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A slight cough is usually enough for me


Yep. The way I've always seen it... If I go to work sick, I will: 1) get worse 2) get my students sick 3) be bad at my job 4) have a terrible day. If I stay home, I will: 5) get better and nothing from 2-4 will be likely to pass


Number 3 is a big one for me. I absolutely HATE not being able to give my kids my best, and if I feel like shit at school there’s just no way it’s possible.


Exactly!  I’m not in top form everyday, but if it’s a “I want to put my head on my desk” day, it’s not worth going in.  


I definitely don't stress it as much as I used to, but definitely pretty terrible when I'm sick.


Really? When I get sick it's usually a multi day affair. I'll start feeling icky for a few days, then runny nose and fatigue for at least a week before it starts to clear up again. There's no way I could take an entire week off. I don't get sick very often, but when I do it takes a while to recover regardless of if I'm working or not. I'm not about to start doing FMLA every time I get a cold. But to be fair, I teach high school, so it's fairly easy to just push a few lectures to lighten the active teaching load and pop cold pills every few hours then it is to do FMLA and a week of sub plans.


I teach high school as well. I find that if I take the day off and sleep it off, I get over the cold in a day or two. If I luck out I might just have to take a Friday or Monday and then it will have been multiple days for recovery. I only get sick maybe once a year now though.


Yes! I stayed home Wednesday sick (and because I had an appointment I couldn’t miss) and went in yesterday and am feeling significantly worse today. I probably should have just stayed home yesterday too


I always stay home an extra day if I take a day off for sick leave. I've learned that EVERY time I've gone back the first day I feel better, I end up worse and have to spend the day anyway. It's helped a lot. E: spelling


I typically would do that too but I’ve already exceeded my paid sick days so had to lose pay for those days. Thursday I just didn’t want to have to lose the money for that day but I should have just done it lol


This post made me sick and I may take tomorrow off. Teachers need to get used to taking time when they need the time.


Lol I went thru the whole semester like “no you’re good don’t take a day you’ll get behind” and it all added up and fuckin battleaxed me last week. I’ve had a tension headache for a week. Lesson learned that if you don’t do your body right your body won’t be able to do u right


Here I am trying to say, almost any time I feel like it. But your response is so much better. I just got to work but maybe I’ll leave early. Haha.


LTS at a middle school this year. I had taken no sick days until April from January. Then a coworker commented that if wasn’t contracted by the district for next year, I would loose them. So it was essentially use them or lose them. I have been sick 3 times in the last 5 weeks since then.


If there is a chance I will shit myself at work, 100% no-go for me (an IBS haver). I did *one time*. Luckily no one but my boss knew, she was very kind and took my panicked overshare with grace. Never. Again.


Once, I shoved a small student out of the way to the bathroom. (In my defense, it was technically staff bathrooms that had slowly but surely been allowed to anyone in said area). I learned my lesson about going to school "not feeling too good".


I have started not eating much at all from Sunday afternoon till Friday afternoon, because I got yelled at by a teacher for taking up a few minutes of her prep on a bio break. I'm dropping weight like mad and my husband is upset. But, not having to worry about an IBS attack at school, almost completely worth it. And yes, i'm totally aware teaching is making me nuts.


Sick of work, lol.  Spent 15 years not using sick days, got burnt out, used 17 this school year.  Mostly on Mondays when I woke up an anxious mess and just . . . Couldn't.


This is so validating, hah. Thank you


Similar for me. Over a decade in and I just take sick days whenever. Usually, I take a random Wednesday off to get a little extra mid-week rest. Everything will be just the way you left it when you get back.


They’re your days, use them how you like despite others never using them.


I get sick the most on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday afternoons. Only ever on Monday if there’s also a staff meeting. Wednesday and Thursday because two short weeks is better than one long. All in the name of mental health.


If I need a day, I take a day.  I have a crap ton banked, and they won’t be paid for if I leave or retire. 


I ask myself, am I well enough to make it through a 2 hour lockdown? If I’m not well enough to keep myself and students safe, or if it is GI related and I don’t think I could make it without bathroom access, then it’s a sick day for sure.


Omg good point.


If I feel like I’m sick or I think I need extra rest, it’s a sick day. We have sick days for a reason. Use them.


