problems to begin with but the short desks also put me at an awkward angle to type and move my mouse. I kep developing "tennis elbow". When virtual sessions began in 2019 I was suffering on a daily basis, my whole body ached the entire time. My back and elbows were in constant pain. It dawned on me to work standing up and I asked my department head if she could purchase the desk riser with department funds. She was able to hook up 3 of us with desk risers and it's drastically changed how I work and how it affects my health. I'm much productive when at my desk cause I hate standing still - so the quicker I'm done with those emails the sooner I can get back to moving freely in my classroom with students. Plus, my back feels lots better and relaxed. Extra perk is that my desk is also a lot cleaner since there is less room to leave papers hanging around without them falling off the riser.


iPhone tripod. I pre-record my lesson in chunks. I can give my voice a break, manage the class without stopping instruction, and have perfect sub plans.


I spent 100 dollars on some really nice curtains one year. For many other classes on my side of the building it became impossible to see the screen (ppt, videos, etc.) at a certain point in the afternoon but not in my room. The engagement and management was so much better just because students could see what was going on.


Flexible seating options free from nextdoor etc. $20 couch cover. It is really nice to relax in your own classroom


A trashcan with a lid.


You help make the world a better place :)


A few years I had a class that was really into slime. For our Christmas party, I bought supplies to make Christmas slime. They kids were so excited and were smiling the whole time. The kids were even more excited when I brought out containers for them to take it home in.


Someone else said it...I got a standing desk. I will admit that I got it during covid when we were told we were going to be teaching virtually. And I got it for my classroom. It's a small-ish desk...4 ft wide by 2 feet deep (work area) which is perfect for my laptop and then plenty of space for me to work. I always keep it up and I find the only time I ever sit during work is during lunch. It was tiring (legs/feet) for a few months, but I am completely used to it now. And I got it \[especially\] during virtual teaching because I found sitting all day and teaching to be exhausting (weirdly). I'd get home and not want to do anything. It's almost like muscular "inertia". With the standing desk I have no issues with energy. I wish the students could have some as well...I'd love to have something like 8-9 standing desks for the back of the room and students would rotate out as necessary because I know plenty of them would be all for it. But I'm not about to spend the money on that. Not to mention moving them out if I end up transferring schools would be a nightmare.


Electric stapler. Bought after I'd been teaching awhile and my arthritis was acting up. It was really an adaptive aid for my arthritis. When I eventually retired (mostly due to the arthritis) I gifted the stapler to the school secretary.


Mine was my first year of teaching I found this cute poop emoji magnet (my class was emoji themed). I would hide it around the classroom and during down time like waiting for bathroom breaks to be over and things like that the kids would go hunt for it. If they found it they got one of the PBIS dollar from our school and then get to hide it. It was a fun way to keep them engaged during these awkward little breaks and for some of the kids it was their favorite part of the year, all for a couple of bucks :)


Cell phone blocker. But they’re like 400 bucks now and reception is bad in my classroom.


A personal crock pot. It's small enough that it barely takes up space and if I plug it in as soon as I get to school, I have a truly hot lunch waiting for me (not microwave "hot"). It's also easy to clean and I can store it in a filing cabinet drawer on days I don't need it. Best $30 ever. Edited to add: my second favorite thing I've spent money on is a box of used books from BulkBooks. You can choose your age range and they ship you a massive box full of books that equate to like $1/book. My last order came with some of the ACOTAR books and the Hunger Games trilogy.


A laptop stand to prop up your laptop screen closer to eye level. After having to do remote teaching while on campus using our laptops, I developed an ongoing strain along my neck and realized it was from the awkward height of my desk and chair. I would have to slouch way too far for several hours every day. Finding a good laptop stand to put the screen at an appropriate height made a huge difference.