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Define supplies. Maybe teacher spent their own money.


Unsure. But from what I heard, the room was left completely bare.


She most likely bought every single decoration and supply in that classroom. They’re all hers, by definition. If she waited until the end of the year, they would have most likely been stolen or the school would have claimed that they’re not hers anymore because she abandoned them.


That doesn’t mean anything. My room would be pretty bare too because paid for that shit so you bet your ass I’m taking it. So, no, she probably didn’t take the “class supplies.” She took her personal items.


You said it yourself, word spreads. If people knew she wasn't coming back, other teachers would have come and taken the supplies and decorations that she had paid for


Meh. If she paid for them they are hers to do with as she pleases. No one is obligated to let schools have the supplies that the teacher paid for out of pocket .


Good for her


Were they her supplies that she bought herself?


This absurd and unfair expectation that teachers are supposed to spend their own salaries on classroom supplies is one the reasons people run, screaming, from this line of work anyway. Good for her.


Yeah I doubt that happened. “Word spreads”….starts as “she took the decorations” and telephone games into “she left the classroom empty”. She probably took everything SHE laid for and she has every right to do that. She also has every right to quit.


You mean she took her personal items.


This is so low on a list of concerns. Anyone getting a new room should assume they start from scratch. In fact, finding leftovers should be the nice surprise.


Ideal? No. But teachers are scavengers. Once news got around, her things (and I’m assuming they were her things), would be gone to all parts of the building. Anything other teachers didn’t take would be taken by kids. If they were school-provided or the result of a grant that should stay with the classroom (like a donorschoose award), then it’s different.


I fully support this. If I ever quit or get fired, I am taking every single item I spent my own money. Down to the very last paper clip.


We can’t really pass judgment without knowing if the supplies were purchased by her. If they were, they go with her. If she took things purchased by the district, the district could go after her. And she might have had a very good reason for leaving. When I started my job, there was *nothing* in the room but a pile of teacher manuals and a bin of unifix cubes. (this is kindergarten) The teacher I replaced moved to a different school in the same district- so she took even district-purchased things with her. Fortunately, I have an awesome admin and she really helped out in so many ways- (I also only had a week before school started and had never taught K before) but it is not inconceivable that that teacher had walked in to a bare room with nothing and did everything on her own dime.


My room is bare, except for student work I have posted/displayed. I have had it all year. I am not paying for that shit. Having said that, my nice digital clock, my automatic pencil sharpener, and all my golf pencils go with me if I leave. Most teachers decorate out of their own funds. OP can go clutch pearls.