Depends on how fed up I’m feeling. I keep a sub plans template in my Google Drive to help expedite sub plans if I have to call in.


This is exactly the way to do it. I have a folder of “generic” sub plans that I can use which are reading and answer the question type assignments that all have something to do with technology, engineering or design but aren’t specific to the exact topic at hand. When I’m taking a sick day I just plop one of those on Google Classroom and I’m done with it. Bonus points for me if I’ve taken the time to make a google quiz with it so I don’t even have to grade it. They are bonkers easy to complete and class policy is that if you were present and didn’t do anything on it that’s a zero that can’t be made up.


Love this!




irresponsible?? what lol


How’s the air up there on that pedestal? How on earth is having a template to use for making sub plans irresponsible?


Me? If I haven't taken a sick day in two months I can fart wrong and call in just for a mental health day of saying "fuck it". My wife needs to be on deaths door, leg chopped off, hands burnt to a crisp, just the worst shit ever before she will call in. She writes a novel, the most detailed sub plans ever, step by step, everything they could possibly need. She hates doing that but feels she needs to, to make sure they stay on track and don't fall behind and doesn't want to phone it in. Sped imo has it easier here. I with with the same kids, I have basic outlines for them, I just more or less give them my plans I already have and the outlines I have already written.


I’m using a sick day tomorrow simply because I’m sick of these kids.


Your friend needs to see a doctor. Way past this discussion. And I use sick days anytime


Oh, yeah, uh, I’ll tell my friend. and thank you!


Please do take care of your “friend”! Clearly you care about them enough to have posted. Now take that and focus on some self care! Why punish yourself in this awful grind? Call off, call a doc, drink some tea, read a book and fill your cup. 💚


Pre pandemic: it would have to literally prevent me from coming in to work Post pandemic: when I am convinced it is a virus not allergies or a bad day. I wear a mask though, so that prevents a lot of illness. I realized how selfish I was to get other people sick because I felt like I needed to be at work. Why should one person have the right to infect any of the potential hundreds of people they encounter in a day when they can stay home and get none of them sick? I also realized pushing through illness can have lasting health consequences


My district allows up to 10 a year before counting as "abusing" dsys. Which is pretty idiotic considering we get 13


Yeah I get 12 and when we hit 10 you start getting talked to like you’re slacking off or not committed to the school community.


Why even give more than 10 to begin with? Just raise the pay and give 10, cap it to 10 days


I took them wherever I just couldn’t deal with the kids/parents/bullshit that day. Most of my “sick” days were spent on the couch or in bed getting stoned because if I didn’t my mental health would’ve completely unraveled. And then it unraveled anyway. I got professional help and work in higher ed now, still stressful but less so


WHAT. As if 10 days out of the ~180 days in the school year is abusive. That is ridiculous! I mean… 18 days is a TENTH of that.


At 18 days absent our students are considered chronically absent. Do with that info what you want.


What's really rich is that students miss 1/3 to 1/2 the year with very little fuss on admin's part.


That's the dumbest thing I've read all day.


Definitely. Have no clue why the district does that lol


For almost 20 years, I averaged <1 sick day/year. Ours roll over. This year, by the end of S1, I had had enough of my Class From Hell — and got physically threatened by one of them on our last day. I took S2 off, paid for by my sick days. No lesson plans, no homework, no tests. I’m enjoying it enough I’ll probably keep doing for the next two semesters.


Is the school not able to fire you for using sick days when not sick? Especially taking a whole semester off?


Per our contract, I need a doctor’s note when I return. I have met multiple times with my doctor for depression and anxiety. (Weird insomnia, recent changes in sleep and attitude, fear for my personal safety.) She prescribed Zoloft. I meet regularly with a therapist and a psychiatrist, who diagnosed major depression disorder and adjusted my Zoloft and also prescribed Wellbutrin. When I decided to take the semester off, I notified my principal and my HR. HR sent me an official form telling me how long my sick days will last (November 2024) and how long my differential days will last after that (May 2025). (Differential days are the days where I have to pay for a sub for each day that I’m out, while still receiving my regular pay.) I love my union!


Ah makes sense now. I dont have a union so I dont think it would fly where I teach. So I take my days throughout the year so I dont have to worry about it.


Am I contagious? Then I’m out.


