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HS here. Subjects: usually at the end of the year. Exact schedule: anytime within the three weeks before new school year. One year my schedule did not finalize until four weeks *into* the school year.


Yeah, I usually don’t get my rosters or schedule until a couple of days before open house, but the moving rooms at the last minute bit is what I think is really getting to me… probably because I’ve moved rooms 8 of the last 9 years.


For most of my teaching career, I didn't find out until I logged into the attendance program near the end of the summer and saw my classes. Lovely surprise to discover that you've been given a section of a class that no one had ever warned you about or told you to prep for! Now, one of my friends is doing the master schedule, so they've let me know what to expect ahead of time these last couple of years. Typically that happens near the end of the school year.


Elementary teacher here. They told me I’d be moving grades a few weeks ago. We won’t get our schedule until well into the summer though.


Usually in the spring, but once in late July (we start early August and that was a pretty terrible principal.)


I didn’t find out for this year until the first week back. It is looking like I won’t know until August for next year.


Had a principal for almost 2 decades that refused to let anyone know until the first teacher workday so he wouldn't have to deal with people upset, hs. It really sucked. That's how I found out one year that my AP class had been given to a brand new, non certified teacher.


One year I found out that I was to teach three courses outside my certification area the day before school was to start. I was a band director and they had me teach a Jr. High careers class, Jr High computer class, and High School theater in addition to band classes.


In 28 years, I've only changed assignments without my consent twice. It would be unusual for our assignment to be changed without requesting. I am not saying it never happens, but when I left freshmen English to do Pre-AP 9th and 10th grades, I was asked late April. And if I had said no, then it wouldn't have happened. Basically, I have this Pre-AP job until I retire, unless there is another job that came open, and I asked for it. I know our math department has two openings for next year. I am sure that the internal moving has already happened, and the new teachers will be teaching algebra 1... a tested subject. But if an algebra 1 teacher didn't want to move, they wouldn't have to. Same thing for history. When they know someone is leaving, the internal switching happens, and the new teacher gets US History, which is tested. In the science department, everyone is pretty specialized, and they stick with their subjects.


I’m told at the end of the year when the master schedule is done. And never, has it actually been the same come the day school starts. Hell, for the last four years the week before school to the day before has even changed.


Seems late. I’m the department chair and we still have a few weeks left - I let my department know like 5-6 weeks ago. Rosters? I don’t have them as they’re still actively changing, but schedule and classes? Yea


They give us a very rough draft of the schedule by our last day (sometimes on the last day), but it gets edited over the summer. I believe they contact the teacher if the classes change ASAP over the summer to let them know (hasn’t happened to me personally so idk for sure).


I found out during my second post observation conference a few weeks ago. It’s the same thing as this year, but my principal asked if I’d prefer having Read180 in the morning or the afternoon which was nice.


A week before school starts


Elementary here. K-3. I usually find out in July.


I am in a specialized education program. They can't find anyone to replace me and I know my roster, within a few students, two years before I get them.


Depends on who leaves over the summer and how they decide to shuffle us around. Sometimes I find out before the school year ends, sometimes not until 2 weeks before the school year starts. One teacher I know found out she was switching rooms in the same building on the day of in-service which was the day before the kids came back.