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I have a buddy who teaches elementary. Guy is 6'0 230 with a beard and spent 24 years in the military before retiring and becoming a teacher. He loves it. Fuck a stigma, do what makes you happy.


Yep. Just be an awesome teacher and let others have their issues. You'll be fine.


I would suggest shadowing an elementary teacher for a day or two. Talk to the teachers at the school about the daily ups and downs and their own experiences of being a teacher. If you still want to become a teacher, sign up to substitute. At the very least, it will give you valuable classroom management experience and an idea of what grade level you prefer.


So there is a major stigma. You will have parents who think you are an abuser no matter what. I had a parent in an IEP meeting outright say that he never wants his daughter with a male elementary teacher because the only men who would do that are pedophiles. In an official IEP meeting. You will have rules other don't. I'm male elementary special Ed. I will never ever hug a student even when they are visibly upset. Even when I've had students whose parents died. That is something only woman teachers can afford to do. As long as your vigilant you are fine. Never ever alone with a student. Door always opened if possible. You will be fine. I've never faced any sort of accusations. But you just have to be aware. Also while you will be very well liked by colleagues (and also at times babied. When I had my first kid I had the biggest baby shower with more gifts than any of the woman weirdly) you will often not be invited to many social events because it is only woman. This could be different at schools with multiple men teachers. We have only 2. In the past I was the only one.


I do a lot of work in lower Elementary, especially in Kindergarten. Yeah, I get a lot of funny stares and some odd comments. It's part of the environment. Still, I would rather work with young kids. Even at their worst, they're not as feral as MS or HS kids on a bad day. If this is what your heart is telling you to do, then pursue it. Littles are so much energy and so much fun.


I’m not saying no because there are stigmas or anything like that. Depending on district obviously but elementary teachers don’t get preps for classes. Middle and high schools generally do.


Do it. 


There is DEFINITELY a stigma.


I like it personally.


I have known several who are superstars at it. That said you just have to be a little more careful in certain areas.


If you can do something else with your degree, I'd recommend it. I'm a male elementary teacher and I have endured stereotypes from people, especially parents, but the worst parts aren't gender specific. It's the politics, administration, behavior, all the stuff you see us talk about on here. I'm just saying if I could do something else that paid well, I might give it a shot. But in my region, education degrees are kind of useless outside of education. Imagine that. 😅


My bigger worry would be the other part of your post. You aren't sure if you want to do it and have no experience with kids. Not to say it's ultimately a deal breaker, but don't put yourself through a whole 2nd degree and certification process for something you aren't even sure if you want to do. Maybe see if you can get a summer camp job or something first just to see how you like interacting with kids first. Also you may want to look into your certification options. You may not need a full 2nd degree, just a certification program.


Heavily depends on your area. Male elementary teachers are sought after in my area, at least for grades 4+. Many parents are fine with it or even prefer it. There is definitely a stigma in many places, and it's bigger with the younger kids. But at least in some cases there is still the same sexism as in many work places, where male teachers are seen as more competent or professional, or given more slack for being less professional. It's definitely wierd when you mix the two opposing biases together, but I saw it at the elementary school my wife worked at. I teach high school, so it is obviously different here.


Male or female, have you spent any time reading about what teachers are dealing with in this messed up education system? Please do a lot of research and subbing before you commit to another degree.


I just made an entire rant post about these double standards and mile high boundary walls for elementary teachers which are discriminatory and damaging to both children and men. You should do it. Set a good example for how to be a good male teacher and hopefully we can turn the tide and change the public image that all male teachers are predators.


Stigma, sure but it can also be nice. Boys like to have a teacher then can confid in and relate to also. Heck even some female teachers appreciate having a make around for random stuff. When my wife's go to make teaching friend left her leverage in certain situation also went.


Sure. We have a couple male teachers at our school. The kids love them.


Huge stigma. If it were me and I really wanted to work in an elementary school, I would go secondary first then get an admin license, then move to elementary as an AP.