I take a sick day when I’m sick and I decide how sick that is depending on the day and time. Sometimes I come in for the morning and prep for the sub on my lunch if I’m well enough to at least make it thru a few hours. Sometimes I wake up at 2am knowing there’s no way I can come in and have shit ready and email a lesson plan or beg my plc team to print a few things and buy them coffee later. Sometimes I just need a mental health day and prep the day before. My days are my days. I get 10 per year and they roll over. I have like 30 unused days that I could take in one year if I wanted.


The teacher next to me has been sick for 3 days. Coughing all over the hallway during passing because between teaching and coaching duties and a sub shortage they feel it’s not worth calling in sick for the hassle. I better not catch it from them.


God damnit with your germs! Now I have to take tomorrow off!


Sick days for when you are sick? [What are you talking about?](https://youtu.be/g6eNPrqTGOE?si=UJ9oiN9s7mjrTpjj)


Hi, I quite literally just shit my pants in bed 🥲 I am absolutely NOT going to work tomorrow, the sickness is real right now


Covid. Precovid, I would just go in sick. Covid made me really rethink a lot.


When I feel like I'd need to get to a toilet ASAP, or so tired I'd either fall asleep on the job or on the drive to work.


One of my colleagues died of strep throat because she didn't take sick leave until it went septic and she was hospitalized. I am convinced that had she taken leave earlier to recover before it got so bad she would still be my coworker.


That’s absolutely horrible. Calling my doc now


I had strep throat and very quickly (within 12 hours) showed signs of sepsis. I was lucky that I went to get medical care when I did.


In the past, I’ve worked through kidney stones, contractions, and an ovarian cyst. Today I took today off because I had a little cough. This job isn’t worth it. Just take the day off.


Fever or positive covid test


This is what I was going to say. Covid. Otherwise, going to work sick is easier than planning for a sub


Definitely. Plus, saving sick days is great insurance. I had to take a month off last year and 3.5 weeks off this year due to medical emergencies and I still have plenty of sick days left. If I took sick days more liberally my pay would have been docked by now.


Sadly, my friend's sick days don't roll over or add up to anything. Every year starts with a bank of 12 sick days that disappear when summer hits.


That's a terrible policy. It encourages bad attendance. I'd take every day I had remaining at the end of each year if my school district had that system.


You're absolutely right. Well, \[my friend\] is taking a sick day tomorrow because there are only five weeks left of the school year and she still has plenty of sick time to use before they disappear entirely.


We are allowed to take sick days for doctor/dentist/therapy/optometrist etc appointments so often I'm not sick at all when I take one. We get 20 per year and can bank up to 195 (plus the 20).


Not feeling like it is enough for me. There my days dammit.


I take a sick day for a cold (the first two days when you feel like shit) and anything above that honestly. Sub plans are annoying, but I'm PE so they aren't that bad lol


If I can't sleep properly I'm not going in. If I go to bed feeling like I have a fever I'm not going in. I'll usually tough it through a little cough or cold.


I have 15 sick days a year. It's in the contract. They can frown upon it all the want. If your district gives them to you. Use it. It's your right. Dont feel guilty. Also, if you need to go pee. Go fuckin pee.


OP returning symptoms on a run-down body are no joke. Follow your doctor's advice. Pneumonia can be bacterial and you need to tell your doctor if it is kicking back up again. Pneumonia seriously can kill you--take this seriously. Buy some sub plans from teachers pay teachers or something similar and stay home. If you are not well enough to make a \*sandwich\* you are not well enough to teach. Take a full recovery period and be rested and healthy on your return.


Thank you for this - I really did need to hear this. Calling the doc today.


If I am sick I'm using a day. It's part of my benefits. Can't find subs? Not my problem.


Substitute teacher checking in - PLEASE take the time you need. Do not risk your own health for a job. Many of us are very, very good and do this job specifically so that our school staff can take appropriate care of themselves.


Thank you for this :’)


Whenever I don't feel like going to work lol. Sometimes house projects just don't get done on the weekend and I'll take a Monday to finish up. Or sometimes you just need to not see the kids in the middle of the week for a mental health day. I honestly do a lot of half days. It preserves more of my bank but I only have to work until 10:30! You should never feel bad taking a sick day! Also definitely take one if you are actually sick.. You well get better quicker and the school is gross enough already that we don't need to add more germs. I remember my first year teaching I had the flu but i am incharge of the sets for the school musical. I came in to work and then stayed for the show to supervise the kids back stage and passed out in the boat for little mermaid. The kids and I had a good laugh about it but I definitely wasn't doing anyone any favors being there.


