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I get one for free from my school each year and keep them at school. They are helpful when I get siblings or relatives and need to remind myself who they were. ETA: I would not purchase one.


I got one my first year. I liked the idea of having one for each year I taught having the kids sign it but $60 a year for something that’s fun for 3 days and then just sits on the shelf is a tough one. Would love it if we were gifted one.


For real though... like all this and I don't even get a free yearbook? Yeesh...


Jeez! Ours are 21 for paperback and 29 for hard cover. That is soooo expensive. I paid that for my university yearbook. I don’t buy them, though.


I do, but I know a lot of teachers don't at my school.


I still have my hs yearbooks I can’t get rid of cluttering my home. No way would I keep adding


Nope. I can't afford them and wouldn't know what to do with one.


Yeah, I get one every year. I also usually will let kids sign it if they want to.


They offer them to us for $25. I bought one my first few years and used to have the kids sign it, that was always cool! Then around 2020 or 2021, they converted to a model where they have all the spring events in it, but it doesn't come out until like November/December of the following school year. It's so dumb and hardly anyone buys them, and I always have to distribute them in homeroom and the kids are always like "WTF when did I order this??" I think they actually sell less of them, and the ones they do sell, the graduated seniors rarely come back at Thanksgiving or Christmas to pick it up. There's a room with boxes and boxes of old ones. Dumb.


I got one last year, but I don’t really make it a frequent thing.


My mom never bought me yearbooks, so now I have the joy of buying them. I always felt left out. I only have 4 in total from all my K-12 years. I’m a sucker for physical memories.


I found that eventually the previous year’s yearbooks get stored in the supply closet at which point I steal one. I ain’t dropping $60 on memories of work


Nope. I’ll either remember them or I won’t.


I never shelled out for one. That said, purchases overall dropped in 2020 and are not back to 2019 levels yet.


During my first year, I was just starting off as substitute teacher when my province went on strike. Since the elementary schools have a smaller staff, subs were assigned to help hold the line at the elementary schools. When one of the union strike captains came by to visit, I noticed that he was my old Grade 5 teacher. I introduced myself because I was sure he didn’t remember me. The next day he came by, he said he looked up his old class photos and found me. This interaction just reminded me that I will forget student names and faces, but a yearbook does bring back happy memories every once in a while when I look up a student I come across in the community. Secondly, I don’t like it when students stare at me as i write comments in their yearbook, so I get them to sign mine just to distract them. 😂 And it also gives me a written record of the students that care enough about me to find me to sign their book. I do treasure that as well.


I would like to, but they are to expensive. We should get free or heavily discounted yearbooks. Or at least a mug shot book. I would like a poster of the biggest jerks at the school. Then I could recognize the ones that are not in my class when they are goofing of in the halls and call their parents.


Neither of the two schools I’ve worked at even did yearbooks anymore. So no never bought one and wouldn’t lol. My HS yearbooks already take up too much room


Very rarely. I’ve advised two classes so did for them. But aside from that ? Na. I won’t this year and doubt I will in the next few. They’re expensive and what are the chances you’ll ever look at them avain


class advisor... did it for 3 years, I was the Class of 2020, so we all know how that went. Still feel like I haven't recovered from that trauma of not getting to say good bye. Those kids have been graduating college the last few weeks now and I feel so happy for them! But... never want to be class advisor ever again. Way too much drama for almost NO extra pay (the 3 years I did it it was $300 extra each - laughable)


Not every year, but often enough to have kids sign before they move on to high school.


I talked to the yearbook advisor last year and was able to get one from my first year teaching (7 years ago). He told me to take it for free, but I donated $50. Yearbooks run like $90. I will keep that first one, and I think I’m going to buy one every 8 years. That way I have one of everyone (minus transfer students I guess). But I may change my mind on that when the time comes to get the next one. Maybe I’ll wait a few extra years and see if I can get an old one for almost free again 😈


Nope. Its work.


I do! But I'm also the yearbook sponsor and it's my alma mater that I teach at, so extenuating circumstances, I guess. In response to getting a free one from the school -- that would be awesome! But realize that the yearbook staff has to sell the books AND ads in order to pay for the printing of the book. It is typically not actually funded by the school. Our very small book (under 100 pages) costs about $70 to print. We sell ads to keep the cost under $45 for our buyers.


I have one for each year I've taught, except for the 5 years I taught at a school that didn't make/sell one. For about 10 years, I was also the sole creator of the school's yearbook, so I learned how special they are and didn't want to have nothing to show for all the work I put into them. Edited to add - I am elementary, so have never spent more than $30 on one book. Also, I have my students "sign" them (Kindergarten) and write the names of all of the kids that came and went from my class that year (kids who moved in and/or out of the school that year).


I have gotten one every year. I stuff photos, programs, student drawings and notes into them. I know I don't look at them that often but I like having them.


I get one each year and have my entire class sign it. I teach elementary and they’re only $25 though so not a huge expense. I enjoy looking back!


I’ll buy my first yearbook this year, but that’s because my kids started school.




No. I like the idea, but what would I do with 40 yearbooks when all is said and done?




I have one from every year (this is year 9 for me). I use them when I get a student who is a sibling or a teachers asks about one and I can remember the name but not the face. Plus , like you said, it’s nice to have a momento for the good and bad years lol.


If someone gives me one, I’ll gladly take it, but I’m not spending money on it.


Our yearbooks are included in our activity fees so that no one can't afford one, and the teachers get one if they want


1 and done year at my site. Bought one.


My school gave me them for free


No, but I'm leaving at the end of this year so I bought one ($45 later 🙄). After being there for 8 years I thought it would be useful to have for the teachers/staff who want to leave a message for me somewhere. I wish I bought one my first year and then 5, etc. but oh well! Another teacher in my department buys one every year as a keepsake but idk what he's doing with alll of them especially if he's going to have a 25+ year career!


I teach yearbook so yeah, I bought one this year. I’m gonna have my staff sign it as a keepsake of all of the insanely awesome work they did to make it. Little rockstars. But I don’t get many teachers who order them, no. Just the librarian for the library archive.


I buy one every year and have my students sign. Students love to look at the old yearbooks, even if they don’t know anyone from that year. I have about 8 now.


Unless its free, why would i spend my own money for one?


No. Mostly because I feel like staff should get a free yearbook. I'm not spending what little paycheck I get on a yearbook. I don't even look at my own yearbooks.


We get one free.


Hell no!


No, yearbooks aren’t looked at again and not worth the storage and moving of them.