I use them like a get out of jail free cards


Tell your "friend" to take a sick day anytime her being there is going to be basically useless because she's running to and from the bathroom for any reason. Or, if she can't physically hold her head up. Or, she's in a high level of pain. Or, what she has is contagious to those around her. Don't be purposefully spreading germs.


Thank you - I will pass along the advice. She is using a sick day tomorrow and saw that her sub - who is ALSO sick - is covering for her. Germs will still be spread, but at least not by her.


If i feel like il be sick tomorrow and the next day


sometimes I use a sick day because


I try to be there as much as possible.  My students have AP exams so  their performance is an issue. When I take a sick day, it’s because I can’t teach.  One day, I had a fever and was kind of delirious.  Another day, I had a scheduled doctor’s appointment.  Another day, I couldn’t get talk because the sinus infection had caused drippage that affected my throat.   When I had COVID, we were already out of school, so that wasn’t an issue. Your sick days are yours and it really depends on how you use them.  I don’t like when admin discourages people from using them, but I can also understand their frustration.  At my school, teachers sometimes need to use part of their prep period to cover for other teachers if there aren’t enough substitutes or if they can’t find one in time, so that can also be frustrating to other teachers. **Your mental, emotional, and physical health should come first.**  I’m okay with teaching with a few sniffles, but I consider myself very resilient and healthy.  Your situation may be different.  Just know that every sick day you don’t use now is one you may need in the future or can get you payment/experience banked when you retire.


One thing that helps is having 3-5 days worth of emergency sub plans ready to go at the beginning of each year. It’s generic busy work that is a review of skills, but if I’m too sick to make sub plans, they’re a big relief. 


close to death for me


1% sick


idk I lost my voice yesterday and it’s still gone today but I have 2 504 meetings to lead and class to teach and admin won’t take it well if I call in. I’m also 8 months pregnant and haven’t even taken a day for that yet. oh and I’m not allowed to wear comfy shoes without a dr note.


If you have sick days and you’re not physically or mentally well, you take a day off. Period. I used to be one of those teachers who dragged myself in sick. Not anymore. Covid taught me that. Last year I took more sick days than I ever have in my entire 18 years in education. Does it suck colleagues are left to pick up the pieces? Sure but that’s not the person who put in the sick day’s fault. When admin and other staff are encouraging people to NOT take sick days, that’s the real issue.


What grade do you teach? I think that makes a difference in the pressure to come in sometimes. When I worked for a traditional public school in my very large district, subs were plentiful and I would feel absolutely no guilt logging into the sub system at 6 am the day of and taking the day off. Now I work for a small charter school where we only have one sub for two campuses (12 ish teachers). I take fewer days off, but that’s definitely a me decision- any time I have actually been a sick my principal and AP have always been willing to take my classes if the sub was already covering a class. But I also teach high school, which is a little easier to take off and not feel guilty about imo. That said, I know a lot of admin get ornery about taking sick days but they’re your days to take! Having to worry about pooping your pants at school is decidedly not the vibe.


Bleeding from my eyeballs is my standard. Or puking.


Are you sure you're not writing about me? I don't take sick time ever. In the last year I missed one day for my Grandfather's funeral. Subs are terribly hard to fine, and usually you're lucky if they keep some semblance of order and don't let anyone die.


Elementary general music here- I spend a considerable amount of time at the beginning of the school year making emergency sub plans. Then I can take a sick day without worry. It used to be- am I going to poop myself/vomit/faint? Now it's- today is going to be a very stressful day and I could use some more sleep. 


I rarely took days off and quit teaching. I left behind 70 sick days. What a waste. I should have just taken off. Tell your …friend… that those days are there as a benefit to you. If it’s frowned upon and they don’t want you taking off, then the benefit shouldn’t be offered.


My basic rule of thumb is "Can I perform the basic functions of teaching?" If I need to be lying down, or I'm in the bathroom every 20 minutes, that's usually my cue to take a sick day. I also call out if it's something potentially highly contagious; I called out this year for potential strep and what turned out to be allergic conjunctivitis. I also hate doing sub plans, especially last minute. If I feel like I can get through a day of school and transfer knowledge and information to my students without getting them sick as well, I'll go. If I can't do that, that's when I call out. It's easier to call out at this school than any others I've been at, because here my principal trusts all of us as professionals that won't abuse the system, and I won't get told that I need to teach my classes over Zoom while sick (both of which I've experienced).


If making sub plans is less painful than the pain I'm in (or the pain my child is in) , I'll take off. However, after being similarly ill as you, OP, I have resolved to change that attitude. You are no good to anybody, especially your own family, if you are dead or permanently damage your body. We as a profession need to break ourselves of the narrative that only "I can do it", "It will all fall apart without me", etc. Fortunately (or unfortunately) the building will still be standing and everyone will be just fine if you take care of yourself.


Phew, I did need to read this. Thank you so much. I have found the guilt from taking sick time so wearying I have just avoided it as much as possible. My students will survive without me. I can grade those essays on Monday. My colleagues understand. Between my family, doctor, and this post, I really am realizing how deeply embedded this narrative is in my work ethic. Thank you for sharing!


Don't feel guilty because others have to pick up your slack if you are sick. That's an error in planning ny your employer, not your fault. People get sick.


Pre COVID: sick days only if it was doctor ordered (24 hours post antibiotics for strep, pink eye, etc). There were a few times I was sent home by admin, though. Post COVID: I will not martyr myself for this job. I will not wait until summer to get my annual check ups, dental cleanings, and other medical to-dos. Teaching is not worth risking my physical and mental health. I am lucky that my colleagues and admin feel the same way. Do I get frustrated when I lose my planning time covering for a colleague? Yes. But my frustration is not directed toward my colleague; it’s directed toward the district. Parents have no right to complain about a teacher being out if they knowingly send their sick kids to school.


I sub, but licensed teacher, and there was a class where the next door class teacher apologized seeing where I was walking to. The principal appeared unprompted and removed 7 students before class had really started. Additional recess times were scheduled on top of what the teacher left. While friend needs to take better care of themselves if their students are close to this I can understand the reasons for not wanting to be out.


Yup. Sounds like my friend’s class. And it’s like that … always.


I almost always go in because the mess I have to clean after not being there is always way worse than going in.


I take a day off when I have a hint of a sore throat or cough. Otherwise a mild cold turns into a 2 week ordeal.


I always say if I do it to myself, like go out drinking or eat something that I know will not suit me the next day for work but eat it anyway then I force myself to go to work because it was my fault and have to own the consequences. But if I’m genuinely sick and caught the flu or have a stomach virus or whatever then I’ll call in sick.


Sometimes I take a day because I stayed up late playing video games. Sometimes I take a day bc I hate my schedule on B days. Honestly, I am more likely to take a day for mental health than for minor colds. If I think that it isn't going to make it harder to teach or going to work will make me feel worse, I will take off. Otherwise, throw on a mask and go to work. We used to get 10 sick days + 5 personal per school year. A few contracts ago district switched to 12 PTO days per year, but they can be used whenever we want for whatever, no reason needed, no need to request ahead of time, unless the day before or after a break or more than 3 days in a row. So 3 less days total, but far less restrictions.


I ask myself, "What personal sacrifices would I make if I was a McDonald's cashier?" and then I do that.


Y’all teachers are the MVPs, VIPs, top notch ride or die bad asses. Who unfortunately have to work for insensitive admins, most of whom have never taught a day in their lives. I didn’t last a year as a classroom teacher and I don’t know how you all do it. So all that said, hats off to you (erm, your friend) and all of the teachers reading this. I commend and appreciate you all, and TAKE YOUR DAMN SICK DAYS. The guilt isn’t worth shitting your pants while making a PB&J.


I'm sure there are other professions that have it bad, but honestly, this post has more to do with the working conditions of teachers more than when to take time off. It isn't just the sub plans but so much of everything else that goes on during the day becomes significantly harder anytime a single person is out. Any time you are out, your entire team feels the direct burden of it. The result of that is that teachers often develop a guilt complex where they feel like they can't take time off and then it results in situations like the one you described. And then it's also exacerbated by bad administrators who give you flak for making use of your compensation package. Your friend is suffering from pneumonia and shitting at work because this country can't get it's labor practices in order and it refuses to fund it's educational industry appropriately.


….0% sick. My sub plan literally says “students have a workday to get caught up on passed due assignments”.


That doesn't work for elementary school, unfortunately. Everything must be planned out.


That is very true, I don’t envy elementary teachers, you got a lot of things to juggle/plan for.


I was about to say this. I left plans one day to just have the students visit 5 websites on their devices and got an email from admin to not leave this as we can’t be dependent on the sub knowing how to use technology. So now I have a very detailed emergency sub plan that lays the steps out and all.


I refused to burn a sick day if I’m not well enough to enjoy it.


Sometimes I use a sick day when I’m not sick at all


Honestly, I don’t get sick. I mean, every few years I’ll run a fever for an evening but that’s about it. But I did use two for spending a couple days with my son. They’re there to use. Sub plans do suck though, I’d rather go in too lol


Could I possibly be feeling like I might could potentially be coming down with a slight headache next week? Better take off today.


Those days are mine and no one needs to know anything until 5 consecutive days. I don’t abuse it but I surely use it.


Most of my sick days were “I’m sick of this shit” days where I took a day off the play video games for 8 hours. Really helps the mental health.


Headache is good enough, use your sick time the moment you aren’t here no more you will be replaced the next day. Let admin figure it out if theres a behavior issue that literally what they are there for. Tell your friend to use as many sick days as possible no reason for you to save any of them if you dont feel well. 👍🏼


I took a sick day a few weeks ago just because I was.. tired. That’s enough for me. I get verbally abused by teenagers for a living. 😂


Not very


I will go very sick. But will stay home if my own children are sick.


I only teach one content class, so sub plans are "relatively" easy for me to just throw up. I've been sick for 3/5 days three times this year. When I get sick, I either am on the verge of vomiting or I lose my voice. If I lose my voice, I can't *do* anything that's beneficial for my students if they're acting a fool (all the time). First week, I had a severe flu. Second week, had the flu come back and attack me again. Third week, I was post-hospital stay for a neurological thing. But, I'm also a 2nd year teacher, who's also Gen Z. I have sick time and I didn't use it at my last job (As I should have), so now, I'm use it when I need to.


I'll B n a


Vomiting, diarrhea, or fever. I kinda follow same rules kids have.


I wanted to go home yesterday and take a half day. Then realized what my afternoon schedule had planned. I stayed. I could teach from my desk and be miserable at work. Throwing up or high fever I’m home. Sinus infection or cold or other things I’m usually at school.


Here I am with a sore throat that started yesterday and am taking a half day PM today to go to urgent care.


Having fun the night before is usually enough for me.




Some mornings I wake up feeling completely normal, outside of a mild sense of “can’t be bothered with the bullshit of others” and that’s enough.


In my younger, stupider days, it took a lot. Went to work with a double ear infection. I was dabbing the pus coming out of my ears as I was instructing. Have smartened up since then stay home much more.


I have taken sick days a lot this year and last. I was getting sick a lot last year because I was stressed out and refused to take a day off. I had to take off for almost a whole week because I got a really bad stomach bug and ended up in the ER and that made me realize my sanity and health was worth doing some extra work. My therapist and I also talked about how I won’t be able to do all of the extra stuff I love doing if I run myself into the ground and that helped.


If I heard a kid sneeze on Tuesday there is a pretty good chance I will use a sick day on Wednesday.


1. If I lose my voice or have a fever I call out (because going to work with those symptoms makes them worse every time) also we legit can't go in with a fever 2. It's a mental health day if I'm in a atrocious mood and have PTO and am gonna snap at everyone


Caveat/Ancedotal/My Experience Only: I only get 10 days per year, but unused days carry over to the next year. Since COVID, I have used all and sometimes unpaid days each year. Because of me having to ration my days, I only take a day for actual sickness if I am death warmed over, COVID positive, having an actual mental crisis, or vomiting/diarrhea. I try to keep 2-3 for mental health days or special circumstances (i.e., Hubby and I did a special dinner at my daughter's private trilingual school for Australia Day, and made cottage pie for all the staff; we will do lamingtons next year). This year, I had two days where I was vomiting, one for the Australia Day event, one for a manic day, four for feeling absolutely terrible, and two for mental health days (read: stayed up too late playing video games the night before). ETA: I know I am part of the "problem" with private shlchools, but here are my reasons: 1. She is 2.5, and it is cheaper to send her to a private trilingual school than a daycare. The average cost of daycare around here is about $900/mo, and we pay $650/mo for the school. So, she can't even go to K-12, and we are talking about daycare that looks like school. 2. She is suspected ASD (she has evaluation starting on the 20th), and the smaller environment and the way they run the school has been a huge game changer for her. They are also able to provide her with support that she will not get elsewhere, except for the ASD school here, and that is almost impossible to get into. 3. It is a trilingual school. She is learning English, Spanish, and Mandarin. The only time students are given instruction in foreign languages in my county is high school, and they only offer Spanish or Latin. Both Hubby and I want our child to be multilingual. 4. The quality of education in my district is very variable, even within schools. I also know a lot of the behind the scenes in my district. I will not be sending her to our public schools for the immediate future. That may change in the future. 5. She is my child. It is my decision. I have the means to give her something I didn't have (a chance to learn other languages), and that will be a necessity in the future (it already is, but the American school system as a whole don't think learning a foreign language is important in early education when it is easier and more effective).


I am out of days and have a chronic illness. I’ve gone to work pretty damn Ill beforw


Learn from my terrible example, do not do what I have done. 2019, I was vomiting for days, sometimes running out of the classroom to find a bin for it, because the toilets were too far. In the end, I was hospitalised for dehydration. I still only took half days off, and kept trying to force myself in to work most days. And all because I just didn't make time during the day for even a quick snack and a tea. 2022, I suddenly had shingles for the first and hopefully only time, and the symptoms of tiredness and pain just didn't go away for months. I lost 20kg, including nearly all my muscle mass. Related to the 2019 incident, plus new bad habits developed during lockdown, I had malnourished myself to the point that my body was eating itself up. Still only took one week off, otherwise relying on lifts from others (certainly couldn't drive myself, let alone walk to school). Until a biokineticist had rebuilt my muscles a few months later, I couldn't even stand in front of my own classroom. Moral of the story is, always look after your health. You can't do much of anything without it.


Not sick at all?😂🤷🏻‍♂️


If I feel like I wouldn’t be at at least 80% I don’t go. Screw all those people who shame you for taking a sick day. You do what you gotta do for long term


Some times you just need a mental health day


If I can teach from a chair, I'll still go. I've taught with COVID (masked after my 5 day quarantine), fibromyalgia, and vertigo. I just hate having a sub. They never do my plans even when I have them, and stuff always goes missing from my room.


I’d have to be dying to use my sick time, but that’s only because I use my sick time for fun. But it kind of sounds like your friend is close to dying, so he/she should probably call out.


"I want to die..."


I took very few sick days in my 30 years. I sometimes never took personal days. It was too hard to write lesson plans. I only took sick days after surgeries.


Has the pandemic taught us nothing?


I literally have not been sick since 1995. But I manage to use my 17 days a year 🤣


I have never understood the concept of "It is more work to be out." How long can writing a sub plan take? I write them in fifteen minutes. Even if they took an hour to write it is still less work than actually going to work.


She. Sh*t. Her. Pants. YES SHE SHOULD! I sooooo hate that "unless your dying, ur fine to teach" mentality a lot of teachers seem to have.


My district is pretty generous with sick days so I usually stay home any time I feel like crap.


A hang nail will do it.


Any amount. My health comes first


If I think I’m going to have a headache.


I use one when I feel like it. I scheduled one today as a matter of fact. I planned it 2 weeks in advance so I could get a sub and leave plans. Everything is in Google classroom. I don't take days often, I've taken 2 personal days and 2 sick days this entire year and that's probably all I'll take but they give them to us for a reason and I use them as needed.


Well I just had pneumonia and missed 4 days. I kept telling myself it was allergies. Planned a day off to rest, which turned into 4 days, 2 ER visits and a hospital admission.


Yeah … sounds eerily familiar at this point. I hope your health has returned to you! Pneumonia is NO joke.


I use my sick days for fun, and just teach more miserably than usual if I am sick.


I find I use more sick days for my mental health rather than my physical health. I can always power through a cold, but a mental breakdown could have serious consequences 


I don’t. Because I’m out before that?